May 23, 2018
"The Start of Pentecost! Key Dream: You Are Breaking Out of Captivity and into Enlargement!"
Chuck D. Pierce with Rebekah Faubion, Corinth, TX
From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
How many of us who have served the Lord, have at times been surprised about what God has allowed us to walk through? Often, we have all experienced some really tough and scary times!
God is making a way for us to break out more permanently from the enemy, but His ways sometimes mean allowing us again and again to "face our enemy".
And it's for our good that He does this. The good news is...because God is our Father, we WILL get away from the enemy and celebrate great victory! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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"The Start of Pentecost! Key Dream: You Are Breaking Out of Captivity and into Enlargement!"
Chuck D. Pierce with Rebekah Faubion, Corinth, TX
Newsletter dated: Monday, May 21, 2018
Dear Empowered Ones:
We could not have experienced a more amazing start to Pentecost...the heavens broke open early in the morning and poured down rain in great abundance! On our eighth time celebrating Pentecost on this land, we witnessed the floodgates of Heaven opening to release God's blessings in the earth.
At the harvest feast of Shavuot, we celebrate God's physical provision by bringing our firstfruits and thank offerings. We also celebrate His provision of revelation by reading the Word (Torah) and meditating on it. Finally, we can celebrate His provision of the Holy Spirit by welcoming His empowering presence and being filled afresh.
Key Dream: You Are Breaking Out of Captivity and into Enlargement!
As I mentioned yesterday morning (at church), my daughter, Rebekah Faubion, had a dream that I believe is for all of us. The enemy may be hassling you and making you think you can't move forward during this time of increase and enlargement. Although the enemy is saying he will break through the barrier between you and him and hold you in captivity, know that the Lord says: You are coming out of captivity completely!
Take time to read Rebekah's dream and hear God's word to all of us:
"I was at a zoo, and there was an open-air exhibit featuring a white tiger. People waited for hours to get through the gate to look at this white tiger from the platform. I got through, and the moment I did the white tiger locked eyes with me. And I knew he wanted to kill me.God is saying:
"Then I was back in time, still in the line to get in. I made it inside again. He locked on me again and this time he ran up and hit the platform, knocking me over the edge and into his enclosure. And suddenly I knew that he wanted to murder me, and I knew how to climb to escape. I began to place my feet in the fence grooves, and as the people on the platform panicked and scrambled away, I fought to get free.
"His fangs latched onto my arm and he yanked, but I held on because I knew that I was supposed to escape. Then I managed to climb out, and when I did, the zookeepers took me aside and tried to make me accept their version of what had happened. But it didn't matter how they spun it, news outlets picked up the story. And it was all over the news how I had escaped. –end of dream
"I have always been a dreamer, and I often experience dreams through visuals and dialog, but also with strong impressions about the thoughts or emotions of characters in the dream. During this dream in the midst of my terror, I could feel not only the tiger's hatred of me, but I could sense his anger that I existed at all. His anger that he was in this pen and I was standing above him. He specifically wanted my life; there was something about me he couldn't stand. His attack was calculated and executed perfectly.
"When I woke up, I was shaken by my terror, but even more by the feeling of being stalked by an enemy...of being selected by this enemy to be destroyed.
"The tiger had to get me into the pen with him in order to devour me. The line I stood in to observe the tiger put me in a place of vulnerability, and when I made it through the doors, the tiger devised a plan to get me in the pen and kill me. But God took me back in the line, and even though I ended up on the platform again, and this time the tiger was able to get me into the pen with him, God showed me the strategy to escape. He used my escape to make me famous."
"I am getting ready to place My people at the top of the news cycle, and with that comes enemies who will plot and plan attacks, but My people will have strategies to thwart them.Chuck D. Pierce with Rebekah Faubion
"You have been waiting on an opportunity, and you have been expecting something different from this opportunity. But on the other side there is an adversary who hates you.
"The enemy has used something beautiful for his own advancement. When you come into his midst, what you are will set you apart, and he loathes you because you stand above him, and he cannot ever be what you are. So he devises a plan to kill you.
"Now, I am taking you back through the door you went through once before, and in the last season the devourer caught sight of you and planned his attack, but I removed you from his grips so you would have the understanding necessary to escape him.
"This time, I am letting you face him off. You don't know why you were allowed to fall, and you do not have time to be afraid—you must climb. And as those around you panic and scatter—hold on; as the enemy sinks his teeth in—hold on, because when you climb out of that pen nothing will be able to stop the story I will use you to tell." (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Glory of Zion International Ministries
Email: chuckp@glory-of-zion.
Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellers Interpreting the Times, Redeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA