The parade of over 3,000 Christians from some 40 countries was organized by descendants of Nazis “Call upon Me in time of trouble; I will rescue you, and you shall honor Me.” (Psalms 50:15)
'One feels the Jerusalem terroir in the wine,' said winemaker Dror Engelstein “And King Melchizedek of Shalem brought out bread and wine; he was a priest of Hashem Most High.” (Genesis 14:18)
Chairman Abbas called the new U.S. embassy in Jerusalem a 'new settlement outpost' “In that day I will all but annihilate all the nations that came up against Yerushalayim.” (Zechariah 12:9)
The rioters are paid some 50 shekels ($14) per person or a lump sum of $100 per family “He who sows injustice shall reap misfortune; His rod of wrath shall fail.” (Proverbs 22:8)
Netanyahu noted that the Turkish president has been involved in 'terrorism and slaughter' “The words of a fool lead to strife; His speech invites blows.” (Proverbs 18:6)
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Haley also called out Hamas for its determination 'to make the lives of Palestinians miserable'
Zecharya (Zechariah) prophesied about a future attack against Yehuda (Judah) by the nations of the world. In that attack, the nations will besiege Yerushalayim (Jerusalem), Israel’s capital, only to be miraculously defeated by Yehuda...
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA