Dutch Christians celebrated Israel's 70th Anniversary by passing out 2,000 pieces of cake in front of the Hague “I will bless those who bless you And curse him that curses you; And all the families of the earth Shall bless themselves by you.” (Genesis 12:3)
Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales referred to the opening as 'a step forward in favor of union and friendship' “And the many peoples shall go and say: “Come, Let us go up to the Mount of Hashem, To the House of the God of Yaakov; That He may instruct us in His ways, And that we may walk in His paths.” For instruction shall come forth from Tzion, The word of Hashem from Yerushalayim.” (Isaiah 2:3)
The home of Sderot's mayor, Eli Moyal was one of the houses that sustained damage “Hashem will settle accounts for me. Hashem, Your steadfast love is eternal; do not forsake the work of Your hands.” (Psalms 138:8)
Turkey allegedly shipped electronic equipment to Iran that is listed as banned, nuclear-related products and technologies “They say, ‘Let us wipe them out as a nation; Yisrael’s name will be mentioned no more.'” (Psalms 83:5)
'If 62 people were martyred, 50 of the martyrs were Hamas,' the official said “Moreover, if the wicked one repents of all the sins that he committed and keeps all My laws and does what is just and right, he shall live; he shall not die.” (Ezekiel 18:21)
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The warm reception correlated with the opening of Guatemala's new embassy in Jerusalem
The final chapter of the Book of Zechariah describes the future purification of Yehuda and Yisrael, as the impure spirit is removed from the land...
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA