It's Time to Tear Down the Walls of Self-Protection By Eileen Fisher
And He said, "It's a very, very short trip, because when you live in holiness, you're living in My presence. For holy cries out to holy, and holiness cries out to wholeness. What you need right now, whether it be your children, your spouse, your finances, your health, lift it up to Me right now, for I can make all things whole. Like the woman with the issue of blood, she pressed through, and I made her whole. Not only did I heal them in the physical, but I also made them whole."
"The man who had the legion - he was insane, and he couldn't even reach out, other than to recognize Me. But he cried out with what little bit he could, and I made Him whole."
Going Beyond Circumstances
"The man who couldn't walk, even his parents were afraid. But I go beyond circumstances. And I establish wholeness, for I am the God of wholeness - the Alpha, the Omega. I understand every heart, every wall that has been put up for protection because of woundedness or simply because of just not knowing."
"Open your heart and your hands! I want you to open your hands right now and allow Me to come in and take down any wall, any kind of hindrance, whether it be a large wall that you've been hitting your head against for years or a teeny, tiny picket fence-anything that would block My presence from just devouring you to where you could be swallowed up in the goodness of God, to where fear could not find a landing place but faith would be the landing place."
"Faith conquers all fear. For I would say, in whom do you believe? Don't make Me small. Understand the King of the universe came to serve, to set free, to save and to heal, and to bring the good news that the kingdom of God is not only around you but is within you. Let My kingdom come forth."
"But I also made a command to you to seek first My Kingdom, and then everything will be added unto you. Seek it."
"And even the word seek starts out with see, and then it ends with a k for kingdom. So, see My kingdom; seek My kingdom; become kingdom-minded saints."
Another Kingdom - Another Spirit
"Continue to pray My kingdom come. Continue to pray My will be done. For, yes, I brought My kingdom to earth - for you are of another kingdom as well as of another Spirit."
"Let My Spirit lift you up from glory to glory. Then you can look down and come to understand who you were called to be. For I am looking for a hungry people, a trustworthy people, overseers in My kingdom, overseers in My vineyard. Whether they have pain or whether they have strength; whether they have fame or whether they be hidden-it makes no difference. I look at the hearts of My own."
"For I say seek first the kingdom of God. Let My righteousness do rightness all around you. For understand, when those come to oppose you, lift up My right hand, My Word, against that. For My left hand will sustain you, and My right hand will give you the direction of counsel by My Spirit."
"For I am raising up a people who are hungry to seek My kingdom, hungry to taste of the kingdom, and hungry to rule in the kingdom. Understand and meditate; dwell upon My Word."
Kingdom People
"Seek My face, for when you seek Me with your whole heart-absolutely, positively, unconditionally - you will find Me. For you must realize I present Myself to you, for My kingdom is among you, and My kingdom is within you. Change citizenships. Think of My kingdom. Understand as My kingdom people."
"Demand the rights of My kingdom, but be humble enough to understand you serve a King - the King of kings - who came and walked among His own as a carpenter."
"I worked in the trade of the object I would die upon. Do you not realize how many times I touched the wood? How many times I understood what nails would do? How many times I heard the sound of pounding? And then, as I hung on the cross, once again My identity on earth was meshed with the kingdom of God."
"Strive to become citizens of My kingdom, knowing My knowledge, knowing the authority I have given you in My name. Use it with My Spirit, for He will not leave you alone, but He will direct, lead, counsel and anoint you. For I have called you to do the works of My kingdom," says the Lord your God."
Eileen Fisher
Website: Identity Network with Jeremy Lopez
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA