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Purim in Tsfat!
A respected Orthodox Jewish man stood up at a Purim party that I was attending in Tsfat. He gave a midrash (teaching) on how the two recent Torah portions, Truma and Tsaveh always come during Purim time. These Torah readings speak about color in the priestly garments and in the Temple. His speech was like poetry, full of deep insight and meaning but he didn't once mention G-d.
When he finished, I asked if I could add something to his midrash. He and the other men agreed although with some hesitation. I said I enjoyed his midrash but wanted to add that all colors are contained in light and since the Torah portion, Tsaveh also speaks about the Nir Tamid, the eternal light that was always burning in the Temple, it's referring to the eternal light of the L-rd. In the Book of Esther G-d is not mentioned once and yet His presence is clearly woven throughout each chapter. The light and color of our G-d, the G-d of Israel, are also present throughout our lives, even though we don't see Him and sometimes we don't even acknowledge Him. Yet His faithful light and beautiful colors are always with us!
They seemed to approve and afterwards these Orthodox Jewish men gathered around me with their instruments as I sat at the piano. I was able to share a song I'd written - "Ha Aretz" and it seemed to touch their hearts as they asked me about this song. Enjoy the video below... They brought piece after piece of music to me and we had a fantastic jam session playing mostly Irish jig music while the others at the party sculpted with clay - that's Purim in Tsfat for you! |
The song "Ha Aretz", "The Land" from the Fine Linen CD was given by the L-rd when we first made Aliyah and the Scripture from Jeremiah 42:10 encouraged us greatly!
"If you will indeed stay in this Land, then I will build you up and not tear you down. I will plant you and not uproot you."
The rest of the words came from the Torah portion that week - "It's a Land that flows with milk and honey, a Land the L-rd cares for, a Land that drinks the dew from heaven, a Land the eyes of the L-rd are always upon."
Battle for Citizenship
The Ministry of Interior, MOI, is run by the ultra-Orthodox party, Shas, which has a strong hatred of believers in Yeshua. When a Gentile marries an Israeli Jew, they are entitled to full rights and benefits but our son Ariel's wife, Shayla, has been refused citizenship for 7 years and now has received an ultimatum that she must leave Israel permanently by the end of June, 2017. We believe this has happened because of the Isaiah 53 video and how the Gospel has gone out in this precious couple's lives. In fact the MOI also told Ariel that they are planning to remove our citizenship as well (Richard and Carolyn).
After much prayer Ariel and Shayla decided to take the MOI to court in order to secure Shayla's citizenship. But the battle is far from finished and we need your help. Would you please pray with us, even daily, that the L-rd's will would be accomplished and that we would prevail. The battle belongs to the L-rd!
Praise G-d for the recent journey to the UK where we ministered in many places, including Imanuel Centre in London for Erev Shabbat, Friday evening. |
The L-rd sent many divine appointments in the UK with Muslims and British people with whom we shared Messiah. Several Muslims want to keep in touch and know more about the G-d of Israel - Hallelujah!
| We had the privilege of sharing with many beautiful intercessors who faithfully stand with Israel in love and prayer. Todah rabah - thanks so much to you all! |
While in London, we needed to bring all our heavy suitcases to a church via the Tube. A young Muslim man I'd met and spoken with about Yeshua on the Tube offered to help. He ended up carrying my suitcase about 40 minutes out of his way so Richard and I wanted to bless him. When we asked how we could pray for him, he shared his request. So we laid hands on him and prayed. After we returned home to Israel, we received an email from him saying, "The prayer you read for me really touched my heart and I want to know more." He didn't understand that we didn't read this prayer from a book but that it came forth as a result of our relationship with the living Messiah. So we're speaking with him about the Hope we have within...
Let your conversation always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person. Col 4:6
A New Season
Recently we were connected with Luke 10 Ministry. The basic premise of CO2, church of 2, is to learn to hear the voice of the L-rd in every situation throughout each day. Richard has led the way in sharing this with fellow Israelis, believers and pre-believers, and we're seeing breakthroughs in people's lives as the L-rd reveals Himself and His plans through dreams and visions. Yesterday, a woman with advanced Alzheimer's became completely lucid after we prayed for her, remembering details that astounded her husband - one of the many miracles we've seen lately.
One thing about praying for healing that we've learned is that it's G-d's work, not ours. We're just supposed to step out in faith and He will do the rest! Praise the L-rd for His faithfulness!
May we all in the Body of Messiah learn to walk in the power and love of the Holy Spirit and hear the voice of Yeshua so that we will discern the times we're living in and know what to do about it - for the glory of the L-rd!
Thank you for your faithful love, prayers and support and
blessings from Zion in Yeshua's love,
Richard & Carolyn Hyde
Israel: PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda 15220
USA: PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246
Canada: First Century Foundations
We are searching for an administrator who already lives in Israel throughout the year.
If you know of someone, please let us know. Thank you!
Our hope is to raise up more and more informed intercessors for Israel as we worship, pray and share how G-d is moving on the hearts of Israelis today. Come and join us for dinner and worship in our home in the Galilee!
Enjoy Spring Flowers Blooming in the Galilee!
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA