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William Branham's 7 Prophetic Visions That Came to Pass
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Healing revivalist William Branham had seven visions in 1933, all of which have come to pass, according to Jim Bakker.
For one vision, he saw Mussolini invading Ethiopia and the African country falling at the Italian dictator's feet.
In another, Branham saw America could be drawn into a world war against Germany.
Next, he foretold the rise of the "isms," with the flourish of communism.
Now, nearly 80 years later, it appears Bakker had similar dreams about the future of America.
Does this mean Bakker's predictions will come to pass like Branham's? You'll need to watch the video to see.
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Benny Hinn is a man on a mission. Since God has healed his message, there’s a new twist to his ministry—praying for the healing of troubled marriages around the world. Charisma News asked Hinn about this new facet of his ministry and the fruit it’s bearing in nations around the world.
Charisma: Has your message changed at all?
Hinn: No, not really. I mean, I've always preached healing, but I'm focusing very much so on salvation. Well, I do three things now at the meeting. Of course, in the first part, I focus on salvation because I always want to see people saved at first before I administer, and the altar calls are always packed. I focus on family healing. In South Africa, 50 percent of the crowd came down in a church of 11,000. Think about it—that many people actually walked down whose marriages were breaking up or on the verge of breaking up.
I was stunned in Madrid. The first night, I asked those that were having marriage troubles to come down. The pastor just looked at me in shock. A stadium packed, and a third of them came down. There’s lot of people in the body of Christ suffering like this, families just broken or breaking up.
I think Suzanne's and my healing has just had some impact. I go through my situation. My marriage was a whole lot worse than I can even talk about. And I say to people, "You think yours is bad. Mine is probably way worse than you could ever imagine. Again, God healed Sue and I. And if God healed us, He'll heal you."
It's stunning. You see them come down, and they start sobbing and crying almost instantly because the pain is so deep in them. I never dealt with that part of ministry in the past with couples and homes and families. I identify with them. They identify with me. It moved me so deeply to tears.
One lady cried so bad, I think she almost fainted, that poor thing. The pain in them starts coming out. The minute they walk down the aisle, before you get the chance to even pray for them or talk to them, they're already crying, many of them. And then you go down and comfort them and put your hand on their shoulders and minister to them.
I’ve looked at many of them and said, "Now, you look at me," and I took them by the cheeks. I lifted their faces because they were bowed with such sorrow. I said, "God did it for me. He'll do it for you. Please believe it." People want to believe it, but it's something hard for them to believe, [that] God can really do it for them. And it's been an amazing eye-opener anyway for me and Suzanne.
Charisma: What do you think is causing so much trouble in Christian families?
Hinn: That's a great, great question. Sue and I have thought of doing a conference for people with family troubles. I want to learn more about it to help them. I don't know what's going on with other people. In my case, it was family and the stress of ministry and being too busy. I didn't pay attention to Suzanne's pain. That's what caused our problem. And then Suzanne having to struggle with what was happening to our family—and you know that story.
In South Africa, people were just weeping everywhere because Suzanne opened up. She said, "Listen, here's what I went through. Here's what I was on. Here are the drugs I did. Here's what Benny did." And then I opened up and said, "So, here's what I did. Here's what I ignored. Here's what I should have not ignored."
And at some point, people laughed and they cried. And we talked for about a good half-hour. A lot of healing took place as we were talking, as they saw we were being transparent. That made them comfortable—that we were ourselves with them and didn't hide anything.
And finally I said to the crowd in Africa, "Now, we were honest with you. Now you have to be honest with each other and yourselves: What is it that has caused your problem?" This is so powerful because they see the love between me and Sue. We're holding on to each other. Suzanne is kissing on me. She's loving on me on the platform, and people see it's real, that it's not phony stuff, that we're not acting. This is real up there.
Then I said, "Now, you tell each other now that you will fix it. Just like we have, you will." And they stop crying and say, "We will fix it. We will fix it." And it's just powerful. Really, it makes you cry. You just stand there, you know. You just think, "Oh, my God! I can't believe I'm seeing this."
Benny Hinn: The Anointing Is Still in Operation
Benny Hinn
Healing evangelist Benny Hinn is back with a passion. After restoring his marriage, Hinn is once again traveling the world—this time with his wife, Suzanne—and holding crusades where miracles are manifesting.
Charisma News caught up with Hinn to get the latest report from the field.
Charisma: I hear God is restoring your ministry.
Hinn: The ministry is coming back. The anointing is still in operation. People are seeing that.
Number two, they are coming because of the deep hurt, deep pain, deep need. Sickness is still there. And thirdly, I think they come because they say, "OK, the Lord has done something for him. We're happy for him and Suzanne." They want to support this, and they show up.
So, it's been very exciting. I don't know what the future holds, but we're all excited about it, and I'm happy to see the Lord do it. This is real. Sue and I have never been happier.
Charisma: You’ve been ministering in packed-out auditoriums around the world these days. What’s going on there?
Hinn: Well, since my remarriage I have seen an upsurge. The crowds have come back in most places, especially in the Far East. I was in Manado, Indonesia, in July. We had 200,000 people show up for the crusade. I have not seen crowds like that in three years. It was stunning.
We were only expecting 80,000. They told my team it was the largest crowd they have had—ever—in that part of Indonesia. I was in Madrid last week; the stadium was jammed. People were just ecstatic.
There just seems to be a lot of excitement out there about my reunion to Suzanne. It's just a very, very exciting time in our lives. Sue and I are doing incredibly, marvelously glorious. Really, I've not had such contentment in my life. It’s like this is our time of peace and recovery. I think sometimes when somebody is healed, it heals everything else around them.
Charisma: Tell us about the miracles in London.
Hinn: I was in London at Westminster and rented the Westminster Hall across from Parliament. It was jammed out. It was magnificent. While I was in London, three miracles stood out which were just so amazing. One girl—I'll be showing it on TV in two weeks—was flown in from Pakistan with three holes in her heart and crippled. God healed her.
Two friends in their '60s who were born deaf were both healed. And it just stunned the crowd. It actually stunned me more than anyone else, I think. My son is now working with me. During the divorce, I saw him become so angry and bitter.
And there he was last week, standing, crying and worshipping God on the platform as he saw the miracles and was helping his daddy. It's a precious thing to see your family healed also when God heals you.
Charisma: What’s next for Benny Hinn?
Hinn: Doors are swinging open. I'm going to China, by the way, if you can believe it. I've been invited to preach in two cities, Shanghai and Guangzhou, in January. India has opened up big. I'm going to Buenos Aires, Argentina, in December, and they're expecting massive crowds.
And Africa. Dear God! The invitations I'm getting now for Africa can keep me there probably the whole year. So it's like a resurrection, a resurgence. I'm beginning to do some big meetings again in the U.S. I don't know that I'll ever go back to the stadiums because it's very, very expensive. But I am doing convention halls and centers. In fact, I'm coming to Orlando to the convention center early next year.