Showing posts with label crucifixion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crucifixion. Show all posts

Friday, February 19, 2016

RISEN Official Trailer - In Theaters Feb 2016

Official Trailer 
- In Theaters Feb 2016

RISEN: THE MOVIE. Rich Peluso Hollywood Producer glorifies Jesus Christ. Joseph Fiennes stars as Roman Centurion eyewitness of Christ's resurrection.

Published on Apr 30, 2015
Witness one of the most important events in human history through the eyes of a nonbeliever. Risen is a depiction of events surrounding Christ's missing body after his crucifixion.

Subscribe to Sony Pictures for exclusive content:

Cast: Tom Felton, Cliff Curtis, Joseph Fiennes

Friday, February 12, 2016

Uncovered Ancient Fresco Shows 'Jesus Rising to the Sky' - CBN News

Uncovered Ancient Fresco Shows 
'Jesus Rising to the Sky'

Turkish archaeologists have found a 5th century underground church with artwork showing scenes of Jesus rising into the sky.
"This place is even bigger than the other historical churches in Cappadocia. It was built underground and has original frescoes that have survived to this day," mayor of Nevsehir, Hasan Unver, told Hurriyet Daily News.
"There are exciting depictions like fish falling from the hand of Jesus Christ, him rising up into the sky, and the bad souls being killed. When the church is completely revealed, Cappadocia could become an even bigger pilgrimage center of Orthodoxy," Unver said.
The church was discovered as archeaologists are excavating the world's largest known underground city. The city was found in December 2014 and consists of about 3.5 miles of tunnels, churches, and escape galleries dating back around 5,000 years.
The newly discovered church is estimated to have been built in the 5th century A.D.
"We have stopped work in order to protect the wall paintings and the church. When the weather gets warmer in the spring, we will wait for humidity to evaporate and then we will start removing the earth," archaeologist Ali Aydin was quoted as saying.
Aydin said they hope to discover even more original paintings as the earth is removed.
Five other churches have previously been discovered in the same underground city. It is believed that early Christians used the city to hide during the persecution of Christians after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Arms of Love - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Arms of Love
Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.”
John 15:13, NKJV)

Do you need a hug today? It sure would be nice to give you one right now.

When I receive prayer requests from my beloved friends in Jerusalem, Sweden, Pakistan, India, and even right here in the USA from my best friend in Peru, Illinois, sometimes I just wish I could go to them and give them a big hug. Just to let them know that they are not alone; that the Lord Jesus is not only their Savior and Redeemer, but that He has also given others for them, to share His immense heart of love and compassion with them.

He has created us with loving arms – to wrap around others as He Himself does.

Generally I am not a hugger as much as I’d like to be. I guess it has something to do with growing up. Coming from a family of eight kids, just getting the daily jobs done and the home managed was quite a bit for Mom and Dad in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Weariness, and all that goes with it, doesn’t always allow for giving out a bunch of hugs. (But Mom sure does give them now. Thanks Mom! Dad has passed onto glory.)

As a father myself, even with our own four children, I regret that I didn’t give out the hugs I am sure they wanted, and needed, as they grew up. I do pray that what they missed out on then has now been received, as they walk in faith and love with their Lord Jesus, and have much to share with their own.

As a husband, I am also aware that I don’t give as many hugs as my good wife would love to have. But thank God that by His everlasting grace I am still working on that, even after all these 38 years.

In years gone by, when Laurie and I led worship at various Charlotte, NC church and ministry gatherings, we would sing a song from Vineyard Music called Arms of Love (see lyrics below). It is a very simple song, and yet it grips the heart when you hear of the Lord’s love, and how He so often wants to wrap us up in His arms of love.

You see, one can have these as you give of yourself to those in need, and whom you care about. When Jesus came to earth - to walk among us, experience all that we too would go through, and then in death gave us the opportunity to experience eternal life by His sacrificial blood poured out - He demonstrated what love is all about. We are to lay down our life for our friends, and to others whom He gives us.

Yeshua wrapped His loving arms around the whole world as He hung on the tree, stretched out, fully exposed, suffering a torturous death in order that you and I could have life. As Jesus obeyed the Eternal Father, by abiding in His love, He poured out His precious, cleansing blood, while graphically revealing the abundant love He bore in His heart. His blood now covers our sins, and redeems us.

His life lived among us was given because He loves us so much, and desires that we not perish in hell, but abide forever with Him in His heavenly home. That is what love is all about. Even Charlie Brown knows that.

My prayer for you today is that you know of your Father’s loving arms, that you experience a true friend who also does, and that together they would wrap their arms around you at those times you desperately need a hug.

The Lord doesn’t leave us alone to face that which often comes our way. He not only has given us Himself, but desires to place us in a spiritual family to walk with, together laying our lives down for one another, and sharing His arms of love with the world.

He loves you. He really does.

Go share His love, and hug someone today. Wrap your loving arms around them.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

P.S. We sure could use your help to bless the families we do in Israel, India, Pakistan, Vietnam and the hurting ones here in the USA. Please give out of the abundance you have been given.

I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

In May, 2016, my wife Laurie and I will be traveling to Israel to spend time with our friends. We support them in word and deed. We have our plane tickets in hand. We support Israel.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

Click here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards: Love For His People. If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box414   Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #203 “Arms of Love” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2015 (11.08.15) Sunday at 6:00 am in Charlotte, NC

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

Arms of Love, Vineyard

I sing a simple song of love
To my Savior, to my Jesus
I'm grateful for the things You've done
My loving Savior, oh precious Jesus
My heart is glad that
You called me Your own
There's no place I'd rather be

Than in Your arms of love
In Your arms of love
Holding me still
Holding me near in Your arms of love

CCLI Song Number 824481
Author(s): Craig Musseau

Copyright: 1991 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing, Vineyard Songs Canada

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

RISEN Official Trailer #2 - January 2016

Published on Aug 28, 2015

This January, witness one of the most important events in human history through the eyes of a nonbeliever. Risen is a depiction of events surrounding Christ's missing body after his crucifixion.

Subscribe to Sony Pictures for exclusive content:

Cast: Tom Felton, Cliff Curtis, Joseph Fiennes

Monday, April 6, 2015

Jim Caviezel - Inspirational video - "Passion of the Christ"

Jim Caviezel interview with Dave Cooper.

Published on Apr 4, 2013
Jim Caviezal speaks with Dave Cooper. Listen to his story and message - it is one for us all...

Friday, February 6, 2015

Jesus' Words Backed by Archaeology: The Stones Are Crying Out

Jesus' Words Backed by Archaeology: The Stones Are Crying Out

A burial cave in Jerusalem
A burial cave in Jerusalem (YouTube)

A few years ago, people exploring caves outside Jerusalem came across the find of a lifetime: an ancient burial cave containing the remains of a crucified man. This find is only one in a series of finds that overturns a century-old scholarly consensus.
That consensus held that the Gospels are almost entirely proclamation and contain little, if any, real history. The remains belonged to a man who had been executed in the first century A.D., that is, from the time of Jesus.
As Jeffrey Sheler writes in his book Is the Bible True? the skeleton confirms what the evangelists wrote about Jesus' death and burial in several important ways.
First, location—scholars had long doubted the biblical account of Jesus' burial. They believed that crucified criminals were tossed in a mass grave and then devoured by wild animals. But this man, a near contemporary of Jesus, was buried in the same way the Bible says Jesus was buried.
Then there's the physical evidence from the skeleton. The man's shinbones appeared to have been broken. This confirms what John wrote about the practice of Roman executioners. They would break the legs of the crucified to hasten death, something from which Jesus, already dead, was spared.
This point is particularly noteworthy, since scholars have long dismissed the details of John's Passion narrative as theologically motivated embellishments. Another part of John's Gospel that archaeology has recently corroborated is the story of Jesus healing the lame man in John 5.
John describes a five-sided pool just inside the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem where the sick came to be healed. Since no other document of antiquity—including the rest of the Bible—mentions such a place, skeptics have long argued that John simply invented the place. But as Sheler points out, when archaeologists decided to dig where John said that the pool had been located, they found a five-sided pool. What's more, the pool contained shrines to the Greek gods of healing.
Apparently John didn't make up the pool after all. The dismissal of biblical texts without bothering to dig points to a dirty little secret about a lot of scholarly opinion: Much of the traditional suspicion of the biblical text can only be called a prejudice.
That is, it's a conclusion arrived at before one has the facts. Scholars long assumed that the Bible, like other documents of antiquity, was essentially propaganda, what theologian Rudolf Bultmann called "kerygma" or proclamation.
But this prejudice does an injustice to biblical faith. Central to that faith are history and memory.
Christians believe that God has acted, and continues to act, in history. For us, remembering what God has done is an act of worship—something that brings us closer to God.
Thus, while these discoveries in the desert may come as a surprise to some skeptics, they're no surprise to Christians. While archeology alone cannot bring a person to faith, these finds are an eloquent argument for not dismissing the truth of Scripture before at least examining the evidence, because, as we are learning every day, Jesus meant it when He said, "The very stones will cry out."

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sharing Love From Sweden - THE DEEPEST LOVE by Eva Haglund


I send you many greetings from Stockholm!

Thank you for starting the ministry " Love For His People". This is good and means much! 

Thank you for blessing Israel and the Jewish people!

I read the blog every day. There are many good things you put there and write! You put beautiful pictures from nature. I like to read prophetical things. You put several things as are encouraging there also.

Please pray for me. I pray for you and Laurie! I want to listen to you singing some this evening at YouTube. I like it very much!



Sometimes people wonder if God loves them. There is no need to doubt that because God IS love and He made us because of love. 

His love is not based what we do but because He choose to love us. In John 3:16 is written that SO loved God the world that He gave His Son, that whoever believe in Him will not perish but have eternal love.

We cannot do anything to be more loved. We are already loved by God.
Salvation is not given because we are working to be perfect. We can just be saved by grace because Jesus died for us for our sins and you receive Jesus. 

Jesus, who was King in heaven, did not come as a hard leader. He came as a humble leader willing to serve as a servant. The purpose was not that He had to serve. He did it because He wanted to demonstrate His love. He showed us how to wash each other's feet. In the Body of Christ by showing care for each other much in friendship guided by God. 

Jesus preached with His life the heart of God - a heart full of love and compassion and who cares. Jesus showed much life. He did not just talk beautiful words but showed love.

In James is it written, "What does it profit, brethren if someone says he has faith but does not have works?"

Jesus could have chosen to stay in heaven. It had been MUCH more comfortable. He did not have to come to the earth and suffer. But He CHOSE it because of His love.  Abba - our heavenly Daddy could have closed His eyes when we fell in sin.

Instead our Daddy did everything He could for us. His heart was crushed by His love to us and He wanted to do everything for us. The most precious He had was His son. He know there were no other way for people to get saved than to send His Son. He had pain in His heart when He had to see His Son suffer like His precious Lamb.

Abraham did not have to sacrifice his son but Abba - our Daddy in heaven gave everything for us. It really showed a heart of a father - a daddy who loves. He loved us so much.

Jesus was led as a lamb to the slaughter Isaiah 53:7. He did not come to the earth to make a position. He did not come to be like a king in honor, ruling in a hard way.

He did not come to win honor. He did not choose to be popular and rich and people screaming on a scene when they saw Him. He came in humility like a servant can be or humble like a child depending on a parent.

In His love He chose to be badly treated if that was the cost to save and rescue others.

This was real love. Isaiah 53 showed the heart of the father. It is a beautiful scripture showing Jesus love to us. It gives us a picture of Jesus. I sometimes sing from this scripture because I think it is wonderful showing who Jesus really is, showing His love.

Who has suffered like Jesus? Many people suffer today.

The One who has suffered most is Jesus. Even before the cross He suffered very much. He was mocked as king of the Jews. He was mocked as prophet. His friends left Him and one betrayed Him just before the terrible suffering at the cross.

Jesus had so much agony in Gethsemane because He knew before that it was a terrible pain He had to suffer. That is why He had so much agony - the biggest agony but ANYWAY He chose to go this way of suffering.

 He was scourged and people put a red robe and a crown of thorns to show their hate. People people shouted "Crucify". This was a price a prophet can have to pay - sufferings and to be rejected.

Jesus  was a REAL prophet and God's Son. He payed the price. He was willing to suffer for truth and loves sake. Jesus chose to show love when it was very difficult.  He chose to suffer when it was necessary for the sheep.

It is written in 1 Cor 13 that "love does not seek it's own."

We can have suffered much but compared with Jesus sufferings it is just a glimpse because His suffering for us was so big. We do not understand how big it was.

He really was ready to suffer  because of His love.

The greatest love was shown at Calvary when Jesus had so much pain for us nailed at His hands and feet. The greatest suffering preached the greatest love anyone has showed.

Yeshua gave everything for us at the cross because He LOVES us so much!

The COST for the sheep was the CROSS -  His deepest love.

Eva Haglund


Friday, April 18, 2014

Overwhelming Heart - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Overwhelming Heart
by Steve Martin

“Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2, NASU

Has your heart ever been so full that it almost seems that you can’t bear taking in anymore? It is as a Mom’s love for her newborn baby, wanting to hold the child so close to her chest after the nine months of womb time. Or the father, so proud of his son and daughter for sticking it out, when anyone else would have given up the training at their age. Or the grandma’s joy for seeing the grandchild, whom she had prayed for diligently those long years, and make the right decision that would set a good course in the next ones.

My heart sometimes seems to get overwhelmed when I pray for nations, especially the people of Israel. I just want to grab hold of someone there and let some of that emotion and love flow out of me into them, right then.

All of these are wonderful experiences. It is a measurable release of the Father’s love for us, expressed through us, to those around us. Someday we will actually see Him in person, and realize the awesome vastness of His beating heart.

Every Good Friday, when we take the time to again try to fathom the Son’s love for His Father, and how that love was then expressed for all for us, we can imagine more of that reality demonstrated in a most powerful way. As we watch films trying to depict the brutal beating, the senseless Roman scouring, the rugged path to the death hill, finishing it off with the final three nails hammered into His already bleeding hands and feet during the crucifixion execution, it has to awaken something further in our hearts for the Savior.

I believe Yeshua (Jesus) knew some of the agony He would go through beforehand, but even as He sweated blood in Gethsemane, the pain that would be slashing through the nerves of His human flesh was going to be overwhelming. And yet His heart of love, which itself would burst within Him at the end, had to already have been prepared to go through it all. His overwhelming love was able to complete the required mission to the end. Knowing the finish line result would make this worth it - freedom for us from sin and our rightful eternal damnation. Otherwise that would be our judgment sentence if not for the perfect sacrifice of His blood.

I believe this resulting purpose of setting the captives free, freeing us from the bondage of death, and later having us join Him with His Father and now ours, was the joy set before Him. Doing it all for you and I, so we could spend eternity in heaven with them, fulfilled the purpose of His coming to earth the first time as Messiah, the Sacrificial Lamb. His overwhelming heart for the nations - to be with us.

So next time you sense your own heart becoming filled to the point of explosion, know that it is a partial touch from Him, as He shares His love through you. May our hearts grow even bigger, so we can express more of Him to a world needing all of Him.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin

Love For His People. Inc.
Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

Go here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH  OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards: Love For His People If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box414   Pineville, NC 28134
Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #143 “Overwhelming Heart” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (04.18.14) Good Friday at 4:30 pm in Charlotte, NC.

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on our newest website: Now Think On This

Jesus (Yeshua) Died For Our Sins So We Could Live With Him In Eternity. Thus it is a GOOD FRIDAY!

He came the first time 
as the Lamb of God, 
the Suffering Servant.

When He returns 
He will come as the 
Lion of Judah!