Showing posts with label Lord. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lord. Show all posts

Thursday, July 23, 2015

World's Best Defense Against Iran ✡ "To Fight Our Wars!"

With us is the Lord, our God, to help us and to fight our wars!


וְעִמָּנוּ יְ-הֹוָה אֱ-לֹהֵינוּ לְעָזְרֵנוּ וּלְהִלָּחֵם מִלְחֲמֹתֵנוּ

דברי הימים ב לב:ח

v'-i-ma-nu a-do-nai e-lo-hay-nu l'-az-ray-nu u-l'-hi-la-khaym mil-kha-mo-tay-nu

Today's Israel Inspiration

Righteous King Hezekiah, one of the last kings of Judah during the times of the First Temple, encouraged the nation with the stirring words in this verse. His faith was well-founded, and the next morning, they looked over the walls to see the once powerful Assyrian army devastated and dispersed, all without a fight (II Kings 19:35). May the Almighty continue to protect today's Defenders of Israel, the soldiers of the IDF. They are the world's frontline defense against a nuclear Iran.

Continue or Abort? You Decide

You are an Israeli fighter pilot. Your objective is to protect the people of Israel from Hamas. But difficult decisions await you, when terrorists hide amongst civilians.

IDF Reaction to Iran Deal

Since the nuclear deal with Iran first hit the news, the IDF has been instructed to prepare for a military response to the Iranian threat.

Operation Protective Edge T-Shirt

Last summer, after hundreds of missiles were fired at Israeli citizens, the IDF launched Operation Protective Edge with the purpose of destroying Hamas weapons and restoring the peace to the people of Israel. Show your solidarity with our brave soldiers by wearing this Operation Protective Edge t-shirt.

Today's Israel Photo

Guardians of the beautiful Land of Israel. These are top combat soldiers from the Golani Brigade who protect Israel's northern border.

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

“Your Wealth of Knowledge About Israel”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!

Yes, I'm a friend of Israel and the Jewish people ...God bless and keep you and yours....Guy Baffi from N.Y. City

Thank you so much for your wealth of knowledge about Israel. I love the daily teaching and beautiful pictures. I love Israel and will visit one day.-Catherine Griffin

I am not always able to read daily but am enjoying the words you send. Thank you. Linda from Kannapolis, North Carolina, USA
Rabbi Tuly Weisz

Thursday, May 28, 2015

When You're Stressed About Money - SPIRITLED WOMAN

When You're Stressed About Money

woman holding last dollar
We don't like to talk about money yet their are a lot of scriptures about finances. Here are 3 scriptures to speak over your finances regardless of whether your rich or poor. (iStockPhoto | kovalvs)

Spirit-Led Woman

My first car didn't have power steering. It was a '67 Chevy, with bench seats and an 8-track player, from which I played Barry Manilow at full volume. I was a young girl, and he wrote songs of love and special things that made me cry.
You didn't try to eat a soft-serve cone while driving that car, because it took both hands and upper body strength to turn the wheel, which had the diameter of a large Chicago pizza.
My heart doesn't seem to have power steering either.
I say this, because I see the words "trust" and "lean" in the Bible, but it takes more than an index finger of movement to get my soul going in that direction.
This weekend I was stressed about money, and I'm just going to come out and say it. For some reason, I fan out the deep issues of my life for you to see, but money matters seem too personal to share. But don't we all deal with financial concerns every day? And Jesus talked about money a lot, so maybe I should talk about it, too.
I was awake at 3:00 in the morning running every worst case checkbook scenario I could think of. The antithesis of counting sheep. What if we get hit with a big medical expense this year? What if the furnace goes out? What if the hot water heater goes out? What if they both go out at the same time? What if gas prices skyrocket this summer? What if painting the house costs more than I budgeted?
I let my thoughts veer into the ditch of fear and hopelessness.
But that made me cranky, because I am a person of faith trying to encourage you to be people of faith. Why is it so hard to just trust the Lord with these things?
I decided it is hard. Hard work to steer our thinking.
So I put on tennis shoes, even though I didn't feel like it, and got on the treadmill. For 30 minutes I put effort into trusting the Lord. I mentally walked through some Bible verses I have memorized, and I lined up my thoughts about money with those truths from God's word. I acknowledged the greatness of God. I gave thanks. I begged for help in getting my thoughts going in a right direction.
When I stepped off the treadmill, I was joyful and calm. I was a new person.
But it wasn't an easy turn of the heart.
Three of My Go-To Verses When I Have Money Anxiety
Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. Psalm 20:7 (I always replace the words "chariots" and "horses" with whatever I'm tempted to lean on at the moment, like a savings account balance.)
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  Proverbs 3:5 (Anxiety, fear and hopelessness are flashing signals that tell me I'm leaning the wrong direction.)
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.  Isaiah 55:9 (God probably has a solution to my financial concerns that is beyond my imagination.)
Money concerns are always going to be stressful and will always challenge our faith, but I figure if I can maneuver a tank of a '57 Chevy that lacks power steering, I know you and I can do the work to keep our thoughts between the lines.
Christy Fitzwater is the author of A Study of Psalm 25: Seven Actions to Take When Life Gets Hard. She is a blogger, pastor's wife and mom of two teenagers and resides in Montana. Visit for more information about her ministry. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Mark Schultz - All Things Possible (music video)

Published on Aug 28, 2012
Album: "All Things Possible"
Copyright 2012, Fair Trade Services

Monday, May 18, 2015

Prophetic Word: The Lord Is Releasing a Great Acceleration - Lana Vawser

Big Ben
The clock is ticking as God is bringing His people into a place of fullness. (Flickr )
As I was sleeping last night I heard the Lord and He spoke loudly:
"I am quickening time between the release of the promise to its fulfillment."
Quickening: To make more rapid; accelerate; to give restore; to revive and restore life; to receive life and become alive (
The Lord is quickening time as His people are between the release of His promise/s to its fulfillment. The Lord is releasing a great acceleration. In this acceleration, the Lord is going to restore, He is going to revive and restore life where life has been stolen. 
Through this great acceleration taking place NOW the Lord is bringing His people to life. What has hindered His people as they press in and stand firm waiting on Him will hinder them no more. The people of God are going to hit the ground running. The stretching has been long and hard, but the catapult acceleration of time to fulfillment has arrived.
I saw a clock and the clock hands were moving fast around the clock to bring the people of God to the place of fullness. It stopped at 12! He is establishing His fullness and government in your life as you have continued to stand firm in Him.
Your suddenly has come. The acceleration is not coming, it has begun. Fasten your seatbelts for the process is about to reach fulfillment quickly. A glorious heavenly quickening of time is about to be seen and a demonstration of the goodness of God. His glorious heart of love is going to be seen in the acceleration to restore, revive, restore, set up and release in and through His people.
People of God, in this whirlwind of acceleration you are coming alive to the life that was purchased for you and always yours. The enemy may have come to steal, kill and destroy, but he is defeated. He has lost, and you are moving into greater life(John 10:10).
His promises to you are about to reach fulfillment suddenly! Sudden heavenly alignment. 
You are now going to see how He is quickening time between the release of the promises to their fulfillment. The power of God is about to be put on display for all to see! Wonderful God!
Lana Vawser has a heart to encourage the body of Christ and individuals in their walks with Jesus; deeper intimacy with Him; and learning to hear His voice. She operates in the prophetic and loves to share the heart of God with others. Lana has written her first book, titled Desperately Deep—Developing Deep Devotion and Dialogue with Jesus, and loves to see others grow in all that God has for them.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Tried By Fire - Coming Forth as Gold by Elaine Tavolacci

Tried By Fire - Coming Forth as Gold 

by Elaine Tavolacci

The Elijah List

There is a book in the Bible about a man named Job. He was a blameless and upright man who had experienced a great loss in every area of his life. He went through a horrendous trial for nine months. The end of the story tells us that Job was rewarded with double of everything that he lost. Job said at the end of this trying time that he shall come forth as gold because he knew that he didn't do anything to deserve that injustice. He also understood that God's plan for his life could not be thwarted or cancelled. When God gives you a promise, it will come to pass no matter what your circumstances look like in the natural.
The Lord says, I hear your cry and I hear every prayer. As you call out to Me in the fires of affliction, I will respond. Though the trials seem to multiply, I am with you through them all. Just as the refining of gold removes impurities, those things in your life that are unacceptable shall be removed. In the same way that refining gold separates the pure from the less precious metals, I am removing the dross from your life. I am releasing you into royalty, which comes forth from purity.
Trust Me to strengthen you as you are refined in these trying times. Disregard the opinions of those who doubt My word. The opinions of others cannot negate nor cancel out My plans. Just as Job, when you are tried you will come forth as gold. In the same way that gold is symbolic for a covenant in a wedding band, I am establishing My covenant with you. Do not focus on your past so that you will not be delayed from moving into your future. I will bring you through those difficult seasons and remove those things that are confining and restricting you from moving forward. Allow Me to free you from all doubts and fears which are imprisoning you. As you trust Me, you will be released from the restraints which are holding you in bondage.
Shake it Off
Shake off the despair and heaviness that tries to attach itself to you. Be careful not to go back to your old ways of living or allow the enemy to intimidate you by trying to steal your identity in Me. The enemy could not terminate anything that I have for you, as long as you do not yield to him. Learn how to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, rather than be critical of them. Bless them that curse you. Listen for My voice, so that you will no longer be misled by the voices of unbelief. I Am the God of liberation, and as you refuse to submit to anything contrary to My word, I will deliver you from all the chaos in your life. 

You will be unchained from those things that are harming you. I am the supplier of all your needs. Trust me for your healing. Trust Me for your deliverance. Trust Me for your financial needs. Trust me in your marriage. See yourself healed and made whole. See yourself prosperous. See yourself strong and able to stand against any adversity that comes your way. See yourself as more than a conqueror. See yourself as the blessing that I have created you to be. As you acknowledge the glorious future that I have for you, your life will be transformed and you will see My plans come to pass in your life and ministry says the Lord.
Job 23:10-12 But He knows the way that I take; When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold. My foot has held fast to His steps; I have kept His way and not turned aside. I have not departed from the commandment of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth More than my necessary food.
Job 42:2 Job replied I know that you can do all things; no plan of Yours can be thwarted.
Job 42:12 -17 Now the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning; for he had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, one thousand yoke of oxen, and one thousand female donkeys. He also had seven sons and three daughters. And he called the name of the first Jemimah, the name of the second Keziah, and the name of the third Keren-Happuch. In all the land were found no women so beautiful as the daughters of Job; and their father gave them an inheritance among their brothers. After this Job lived one hundred and forty years, and saw his children and grandchildren for four generations. So Job died, old and full of days.
Elaine Tavolacci

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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

"I Saw An Army of Women!" - Victoria Boyson

"I Saw An Army of Women!"
Victoria Boyson, Montgomery, TX
The Elijah List

"Can I have One Billion Souls, Lord?"

"Kings and armies flee in haste; the women at home divide the plunder" Psalm 68:12 NIV

After I'd been praying, prophesying and believing God for revival for years, the Father asked me one day, "What kind of revival do you want?"

Knowing full-well His questions are usually leading questions, I asked Him, "Well, what kind of revival should I want, Father?"

He answered back, "Do you want a revival of souls or of miracles?"

I thought for a bit and answered, "I want a revival of souls...with a lot of miracles!"

"How many souls do you want?" He continued.

Digging deep for an answer, I remembered Evan Roberts from the historical Welsh revival asked God for 100,000 souls and he got them. So, I hesitantly answered, "Could I have 100,000 souls, Lord?"

He was silent.

I knew I had answered timidly, so I tried again. Reaching for more faith, I answered, "500,000 souls, Lord?"

Again, I heard nothing.

I knew I was not believing for enough from Him and tried again. "1,000,000 souls, Lord?" I asked sheepishly.

Again, nothing. I tried again, "5,000,000?"


Wow! I really thought I was led by faith with that last guess, so I just threw caution to the wind and declared loudly, "One-billion souls, Lord!!!"

"Now you are talking, daughter," He answered.
Later, I questioned Him, "Lord, how could I win a billion souls?" (Photo via flickr)

That is when He showed me His simple equation for exponential revival. He said, "All you need to start with is 5,000 people, sold out and equipped to redeem the harvest."

If those 5000 people each led only 3 people to the Lord, that would be 15,000, turning it over only 5 times, you would already be at 1 million people, and that is only the beginning. I saw it all as He laid out His plan in my spirit. With only 5,000 awakened Believers, I could win one billion souls.
So, when I think of you, dear friend, reading this message and walking in the liberty of the Father, I don't see you alone – I see 1 billion souls coming to Jesus through you!

A Great Light

One night as I slept, I was awakened by the Lord as His presence filled the room. Suddenly, I saw myself sitting in my little home, safe and snuggling, spending precious time with Jesus. As I continued to watch the vision unfold, I saw myself get up from my comfy chair and dart out into the dark chill of the night. Guided by one small torch, I felt compelled to venture into the night to try and light the way for the lost, whom I knew in my heart were trying desperately to find their way home.

As I stood atop a lone dark hill, I raised up my torch as high as I could. In the hope the lost would see its light, I held it for them to find their way in the darkness. Off in the distance, a group of wolves laughed at my little light and mocked my faith, "They will never see your puny light, girl."

I knew they were right in that my light wasn't much, but it was all I could do for them. So, I held it as high as I could for as long as I could stand it. Off in the distance, hidden by a thick covering of woods, I sensed the lost, too afraid to come to the light. Bolstered by the penetrating night, the wolves taunted them with their contempt as the heavy darkness blocked their way home.

Anger rose inside me in response to the audacity of the haughty wolves. It was terribly dark, yet their apathy enraged me. Throwing my head back, closing my eyes and looking toward Heaven, I cried out to God, "Make my light brighter, Lord!"

When I opened my eyes, I saw the entire hillside was lit up with a great light. As I looked around, it was literally covered with a large crowd of women (and some men) all holding their torches high into the night's sky to guide the lost home.

King David prophesied of a great host of women victorious in battle, "The Lord announces the word (Divine utterance), and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng: 'Kings and armies flee in haste; the women at home divide the plunder!'" (Psalm 68:11-12 NIV, emphasis mine).

God Will Bring the Victory to YOU!

The enemy has tried desperately to limit the effectiveness of women, but, just like Jael in Judges 4:17-24, if the enemy keeps you from going to war, God will bring the victory to you. So, let the enemy underestimate you. By underestimating you, he's just given you the keys to destroy him. He's placed you in just the right position to ruin him.

Deborah was a prophet who governed the entire nation of Israel while Sisera lead King Jabin's army against Israel. One day she called for Barak to lead the armies of Israel in battle against the Canaanite king. She said to him, "This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, commands you: Call out 10,000 warriors from the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulun at Mount Tabor. And I will call out Sisera, commander of Jabin's army, along with his chariots and warriors, to the Kishon River. There I will give you victory over him" (Judges 4:6-7 NLT).

Yet, despite Deborah's assurance of victory, Barak refused to go against Sisera unless Deborah agreed to go with him (Judges 4:8). Deborah agreed to go with the army, but prophesied that because of his lack of faith, he would receive no honor from the victory God would give them. 

Instead, she said, "The Lord's victory over Sisera will be at the hands of a woman" (Judges 4:9 NLT). That woman was Jael. She was at home in her tent, but God brought the battle to her. (Photo by Donna Smallenberg "The Song of Deborah " via

When Barak attacked, God caused Sisera and his men to run in panic. Looking for an escape, "Sisera ran to the tent of Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite, because Heber's family was on friendly terms with King Jabin of Hazor. Jael went out to meet Sisera and said to him, 'Come into my tent, sir. Come in. Don't be afraid.' So he went into her tent, and she covered him with a blanket.

'Please give me some water,' he said. 'I'm thirsty.' So she gave him some milk from a leather bag and covered him again. 'Stand at the door of the tent,' he told her. 'If anybody comes and asks you if there is anyone here, say no.' But when Sisera fell asleep from exhaustion, Jael quietly crept up to him with a hammer and tent peg in her hand. Then she drove the tent peg through his temple and into the ground, and so he died.

When Barak came looking for Sisera, Jael went out to meet him. She said, 'Come, and I will show you the man you are looking for.' So he followed her into the tent and found Sisera lying there dead, with the tent peg through his temple" (Judges 4:17-22 NLT).

Jael was probably the last one that Barak considered would win the battle for Israel that day, but God chose her for that very reason. God was sending us a message: We cannot limit Him! He refuses to be put in a box! Tell Him He can't do something and that is just what He will do. Give Him a desert and He'll make a forest (Isaiah 41:19). Give Him a housewife and He'll make her a warrior. This is God's heart concerning you. He sees beyond our weaknesses and sees a victorious warrior.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Who Are You?

When I first began to write, a good friend of mine offered to show my writings to an editor of a major publication. Of course I was delighted...until I heard back from her. The editor thought my writing was good, but implied I was a nobody, with no influence. "Who is she," the editor asked my good friend, "to tell me how to live..." It hit me like a brick and for another ten years I wrote nothing. I listened to their words and let them define me.

Ten years later, God showed me a vision for my writing. I saw a simple notebook full of prophetic words the Lord gave me and from the center of the page four silvery white birds suddenly appeared and flew out from the pages. I watched as I saw the birds fly all over the world – from an African hut, to the elaborate rooms of a palace and pulpits all over the globe. The Father promised me, "If you obey Me, I will carry your words all over the world." (Photo via Wikipedia)

I was simply in shock and fought hard to even believe what God showed me, but I obeyed Him and wrote. God fulfilled His promise to me and He has literally taken my simple words all over the world.

It began simply, as I was home raising my children, but it didn't take long before I was covering the world with His messages of hope. God brought the battle to me! I was just a simple housewife, yet from this humble beginning the Lord has given me the possibility of reaching the world. He has sent His messages "throughout the earth, and (His) words to all the world" (Psalm 19:4 NLT, emphasis mine).

Harvest of Potential

God did not create you to live in survival mode. He created you with the intention that you would enjoy your life and thrive – living to your fullest potential in Him. That is what He designed you for and it is His delight. He gets great joy in seeing you walk in the fullness of your potential. He enjoys your enjoyment. He has placed deep wells of potential inside you, which He intends to draw.

When the Father called you out of your shell to do the greater works (John 14:12) He planned for you to do, He anticipated everything you would need to accomplish His will. It's already inside you waiting to be harvested – to birth your dreams and manifest God's presence. (Photo via pixabay)

Just like Adam and Eve were convinced of their failure (Genesis 3:10), we battle the same feelings of inadequacies. Invariably, the lies sown into our roots at the beginning of our lives try desperately to hinder our growth and potential. And just like Adam and Eve, God says to you: "Who told you that you were naked?"(Genesis 3:11 NLT). God sees the lies the enemy has sown in your heart much more clearly than you do, so He calls your attention to it so you can uproot it.

The reality is: there is a war in the heavens over possession of your heart and mind. When you battle with the lies of the enemy, you will begin to see the realization of your potential. It is incredibly vital to Heaven and so very necessary to the Earth – you are that important. As you take authority over the lies of the enemy that want to rob you of your confidence, know you are not just wrestling for your own sake, but for the triumph of the Kingdom of Heaven.

As you stand in confidence to defeat destiny's thief, understand and recognize you stand in the confidence of the entire Kingdom of Heaven. So, tell that devil he has no chance against you and refuse to give him any place in your life. "Submit God. Resist the devil, and he WILL [literally] FLEE from you" (James 4:7 NIV emphasis mine).

God has placed wells of potential inside of you, and as you draw from it, you bring a great reward to His Kingdom. Draw near to Him and He will harvest your potential. Be confident that,"He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus"(Philippians 1:6 NIV).

Psalm 68:11 prophesied the coming of a great army of women who would experience incredible victories for the Kingdom of Christ. God is calling His warrior-women to the forefront of the battle.

Women of Impact

My friends, Dr. Theresa Phillips (Praise Ministries Church in Chicago), Derene Shultz (co-founder of the Elijah List), and I have launched a group called WOMEN OF IMPACT. It is a movement designed by God to enable women to impact the world around them. Our goal is to raise an army, strengthen them, encourage them and then watch them bring in the harvest! Join us in Montgomery, TX this comingJune 4-6 for a powerful, life-changing time of ministry and impartation.

Just like the Samaritan woman at the well started the first revival and brought in a great harvest for the Lord (John 4:7-42), it is time for the women to join in declaring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations.

At the beginning of the year, God gave me a little rhyme – "Raise an Army, Prepare the Way, Light the Torch... it's time to Play!"

Truly, the Father has prepared you and now He's calling you. He needs you. The harvest is waiting – will you come?

Victoria Boyson
Speaking Life Ministries

Victoria Boyson met Jesus at the age of seven. At thirteen, she started ministering using music as a platform to tell others about Jesus. She and her husband, Steve, ministered as pastors in the mid-west, but in 1999, the Lord told them to move to work for Francis Frangipane, who was extremely influential in their development as Christians and as ministers.

Victoria is a powerful prophetic voice to this generation and co-founder of Speaking Life Ministries. Based out of the Houston, Texas area, she is called to awaken and prepare the Bride of Christ for the end-time harvest and compel His Church to embrace a passionate relationship with their Heavenly Father. She is the author of The Birth of Your Destiny and His Passionate Pursuit and her latest book Awakening: The Deep Sleep.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

"America - Return to Harvest! Ask the Lord to Refine and Reform Us! A Turning Point For States and Nations!" Chuck D. Pierce

"America - Return to Harvest! Ask the Lord to Refine and Reform Us! A Turning Point For States and Nations!"
Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX
The Elijah List

From Passover to Pentecost: A Time to Ask the Lord to Refine and Reform Us

America must return to an understanding of harvest! The fields are white! Unless we move forward with a "harvest" mentality, we will not see this nation experience the glory that God is longing to release. Both Jew and Gentile celebrate Pentecost. The Jews call this time the Festival of Shavuot. Christians know this time as Pentecost, when the Spirit of God came. There is a connection between the two. That word is HARVEST! As you read through the book of Revelation, you see that the concept of harvest will be restored to the Church in days ahead.

The time we are presently in, between Passover and Pentecost, is known as "counting the omer." Incredible revelation starts pouring in during this 50-day period. This counting is intended to remind us of the link between Passover (which commemorates the Exodus), and Pentecost (which commemorates the giving of the Torah).
Leviticus 23:15 shares the blessing of counting the omer. The time is a transition time. Transition means you cross over into the fullness of the new ahead! The omer time is the time of looking at how you will consume your supply and unlock supply for the future. The word omer means to form and utter speech! 

During this time frame, we are refined like fine flour, so that we utter the promises of the future without any impurities!

During our Passover Celebration here at the Global Spheres Center in early April, we heard speaker after speaker exhort us about the new season we have entered. This is our time to watch and war in a new way, and to allow the Lord to develop our identity of who we are to be.

This is a time to ask the Lord to refine and reform us, so that we can present ourselves to Him as an offering at the end of this 50 days culminating at Pentecost later this month. (Photo via Chuck Pierce, Facebook)

I believe the Lord is touching our hearts and mouths so we release the words that will help form our destiny. The word omer pertains to the utterance of speech. So this time frame is one for speaking into our promise. 

These 50 days are a time for our mouths to be purified, so we speak what is pure. This is also a time of refinement, so we purify relationships so our promise can advance. I encourage each of you to speak into the place God is calling you to – Pentecost. Speak every day to get to Pentecost. By doing so, you are speaking into your refinement.

These 50 Days are a Turning Point For States and Nations! Prophetic Word for Australia and America

These 50 days are not only a personal turning point but also one for states and nations. That is why this week of prayer is so crucial! This is our time to embrace our destiny and move in the power of what the Lord is calling us to. Here is a prophetic word to not only the Body of Christ, but also to the United States and Australia at this time:

"Your feet will walk in a different direction this year. For even though you felt shaking ground last season, now you will walk on ground that is being solidified. 

There will be many on your path that will flee from the anointing that is now rising up in you, from your feet. I will shod your feet with peace, in a new way. Then the enemies that have tried to get on your highway will move out of the way. For many enemies have stepped onto the highway that you're walking, but because you stood in the shaking, now the wind of My Spirit will clear your path ahead (Isaiah 35).

"I do have a fresh wind of My Spirit that is blowing, for I am coming with My breath in a new way. 

As in the beginning when I breathed breath into that first man, and he was able to rise up as a living soul, I am coming with a fresh breath for you. Even as it was in the Valley of Dry Bones, when I breathed breath into those dry bones, and I caused them to rise up in a new way and become a mighty army, I am breathing My breath into a corporate man in the earth, in this hour. 

No longer will it just be one person with the Breath of God, but a mighty army. A corporate man in the earth is arising with fresh breath. 
"Even in this hour I am coming with a breath of God into lungs that have not been able to breathe. 

I am coming into My people in a new way. The healing breath of the Lord is rising up, and to those that the doctors have said, 'There's no cure for you,' I say My breath is stronger than the report of the doctors. I am coming with fresh breath. So rise up in the strength of the Lord, and let the breath of God come into you, and see what I am going to do.

"This breath is going to give voice to My people, in this hour. 

Where the enemy has come to stop the voice of My people, I am going to cause a voice to be released that will stop the power of the enemy. So let the breath of God come! Let the breath of God heal! Let the breath of God restore! For My breath is flowing in a new way, in this season.(Photo via Wikipedia)

"My wind will be like a vacuum, and I will suck out of you those things that you thought you could have never been delivered from. 

The wind of My Spirit will both suck and remove, and then refill how you need to be filled, to create the identity that I have for you in the future. This is My day where Jehovah-M'Kaddesh, the Sanctifier, will come. This is My day where Jehovah-Tsidkenu, the Righteous One, will rise within you. Know that there will be a moment when you feel like your breath has been sucked away, but it's because I have pulled out things that you thought could never be removed. Then you will feel a breath come in that will fill you in a way that you will become buoyant with faith in days ahead."

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

"Dragons are on the Move...I am Mantling You with a Jehu Spirit..."

This also reminded me of a prophetic word given on March 30, 2014, which was previously posted on The Elijah List:
"This is not the same as you've seen in the past. This is not the same as what you've asked for in other seasons. This is a different glory, a glory change that I'm bringing into the land!You will shudder at the changes that are on the way in your land, and in other lands and with other people! For this is a time that the blood that runs deep will now be sanctified.

"This is a time that My Spirit will go deeper than I have gone in the past. For this is a time of birthing what is new, but yet bringing forth that which is old, and treasures will erupt!

Treasures will erupt! Treasures will erupt! I will bring forth what has not been seen, and I will cause your gifts to come alive in ways they've never come alive. You will feel the shuddering, birthing pains within you, and from that you will bring to birth the change that is necessary for you to enter into this season. (Photo via Wikipedia)

"So know this: Dragons are on the move, and even the 'great dragon' is now mounting up. Nations that will align are now aligning. So watch carefully and look deep into the circumstances around you for these are days of great change. Watch the signs on your road, for your road is now changing. New opportunities are coming. Watch now, for I will realign your path!"

Word released in February 2013, by Barbara Wentroble, Keith Pierce and Chuck Pierce, which was previously posted on The Elijah List

"I am mantling you with a Jehu spirit in this hour. I'm going to cause that Jehu spirit to rise up in you and overturn what has stopped the prophetic voice in days past; I'm going to give you the power and the anointing to break the power of that. I am resurrecting that gift that is in you, which was shut down and pushed aside. This is the hour that I come and I cause a fresh, new river of My anointing to flow through you. Reach out and receive a new mantle. Let the Jehu spirit come upon you to stop all the tactics of Jezebel. I say her day is over. 

This is the day I'm calling the prophets to arise.

"I am the Ancient of Days, and I'm recreating a momentum for your life. I am slowing you down so I can accelerate you in days ahead. For the enemy has attempted to wear you down. The enemy has attempted to change laws and change times to begin to stop you from accomplishing My will. The enemy has attempted to trap you by getting you out of My timing. But the Ancient of Days is now rising over you to reset your pace ahead. Stand with Me and travail for the 21-day period that I tell you. And when you do that your pace for the future will be re-ordered. 

"He is coming as the Ancient of Days, and because He is the Ancient of Days, there is an ancient key that He carries. 

And in the carrying of this key you have seen the enemy take his place between you and the promise at this level. Press in, press in, press in and contend with the enemy because even over the next 21 days I will give you the strategy to contend with the one who has set himself to contend with you. And then as you have pressed the 21 days, I will hand you the key of the Ancient of Days, and then I will contend with the one that has contended with you! (Photo via flickr)

"Many hearts have been wearied and many, many minds have grown cold in My thinking process. But I am resetting heartbeats, and I'm opening up what's been closed down. I'm restoring and I'm causing you to walk in a time that escaped you in one season. If you will set your pace with Me, the next 7 years I will produce greatly for you and My storehouses will be made full." –End of prophecy

Let Harvest become a reality in your life as you move forward in days ahead!


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. 

He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellersInterpreting the TimesRedeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil.

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