Bob Jones Dream Dec 9, 2014
by Dr. Sharnael Wolverton
Identity Network
It was a wonderful time of refreshment, depth, and meeting amazing new people.
About midway through the fast I had a dream where the late Bob Jones came to me. As most of you know, Bob was a dear man and friend of God. For me personally, no other person has affected me or impacted me spiritually more than him on this earth. He still often impacts me from heaven:) and his legacy lives on through many, many others who were affected by his amazing ministry to God and the body of Christ.
In this dream, he laid hands on me and prayed for me as he has done many times over the years before he went to be with Jesus in February 2014. Many of the things he shared in the dream are too personal to disclose but there is one thing I felt crucial to share as I know it is definitely a more corporate word of caution...
Don't Drink the Wine
He said with all seriousness for us "Not to drink the wine."
He said with all seriousness for us "Not to drink the wine."
This reminded me of the saying "Don't drink the Kool-Aid."
I asked him if he specifically meant literal wine!? Or did he mean something symbolic?
His response was "Not to engage in lower level things.... (people, things or activities, etc.)"
To engage means to occupy, attract or involve someone's interest or attention. To participate, join in, or get involved play.
Lower level things have to do with trading floors or things of lower frequency. Whether people, music, anti-nutrient food or drinks, thought, conversation, or any activity. Engaging in any of the lower frequency things or people....this is not good.
After sharing this dream with some of my board and considering other input from recent words I received from my team, here is more to give better clarity:
Who are You Partnering With?
Drinking wine with someone also represents covenant relationship. I feel strongly that "Not engaging in lower level activity" & "Don't drink the wine" also speaks of a clear warning to be careful who you are partnering with in this season.
One of our intercessors also had sent "Beware of sheep in wolves clothes" only a day before this dream, which is only confirmation again.
I am also reminded of recent headlines regarding a specific "father figure" actor now being accused of getting women specifically to drink the wine, and or other drinks given to them in order for him to abuse these women while they are drugged. They are all now coming forward with many allegations. This man was trusted. He had a reputation of being fatherly, a mentor, a support to these women.
You have heard the phrase "drink the Kool-Aid." This is a reference to the 1978 cult mass-suicide in Jonestown, Guyana. Jim Jones, the leader of the group, convinced his followers to move to Jonestown. Late in the year he then ordered his flock to commit suicide by drinking grape-flavored Kool-Aid laced with potassium cyanide. In what is now commonly called "the Jonestown Massacre," 913 of the 1100 Jonestown residents drank the Kool-Aid and died.
One lasting legacy of the Jonestown tragedy is the saying, "Don't drink the Kool-Aid." This has come to mean, "Don't trust any group until you test it out!" or "Whatever they tell you, don't believe it too strongly."
In Other Words....
Who we are partnering with or making covenant with is critical in this day. We don't have time for surprises, drama or distraction because of a lack of discernment or jumping in too fast to commitments. Take time to consider who you may partner with. KNOW them before you do anything.
Ask God for revelation and clarity in ministry, business or personal relationship of any kind. Seriously. No matter their "reputation."
We must know by the Spirit and seek help from the Spirit for guidance in all partnerships, friendships, etc. For our safety, for our mentality, for our emotions and for us to remain focused on the day at hand.
We cannot be entangled or engaged in a Mesmerizing Spirit!
Bob Jones said in the dream these lower level things were only a distraction. Let's talk about lower level things....
Set Your Heart and Mind
The Sunday before this dream while ministering in Bigfork, Montana The Lord gave me Romans 5:8.
To SET our hearts and minds on the Spirit and not the things of the flesh. The scripture says the things of the flesh are death and HOSTILE to God.
The reason why the Bible constantly speaks of setting your mind on good things (here in Romans, also in Philippians 4 and many other places) is because to set your heart and mind on something of the SPIRIT is an act of purpose, intention, obedience, and worship.
Only you can choose to do it. He reminds us to do this why? Because it isn't natural...Even as Christians...Especially AS Christians...He tells us SET your mind.....SET your heart. He tells us because He knew it would be hard.
Most the entire world is programmed in the negative (lower frequency), in the flesh. TV, movies, billboards, people, conversations, thoughts, radio stations, books, media. The majority of the world spends its day programming you and we unconsciously have our minds SET FOR US.... If we are not careful.
Ephesians 6:12 says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
That word wrestle means to VIBRATE.
When we are born again, we are automatically vibrating against evil just by being alive.
We must intentionally practice setting our hearts and minds IN Him and ON Him moment to moment. Sow to the Spirit. Feed the Spirit. Nurture the Spirit, for His Kingdom's sake.
Do not engage in lower level ANYTHING. If someone gives you bait or a hook - Don't play! Don't drink the wine...(or the Kool-Aid!)
Make a Difference!
Dr. Sharnael Wolverton
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA