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The rapid decline of the markets last week got the attention of the entire world, but of course this current financial crisis did not begin last week. (Reuters)
Bear Market: The Average U.S. Stock Already Down More Than 20 Percent
The stock market is in far worse shape than we are being told.
As you will see in this article, the average U.S. stock is already down more than 20 percent from the peak of the market. But of course the major indexes are not down nearly that much.
As the week begins, the S&P 500 is down 9.8 percent from its 2015 peak, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is down 10.7 percent from its 2015 peak, and the Nasdaq is down 11.0 percent from its 2015 peak. So if you only look at those indexes, you would think that we are only about halfway to bear market territory. Unfortunately, a few high flying stocks such as Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google have been masking a much deeper decline for the rest of the market.
When the market closed on Friday, 229 of the stocks on the S&P 500 were down at least 20 percent from their 52-week highs, and when you look at indexes that are even broader, things are even worse.
For example, let's take a look at the Standard & Poor's 1500 index. According to the Bespoke Investment Group, the average stock on that index is down a staggering 26.9 percent from the peak of the market:
Indeed, the Standard & Poor's 1500 index—a broad basket of large, mid and small company stocks—shows that the average stock's distance from its 52-week high is 26.9 percent, according to stats compiled by Bespoke Investment Group through Friday's close.
"That's bear market territory!" says Paul Hickey, co-founder of Bespoke Investment Group, the firm that provided USA TODAY with the gloomy price data.
So if the average stock has fallen 26.9 percent, what kind of market are we in?
To me, that is definitely bear market territory.
The rapid decline of the markets last week got the attention of the entire world, but of course this current financial crisis did not begin last week. These stocks have been falling since the middle part of last year. And what Bespoke Investment Group discovered is that small cap stocks have been hurt the most by this current downturn:
Here's a statistical damage assessment, provided by Bespoke Investment Group, of the pain being felt by the average U.S. stock in the S&P 1500 index:
* Large-company stocks in the S&P 500 index are down 22.6 percent, on average, from peaks hit in the past 12 months.
* Mid-sized stocks in the S&P 400 index are sporting an average decline of 26.5 percent since hitting 52-week highs.
* Small stocks in the S&P 600 index are the furthest distance away from their recent peaks. The average small-cap name is 30.7 percent below its high in the past year.
After looking at those numbers, is there anyone out there that still wants to try to claim that "nothing is happening"?
Over the past six months or so, the sector that has been hit the hardest has been energy. According to CNN, the average energy stock has now fallen 52 percent:
And then there's energy. The dramatic decline in crude oil prices rocked the energy space. The average energy stock is now down a whopping 52 percent from its 52-week high, according to Bespoke. The only thing worse than that is small-cap energy, which is down 61 percent.
If you go up to an energy executive and try to tell him that "nothing is happening," you might just get punched in the face.
And it is very important to keep in mind that stocks still have a tremendous distance to fall. They are still massively overvalued by historical standards, and this is something that I have covered repeatedly on my website in recent months.
So how far could they ultimately fall?
Well, Dr. John Hussman is convinced that we could eventually see total losses in the 40-55 percent range:
I remain convinced that the U.S. financial markets, particularly equities and low-grade debt, are in a late-stage top formation of the third speculative bubble in 15 years.
On the basis of the valuation measures most strongly correlated with subsequent market returns (and that have fully retained that correlation even across recent market cycles), current extremes imply 40-55 percent market losses over the completion of the current market cycle, with zero nominal and negative real total returns for the S&P 500 on a 10-to-12-year horizon.
These are not worst-case scenarios, but run-of-the-mill expectations.
If the market does fall about 40 percent, that will just bring us into the range of what is considered to be historically "normal." If some sort of major disaster or emergency were to strike, it could potentially push the market down much, much farther.
And with each passing day, we get even more numbers that seem to indicate that we are entering a very, very deep global recession.
For instance, global trade numbers are absolutely collapsing. This is a point that Raoul Pal hammered home during an interview with CNBC just the other day:
Looking at International Monetary Fund data, "the year-over-year change in global exports is at the second lowest level since 1958," Raoul Pal, Publisher of the Global Macro Investor told CNBC's "Fast Money" this week.
Basically, it means economies around the world are shipping their goods at near historically low levels. "Something massive is going on in the global economy and people are missing it," Pal added.
The steep decline in 2015 exports is second only to 2009, when the global recession led to a 37 percent drop in export growth.
We have never seen global exports collapse this much outside of a recession.
Clearly we are witnessing a tremendous shift, and it boggles my mind that more people cannot see it.
As for this current wave of financial turmoil, it is hard to say how long it will last. As I write this article, markets all over the Middle East are imploding, stocks in Asia are going crazy, currencies are crashing and carry trades are being unwound at a staggering pace. But at some point, we should expect the level of panic to subside a bit.
If things do temporarily calm down, don't let that fool you. Global financial markets have not been this fragile since 2008. Any sort of a trigger event is going to cause stocks all over the world to slide even more.
And let us not minimize the damage that has already been done one bit. As you just read, the average stock on the Standard & Poor's 1500 index is already down 26.9 percent. The financial crisis that erupted during the second half of 2015 has already resulted in trillions of dollars of wealth being wiped out.
When people ask me when the "next financial crisis" is coming, I have a very simple answer for them.
The next financial crisis is not coming.
The next financial crisis is already here.
An angry bear has been released after nearly seven years of hibernation, and the entire world is going to be absolutely shocked by what happens next.
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Is America about ready to hit the canvas? (iStock photo )
Is America About to Be Knocked to the Mat?
9/27/2015 Jon Jones charisma news
Editorial note:The Bible says "now we see through a glass, dimly" (1 Cor. 13:12), indicating that looking at the future is never clear. We at Charisma Media feel that prophecies from respected leaders should be considered and discerned even though they sometimes disagree with what others are seeing.
By Jon Jones
Over the next several years, the world is going to experience upheaval, turmoil and extremely hard times in governments, economies throughout the world and in geophysical realms. These things will not come all at once, but will come upon the earth similar to a boxing match.
In the first rounds of most boxing matches, the blows delivered by each fighter are absorbed. However, eventually a blow comes that, because of the previous blows, will cause a fighter to fall to the mat.
During a fight there are times of reprieve. We have been experiencing a reprieve and will experience more of those times in the future. Eventually, the ability of the fighter to absorb the punches diminishes and the final punch is delivered, resulting in a knockout.
For many years now, our country has been able to absorb numerous punches, but we are now entering the later rounds of the match. Punches that were absorbed in the early rounds are about to come again. This time, those punches will not be as easily absorbed. America is about to be knocked down to the mat.
In Acts 2, the Holy Spirit comes to the believers, fulfilling what Jesus said in John 16:7-11. In Acts 2:14, Following this encounter with the Holy Spirit, we find Peter speaking to the people, explaining what is happening. Peter refers back to a prophetic word by the prophet Joel, speaking of a time when God would pour out His Spirit on all flesh.
At the time of Joel's writing, the Holy Spirit would rest upon a few men or women who would then prophesy, declaring things God had revealed to them about people, nations, armies, weather, famines and other things. This passage establishes that we are in the last days and, when His Spirit is poured out on us today, we can receive revelation from God.
This revelation can come in the form of a predictive warning, direction regarding decisions and many other things. However, the most important result of prophecy is described in 1 Corinthians 2:1-4. Here we find Paul explaining that his "message and preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God."
Prophecy is a physical manifestation of a spiritual gift confirming to the hearer the message of Jesus and the cross. It demonstrates the reality of a sovereign God who interacts and communicates with His creation, which separates Christianity from all other religions.
In 1 Corinthians 14, we find examples of how prophecy is used in combination with the preaching of the gospel. In summary, as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 2:2, this is about Jesus Christ. Based on this foundation, I would like to share some things that have been revealed to me regarding what is coming in the near future.
We Prophesy in Part
Scripture is clear that prophetic revelation coming from a single individual will not paint the full picture. First Corinthians 13:9 says, "For we know in part and we prophesy in part." Prophetic words have three parts: revelation (prophetic word), interpretation (meaning of the revelation) and application (what, if any, action should be taken and when, or if this should take place).
We are also told in 1 Corinthians 14:29 that we should "let two or three prophets speak, and let the others judge." These revelations should be considered prayerfully and brought before the Lord for discernment.
On June 24, 2013, I had a dream that I titled "The Redo of 2008." The dream revealed to me that our country was going to experience economic troubles similar to what happened in 2008. The difference is that the intensity and depth of the troubles will be greater and affect more people.
During the crash of 2008, there were many people who did not immediately feel the effects of the crash. Unless you were an investor in the markets or an employee who lost a job, life may not have been much different than before the crash. This time it will be different. While there will still be some who will not be affected, many more will feel the effects of the economic challenges that lay ahead.
I also believe that the "Redo of 2008" will carry over into other areas to include political, governmental and geophysical events. Many of the mistakes and actions to solve the problems that took place in 2008 will be attempted again. But unlike last time, those solutions will not be as effective.
On May 3, 2015, I had a dream that I titled "The Unprepared and the Unaffected." The dream revealed that during the next phase all economic classes would experience varying degrees of hardship. Some will notice little change and will be in a position to help others, while some who could have prepared did not and will need help.
I want to stress that the fall of 2015 will only be the beginning of economic turmoil. The economic shifting that is coming will continue to increase and intensify, eventually affecting the entire world in the years to come. As was illustrated in the boxing analogy, there will be short periods of reprieve, but we are entering into a historical time that will result in great change for people throughout the world.
The Doors of August 2015 through January 2016
On April 5, 2015, I had a prophetic vision that I will share with you just as I received it. While some of the things revealed seem to have an obvious fulfillment, other aspects are open to interpretation.
In the vision, I found myself in a long hallway with many doors. Each door represented a month of the year beginning in August of 2015 through January 2016. When I opened the door, I was able to get a picture of what life was like during that time for people in the U.S.
The first door I came to had August written on it. I opened the door and when I looked inside there were people walking around, talking and living life. I got the sense that everything seemed normal.
The next door had September written on it. When I opened the door, at first everything seemed to be normal. But then I began to see dollar bills falling from the ceiling. It was as though the beginning of the month was normal, but something happened that caused things to change.
The next door had October written on it. I opened the door and saw people who were crying and very upset. I sensed that they were upset because of what had happened in the previous month.
The next door had November written on it. When I attempted to open the door it was locked. It is possible that, in the near future, what is behind this door could be revealed.
The next door had December written on it. When I opened the door I saw rioting and looting taking place in a large city. The people were angry and very upset, but I didn't know why.
The final door in the hallway had January written on it. When I opened the door I saw extreme violence and killing that looked like war. I could not tell where this was taking place, but I saw U.S. soldiers fighting.
The months have an obvious progression of intensity, but I am not sure that they are all related. Keep in mind that these are like windows into the future and could represent isolated events that are unrelated. Not everyone will be affected by what is coming, but many will.
How Do We Respond?
We have to answer the question: "How do we respond?" We must decide if we should make changes in our lives, and ultimately that decision is different for everyone. The most important thing we can do is align our thinking with the reality of who God is in our lives and then look at all things through that perspective.
If you read this and fear rises in your heart, remember this truth: Our God is greater, our God is stronger and He is more than able to sustain us and carry us through any storm. Christ in us, the hope of glory (Col. 1:27), is greater than anything we will face here on earth. He will provide for our all our needs, both physical and spiritual, according to His riches in glory.
"For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would give you, according to the riches of His glory, power to be strengthened by His Spirit in the inner man, and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or imagine, according to the power that works in us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen" (Eph. 3:14-21).
Jon Jonesof Gadsden, Alabama, is a successful businessman who has ministered numerous times in the Ukraine. For years he was nondenominational but now is a part of a Vineyard Church. He originally gave this word on July 8, 2015, and called it "What I See Coming to the U.S. This Fall 2015."
He says this about himself:"Prophetically, I am what some refer to as a 'seer.' I do not consider myself to be a 'prophet' and would disagree with anyone who might try to label me as such. I have been receiving prophetic words, visions and dreams for over 20 years. I do not have a ministry organization nor have I felt called to start one or make it my primary profession. I have the ability to interpret dreams and have taught dream interpretation classes at churches in other countries and in my local church. Over the past several years, I have begun receiving revelation about things that are coming to our country and the world."
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What a week this is on the Jewish calendar. Rosh Hashana on Sept. 13-14, the Shemitah on Sept. 13 and today ends Yom Kippur, the day of Atonement (which started last evening.)
Most of the world goes on as if nothing is happening when these Jewish holidays come around. The Christian community, however, has become increasingly aware of what these significant holidays mean and what God is saying during this time.
My good friend and author Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has done more than anyone else to raise awareness of these holidays in his book The Harbinger, in which he drew parallels between God's dealing with ancient Israel and His message to America. If nothing else, the parallels are striking.
One of the harbingers discussed in the book is the Shemitah, the Jewish year of rest that happens every seven years. It includes a day called Shemitah, the last day of the year—Elul 29 on the Jewish calendar—in which all debts were forgiven.
The previous two Shemitahs—in 2001 and 2008—marked the biggest drops in stock market history. Thankfully, the drop this year wasn't as much, but as I explain below, the Shemitah of 2015 still wiped out an estimated total of $7 trillion from the global markets.
As the Shemitah approached last Sunday, plenty of speculation swirled on what would happen. Of course, the markets were closed for the weekend and this week, there has been no comparable drop. Social media has been abuzz with messages like, "if doomsday has not arrived within the next 24 hours, do you think we will be hearing any apologies from the prophets?" I feel that sort of remark is irresponsible because no one I know of predicted doomsday. It's not comparable to the book "88 Reasons why Jesus will come back in 1988," which was totally discredited when Jesus did not come back as predicted.
The Mystery of the Shemitah is just that—explaining this phenomenon to those who didn't understand it. And looking at the patterns that have occurred are interesting. I was involved in the editing of The Harbinger, and I know the author was meticulous not to predict anything. As the publisher, I didn't want to be put in a box.
In fact, Rabbi Cahn told me this week: "You know of my initial concerns and reluctance concerning the likelihood of a focus on date-setting. To counter that, I've continually issued continuous cautions that nothing had to happen on any date (namely Elul 29)."
Of course, many of us prayed that no financial calamity would happen this time. There have been many Shemitahs over the centuries when no collapse occurred. Thankfully, it wasn't as bad this time as in 2008.
But wait. While on the surface it may seem as if "nothing happened," journalist Bill Koenig provided us with these statistics that I believe everyone needs to see.
I believe it is important for you to be aware of these numbers Bill sent me. Please take the time to contemplate them:
During the course of the most recent Shemitah, the Dow Jones industrial peaked on May 19, then reversed momentum, and began a long-term descent.
The Dow Jones reached its all-time high of 18,351.36 on May 19.
The Dow Jones closed at 16,443 on September 11, the last day of trading for the Shemitah year. It was the same on Sunday, September 13 (Elul 29), a non-trading day and the end of the Shemitah year. The value that was erased approached 2 trillion dollars!
The collapse included Black Monday—August 24—the largest intraday crash in Wall Street history—over 1,000 points.
The Shemitah of 2015 wiped out an estimated $5 trillion from international markets.
A total of $2.1 trillion erased from U.S. stocks in six days—Aug. 26, 2015 according to CNN Money. (The Dow Jones: August 18, 2015: 17,511. On August 25, 2015, it was 15,666). Drop: 1,845 points.
The Dow Jones high during Shemittah and the Elul 29 level, an estimated loss of just under $2 trillion of market capitalization: May 19, 2015: 18,351.36. September 13 (Elul 29) 16,443. Drop: 1,908 points.
August 24, 2015—The Dow Jones' most dramatic intraday trading day ever ($5.7 Trillion in Equity Market Values Erased Worldwide.)
The Shemitah struck the new engine of the world's economy—China—even more dramatically. The collapse of the Chinese stock market was one of the greatest in history—wiping out over 40 percent of its value in just a few months.
The Shemitah of 2015 wiped out an estimated total of 7 TRILLION dollars from global markets!
What does all of this mean? Cahn shared a few insights in a personal email that he gave permission for me to quote: He went on to explain: "But very important: People's focus on the Elul 29 day crash template obscured the fact that it is a minority pattern and exception (happened only in 2 of the last 7 crashes of the last 7 Shemitahs)—and obscured the larger and very major things that actually did happen.
"The overwhelmingly predominant template of the Shemitah—and shown continuously in The Harbinger—is that of a rising stock market coming to an end in the midst of the Shemitah, reversing momentum and descending in a long-term (not day) descent—which may involve increasing volatility and dramatic-day crashes," Cahn wrote.
There are many who have a "Pollyannaish" approach that "everything will always be OK." Instead, we must be like the sons of Issachar, "discerning the times" and understanding what God is saying to us.
And remember that God's dealings are more than simply financial and more than simply with the American economy. Let's not be naive and assume that if the economy is humming along that means God is blessing us because we deserve His blessings due to our goodness!
If you agree with this, help us get this word out by sharing this far and wide on social media.
Steve Strangis the founder of Charisma and CEO of Charisma Media. Follow him onTwitter or Facebook.
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The New York Stock Exchange on a day of trading. (Reuters)
The Elite Have Prepared for the Coming Collapse–Have You?
Why are the global elite buying extremely remote compounds that come with their own private airstrips in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the planet? And why did they start dumping stocks like crazy earlier this year? Do they know something that the rest of us don't?
The things that I am about to share with you are quite alarming. It appears that the global elite have a really good idea of what is coming, and they have already taken substantial steps to prepare for it. Sadly, most of the general population is absolutely clueless about the financial collapse that is about to take place, and thus most of them will be completely blindsided by it.
As I discussed the other day, the only way that you make money in the stock market is if you get out in time. The elite understand this very well, and that is why they have been dumping stocks for months. This is something that has even been reported in the mainstream news. For example, this comes from a CNBC article that was published on June 16:
The so-called smart money is pulling back from market risk, with fund managers taking down exposure to stocks, increasing cash holdings and buying protection against a sharp selloff.
Did the "smart money" know what was about to happen? Since the peak of the market, the Dow has already lost more than 2200 points. All of the gains since the end of the 2013 calendar year have already been completely wiped out.
And of course the truth is you didn't really need any inside information to see that it was time to get out. I have been warning my readers for months about what is coming. The signs have been clear as a bell if you were willing to look at them. Just consider the following excerpt from a recent piece by Michael Pento:
Earlier in the year margin debt had risen over $30 billion or 6.5 percent to $507 billion and was equal to a record 2.87 percent of U.S. GDP. This surpasses the previous all-time high of 2.78 percent set in March 2000—the top of the last largest stock market bubble in history.
And despite the assurance of every mutual fund manager on TV that they have boatloads of cash ready to deploy at these "discounted" levels, in early August cash levels at mutual funds sank to their lowest level in history, 3.2 percent (see chart below). As a percentage of stock market capitalization, fund cash levels are also nearing the record low set in 2000 when the NASDAQ peaked and subsequently crashed by around 80 percent.
The financial markets are absolutely primed for a major crash, and when that happens, many among the elite will be hightailing it to the middle of nowhere.
Robert Johnson, president of the Institute of New Economic Thinking, told people at the World Economic Forum in Davos that many hedge fund managers were already planning their escapes.
He said: "I know hedge fund managers all over the world who are buying airstrips and farms in places like New Zealand because they think they need a getaway."
Keep in mind that these are not just some rumors that Robert Johnson has heard. These are people that he knows personally and that he interacts with regularly.
And Robert Johnson was not alone in this assessment. Here is more from the Mirror:
His comments were backed up by Stewart Wallis, executive director of the New Economics Foundation, who when asked about the comments told CNBC Africa: "Getaway cars, the airstrips in New Zealand and all that sort of thing, so basically a way to get off.
"If they can get off, onto another planet, some of them would."
For some reason, the global elite seem to have a particular affinity for New Zealand. Perhaps it is because of the great natural beauty of the nation combined with the fact that it is in the middle of nowhere. The following comes from the Daily Mail:
New Zealand, which is about the size of the U.K., but has a population of just 4.4 million, offers them all the modern luxuries they have come to expect—but miles from any country which may implode into chaos.
The country is 11,658 miles away from the U.K., while its closest neighbor is Fiji—1,612 miles away, more than double the distance between Lands End and John O'Groats.
Homes at the top end of the market come with tennis courts, swimming pools and media rooms—and some even boast their own personal jetties where a family can moor their boat.
But the icing on the cake for those looking to make a quick escape comes in the form of private helipads or, better, your own airstrip.
For most of us, buying a luxury bolthole with a private airstrip in New Zealand is not a possibility.
But we should all be getting prepared.
I have a contact in the food industry that has told me that her company's sales have "been through the roof" over the past 10 days as people stock up for what is coming. In fact, she even used the word "panic" to describe what was happening.
And Americans have been buying a record number of guns as well:
Newly released August records show that the FBI posted 1.7 million background checks required of gun purchasers at federally licensed dealers, the highest number recorded in any August since gun checks began in 1998. The numbers follow new monthly highs for June (1.5 million) and July (1.6 million), a period which spans a series of deadly gun attacks—from Charleston to Roanoke—and proposals for additional firearm legislation.
For a very long time, I have been warning my readers to get prepared.
Well, now we are getting so close that panic is starting to set in.
Hopefully you are already well prepared for what is about to happen. If not, you need to kick your prepping into overdrive.
These next few months are going to change everything. Get ready while you still can.
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Rabbi Jonathan Cahn: The Harbingers Have Not Stopped
Best-selling author Jonathan Cahn has a message for America, and he's answering your questions about the "great shaking."
"We have watched the apostasy of America continue," Cahn says. "It has continued and is accelerating. The harbingers have not stopped. They have continued to manifest, which are indications of a nation progressing to judgment."
For example, the Freedom Tower, which Cahn says is the one of the last harbingers, will be completed this year, the year of the Shemitah.
In addition, relations between America and Israel are at their worst as President Barack Obama pushes forward with the Iranian nuclear negotiations.
Standing alone, these events, along with some others, would be ominous. But as they all converge as once, Cahn says we need to take warning.