Not A Numbers Game
Now Think On This
Steve Martin
“Make me grasp, Adonai, what my end must be, what it means that my days are numbered; (Psalm 39:5, Complete Jewish Bible)
On September 21, 2017 (based on the solar Gregorian calendar), Rosh Hashanah began at sundown on the Jewish lunar calendar. That day was the 1st of Tishrei, 5778. I have seen several articles written on the meaning of the new Hebrew year 5778, and find them all very fascinating.
The Lord our God is very, very detailed in all His ways. Just looking at the solar system, the formation of the earth itself, and then the created body that each one of us has - what an amazing Creator He is! As the Psalms’ verse has been written, our days are numbered. He knows every second of every hour of every day of every year. He knows the numbers.
You and I can rest in the fact that He has His hand on everything, and as we put our continual trust in Him, He will make Himself more fully known and show us just how He has all of our ways He directs us in are certainly in good order.
Being a numbers guy, an accountant by trade, I pay attention to time, clocks, watches and calendars. My home ministry office has a shelf dedicated to clocks! (Just ask my good wife.)
In any given day, I am watching (no pun intended) to see when events happen, what prophetic meaning they have, and what the Lord is saying through them. He is speaking all the time to us through these time-tracking pieces, and we are wise if we discern what He is declaring. Sometimes what He is telling us is very loud and clear – through nature around us. Sometimes He speaks in a mystery, wanting us to search out further that which He is sharing with us.
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Are you aware of any acceleration in your life?
Here is just one example in my walk I want to tell you about, to demonstrate the acceleration I believe we are living in. It is very simple, but at the same time, I believe it is a demonstration of what the Lord is doing in my life, and in many lives around the world.
In 2010, during the very early days of Love For His People, I started the blog of the same name. In that year I had a total of 24 posts, with less than 500 page views. Wow! I was excited. It then took until December 30, 2014, to reach 500,000 (four years later).
On Sunday, March 27, 2016, the page views total reached 1 million, taking just one year and three months to reach the second mark of 500,000, for a total of five years and three months to reach the million plateau. What was to be noted about this was that it occurred on that special Sunday on the Christian calendar - Resurrection Day! Again, I was excited!
On January 30, 2017, the blog page views reached 1,500,000. This time it had taken only nine months to reach this level, since the million mark was surpassed. Time and counts were speeding up. The hand of the Lord was upon this.
On September 20, 2017, when the sun had barely gone down in Jerusalem to start the new year, 5778, on Rosh Hashanah (Yom Teruah), the blog page views surpassed the 2,000,000 mark. I was at my accounting job and was able to watch the count every so often to see when it crossed that line. It did so at 2 pm (Charlotte, North Carolina EDT), 9 pm Jerusalem time. That mark had come just eight months later since reaching 1,500,000 before.
While it took five years and three months to reach the first million, from 2010 to early 2016, it had taken only one year and six months later on September 20, 2017, the Jewish New Year start at sundown in Jerusalem, to reach the second million mark.
As you can see, I was able to record all of these snapshots of numbers on the website when they had occurred in time.
While it took five years and three months to reach the first million, from 2010 to early 2016, it had taken only one year and six months later on September 20, 2017, the Jewish New Year start at sundown in Jerusalem, to reach the second million mark.
To some, this may seem trite, or just some math fan coming up with another numbers game. But to me, it is the Lord again reaffirming His plans that He is working out, faster and faster, as getting the Gospel out to the nations is at the top of His list.
Many are now able to see more quickly what is happening, primarily through the Internet, using smart phones and all mobile devices as soon as it happens, almost anywhere in the world. That in itself is a fulfillment of prophecy.
Many are now able to see more quickly what is happening, primarily through the Internet, using smart phones and all mobile devices as soon as it happens, almost anywhere in the world. That in itself is a fulfillment of prophecy.
This increasingly fast-moving time-line of the Lord is being fulfilled just as He had Daniel record these Scriptural words centuries ago.
“When that time comes, Mikha’el, the great prince who champions your people, will stand up; and there will be a time of distress unparalleled between the time they became a nation and that moment. At that time, your people will be delivered, everyone whose name is found written in the book. Many of those sleeping in the dust of the earth will awaken, some to everlasting life and some to everlasting shame and abhorrence.
But those who can discern will shine like the brightness of heaven’s dome, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.
“But you, Dani’el, keep these words secret, and seal up the book until the time of the end. Many will rush here and there as knowledge increases." (emphasis added, Daniel 12:1-4, Complete Jewish Bible)
I trust you are watching and waiting, but also sharing at the same time the Good News to those who believers needing the encouragement found in this hope, and to those who need to know the Savior Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Shalom and ahava (peace and love in Hebrew).
Now think on this,
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
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Now Think On This - in the Year of our Lord 09.21.17 - #316 – “Not A Numbers Game” – Thursday 5:55 am