Showing posts with label Judaism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judaism. Show all posts

Thursday, February 4, 2016

"I Will Make You a Light of Nations" ✡ Israel's Secret Formula for Search & Rescue - ISRAEL365

I will make you a light of nations, so that My salvation shall be until the end of the earth.

ISAIAH (49:6)

וּנְתַתִּיךָ לְאוֹר גּוֹיִם לִהְיוֹת יְשׁוּעָתִי עַד קְצֵה הָאָרֶץ

ישעיהו מט:ו

u-n'-ta-tee-kha l'-or go-yim li-h'-yot y'-shu-a-tee ad k'-tzay ha-a-retz

Today's Israel Inspiration

One of the most misunderstood concepts in Judaism is how one nation could be "chosen" over all others. In fact, the term "Chosen People" does not imply racial superiority at all, but rather a unique responsibility. The Jews are charged with being "a light unto the nations" by upholding morals, ethics and belief in one God. The ZAKA organization truly represents this Jewish calling. ZAKA is Israel’s primary rescue and recovery volunteer organization, with thousands of volunteers on call 24/7 to respond to any terror attack, accident or disaster, wherever they may occur. ZAKA's assistance at major international terror attacks and natural disasters led the United Nations in 2005 to recognize ZAKA as an international volunteer humanitarian organization. “Caring for the welfare of people all over the world is one way to reveal Godliness in the world,” says a ZAKA volunteer.

How Does Israel Deal with So Many Terror Attacks?

From Shimon Peres and Bibi Netanyahu to ordinary citizens of the nation, see why ZAKA is Israel's most beloved humanitarian organization in this inspiring video.

Urgent Campaign for ZAKA Ambulances

With the surge of terror that Israel faces daily, unnatural deaths are at a high, and the ZAKA organization's resources are taxed to the fullest.  You can help ZAKA purchase 5 new ambulances with an urgent 'causematch' campaign going on now. Along with a matching donor, ZAKA needs to raise $550,000!

"Jerusalem Beckons" Painting

There is something about Jerusalem that calls out to people of all ages, religions and cultures. It’s a city with a living history, and a story behind every door. "Jerusalem Beckons" is a beautiful painting which encapsulates the personal and yet mysterious quality of the homes that make up this ancient hub of the world. The painting by Jordana Klein depicts a dozen Jerusalem doorways and windows welcoming people to the city. Straight from the artist's studio in the Old City of Jerusalem. The painting comes in 10″ x 13″ canvas.

Today's Israel Photo

Sunset over the Judean Hills by Rebecca Kowalsky.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Nancy Galdabini of Drain, Oregon.  Todah rabah!

“Beautiful and Amazing Emails”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!

Thank you Rabbi Tuly for you and your team's dedication. Gregg Peck, North Carolina

Good day, my name is JR, I'm from South Africa. Thank you for such beautiful and amazing emails, it has helped me through some of my darkest days. Stay blessed
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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34 Nahal Ein Gedi Apt #17
Beit Shemesh 9909875

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Of Course Christians and Muslims Don't Worship The Same God - MICHAEL BROWN CHARISMA NEWS

To the Muslim, God (Allah) is too transcendent and "other" to be our friend. He is to worshiped and adored and obeyed, just as our heavenly Father is to be worshiped and adored and obeyed, but Muslims do not have "fellowship" with God as Christians do.
To the Muslim, God (Allah) is too transcendent and "other" to be our friend. He is to worshiped and adored and obeyed, just as our heavenly Father is to be worshiped and adored and obeyed, but Muslims do not have "fellowship" with God as Christians do. (Reuters)

Of Course Christians and Muslims Don't Worship The Same God

It is true that the three primary monotheistic faiths, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, all believe in an eternal, uncreated Creator God to whom all human beings must one day give account. But it is self-evident that Muslims and Christians do not worship the same God.
First, God is the heavenly Father of Christians, but Allah is not the Father of Muslims.
This is one of the most fundamental revelations of the Bible, which is why Jesus taught His followers to pray the "Our Father" prayer on a daily basis (Matt. 6:9-13). The New Testament even goes as far as saying that God has put the spirit of sonship into our hearts so that we can call God "Abba," just as Jesus called His Father "Abba" (Rom. 8:15; Gal. 4:6).
But Allah is not seen as the heavenly Father in Islam, let alone as "Abba," an even more endearing term. That's why "father" is not one of the 99 names of Allah in Islamic theology.
Second, through Jesus, we can have intimate fellowship—even friendship—with God.
Already in the Old Testament, God referred to Abraham as His friend (Is. 41:8), but in the New Testament, Jesus takes this even further, saying to His disciples: "Greater love has no man than this: that a man lay down his life for his friends. You are My friends if you do whatever I command you" (John 15:13-14).
A Muslim could not possibly think of Allah in such terms.
To the Muslim, God (Allah) is too transcendent and "other" to be our friend. He is to be worshiped and adored and obeyed—just as our heavenly Father is to be worshiped and adored and obeyed—but Muslims do not have "communion" with God as Christians do (2 Cor. 13:14).
In Islam, a human being cannot enjoy that kind of personal intimacy with the Creator.
This difference between the Christian conception of God and the Muslim conception of God is seen clearly when we consider the aspect of prayer. The depth of communion we enjoy with the Lord is expressed in the words of a famous hymn by Fanny Crosby, who wrote,
"O the pure delight of a single hour
That before Thy throne I spend,
When I kneel in prayer, and with Thee, my God
I commune as friend with friend!"
In Islam, Muslims must follow prescribed prayers in Arabic, even if they don't understand Arabic. So much for friendship with the deity. This alone underscores the deep contrast between these two faiths in terms of how God is viewed.
Third, Christians believe that Jesus is the full manifestation of God, whereas Muslims see Jesus as only a human prophet, not as the unique representation of the image of God.
Jesus told His disciples that if they He had seen Him, they had seen the Father; that He is in the Father and the Father is in Him; and that He and the Father are one (John 14:9-11; 10:30). The New Testament also states that Jesus is the very image of the invisible God and "the express image of Himself" (Col. 1:15; Heb. 1:3).
All of these concepts are totally foreign to Islam.
For Muslims, Jesus is simply another creation of Allah. For Christians, Jesus is the one through whom the Father made the universe.
Fourth, the Christian "blessed Trinity" is, for Muslims, a cursed blasphemy.
For 200 years, Christians have sung the classic hymn "Holy, Holy, Holy," which speaks of "God in three persons, blessed Trinity," articulating truths taught by the Church for centuries.
The words of that hymn are terribly offensive to Muslims, as emphasized in a chapter in the Quran which Muslims recite in prayer five times a day, Sura 112, which states that Allah "begets not, nor is He begotten; and there is none like unto Him."
This Sura was originally spoken with reference to Muhammad's polytheistic hearers but was then applied to Christian beliefs as well. This means that five times a day, Muslims denounce some of the most fundamental tenets of the Christian faith.
Fifth, true Christians would rather die than deny Jesus as Lord; true Muslims would rather die than confess Jesus as Lord. This is as basic as it gets, and I can't imagine that a devoted Christian or Muslim would argue with this premise.
The New Testament tells us that an essential element of salvation is confessing Jesus as Lord (Rom. 10:9-10). In stark contrast, the Quran says of those who believe that Jesus is God's Son, "May Allah destroy them; how are they deluded?" (Sura 9:30).
Can there really be any serious debate as to whether Muslims and Christians worship the same God?
Someone could argue that both faiths represent human attempts to please and obey the Creator, but what those faiths say explicitly about that Creator is mutually exclusive.
We do not worship the same God, which is why Muslims seek to convert Christians to Islam and Christians seek to convert Muslims to faith in Jesus.
The good news is that Jesus really is Lord and that one day, willingly or unwillingly, every knee will bow to Him and every tongue will make that very confession—"Jesus Christ is Lord"—to glory of God the Father (Phil. 2:9-11).
Michael Brown is the host of the nationally syndicated talk radio show The Line of Fire and is the president of FIRE School of Ministry. His newest book is Outlasting the Gay Revolution: Where Homosexual Activism Is Really Going and How to Turn the Tide. Connect with him on Facebook at AskDrBrown or on Twitter @drmichaellbrown.
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Monday, December 21, 2015

FREE Amazing Israel Devotional ✡ "Head of the Months" - JERUSALEM365

This month shall be to you the head of the months; to you it shall be the first of the months of the year.

EXODUS (12:2)

הַחֹדֶשׁ הַזֶּה לָכֶם רֹאשׁ חֳדָשִׁים רִאשׁוֹן הוּא לָכֶם לְחָדְשֵׁי הַשָּׁנָה

שמות יב:ב

ha-kho-desh ha-ze la-khem rosh kho-da-sheem ri-shon hu la-khem l'-khad-shay ha-sha-na

Jerusalem Inspiration

We know that the Jewish New Year begins with the Hebrew month of Tishrei in the fall, so why does today's verse refer to the month of Nissan, in the spring, as the first month of the year?  We learn from this am important lesson about starting anew.  In Judaism, there are multiple new years; the new year with regards to creation, the historical new year of the nation, and the agricultural new year.  The civil new year is fast approaching, Order your own 2016 Israel calendar and receive a fantastic devotional book absolutely FREE.

So Many Reasons to
Love Israel

Thousands of "olim" (new immigrants) merit to live the dream of aliyah. This is what they love about living in Israel!

7 Noahide Laws Connect
all Mankind to God

Even before the Jews received the Torah at Mount Sinai, all of mankind accepted the Seven Noahide Laws. Today, the Noahide movement is dedicated to observing these seven universal laws. It is growing and making a unique contribution to bringing redemption in many different ways.

Book: "Daily Life in Biblical Times"

Explore difficult biblical concepts in "Daily Life in Biblical Times" which tries to paint a real portrait of ancient history for our generation. Author Dr. Liora Ravid is a native Israeli, and has shared the language and landscape of the biblical characters throughout her life. In each chapter, she escorts the reader on a visit to their homeland. This insightful and witty book presents a realistic picture of the daily lives of the heroes who have accompanied us for thousands of years. Paperback, 468 pages

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Today's vibrant photo by Boruch Len shows flower picking in the Elah Valley. This beautiful area of Israel, west of Jerusalem, is rich with histoy and is where David fought Goliath.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Bozena Gawor of Chicago, Illinois. Todah rabah!

The Teaching You Bring Through Your Website and Emails

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send mean email and let me know how you are enjoying Jerusalem365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).
  Dear Rabbi Tuly, I respect you so much for the teaching you bring through your website and emails. People around the world are linked into Israel, which is the centre for what and who we believe in, our Creator, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Middle East is not called the middle east for nothing, Jerusalem is God's Bullseye, His eternal city. May His blessings and peace, shalom, abide upon you. In love, Jill
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
Copyright © 2015 Jerusalem365, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
34 Nahal Ein Gedi Apt #17
Beit Shemesh 9909875

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

New Form of Terrorism? Arabs Snare Jewish Girls Through Seduction then Trap them in Arab Villages - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

(Photo: YouTube Screenshot)

(Photo: YouTube Screenshot)

New Form of Terrorism? Arabs Snare Jewish Girls Through Seduction then Trap them in Arab Villages - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

“When Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, the prince of the land, saw her, he took her and lay with her by force. He was deeply attracted to Dinah the daughter of Jacob” (Genesis 34:2-3)
In recent weeks, Israel’s home front has become its front-line. The war on Israelis has another consequence: the mistreatment of Jewish girls trapped in Arab villages.
For many years, Learn and Return, a non-profit organization, has tracked the phenomenon of Arab men seducing very young, vulnerable Jewish girls with gifts and compliments, until the girls willingly go into their Arab village. Once in an Arab village, the girl becomes the object of abuse and servitude to her Arab beau and his family, and her chances for escape are virtually nil.
“In the Arab world, it is considered an honor of the highest order to get a Jewish girl to convert to Islam,” explains Patty Kupfer, founder of Learn and Return to Breaking Israel News. “There are many stories where Arab men pretended to be Jewish until the girl ‘fell in love’ and then found out that the man was an Arab. By then, it can often be too late.”
“This situation is not at all like intermarriage in the US,” she adds. “This goes way beyond prevention of assimilation or intermarriage. It is literally about saving the lives of young girls.”
Every year, hundreds of girls trapped in Arab villages call Israeli hotlines, begging to be rescued. Whenever there is an Arab uprising or increase in terrorism, the number of calls skyrockets.
Save Jewish Girls from Abuse
“The men are furious with Israel, and that fury is taken out on their Jewish wives,” Kupfer told Breaking Israel News. “At these times, the girls are beaten mercilessly. After a recent stabbing attack in Jerusalem, an Arab man came home and struck his Jewish wife in the face with an ax. She was bleeding and no one from her husband’s family came to help her. While Israelis are targets in the streets, Jewish girls are defenseless targets in the Arab villages.”
Learn and Return invests most of its efforts in prevention, reaching out to Jewish girls who have become involved with Arab men by providing them whatever was missing in their lives . Many of these girls come from dysfunctional, abusive or poverty-stricken homes and crave warmth, attention and affection. Some are living on the streets, where drug and alcohol abuse have destroyed their self-esteem.
Learn and Return has a shelter and provides rescue counseling, vocational placement, food, clothing and a safe-house, along with a lot of love and emotional support, to get the girls back on track. The cost to save and rehabilitate a girl can range from $500-$5,000.
The organization has saved close to 1,000 girls in its first three years of operation, but its work is far from finished. With hundreds, if not thousands, of Jewish girls involved in abusive relationships with Arab men, Learn and Return seeks much-needed funding from generous and caring donors. “Supporting Learn and Return truly fulfills the Bible’s command to preserve life,” Kupfer emotionally shares with Breaking Israel News. “Biblically, saving a life overrides virtually any other considerations.”

Monday, December 14, 2015

Jesus is Making Headlines in Israel | David Lazarus ISRAEL TODAY

Jesus is Making Headlines in Israel

Monday, December 14, 2015 |  David Lazarus 
The second largest internet portal in Israel is putting Hebrew-language testimonies about Jesus on their front page, and 95% of Israelis are hooked into the internet everyday, all day.
Walla!, the mainstream Israeli media giant, is producing, at their own expense, a series of up to 24 live interviews with Messianic Jews about Jesus. In the interviews, a well-known Israeli actress asks Israeli believers questions about faith in Jesus.
Some of the topics being discussed are:
  • Who are these Messianics Jews;
  • What is the difference between Messianic Judaism and Christianity;
  • Talmudic fables intended to dismiss Jesus;
  • Why is the Hebrew New Testament not available in Israeli book stores;
  • Isaiah 53
Management at Walla! had noticed popular video clips about Jesus produced by the Israel College of the Bible (ICB) on social media. In an unprecedented and exceptional move for a mainstream Israeli media company, Walla! asked the team at ICB if they could produce their own series about Jesus for the Israeli public.
Walla! has already begun placing the clips about faith in Jesus on the front page of their site, and they are uploading new clips during the busiest hours of their Internet traffic. Already on the first day of exposure, the numbers of visitors and comments are enormous.
Of the multitude of subjects argued and debated in Israel, Jesus is by far the most controversial. Walla!, the second largest Internet news company in Israel, has taken a bold and risky step by promoting interest in Jesus, and in Messianic Jews, to their massive audience. There are likely to be repercussions and resistance to such a major promotion about Jesus, but the management of Walla! seems to think that Israelis are ready to listen.
Eitan Bar, one of the Messianic Jews being interviewed for the series, says that Messianics in Israel can expect strong reactions as well. “Please pray for us and for all of the Messianic Jews in Israel. We know that there will be unyielding opposition.”
Bar and the team at ICB are also asking for prayer that this massive exposure to Jesus would bring the Gospel closer to Israeli hearts and minds. They are garnering support from Messianic believers across Israel to get active in the discussions with the thousands of comments and interactions about Jesus with Israelis on the website.
Bar also suggests some practical ways Christians around the world can help.
“Use your blogs and websites to link to the Messianic websites being promoted by Walla!. This really helps as it increases exposure to these sites and raises the sites rating on Google’s search engine. When Israelis search for keywords in Hebrew like 'Yeshua the Messiah', 'New Testament', 'Jesus of Nazareth' or 'Messianic Jews' they will be pointed to the Hebrew websites where they will be able to learn more about who Jesus really is, rather than to the many anti-Messiah, deceitful websites, some even denying that Jesus ever existed!"
Here is a link to the first Walla interviews about Yeshua. Click here to see the first interview (in Hebrew).
The two Messianic websites (Hebrew) being promoted by the series are:
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