The Hour of Desperation
by Yolanda Ballard
Identity Network
Do good to those who strive to harm you for this will pour out coals of fiery conviction upon their hearts. Overcome evil with good for there is no other way they will respond, for they lack love. They lack the strength to draw close to Me on their own. They have only known lack and depravity from birth.
They have never known of My love so you need to be that bit of life that they have never experienced.
They have never known of My love so you need to be that bit of life that they have never experienced.
Die out to the flesh and allow My spirit to flow through to touch the lost, to raise the spiritual dead, to open blind eyes so that they can see the way, the truth and the life. For yes, this is the day of a great outpouring of My spirit. Many will come unto Me and run away from the evil in their lives.
Before you Turned to Me
Remember where you were before you turned your life to Me? Yes, you were at the bottom of the barrel. You knew nothing but what you needed to endure the night, the darkness of your life, whether it was food, or drink, drugs, or sex. They were all gods to you, but there came a day when the Light came on, and you saw the true state of your life, and you saw that there was an escape. Yes, be that escape for others so they can be set free.
Yes, this is the hour of desperation for many in the world and also the church. Many are crying out but don't know how to be set free. Be the light for them at the end of the tunnel. Be to them the fresh air that they need, that breath of life, the fresh water to quench their thirst. Yes, be to them all that I gave My life for them to have.
Let Me use your hands to heal, your feet to go to those places where they are, your eyes so that they can see Me. Yes, be to them all that I gave My life for them to have. And above all this is the day of a great outpouring of signs, wonders, and miracles; those like the day when I split the Red Sea for I will deliver multitudes into My fold.
I have planted a bumper crop of seed of those who gave their lives for Me, and in return multitudes will come to Me out of the ground they will come. They are the trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord. So remain still and know that I Am God and that I have a work to do and through you, says your God.
Yolanda Ballard
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA