Showing posts with label Galilee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Galilee. Show all posts

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Israel - Small but Outstanding - video tour

A short video tour of the land of Israel -  
from the Med Sea, the Red Sea and the Dead Sea.

Come along with us in Nov. 2014!
(Or help sponsor one who wants to come!)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Richard and Carolyn Hyde from Heart of G-d Ministries - "By the word of our testimony."

Carolyn & Richard Hyde

By the word of our testimony.

Richard and Carolyn Hyde from Heart of G-d Ministries

Heart of G-d Ministries

Revelations 12:11a
"They triumphed over him by the 
blood of the Lamb and by the word 
of their testimony"

A testimony from a mother whose son is on our Prodigal banner:

"I was so touched when you made the flag for the prodigals and extended the invitation for us to send in the names of our prodigals. I sent you my children's names; they've been running far and hard for years. Recently my oldest son poured out his heart to his wife, repented and said he'd no longer run from Yeshua, but instead take the Biblical role of husband and father. He said they were going to live by the scriptures and not care what anyone thought.

I'm sure you understand the pure joy that floods my soul! What was equally amazing is, that this happened the very same day you sent the email about your girls! I thought it was really ironic that our children's names are on that flag together! Thank you so much for your diligence to pray for all of our prodigals!


Praise the L-rd that we already have several public schools to minister in. We'd love to also minister in some congregations in the evenings, so if you're interested, please contact us soon.

Pastor B.'s Testimony about "Supernatural or Just Remarkable"

"I want to encourage you about the booklets. They are so anointed, so well done, and they open doors to share Yeshua, which we did over and over again during our recent trip to Israel. Many times the souls we shared with were in tears and asked questions and were completely open. They gladly received the booklets and many also gladly took the Brit Hadasha (New Testament). It really is overwhelming what happened on this journey. It started very simply with the young woman who served us our food when we were with you but over time, it grew into something so incredible. We want to partner with you as Yeshua ushers in the great revival that's coming.

Pastor B

To order booklets, please click here.

As a little girl I remember my Dad saying that America was not our home; Israel is our home. My Dad was so successful at raising funds for KKL, an organization that helps bring restoration to Israel, that he was awarded free trips to Israel several times with my Mom. When he returned to America, he said that he never should've returned. He had wanted to move us to Israel instead so we could dwell in Zion. That was his dream. When he passed away and I received my inheritance, we saved it to buy a house and live out my Father's dream.

When the opportunity came to purchase the house we were living in, we planned to buy it using my inheritance and our savings. However we were 1/2 million NIS short so Richard applied for a bank loan. But it was denied because of our age. So we just prayed and gave the house to the L-rd for His will to be done.

About a week later we were hosting a tour group from Sri Lanka in our home. During the worship the pastor began to prophesy over us and over Israel, reading from Amos 9:14-15:

Also I will restore the captivity of My people Israel and they will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them.
They will also plant vineyards and drink their wine and make gardens and eat their fruit. I will also plant them on their land. And they will not again be rooted out from their land which I have given them," says the Lord your God.

Then we entered more deeply into worship followed by a time of quiet. Suddenly a man stood up and said, "The L-rd told me to give you 1/2 million NIS. Praise G-d! We hadn't mentioned a word about our housing situation so it was abundantly clear that the L-rd was honoring our prayer to buy this house.

G-d bless this dear saint from Sri Lanka who was used by the L-rd to allow us to live out my Father's dream. And now, praise G-d, we dwell in Zion with our children and grandchildren!

When you come to Israel, please join us in our home for
a time of worship and sharing, a time of Israeli folk dancing and a delicious meal served with love and magnificent view of the Sea of Galilee, the Golan and the Jordan Valley!


From this album, YouTube: Fine Linen "The Wedding of the Lamb"

"Deep Calls to Deep" "The Latter Rain" "Fine Linen" "He Will Appear" "Some of the Best of CH"
All five CD's are available via our website. Enjoy song clips here! Download lead sheets here.

Todah rabah - thank you so much! 

We are so grateful for your love, prayers and support and we send blessings from out of Zion in Messiah's love!

Richard and Carolyn Hyde

If you'd like to partner with us, please visit our webpage or click: 

Israel: PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda 15220
USA: PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246

Canadian charitable tax # 10780-1771-RR0001
Box 234 * Milton, ON * L9T 4N9 * Canada 1-877-628-2800 *

We write L-rd and G-d in this way because it's a Jewish custom that Carolyn grew up with and it's done only out of reverence and honor for the name of the L-rd. Thanks for understanding.

Forward this email

Heart of G-d Ministries | PO Box 461546 | PO Box 112, Kfar Avoda Poriya, Israel 15220 | San Antonio | TX | 78246

Friday, August 23, 2013

Richard & Carolyn Hyde - Heart of G-D Ministries update

Heart of G-d Ministries August, 2013

Dear Friends and Prayer Partners,

Please pray for our three beautiful daughters, all of whom are experiencing a softening of heart like never before. We know that many of you have prayed for them by name over the years and oh, how we thank you! We are in awe right now.

We were driving here in upstate New York when I first opened the email. I asked Richard to pull the car over because I was so overcome with emotion. Through tears we read our son Ariel's letter about the openness of heart of our precious daughters and how G-d is drawing them to himself.

The first place where Richard could pull over just "happened" to be the congregation where we ministered this past Sunday: Crossroads Christian Church. Richard and I looked at each other and looked up to G-d with gratitude and realized that each of our daughters is at the crossroads so we prayed this word over them: Jeremiah 6:16 - Thus says the L-rd: "Stand by the crossroads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls."

May all our prodigals and yours find rest for their souls; a rest that can only be found in Yeshua.


Testimonies from this Summer's Journey

"Oh, I wish I could have a vision of Yeshua like you did. Tell me more about Him", the wife of the Rabbi's son asked.

"You're an absolute disgrace to the family," declared one of my (Carolyn's) relatives. After she calmed down, she let me explain for the first time why I follow Yeshua. It so touched her heart that when it was time to leave, she wouldn't stop hugging me and through tears told me she loved me.

"You know I believe in Yeshua now!" declared one of my cousins. "I had a miracle and He healed me".

Richard had a divine appointment with an Egyptian Muslim and shared Yeshua with him. He proclaimed that we, Israelis and Egyptians, are now friends.

We got lost looking for a restaurant and just "happened" to end up at a middle eastern store. As we were leaving the he owner asked us where we were from. Finding out, he, said "Ma Nishma" - "What's New". As we continued to speak to him in Hebrew he began to cry because he wants to return to Israel so badly!

During the past two summers at two large Messianic congregations we've held Aliyah seminars. We've met with many Jewish believers who expressed an interest in Aliyah. This year we were told that there would be no need for meetings because several of the families have already made Aliyah and others have sold their homes and are about to come Home to Israel!

At one meeting the mother of a Jewish family said, "For the first time ever, the L-rd has put an urgency in my heart to make Aliyah." Two families at the same meeting said the same thing - "There's an urgency to come Home!"

Worship event in the Valley of Ben Hinnom

If you'll be in Jerusalem from September 17-23, please join us and many local believers as we wait upon the L-rd like Jehoshaphat did in II Chronicles20:12. "Our G-d, will You not judge our enemies? For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You."

On this past Shavuot at 9 in the morning we began to hear thunder in the Galilee. But it was not sporadic thunder; it was continuous, nonstop thunder for one whole hour! As we ventured outside to prayer walk in this thunder, we ran into one of our neighbors who came to Israel from Yemen as a child in 1948. When we asked her if she had ever heard anything like this before, she replied, "No, and this is scaring me - it makes me want to fall on my face!" After one hour the rumblings of thunder ceased and a strong wind came up suddenly. Then the rains came and drenched the earth. This was the malkosh - the latter rain! The times are at hand.

G-d tells us in Hosea11:10 that one day the Jewish people will come "Trembling from the West".... There are over 6 million Jews still in America. Will the stance that the occupant of the Oval Office has taken with regard to the releasing of violent prisoners, dividing Jerusalem and giving away the Jewish Homeland of Judeah and Samaria lead to an disaster here in America that will cause the Jews to come to Israel, "Trembling from the West"?

The new "Supernatural or Just Remarkable" booklets show how G-d has been faithful to keep His promises to the Jewish people, so you can be certain that He will fulfill His promises to you. G-d is still sovereign over history, and is still actively fulfilling His Word and performing wonders in our time!

The Bible isn't just some collection of interesting tales, but is divinely inspired and has authority over our lives. We'd like to thank all of you who have committed to support this project on a monthly basis. There's a lot more than just printing involved in this project - there's researching, writing, editing and designing new booklets, there's outreach to the lost, and training and equipping Israeli believers to effectively share the love of Messiah. Please click here to order booklets and/or partner with us. Thank you so much!


Thank you for partnering with us as we reach out with the love of Messiah to our people Israel and wherever the L-rd sends us! We appreciate your help with the Psalm 91 bandanas, the booklets and CD outreaches as we share Messiah's love and light.

Blessings in Yeshua's love,
Richard and Carolyn Hyde
Heart of G-d Ministries
Israel: PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda 15220
USA: PO Box 461546, San Antonio, Texas 78246
Canada: FIRST CENTURY FOUNDATIONS / Canadian charitable tax # 10780-1771-RR0001
Box 234 * Milton, ON * L9T 4N9 * Canada 1-877-628-2800 *

Click on the CD covers for song samples and enjoy!

We write G-d and L-rd like this according to an ancient Orthodox Jewish custom that Carolyn grew up with and loves to continue. This is done only out of reverence and respect for the name of the Holy One of Israel. Thank you for understanding.

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Heart of G-d Ministries | PO Box 461546 | San Antonio | TX | 78246

Editor's Note: We support the Hydes monthly through our Love For His People, Inc. work. I hope you will too!  

Steve Martin

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Barry & Batya Segal - Founders of Vision For Israel & The Joseph Storehouse

Barry and Batya Segal, founders of Vision for Israel and The Joseph Storehouse in Israel (plus in the USA, UK, The Netherlands, Germany), lead worship at their annual Sukkot Celebration (Feast of Tabernacles) in 2009. People from many nations gathered to bless Yeshua HaMashiach. 

Barry & Batya Segal lead worship

Barry shares a word on the Worship Boat crossing the Sea of Galilee (The Kinneret)


 The Segal puppies - Baloo and Chio.

Batya with granddaughter

Barry speaking at the 
Sukkot Celebration meeting 
under a large succah!

Batya and Barry in their home succah
during Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)

Barry likes the Beatles (among other bands) 

from his Detroit days back in the '60's -'70's.

Love For His People bless the Segals and their great work through Vision for Israel and The Joseph Storehouse. For more information on their humanitarian outreach in Israel, tours, on-line bookstore, TV program, and to sign up for their weekly newsletter "Jerusalem-On-Line", visit their website. (Link below.)

Photos by Steve Martin, except for the one I am in. I believe Peter Nissen, from The Netherlands Vision for Israel office, took it. (2009 in Israel)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Jews Celebrate Lag B'Omer This Week.

Jews Celebrate Lag B'Omer This Week 

How was it commemorated 90 years ago?

Today Jews around the world are celebrating Lag B'Omer
the end of a month-long mourning period when traditional Jews 
refrain from weddings or joyous gatherings.  The mourning remembers 
the thousands of students of Rabbi Akiva, a reknowned spiritual 
leader at the time of the Talmud.  They died in a great plague 
that ended on Lag B'Omer. 

Dancing at the Meron tomb (Central Zionist Archives, 
Harvard Library,  1925) 

Meron and tomb of Shimon BarYochai
 (circa 1930) 


The tomb on the hill (enlarged)

In Israel, Lag B'Omer is celebrated with bonfires, 
hikes along nature trails, and gatherings at the 
tombs of of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai in the Galilee 
town of Meron and of Shimon the Just (Hatzaddik
in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of Jerusalem. 

Bar Yochai, a student of Rabbi Akiva's, was known 
for his opposition to the Roman rule in the Land of Israel.  
He and his son were forced to flee to the Galilee where
they hid in a cave for 12 years.  Lag B'Omer is the 
day of his death, but it is actually celebrated in recognition 
of the Torah teachings he gave over to his students.

Hundreds of thousands of celebrants are expected to 
visit Shimon Bar Yochai's tomb in Meron by Wednesday night.

Shimon Hatzaddik was a High Priest of the second Temple 
in Jerusalem for 40 years.  

Jewish women praying at the Shimon
Hatzaddik tomb (Central Zionist
Archives, Harvard Library, c. 1930)

According to Jewish tradition, Shimon clothed 
himself in his High Priest's vestments to receive 
Alexander the Great as he marched toward Jerusalem.  
Alexander stepped from his chariot and bowed to Shimon, 
who, he said, had appeared to him in a dream 
predicting his victories. 

Jews gathered at Shimon Hatzaddik's tomb in Sheikh Jarrah,
Jerusalem (Central Zionist Archives, Harvard Library,
c. 1930)

Children's Lag B'Omer procession
near Shimon Hatzaddik's tomb (1918)

Shimon Hatzaddik's tomb today

Many traditional Jews who cannot travel to Meron 
in the Galilee celebrate Lag B'Omer at Shimon Hatzaddik's 
tomb located in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in northern Jerusalem. 
Jewish homes around the tomb had to be evacuated 
in the 1948 fighting.  In recent years Jewish families
 have returned to the neighborhood. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

‘Frankenstorm’ Lashes Israel

‘Frankenstorm’ Lashes Israel

Israel’s answer to “Superstorm Sandy” closed Tel Aviv’s major highway, and that’s only a preview. Heavy snow predicted.
By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
First Publish: 1/8/2013, Israel National News

View of a car damaged by a large tree had blown down onto a parking car by strong wind in Tel Aviv,
View of a car damaged by a large tree had blown down onto a parking car by strong wind in Tel Aviv,
Israel news photo: Flash 90

Israel’s answer to “Superstorm Sandy” closed the Ayalon, Tel Aviv’s major highway Tuesday morning, and the worst is yet to come, with several inches of snow possible in Jerusalem and lesser amounts at levels as far west as the Carmel ridge near Haifa.

The Ayalon was shut down for more than an hour, for the first time in 21 years, after waters flooded the major route through the metropolitan area, casing huge traffic jams on alternate routes.

Train service from Hadera, northeast of Netanya, was cancelled because tracks and passenger platforms were flooded, and some train service in Tel Aviv also was shut down.

Gale force winds ripped trees to the ground Monday, knocking out power for hundreds of thousands of Israelis, including massive areas of Judea and Samaria.

Four inches of rain fell on the southern port of Ashdod by Tuesday morning, and up to several inches drenched some northern areas.

In a rare meteorological event for Israel, several weather fronts converged at once over the country.
Israelis’ dream of snow --- real snow and not just a dusting that sends everyone to panic – may be realized as temperatures continue to plummet and an unusually lengthy and intense storm pounds Israel from the Lebanese border to Eilat.

Snow already has piled up on the Hermon slopes, with a foot of white stuff already having accumulated on the lower slopes and more than two feet on the higher levels. Snow may begin falling on Jerusalem at night, with colder temperatures making accumulations of up to five inches possible by Wednesday night.

Weather buffs reported that maps show the snow will reach much lower levels for the first time in eight years.

The “bad weather” is great news for everyone who likes to drink water. This winter’s higher than average rain, coupled with the flow of desalinated water that has reduced the pumping of water from the Kinneret, has raised the lake’s level to the highest in years.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Archeology again appears to back up biblical account

Archeology again appears to back up biblical account
Archeology again appears to back up biblical account
Israeli archeologists digging at the site of an ancient Canaanite capital in the Galilee region believe they have found further evidence that the biblical account of Israel's presence in the land is accurate.
Tel Hazor is one of the most prominent archeological sites in the country today, and with good reason. The ancient city of Hazor was for nearly one thousand years the largest fortified city in Canaan prior to the arrival of the Children of Israel in roughly 1300 BC.

Israeli researchers have managed to uncover a great deal of ancient Hazor, and in recent years unearthed what they believe to be the royal palace from the time of the Israelite conquest. More recently, archeologists discovered a room in that palace that contained 14 clay jugs filled with burnt wheat.

Dating on the jugs put the time of their destruction right around 1300 BC, and the fact that the wheat was burned lines up perfectly with the biblical account of Joshua's conquest of Hazor, the only Canaanite city that the Israelites destroyed by fire.

Not all archeologists agree with this assessment, and some continue to insist that Hazor was destroyed by the Egyptians or various sea-faring tribes like the Philistines. However, the Egyptians kept detailed records of the cities they conquered, and Hazor does not appear on any of their lists. Nor did the Philistines and other "Sea Peoples" typically venture too far inland, and Hazor is situated in mountainous terrain a long distance from the coast.

As such, most archeologists have come to accept that Hazor was destroyed by the Israelites, lending a great deal of legitimacy to the biblical record. And new discoveries only seem to be further bolstering that position.