Showing posts with label Old City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Old City. Show all posts

Thursday, August 29, 2013

City of David in Jerusalem

Yishai Fleisher ( takes us on an adventure in the famous Ir Davide (City of David) in Jerusalem. Connections between the history of the Jewish people in Israel and the modern day discovery of archeological evidence.


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

As Rosh Hashanah draws nigh, Western Wall gets traditional cleaning

As Rosh Hashanah draws nigh, Western Wall gets traditional cleaning

08/25/2013 14:50

Workers at Judaism's holiest site remove prayer notes.

The Western Wall (C), the Dome of the Rock (L) and al-Asqa mosque (R) in Jerusalem.
The Western Wall (C), the Dome of the Rock (L) and al-Asqa mosque (R) in Jerusalem. Photo: REUTERS/Marko Djurica

With the Jewish new year upon us, maintenance workers at the Western Wall on Sunday cleaned out the prayer notes left behind by the many tourists and dignitaries who made the pilgrimage to Judaism's holiest site in order to submit a request to God.
The notes are taken to the Mount of Olives for burial, as per tradition. Jews began placing notes in the cracks of the Western Wall in the 18th century, and since the custom has remained in practice.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

"Against All Odds: In Search of a Miracle" - television series (13 part)

"Against All Odds: In Search of a Miracle" (2005)
Experience what some have called the modern miracles of Israel through the eyes of a seasoned journalist, Michael Greenspan, and explore the question: why has Israel survived against all the odds? This 13 part dramatic television series, appropriately tilted, "Against All Odds: In Search of a Miracle", takes a fascinating journey into the documented stories of supernatural phenomenon, which birthed and preserved modern Israel. Eyewitness accounts and commentary by high ranking government officials, generals, soldiers, foreign leaders and rich dramatic recreations compel the audience to ask, are these events miracles? You decide...

Movie: Against All Odds

Jerusalem - capital of Israel

Journalist Michael Greenspan

British General Allenby entering Jerusalem Old City 
through the Jaffa Gate - 1917

Prophet Haggai

Survivor of airplane terrorist attack

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Video of the Day: Formula 1 comes to Jerusalem

Formula 1 comes to Jerusalem

Wednesday, June 26, 2013 |  Israel Today Staff  
Earlier this month, Jerusalem played host to a spectacular exhibition of Formula 1 and other racing genres.
The event brought out tens of thousands of residents of the city - Jews, Christians and Muslims - who lined the streets to catch a glimpse of racers speeding past the iconic walls of Jerusalem's Old City.
The following video provides a brief look at this wildly successful event, which Israelis hope to make a regular event in their capital city:

Friday, June 21, 2013

Israel - Small But Amazing

Israel- Small But Amazing


Israel, a small country of outstanding beauty, is filled with so many beautiful landscapes. Ancient and new are interwoven into a beautiful mix of humanity and spirituality!

Love For His People, Inc.

How Can I Bless Israel?
To help the children of Israel is to provide a donation for the poorest of the land. 
 Perhaps you did not know that Israel has over 20% of its population living 
under the poverty level, including 720,000 children?  You can help "do it unto
 the least of these my brethren" (Matt 25:40) by donating to
 Love For His People Ministries today!

     Support the Ingathering
     Support a Needy Family
     Support a School

  • Support the Ingathering
    The Jews are literally being brought home from the four corners of the earth. Do your part to give them a good welcome home.
  • Support a Needy Family
  • Support a School
  • Ahava Adventures Travels - Traveling to Israel to: 
    Support struggling Messianic families
    Connect with other ministries and churches
    Donate to schools and see the results, first-hand
    Connect with ingathering Jews and reassure they are loved
    Bless the widows and poor
    Rediscover our Jewish roots through historical explorations
    Meet new people with the same calling
    Meet locals and listen to their stories with encouraging words to give

 Click Below to Help Out the Ministry of Love For His People. Thank You!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

What Is Your Favorite Photo Essay? Here Are Ours (Israel's Picture A Day)

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 09:22 PM PDT
With more than 300 photo essays published, and in preparation for a book, we would like to know which are your favorite photos and essays.  

Write your favorites in the comment section below

Here are some of our favorites over the last two years:
Rabbi Kook

Rabbi Kook, Chief Rabbi of Palestine, meets President Coolidge in the White House in 1924.

The Emperor arrives
* The Jews of Jerusalem welcome the GermanEmperor in 1898.

Expulsion 1929
* The expulsion of the Jews of the Old City of Jerusalem in 1929, 1936, and 1948.

First pictures of the Kotel
The first pictures of the Western Wall in the 1850s.

German General
* The German general who saved the Jews of Palestine from massacre in 1917.

Surrender of Jerusalem
* The surrender of Jerusalem to British sergeants in World War I.

Enter your favorite photo essay in the comment section below

Why are these children marching?

* The mysterious picture of Jewish children marching - where, why, and when?

Rachel's Tomb
* First photographs of Rachel's Tomb, Tomb of the Patriarchs and Tomb of Joseph.

From Jew to Christian preacher

* The first Jewish Tomb of Joseph photographer in Jerusalem. Why did he and his photographs disappear?

Contents of the Cigarbox

* The "Cigarbox collection" of photos returns to the Land of Israel.

Australian light cavalry

* The Australians capture Be'er Sheva in 1917.

Old Yemenite Jew

* The arrival of Yemenite Jews in the 1800s-- "The Gadites"

Under Al Aqsa mosque
* The secret photos taken under the Temple Mt in Jerusalem.

Jaffa Gate

The gates of Jerusalem's Old City.

Hebron synagogue

* Photos after the 1929 massacre in Hebron.

Doctor and elderly Jews
* The Christian doctor in Tiberias who treated and photographed Jewish patients.

Yemin Moshe
* The first Jewish communities outside of Jerusalem, and the new Jewish settlements in the Galilee.

Jerusalem child

* The little children of the Land of Israel.

"Ruth" 100 years ago
* The Book of Ruth Re-enacted.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Israel Photos of Various Sorts

I love collecting photos and artwork, and so I am sharing a few more with you.

Steve Martin
Love For His People

David's Citadel in the Old City of Jerusalem

Rabbis blowing shofars.

Mezuzah  - tree decorated

Mezuzah with Yeshua's name

City of David

Jerusalem crossing

Avner & Rachel Boskey in Beer-sheva

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

David Ben Gurion

Ram's horn (shofar), wine cup made from 
olive wood with metal rim, Torah scroll &
painting from Israeli Jewish artist 
- my living room

Masada. Never again.

Flying forever!