This week's Torah portion (Numbers 16-18) discusses the rebellion by Korach against the leadership of Moses and Aaron. Upon careful analysis, a remarkable pattern emerges, one with a powerful lesson for those who still try to rebel against God’s will, especially when it comes to denying the Jewish people’s right to the Land. Sign this vital petition showing you stand with Israel.
How did Iran manage to dupe America to be set firmly on the road to nuclear weapons? Iran cleverly dodged inspections, increased its centrifuges and continued to enrich uranium. No deal is better than a bad deal.
In the latest incident of suspected French anti-Semitism, Israeli students set to visit Paris this summer were denied reservations for guided tours at two French sites.
"Honor Diaries" features nine courageous Arab women who engage in a dialogue about gender inequality. More than a movie, Honor Diaries is a movement meant to inspire viewers to learn more about issues facing women in Muslim societies, and to act for change.
Almond tree blossoms by Ilan Rosen. They are the first trees to blossom throughout Israel, and the pink and white flowers give way to almonds in just a few months. Almond trees have grown in Israel since Biblical times and were amongst the gifts sent by Jacob to Joseph in Egypt (Genesis 43:11).
Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Linda Riddle from Williamsburg, Virginia. Toda Raba!
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Hi Rabbi, I support Israel because it is what my Lord wants me to do. I am a Gentile and I am 82 years old. I remember my old Grandad used to tell me to watch Israel long before the State was founded. I live in Scotland. Blessings, William Forwell
I am Robert Kent Jones and I live in Portland, Oregon, USA. I really appreciate your newsletter. Thank you and may God bless you and your work. |
Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Tuly Weisz |
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA