Showing posts with label Isaiah 53. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Isaiah 53. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: As we observe Yom Kippur tonight, it’s worth asking: Where do we as modern Jews receive atonement for our sins?


New post on Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

As we observe Yom Kippur tonight, it’s worth asking: Where do we as modern Jews receive atonement for our sins?

by joelcrosenberg
At sundown tonight, we begin Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.
In the Hebrew Scriptures, the Israelites were commanded by the Lord to fast and pray and bring their sacrifices to the Temple in Jerusalem, and then to ask for the Lord’s forgiveness for all the sins they and their nation had committed that year.
According to Moses and the Holy Scriptures, only the blood sacrifice of a perfect animal -- sacrificed with a humble, repentant heart, and with faith in God’s mercy and grace -- would bring about forgiveness of sins.
  • “For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.” (Leviticus 17:11)
  • “In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.” (Hebrews 9:22)
  • "Blessed is the one whose sins are forgiven, whose sins are covered." (Psalm 32:1)
But here's the problem modern Jews face today: How do we receive atonement for our sins in the modern age, without an operational Temple in Jerusalem?
That is, how can we make sacrifices and receive forgiveness of sins — and thus the right to enter the holiness of heaven and live with the Lord in heaven forever and ever in His holy and perfect world — without being able to sacrifice a perfect lamb at the Temple in Jerusalem, where the Lord designated all sacrifices to occur?
The destruction of the Temple by the Romans in 70 A.D. was a huge blow to Judaism, because it deprived Jews of the place to receive atonement from God. For two thousand years, we haven't had the ability to have our sins forgiven in the manner required by the Lord in the Bible.
Fortunately, the Lord spoke the answer through the Hebrew prophet Daniel hundreds of years before the Second Temple was destroyed.
In Daniel 9:24-26, we learn three critical and fascinating truths:
  • Daniel told us that the Messiah (“Anointed One”) would come at a certain time in history “to atone for wickedness” and “to bring in everlasting righteousness”
  • Daniel also told us that when the Messiah came, he would be “cut off and will have nothing”
  • then Daniel foretold that Jerusalem and the Temple would be destroyed after the Messiah was "cut off" — as Daniel noted, foreign invaders “will come and will destroy the city and the sanctuary”
Think about that for a moment. Daniel told us something extraordinary: the coming Messiah would be "cut off" and bring atonement for our sins, and He would come beforethe Temple would be destroyed.
In retrospect, that makes sense, right? Why would the Lord take away the Temple unless He was going to provide a new way for atonement, the very "new covenant" He spoke of through the Hebrew prophet Jeremiah?
What's more, the Hebrew Prophet Isaiah gave us additional important details about the Messiah’s role in bringing each of us atonement from our sins. Consider these passages from Isaiah 53:
3 He was despised and rejected by men,
a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering.
Like one from whom men hide their faces
he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4 Surely he took up our infirmities
and carried our sorrows,
yet we considered him stricken by God,
smitten by him, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to his own way;
and the LORD has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed and afflicted,
yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheep before her shearers is silent,
so he did not open his mouth.
8 By oppression and judgment he was taken away.
And who can speak of his descendants?
For he was cut off from the land of the living;
for the transgression of my people he was stricken.
9 He was assigned a grave with the wicked,
and with the rich in his death,
though he had done no violence,
nor was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it was the LORD’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer,
and though the LORD makes his life a guilt offering,
he will see his offspring and prolong his days,
and the will of the LORD will prosper in his hand.
11 After the suffering of his soul,
he will see the light of life and be satisfied;
by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many,
and he will bear their iniquities.
13 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,
and he will divide the spoils with the strong,
because he poured out his life unto death,
and was numbered with the transgressors.
For he bore the sin of many,
and made intercession for the transgressors.
What's intriguing to me is that the Jews of the First Century (B.C.E.) actually believed the Messiah would one day come to earth and die as a “suffering servant” — as an atonement for sins and the redemption of Israel — and would then rise from the dead on the third day.
That's the conclusion of a respected professor and Dead Sea Scrolls expert at Hebrew University. In fact, he argues that the death and “third day” resurrection of the Messiah is, in fact, a distinctly Jewish concept that actually pre-dates the emergence of Christianity.
Dr. Israel Knohl has based on his conclusions on many years of research and recently analyzed archaeological evidence, including a previously unstudied Dead Sea Scroll. Indeed, Knohl argues that this notion of the Messiah rising on the third day is a pre-Christian concept that dates back to before the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem Ephratah.
I had the opportunity to sit and discuss this with Dr. Knohl at length a few years ago and it was an absolutely fascinating conversation.
I first heard of him when he drew worldwide media attention several years ago for his research, including a major article in the New York Times and several articles inBiblical Archaeology Review — see here, and here, and here.
The Times story, which ran under the headline, “Ancient Tablet Ignites Debate on Messiah and Resurrection,” begins as follows: “A three-foot-tall tablet with 87 lines of Hebrew that scholars believe dates from the decades just before the birth of Jesus is causing a quiet stir in biblical and archaeological circles, especially because it may speak of a messiah who will rise from the dead after three days. If such a messianic description really is there, it will contribute to a developing re-evaluation of both popular and scholarly views of Jesus, since it suggests that the story of his death and resurrection was not unique but part of a recognized Jewish tradition at the time. The tablet, probably found near the Dead Sea in Jordan according to some scholars who have studied it, is a rare example of a stone with ink writings from that era — in essence, a Dead Sea Scroll on stone.”
The tablet has been named by scholars as “Gabriel’s Revelation” because it suggests that the angel Gabriel was instructed by God to direct that the Messiah be raised from the dead on the third day.
The stone tablet was discovered several decades ago and is owned by a Israeli-Swiss Jewish man by the name of David Jeselsohn who didn’t understand its significance when he purchased it. The Times article was published in 2008. Dr. Knohl then published a book about all this in 2009 entitled, Messiahs and Resurrection in “The Gabriel Revelation.” That was a follow up to his previous book, The Messiah Before Jesus: The Suffering Servant of the Dead Sea Scrolls (first published in Hebrew in 2000 and then in English in 2002).
In the book, Dr. Knohl explains the various Jewish theories about the Messiah, including the idea of a “Messiah son of David” who will come as a reigning king on the earth like King David was, and a “Messiah son of Joseph” who will be rejected by his brothers, mistreated, left for dead but will eventually reappear and save not only the nation of Israel but the world like Joseph did in the book of Genesis.
I would commend these articles — and Dr. Knohl's books — to your attention. I would also encourage you to read Daniel 9 and Isaiah 53 and the other Biblical passages I've mentioned here. Study and discuss them with family and friends, and on this important Day of Atonement, ask the following questions:
  • Did the ancient Hebrew prophecies really did foretell that the Jewish Messiah would die as an atonement for our sins but was also supposed to be buried and raised from the dead on the third day?
  • Did the Jews in the first century really believed that the coming Messiah would be rejected by the religious leaders of the day in order to be killed on Passover and raised from the dead on the third day, on the Feast of First Fruits?
  • If so, why should this matter to you and me?
joelcrosenberg | October 11, 2016 at 2:58 pm | Categories: Epicenter | URL:

Friday, September 11, 2015

"Look upon the fields for they are white unto harvest" - Richard and Carolyn Hyde from Heart of G-d Ministries

Heart of G-d Ministries
Please click the link above to see photos!
Yardenit Songs of the River
The first "concert" at the Yardenit Baptismal site yesterday was awesome, praise G-d!  The local Israelis thought it was going to be just music but as the believers entered into worship with me, the locals were clearly touched.  Praise G-d for return invitations and the many opportunies during the set up time to answer the several Israelis who asked me what it means to be Messianic...

And today at the grocery store, one of the managers whom I've shared Messiah with and who is always asking for more music, told me that he had a dream recently.  He saw my face and it was a reminder to pray.  He was clearly touched as we spoke more.  So many precious souls who are open; so little time...

Praise the L-rd that the Isaiah 53 video reached over 1.3 million people, including 500,000 Israelis!  Due to security reasons, we had to re-edit the video so even though it went viral, we are starting all over again with the new video. The link that many of you shared has disappeared from your timeline, so please watch, LIKE and share the new version and help us spread the Good News to the Jewish people here in Israel and around the world!   Please click here  
for the new version.   
To receive more videos like this one, please LIKE the Medabrim page and our music page too.     
Todah rabah - thanks so much!

Bride and Groom
Jerusalem Rental during Sukkot!
What a great way to bless our son Avi, who played a critical role in the re-release of the Isaiah 53 video!  Rent Avi and Liora's modest, cozy 1 bedroom apartment near the German Colony during Sukkot! Free parking, & WIFI.  
Contact Avi: 050-591-7177 / 
or Liora: 050-812-2123 / 

with original songs in Hebrew and English
 Deep Calls cover with textThe Latter Rain CD coverFine Linen cover He Will Appear cover

For free lead sheets to many of these songs please click here

Come to our home in the beautiful Galilee for worship, Israeli folk dancing and hear how the L-rd is moving in Israel today.  Enjoy dinner from our balcony with its beautiful view of the Kineret (Sea of Galilee), Golan and Jordan Valley!

Heart of G-d Ministries is actively engaged in sharing the Good News in Israel, promoting Aliyah (the Biblical return of the Jewish people to Israel), and encouraging and equipping Christians to fulfill their Biblical calling toward the Jewish people.

CC Rimonim
Shana Tova u'metukah!


"My husband is Jewish but not yet a believer. Recently I asked if he'd watch a video.  So he watched your 
Isaiah 53 "The Forbidden Chapter" video and then he asked me to get my Bible and said "now I'm going to read this Isaiah 53."  Later I told him about a coming wave of anti-semitism, even in America, where Jewish people are now so comfortable.  He was actually listening and he referred to you, the Hydes as "the L-rd's fishers of men!" 
Upcoming trip:
We hope to see many of you in Germany,Texas and Louisiana this November, G-d willing of course!  
We still have some dates open so please contact us if you'd like us to come to your congregation or you can recommend some Israel-friendly congregations!

                                  German booklet cover  YP cover

The "Supernatural or Just Remarkable" outreach booklets in Hebrew, English and Russian are now available in French and German!  When you fill out the order form 

please write how many booklets and which language(s) you'd like us to send you.  Thanks for sharing G-d's promises and how He's been faithful to keep them throughout our history!

RH CH VeniceBlessings in Yeshua's love,

Richard and Carolyn Hyde

ISRAEL: PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda   15220
USA:  PO Box 461546, San Antonio, Texas 78246 

Canadian charitable tax # 10780-1771-RR0001
Box 234 * Milton, ON * L9T 4N9 * Canada 1-877-628-2800 *
GERMANY:  Hilfswerk für Israel e. V. Nehren
Stuttgarter Straße 57, 71735 Eberdingen
Volksbank Mössingen  -  BLZ 641 619 56  -  Konto-Nummer 31 089 003

SWITZERLAND:  Migros Bank Riehen
Account #507.423.61 * IBAN CH87 0840 1000 0507 4236 1
Clearing # 8401 * SWIFT * BIC MIGRCHZZ80A * Account Owner: Ingrid Mueller

We write L-rd and G-d in this way because it's an ancient Jewish custom that Carolyn grew up with and it's done out of reverence and honor for the name of the L-rd. Thanks for understanding. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

What is Truth? (Part 1) by Zev Porat

What is Truth? (Part 1)

by Zev Porat

Until now, very few ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel have made a leap o faith to find salvation through Messiah Yeshua and fewer yet have proclaimed it publicly. This is the amazing story of one who did... 

I was born in Israel,raised in Bnei Brak – considered the most ultra-Orthodox city in Israel. There famous Rabbis live and thousands of men spend their entire life studying in the yeshivot (rabbinical schools). 

To religious Jews, our ancestry is very important to us. So here is mine: My father, grandfather and ancestors were rabbis. Some were “dayans,” meaning “judges of rabbis.” My grandfather, Rabbi Pinhas Porat, escaped from the holocaust in Poland. As he fled, he helped two women who were sisters escape with him. One sister died on the way to Israel and the other became my grandmother. 

My mother wasn’t born into a religious home. Her father, Zev Goldman, was a member of the Knesset in the Likud party – now headed by Benjamin Netanyahu. But when she met my father, she was ready to become part of the ultra- Orthodox community and in 1965 I was born. 

My father was offered a job in Los Angeles to be principal in a Hebrew day school and Rabbi of a synagogue, so I was raised in southern California. One day when we were leaving school, a group of Christians stood across the street handing out tracts and Christian literature. 

My father was furious and told us to stay away from those people because they were dangerous. He told me that God would be angry with me if I just mentioned the name of Jesus because it was blasphemy and against Judaism. 

I remember growing up being particularly scared of two things – the name of Jesus and pork. 

After junior high my father sent me to a very Orthodox yeshiva – a rabbinical school – called “Emek” in downtown Los Angeles. I wore black clothes with the shtreimel, the big black hat, and peias, the long sidecurls. 

My father and grandfather - the whole family - was expecting me to continue the tradition of becoming a rabbi - the most honored profession by far among Orthodox Jews. 

But I never actually wanted to be religious. It was just too difficult for me, too intense with rules, rules, rules, and I begged to go to a public school. My father finally agreed on condition that I study in the afternoons at the synagogue. 

I didn’t really connect with the kids in public school as I was “the rabbi’s son,” and not allowed to mix with the outside world. So I grew up without many friends. 

Then my father suddenly died of a heart attack and we returned to Israel and buried him in a special cemetery in Bnai Brak – where rabbis and religious soldiers are buried. 

I Join the Air Force

My grandfather, Rabbi Pinhas Porat, was still alive and he took the place of my father, making sure he made time to keep me studying the Torah and Talmud. I loved my grandfather and was thankful that he cared for me as he did. 

But it was time to make some decisions in my life. I decided to join the air force – something that ultra- Orthodox men don’t often do. But by this time I had taken off my shtreimel and was only wearing a yarmulka – a knitted skullcap. And I shaved off my beard. I was becoming less inclined to ultra-Orthodoxy. 

In the air force I began to drift away from religion altogether and did everything that I was not allowed to do as an Orthodox Jew. I started going to bars, to drink and to get into fights. Eventually the Internet came along; I was doing everything on the Internet except the will of God. 

I went to work for a large insurance company, and for extra money was a clerk at reception in a hotel two evenings a week. One night a tour group from China arrived to visit a food exhibition in Tel Aviv. Out of the entire tour only one woman, Lin, could speak any English, and so I registered the group and helped them settle into the hotel through Lin. 

I found out she was a top chef from Shanghai and somehow we clicked. Soon we married. At home I still had pictures of rabbis on the wall and icons warding off the evil eye, while Lin lit incense to a statue of Buddha. 

I Meet a New Friend

One day when I was in an Internet chat room someone asked me where I was from. When I said “Israel,” the guy began to talk with me about Jesus, about Yeshua. I of course told him I am Jewish and I don’t want to hear about the New Testament because it is not for Jewish people. “Secondly,” I said, “I came to the chat room in order to run away from God and I don’t want to talk to you!” 

The easiest thing would have been to press the delete button and this guy would have been out of my life. But for some reason (which I understand now) I didn’t. So this guy – his name was Todd – told me his story. He was from Southern California (where I grew up), and he began to chat with me about the Good News. I couldn’t press the delete button. 

Todd then told me, “Listen, I’ll teach you the truth that’s found in the Bible. I’ll show you from the Old Testament.” Thank God this person knew the Old Testament! So for four years, almost on a daily basis, Todd taught me about the Messiah from the Tanach – the Old Testament. I started to understand Isaiah 53, Isaiah 9, Micah 5, Genesis 3, Psalm 2, Psalm 110, Psalm 122, Isaiah 7:14.

It began to register. But then I told myself, “Even if this is true, I can’t believe it because I am a Jew!” 

Zev and his wife Lin, a top Asian chef from Shanghai. They met when Lin visited Israel to attend a food exhibition.

I Go on a Two-Year Search

But then, after about two years of Todd’s teaching, I began to have a terrible time sleeping. I had had problems in the past, but now it was worse. As I tossed and turned, I decided I was going to do my own investigation about the real Jewish Messiah. 

Todd would teach me on the Internet and then I carried out my own search. I combed through the libraries to do a history check. I studied the history of Judaism and Christianity. I became more confused. 

Then I decided the best place to determine the truth would be to go to whom else? The rabbis, of course! First I went to my grandfather, Rabbi Pinchas Porat. He was 86 years old at that time and was a very calm man. I didn’t go to him and ask, “Who is the Messiah?” I never spoke to him about Yeshua. I simply showed him various places in the Bible – the Jewish Bible – that Todd had shown me on the Internet. 

I showed him Isaiah 53. I showed him Isaiah 7:14. I showed him Jeremiah 31:31 – about the New Covenant. I showed him Genesis 3 and then I showed him Micah 5:2. (Micah 5:1 in Hebrew) 

My grandfather became very nervous about my questions. Very nervous. The more nervous he became, the closer I found myself moving toward the unthinkable – THE TRUTH! I knew there was something wrong with my grandfather’s behavior and I was determined now to get to the bottom of it. 

Here was my question: Who is this baby in Micah 5:2? I wanted an answer. 

But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
Though you are little among the thousands of Judah,
Yet out of you shall come forth to Me
The One to be Ruler in Israel,
Whose goings forth are from of old,
From everlasting.

In Hebrew the end of the verse is even stronger than in English. It says, “Mi Kedem, Mimey Olam” meaning “before the foundations of the world.” 

I wanted an answer from the rabbis: Who is this child that has been in existence before the foundation of the world? One who would be the Ruler of Israel? Who was this Baby? 

I Interview 32 Rabbis

After work I actually conducted a series of interviews with rabbis - 32 in all - during a period of over two years. I received 26 different answers to that same question. At the same time Todd was still speaking with me over the Internet. 

I finally decided to go and meet with the Chief Rabbi of Israel – at that time Rabbi Israel Lau. Rabbi Lau knew my family very well because he had flown to California to conduct my Bar Mitzvah. I asked him a simple question, “Rabbi Israel Lau, I interviewed 32 rabbis, one of them being my own grandfather. I have received 26 different answers to this same question. Isn’t there one Bible?” 

He just sat there smiling at me and said, “Zev, you asked 32 rabbis and received 26 answers. It’s OK, because there are 70 faces to the Torah – 70 faces to the Bible.” 

Rabbi Lau’s answer was not only disappointing, not only shocking, but he confirmed to me THE TRUTH at that very moment. 

I left the office, being totally convinced of the Truth, but still in denial. I still said to myself, “I am a Jew. If I believe that Yeshua is the Messiah of Israel I will lose my family, my friends, my job, my life. I cannot believe this.” 

That was my conclusion after four years of discussion on the Internet and two years of research and evaluation. The Bible truly speaks about the Jewish people being stiff-necked. As far as I was concerned, that is an understatement! 

I Hear a Voice

The next night a cold wave had hit Israel and we had no heating at that time in our bedroom. I went to sleep, but about 3:00 a.m. I broke out in a heavy sweat and began to shake. I realized instantly that I was having a supernatural visitation. I felt electricity going through my body and over my head I saw a cloud. 

Usually a cloud is “cloudy,” but this cloud was shiny and through that cloud was a very bright light. Then I heard a voice call my name twice. The voice said in Hebrew, “Zev, Zev, Isaiah 53 is the Messiah of Israel! Isaiah 53 is the Messiah of Israel! It is true!” 

I began to shake violently. I knew that I knew THE TRUTH. 

As a religious Jew from a rabbinical family, I had been raised to believe that I had a relationship with God because I am a Jew. But this was the first time that I had ever actually experienced the presence of God. I was feeling something I had never felt before in my life. I had connected directly with God the Father through His Son Yeshua. 

I woke up my wife who had heard and seen nothing, and I said, “Lin! It is true! The Messiah of Israel is Yeshua!” Lin, still a Buddhist, said, “Go back to bed, Zev. The guy from the Internet is brainwashing you.” I said, “No, Lin! He is the Messiah!” 

Then she saw that the whole bed was wet from my sweating – on this very cold night. She knew something had happened to me. Within a week she too accepted Yeshua as her Messiah and Lord… 

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Love Shared from Sweden -"A LOVE BEYOND ALL LIMITS - JESUS"


The title He got was criminal.
The royal crown was made of thorns.
The life in aboundness 
Was His garments divided.
The palace He went to 
Was the cross.

The honor He was shown 
Was people turning away.
Their faces in contempt 
and a suffering unto death.
He was willing to give up it all - 
because of love
He did it for you!

Isaiah 53, John.3:16

Eva H. 

Sweden's flag

Monday, October 28, 2013

Poems by Eva Haglund

Anyone without God and hope in the world -
 is like  a diamond who has been dropped..
is  like  a newborn foal without a mother…
is like a child leave hold of the hand of a mother or father…
who do not have the heavenly Bread-
who do not have Bread of life –Jesus…
We need to give  the Bread from heaven…
He gave his Bread-he gave his life…
The bread was divided in pieces like his heart was crushed
in love and pain for us
He gave everything for us…
He gave his heart…

Eva Haglund


 In John.6:35 you can read that Jesus is the Bread of life. Our heavenly Daddy sent the Bread from heaven. The Bread was made in heaven. It was a heavenly Bread. The world did not have Bread.  God wanted to give the world “food”. We need usual bread. We also Life of Bread . If we do not have this Bread we will die. Without receiving Jesus we will not survive – we need the Bread –Jesus in our lives.  

We can think that we as we can be hungry and want usual bread can be hungry after Jesus –more of Jesus. Matt.5 :3 –we shall be hungry after more of God – not thinking we have “got” it or “have” anything. To learn to know Jesus is like to know a sea. It never ends. He is like the sea… To know him is reaching to a level of heaven as is above the sea. He is so big, so we do not understand it! Jesus is the Bread-The Bread of life =The Word. 

As we need usual bread every day we need Bread of life =the Word-every day. It is our daily Bread. I want more food today –I want the heavenly Bread –the Word. The Word is like a golden mine –heavenly gold.
The Word is like heavenly gold. The Word is Jesus. He is love. The heavenly gold is love. Jesus is love –the Word is a book –“Love” I think. It is like a mine of diamonds you also can say I think full of heavenly diamonds.
The Bread is fantastic –like a golden Bread or a bread of diamonds if you think about the value. Jesus eat bread with people-he ate together as in Acts.2:46. He share his bread.To eat together I think also can mean fellowship. Jesus had fellowship with people talking –eating together. John.17:21. 
Jesus wants the love in Body of Christ to be a testimony to the world. Jesus gave bread to the poor-he shared. James. 1:15-17, Acts.2:44-46. Sisters and broters in the Lord can give our”bread” to each other –different gifts .We need each other in friendship guided by God 1 Kor.12 not just in the churchbuildings.
You can  also have friends in other churches as God wants or has brought to gether if he want.
“The bread” can be shared between churches –gifts. Maybe also usual bread  and maybe help each other financial? The love between Christians Jesus wants to be a testimony to the world.
John.6:51. Jesus gave bread to others . He gave his Bread. He gave his life.
The Bread gave the world life. The world need bread. They need Bread –The Bread of life.
A bread who never get too old –always is fresh. A living Bread – Bread of life.
Jesus is love – the Bread –Love . I am thinking  that to give a piece of bread can be to to give love.
A symbol for love is a heart. The bread was divided in pieces like his heart was crushed in love and pain for us. He gave his heart. 
Bread of life – a bread of love.
He is love.
Eva Haglund



You said – “ I was walking at pieces of glass.”
His back was scourged until blood because he loves you so much.
You said - “ My path was full of thorns “ –
He carried the crown of thorns for you…
You said “ - I felt alone in the burning sun” -
He was abandoned by the Father in deepest pain for you…
You said “ People were laughing at me –and treated me like nothing…”
He was nailed for you…
The pain he felt has no one felt…
He gave everything –the King of all Kings – a servant in love for you …
His love conquered the death...
 He died for you…
Isaiah 53.

Eva Haglund