Specific Direction is Coming from Heaven
by Lana Vawser
Identity Network
He is coming with GREAT DIRECTION! Make sure you are PAYING ATTENTION!
"Your ears will hear a word behind you, 'This is the way, walk in it,' whenever you turn to the right or to the left." Isaiah 30:21
No matter what may be attempting to lead you off track, stay close to the Father's heart and lean in, KNOWING that HE is leading you, has gone before you, and you will NOT stumble and fall as you continue to draw closer to Him.
You will see things that are rising up against you, falling to the wayside. You will see things that aren't coming into alignment with heaven's blueprints and plans over your life, will fall to the wayside.
"Trust in the Lord completely, and not on your own opinions, but with all your heart rely on Him to guide you, and He will lead you in all the decisions you make. Become intimate with Him, in whatever you do, and He will lead you wherever you go." Proverbs 3:5-6 - The Passion Translation
Angelic Visitations
Pay attention to what the Spirit is revealing and leading. I saw angels being released in increase holding COMPASSES in their hands and they were coming to the people of God with specific instructions. When they came to the people of God before the directions were revealed there was an alignment happening.
I saw these angels hold the compasses up to the hearts of the people of God and the arrow would indicate their "true north." If the arrow was out of alignment of the true north being HIM, those who were feeling lost, bewildered, confused, hurt, broken and had lost their depth of intimacy with Jesus, suddenly the vision changed and Jesus came to these ones and began to dance with them with such love and affection towards them.
There was such a wooing taking place, a deeper invitation into intimacy and as they danced, I watched the arrows come back to true north. His love and kindness was bringing a beautiful alignment to His people and then once the alignment had shifted back to intimacy, these angelic hosts then back to release direction.
There was such a wooing taking place, a deeper invitation into intimacy and as they danced, I watched the arrows come back to true north. His love and kindness was bringing a beautiful alignment to His people and then once the alignment had shifted back to intimacy, these angelic hosts then back to release direction.
For others that were on true north, these angelic hosts were handing them these compasses and these ones were then lead into greater realms of revelation of His Word and who He is, which will then unlock new doors in the natural.
Specific Direction is Coming - Ask for Wisdom
Specific direction is coming from heaven. Lean in. Do not forsake asking the Lord for wisdom. He will freely grant it and the wisdom He releases will bring life to you and all that you touch.
Continue to worship and adore Him and great wisdom will be poured out upon you that will bring breakthrough, and as you walk in His wisdom and integrity there will be refreshment and healing in many bodies. In the encounters with His wisdom in worship, walking close to Him, bodies are being healed.
"For wisdom comes when you adore Him with awe and wonder, and avoid everything that's wrong - for then you will find the healing refreshment your body and spirit longs for." Proverbs 3:7 - The Passion Translation
Those who operate in the wisdom of God will see all they place their heads upon turn to gold and will stand out in the world and attract those of great influence which will then see networks and partnerships for happen to bring shifts in atmospheres into the world for the Kingdom and Glory of God.
Trust in the Lord! Trust Him, even when you don't understand. Let Him lead you and guide you and follow His specific direction.
These specific directions are being released now to equip the people of God, to stretch, grow and promote the people of God. Ears must be tune to Him and as you follow His specific instruction, you will see you are being lead into greater realms of breakthrough, revelation and life.
Do not be anxious, do not stress. Trust Him completely. He has your best interests at heart! He has specific counsel and wisdom, He is about to impart. Just ask! :)
Lana Vawser
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