Showing posts with label Satan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Satan. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Cindy Jacobs: Don't Let Satan Rob Your Joy—God Is About to Open Doors - CINDY JACOBS CHARISMA NEWS

Cindy Jacobs (Vimeo)
The Lord is saying to me that there's some of you who have pressed and pressed to see the doors open for you, but it just seems like they just won't get open.
I feel from the Lord to tell you, don't be discouraged. God is going to open doors for you that no man can shut. Don't let the enemy come in and rob your joy. Don't let the enemy come in and tell you it's never gonna happen.
For the Lord would say, "Do not be discouraged, because I am working behind the scenes to do things you can't know. I am moving chess pieces, as it were, behind the scenes so you can have a checkmate so you can do what you need to do—for your business, for your schooling, for your house and for your dreams."
The Lord says, "I am a dream maker." God is going to release a new ability to dream. It's time to dream again.
And the Lord says, "Don't let Satan steal those visions and those things I have put in your heart. It's time to rise up and say no to the voice of the enemy that would say to you, 'Oh, it's never going to happen.' This is the time for the violent to take it by force. Stand up and decree, 'No! I will have my doors open. I will have my breakthrough.'" 
Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. She and Mike—her husband of 43 years—co-founded Generals International in 1985.
This article originally appeared at
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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Dabbling With the Dark Side? The Bible Clearly Condemns Halloween - BEN GODWIN CHARISMA NEWS

While I personally don't celebrate Halloween, I'm not a killjoy on a mission to rob people of fun.
While I personally don't celebrate Halloween, I'm not a killjoy on a mission to rob people of fun. (neepster/Flickr/CC)

Dabbling With the Dark Side? The Bible Clearly Condemns Halloween

Join us on the new C-Pop podcast where Taylor and Jessilyn discuss, debate and sometimes deride pop culture with a strong sense of humor and a focus on Christ. Listen at

Darkness is used in Scripture as a metaphor for evil to represent all that is sinful and satanic.
In contrast, light is a biblical metaphor for good to represent truth and all that is of God.
The apostle Paul instructed, "Therefore do not be partakers with them. For you were formerly darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light—for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth ... And do not have fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness; instead, expose them" (Eph. 5:7-9, 11).
It's a tricky balance for Christians to be in the world without conforming to it.
Jesus prayed, "I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one" (John 17:15).
If we imitate the world, we lose our distinction; if we isolate from the world, we lose our influence. Christians need to engage the culture if we expect to make an impact.
It's perfectly fine for a boat to be in the water, but if too much water gets in the boat, now that's a problem. This brings up the question, "How should Christians treat Halloween?"
The origin of Halloween incorporated a mixture of Christian and pagan practices.
According to World Book Encyclopedia, "Halloween developed from an ancient pagan festival celebrated by Celtic people over 2,000 years ago in the area that is now the U.K., Ireland, and Northern France. The festival was called 'Samhain' (pronounced SOW ehn), which means 'summer's end' and it marked the beginning of the dark winter season and was celebrated around Nov. 1. In the ninth century, the Catholic Church established a new holiday—All Saint's Day, also called All Hallows. 'Hallow' means 'saint' or 'one who is holy.' The evening before All Hallows was known as All Hallow's Eve, eventually shortened to Halloween.
"About 200 years later, the church added All Soul's Day on Nov. 2, a day set aside to pray for friends and family who died. People made many of the old pagan customs part of this Christian holy day. Some put out food for their deceased ancestors, or left lanterns burning in the windows so that ghosts could find their way home for the night. In England, people went house to house 'souling,' asking for small breads called soul cakes in exchange for prayers or songs (thus the origin of trick or treating)."
While I personally don't celebrate Halloween, I'm not a killjoy on a mission to rob people of fun. I do not equate dressing up in a cartoon or superhero costume and collecting candy with devil worship.
Many believers boycott Halloween because of its dark elements. The downside is Christian kids feel like they are missing out. Thankfully, many churches offer alternatives such as trunk-or-treat or fall festivals that provide wholesome fun and safe candy zones to keep kids off the streets.
Some of what happens on Halloween is harmless fun, but anyone with any spiritual discernment cannot deny that there is a sinister side.
"Abstain from all appearances of evil" (1 Thess. 5:22). Sin, like art, starts by drawing a line somewhere! It's an odd contradiction for Christians to dress their kids up as creepy characters they try to teach them not emulate.
At this time of year there is a tsunami of horror movies flooding the airwaves featuring vampires, witches, zombies, monsters, cannibals and savage serial killers. Hollywood and viewers, it seems, have an obscene obsession with and an insatiable appetite for gory violence.
You can't avoid being bombarded by the commercials even if you just watch news or sports. These shows glamorize evil and open the door to demonic influences. Some say it's all just fantasy or harmless entertainment, but, if what people watch doesn't affect behavior, then why do companies spend billions of dollars to advertise to them? 
In Greek Mythology, Zeus gave Pandora a box and a key as a wedding gift with a note "Do Not Open." Curiosity overcame her and she lifted the lid releasing all the forces of evil into the world.
The point is there are some doors you really don't want to open.
"Leave no [such] room or foothold for the devil [give no opportunity to him]" (Eph. 4:27, AMP).
Don't open the door to sin's destructive influence. Slam the door shut in Satan's face!
Halloween is a showcase for witchcraft which the Bible clearly condemns (Ex. 22:18; Lev. 19:31, 20:6, 27; Deut. 18:10-14; Gal. 5:19-21), calling it an "abomination"—morally disgusting, detestable, despicable and abhorrent.
Contrary to popular belief, books and movies, there is no such thing as a "good witch." That is an oxymoron. How can someone controlled by evil forces be good?
Paul asked the Corinthians, "For what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? What communion has light with darkness?" (2 Cor. 6:14, MEV).
Christians have no business dabbling in any form of witchcraft: horoscopes, crystal balls, séances, Ouija boards, Dungeons & Dragons, pentagrams, tarot cards, palm reading, spells, fortune telling, mediums, channeling, divination, sorcery, black magic and so forth.
There are only two sources of supernatural power—God and Satan. If something is not of God, where does it originate?
If you are involved in any of these practices, I urge you to repent of it, renounce it and ask God to remove it from your life. Don't gamble with your soul. Satan uses these and other ploys to deceive the masses.
What we need to know about our future is either found in Scripture or can be revealed to us by the Holy Spirit (John 16:13).
Like bugs drawn to a light to their own demise, man has an inexplicable, magnetic attraction toward evil.
Robert Rudolph said it well: "Open minds like open windows need screens to keep the bugs out."
The air may seem clean in a house, but the air filter catches many unseen pollutants. There are many false beliefs and deceptions floating around, but the Bible is our filter. Its radiant light helps us discern and dispel the darkness.
"God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all" (1 John 1:5). Friends, it's not worth the eternal risk of dabbling with the dark side. 
Ben Godwin is the author of four books and he pastors the Goodsprings Full Gospel Church. His weekly telecast, The Word Workshop, airs on TV-16 and Charter Cable No. 10 on Mondays at 9 p.m. and Tuesdays at noon and live streams on His website is
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Monday, October 23, 2017

Dutch Sheets: Satan Is About to Get a Migraine as This Revelation Unfolds - CHARISMA NEWS

When the church steps into its calling, there will be an explosion of God's power. (Pexels/Tookapic)
I don't think we have ever seen the expression of the government of God on planet Earth at the level we are about to see it. I am not just talking about the American church. In fact, we have some work to do. I'm talking about the church worldwide that will be the full expression of the kingdom of God. The full representation of the King will be released on this earth through the ekklesia. As this revelation unfolds, everything will change. We are about to move into an outpouring of Holy Spirit that, for the first time since the book of Acts, involves a full expression of the five-fold nature of Jesus—apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher. All of these are about to be manifested through the church. I suspect that Satan has a migraine.
"And it will be that, afterwards, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; then your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions. Even on the menservants and maidservants in those days I will pour out My Spirit" (Joel 2:28-29).
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
  • Shout and praise, because when you live a fully sold-out life in Christ, you are giving Satan a migraine!
  • Call forth the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers and pray that they would fully operate together for the sake of kingdom advancement!
  • Pray for the full power-filled expression of these leadership gifts! Ask Him to increase any manifestations of these grace gifts in you!
  • Pray for a John 16 unity in the ekklesia that couples the gifts with the power of love for one another and ka-boom! Power explosion coming to America and the earth!
A prayer you can pray:
God, I shout my praises to You, for You are worthy of them! Hallelujah! Thank You, Jesus! To God be the glory and honor and majesty! Kingdom of God, come! Cause the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to come forth out of their preparation places. It's time to work together in the beauty of unity, so the reality of Jesus is seen in the U.S. and all around the world! Increase my own anointing and perfectly fit the gifts you've given me into the plan You have for my area to see Jesus! Amen.
Today's decree:
I decree that God is pouring out an end-times anointing on His Church to prophesy, dream dreams, see visions and reap a harvest that will cause the enemy no end of angst! 
Dutch Sheets is an internationally recognized author, teacher and conference speaker. He travels extensively, empowering believers for passionate prayer and societal transformation. Dutch has pastored, taught in several colleges and seminaries and served on the board of directors for numerous organizations. Dutch's greatest passion is to see America experience a sweeping revival and return to its godly heritage. He burns to see people find God's "dream" for them and tap into their destiny. Dutch is a messenger of hope for America, encouraging believers to contend for awakening in our day and reformation in our lifetime. Dutch has written over 20 books, many of which have been translated into over 30 languages. His international best-seller, Intercessory Prayer, has sold nearly 1 million copies worldwide.
This article originally appeared on
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Sunday, August 20, 2017

Spiritual Abuse, Angelic Assignments, 12 Critical Events to Happen over 40 Days...Charisma Media

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Monday, December 5, 2016

Putting the Holocaust Into Its Proper Context - OLIVIER MELNICK CHARISMA NEWS

The Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz. (Wikimedia Commons )

Putting the Holocaust Into Its Proper Context

Standing With Israel
We live at a time when Jewish people are being accused of dwelling unnecessarily on the memory of the Holocaust. But at the same time, we are seeing swastikas being painted on doors, walls and even tombstones across the globe.
Mahmoud Abbas was unanimously reelected as leader of Fatah, and the West is supposed to get excited about the man they believe could make peace with Israel. Let us not forget he is a Holocaust denier who wrote his thesis in 1982 on that very topic under the title "The Connection between the Nazis and the Leaders of the Zionist Movement."
Populist parties are gaining tremendous ground in Europe as the desire to stop and control the migrant crisis becomes a priority. With them, they bring the deep rooted European racial antisemitism we thought was defunct.
Only a couple of years ago on the streets of Paris, I heard people marching and chanting, "Jews to the ovens." It seems a lot of people are either denying the Holocaust, wanting another one or worse, are clueless about the first one.
I don't think we speak too much of the Holocaust, but we don't think about it in its proper context.
Scholars, philosophers, theologians and historians have all grappled with the Holocaust, trying to come to terms with the immensity of its evil in strength and scope. Some within classical Jewish religious thought believe the Holocaust was God's retribution or payback for Israel's sins. In other words, it was God's desire to discipline Israel for her sins and, as such, was part of God's plan all along.
The common name for it is Mi-penei hata ' einu (Hebrew for "because of our sins we were punished.") It refers to divine punishment for the sins of Israel. It is true that the Tenach is replete with stories about the sins of Israel and their consequential discipline from God.
Holocaust survivor and Nobel Prize laureate, Elie Wiesel, wrote in 1962 of the religious Jewish reaction to the Holocaust in Commentary Magazine: "The feeling of guilt was, to begin with, essentially a religious feeling. If I am here, it is because God is punishing me; I have sinned, and I am expiating my sins. I have deserved this punishment that I am suffering."
Wiesel, along with many others, feel that while the punishment inflicted by the Holocaust might not be proportionate to the sins committed by Israel, the two are related. Incidentally, if one believes that—as the Bible teaches—the price for our sins is death (Ezek. 18:4), then the Holocaust could be justified. But why would God wait almost 2,000 years to punish Israel, and why inflict pain and suffering on generations that are so far removed from the previous ones?
Others see Israel as the Suffering Servant of Is. 52:13-53:12. They will assign the suffering of the Holocaust to all Israel (all Jewish people.) Although it is beyond the scope of this article to discuss the meaning of Isaiah 53, let's state that this controversial passage definitely speaks of suffering, humiliation and death in no uncertain terms. But it can also refer to a person and not Israel as a whole. If indeed it refers to a person in particular, Yeshua of Nazareth is the only one who would fit that description, especially since toward the end of the passage, after humiliation, suffering and death comes resurrection.
Some speak of Hester Panim ("hiding of the face,") also known as "the eclipse of God." Ps. 44:23-24 speaks of God hiding His face: "Awake; why do You sleep, O Lord? Arise; do not reject us forever. Why do You hide Your face, and forget our affliction and our oppression?"
Was God absent during the Holocaust? From the standpoint of protecting the victims from suffering and death, it would certainly appear to be true. Each and every one of the six million innocent victims—if they could speak—would most likely testify of God's absence or lack of involvement.
Yet, when we speak of the eclipse of God, we must recall what an eclipse is all about: a visual disappearance while the physical presence remains. In other words, God might have been eclipsed or might have been hiding His face during the Holocaust, but He was always there and always within reach. Not only was He there, but He felt the pain of the victims as Isaiah 63:9a tells us: "In all their affliction He was afflicted, and the angel of His presence saved them; In His love and in His mercy He redeemed them."
Many religious people, Jewish and Gentile, wound up in the camps. If God was silent, some of His people weren't. The eclipse of God was not because He didn't care, but possibly because for a time, He removed Himself from the affairs of men, leaving the fate of many in the hands of a few. At the very least, He allowed for the Jewish people not to be under His protection, as He had done repeatedly in the long history of the children of Israel.
Isaiah tells us God cared as He suffered affliction for His people. Additionally, God took no pleasure in the death of the many. Even assuming Israel was being punished by the Holocaust for being wicked—a case that cannot be made with absolute certainty—the prophet Ezekiel speaks of God when he writes, "Say to them: As I live, says the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live" (Ezek. 33:11a).
The Holocaust prompted many Jews who survived the Holocaust to come to the conclusion that God is dead. Again Elie Wiesel, this time in his seminal work Night,depicts the agonizing hanging of a young boy:
"Where is God? Where is He?" someone behind me asked ... For more than half an hour [the child in the noose] stayed there, struggling between life and death, dying in slow agony under our eyes. And we had to look him full in the face. He was still alive when I passed in front of him. His tongue was still red, his eyes were not yet glazed. Behind me, I heard the same man asking: "Where is God now?" And I heard a voice within me answer him: "Where is He? Here He is—He is hanging here on this gallows."
But if God died during the Holocaust, why did it come to a halt in 1945? The Nazi war machine was well-oiled and extremely efficient. The liberation of the camps and the capitulation of Germany would militate towards God not being dead and, on the contrary, being instrumental in the end of World War II. This is also in line with His promise never to completely destroy Israel as found in Jeremiah (Jer. 31:35-37.)
I could continue to look at the Holocaust and wrestle further with causes for it. Regardless of how many approaches with come up with, we will most certainly come back to evil being at the core of the catastrophe.
This leads us to the problem of evil. The existence of evil in the world is a topic that is highly debated. Very few believe evil doesn't exist. The Holocaust and how low humanity could bring itself proved evil exists.
Hitler wasn't insane. Insanity would exonerate him of all responsibility for the so-called "Final Solution to the Jewish problem." But Hitler was pure evil. But even when we recognize that, the source of all evil must still be identified.
I don't believe we can properly do such a thing without building our case on a biblical foundation. Morality is based on the balance between good and evil, which is best brought forward by looking at what the Tenach says.
Good and evil cannot exist independently of one another, since one defines the other. Going back to the first book of the Tenach, Genesis, we find out that one of God's most special angels, Satan, rebelled against God and fell from grace. From that point on, he has been working very hard at hating what God loves and loving what God hates. That puts the Jewish people and Israel directly in his crosshairs.
Satan knows that through the Jewish people, more specifically through the tribe of Judah (Gen. 49:10), will come the Redeemer of mankind, the Messiah of Israel. His goal is to stop that from happening, because at some point in the future, Messiah will put an end to Satan's career, and he doesn't care for his retirement plan.
I am often asked if the birth of the modern state of Israel is a direct result of World War II and the Holocaust. I believe the answer is a resounding no. Rather, the Holocaust was an attempt by Satan to destroy the Jews right before they would start fulfilling one of God's most amazing prophecy about their return to their biblical land (Ezek. 36-38.)
There is no doubt in my mind that Satan was aware of the return of the Jews to Israel in the end times. He had to stop it, or at least try, thus the Holocaust. He used Pharaoh to try to stop Moses from being born, he used Herod to try to stop Yeshua from being born and he used Nazi Germany and Hitler to try to stop the Jews from moving back to Israel and fulfilling God's covenantal promises. Satan exploited the fact that the Jewish people weren't under God's protection and were more at the mercy of the nation to attempt their total eradication. He almost succeeded, but God is greater. Not only God is greater, but He is interested in every single soul that exists. God wants to draw them to Him, one soul at a time. 
So again, it is not that we speak too much of the Holocaust, but maybe that we speak of it in the wrong context. 
Olivier Melnick is the author of They Have Conspired Against You, a book on the rebirth of worldwide anti-Semitism and how to fight it, as well as the novel The Rabbi's Triad, an evangelistic thriller. He is also a guest commentator on WorldNetDaily, Times of Israel and other websites such as his blog site at Olivier serves as a Regional Director in Washington state. He also serves on the Board of Directors of Chosen People France.
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Monday, October 24, 2016

Mario Murillo: Gullible Christians are Helping to Kill America - CHARISMA NEWS

(Submitted Photo)

Mario Murillo: Gullible Christians are Helping to Kill America

Satan's masterstroke of deceiving, dividing and diluting Christians in America is now paying off.  He has fooled gullible Christians into helping kill America.
Millions of believers are blind to the disaster a Clinton presidency will be to their jobs, their church and their children.
They have been pickled by preaching that tells them Daddy with take care of everything, America will be okay no matter who you vote for.
Max Lucado is telling everyone that because God is on the throne, November 9th we will be fine.  History, the Bible, and the facts about Hillary Clinton refute this.
God was on the throne when Hitler rose to power.  God was on the throne when Stalin extinguished the hope of millions.
God is on the throne as Christians all over the world are being killing by radical Islam.
God is looking for heroes to rise up and—by His power—intervene to save America.  He uses people.
If Hillary wins, we will not be fine on November 9th.  The Bible says, "Proverbs 29: 2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked person rules, the people groan."  Prepare for years and years of groaning if she wins.
James Riley said:  "Texas pastor Max Lucado leads what he calls a 'red state' church, but Max has a maxim:  "I don't want anybody to know how I vote."  Max does this to make sure the Democratic voters in his church, the ones who support abortion on demand, Islamo-pandering, and class warfare are not made to feel uncomfortable. However, Max recently broke his neutrality pledge...  According to Max:
'I would not have said anything about Mr. Trump, never — I would never have said anything if he didn't call himself a Christian. It'd be none of my business whatsoever to make any comments about his language, his vulgarities, his slander of people, but I was deeply troubled ... that here's a man who holds up a Bible one day, and calls a lady "bimbo" the next.'
Think on that for a moment. Max closes his eyes to another "Christian," Barack Obama, who stands foursquare for the slaughter of millions of unborn babies, at your expense, but Donald Trump called a lady a "bimbo?"
Evangelist Beth Moore has also decided to help Hillary.  "Beth Moore is standing in the gap for Hillary.  Beth Moore is breaking away from fellow evangelical leaders/speakers who stand with Donald Trump, saying she can no longer do so after hearing the 2005 recording of his off-the-record conversation with Billy Bush.  Moore suggested that Trump's words from 11 years ago highlight how men are "objectifying" women today, and she made clear that she will not support Trump over it. She issued a number of tweets on the topic, not one of which criticized Hillary Clinton for the way she has treated the women who allege Bill Clinton sexually assaulted them — women like Paula Jones and Juanita Broaddrick." -Awr Hawkins, Britebart News.
The fact is, neither Max nor Beth have said anything about Bill and Hillary Clinton.  So, where is their Christianity when it comes to protecting America from tyranny?
Beth, what is your opinion of Hillary enabling a rapist?  Or her laughing at a 12-year-old girl that was raped?  Why aren't you talking about that?  Is Hillary wins, Bill Clinton will be immoral in the White House...General Colin Powell said, "Bill is still —–ing bimbos."  What kind of a role model is that for men?
Max, Hillary said she will force religion to change its beliefs.  What are you doing to protect the sheep from that?
Eric Metaxas said, "if Hillary Clinton is elected, the country's chance to have a Supreme Court that values the Constitution—and the genuine liberty and self-government for which millions have died—is gone. Not for four years, or eight, but forever."
Instead of raising up an informed electorate who could vote as a moral bloc, the modern pulpit has created gullible Christians—Christians who are about to help Hillary push the nation over a cliff.
Is the motive  really about women and love of people? Or is it—once again, political correctness?  Are popular leaders wanting to look good to outsiders—hedging their bet that Hillary is going to win—and they will escape the wrath of the new order.  Are they living in denial about the evil that will befall America once she is in the White House?
One of the most amazing and revealing statements Trump ever made—he made to pastors.  The asked them why they let the country get in this condition when—all along—they had the power to get what they wanted.
He told them that there are 50 million of you, and if you had worked together you could have elected everything from city councilmen, to state Assemblymen, to Congressmen and presidents.  He is painfully correct.  That is not just a statement of our influence but of our responsibility.
We could stop this insanity if we unified against real—not imagined evil.  If we could see our real duty in this election–if we could get over our false sensibilities and hurt feelings...we could save the country.  The great heroes of our faith, who witnessed tyranny would grab us and shake to our core if they saw our apathy and naiveté in the face of this threat.
I am not fretting over the fate of Christianity.  I am fretting over my nation.  I know Christianity will survive without America, but America will not survive without Christianity. you have known it will not survive Hillary Clinton.
Mario Murillo is a California-based evangelist and an author.
This article was originally published at Used with permission.
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