The fourth blood moon came and went with little apparent apocalyptic drama earlier this year. But as the world keeps spinning on its axis, disaster continues to strike.
"Little babies, that blood moon belongs to God," televangelist Jim Bakker said in response to people asking why nothing happened on the specific blood moon dates.
However, in the few months since the tetrad cycle ended, humanity as we have known it has taken a dive.
Let's start with the United Nations raising the Palestinian flag at its headquarters in New York.
Then, Russia launched airstrikes on Turkey, and President Vladimir Putin wants to destroy the dollar, Bakker says.
"People, it's all happening, but we're not looking," Bakker says. "We become movie Christians. If it doesn't happen in 90 minutes, we're on to something else."
Watch the video to see what else has happened since the last blood moon. 
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA