Showing posts with label last days. Show all posts
Showing posts with label last days. Show all posts

Friday, November 18, 2016

Israel: The Missing Piece in End Times Theology - DAN JUSTER/FOR REVIVE ISRAEL CHARISMA NEWS

The Book of Zechariah says than in an amazing time of repentance after the battle, Israel will "look upon Him whom they have pierced." (

Israel: The Missing Piece in End Times Theology

Standing With Israel
Eschatology is the study of the last days and the age to come.
A consensus has developed in the doctrine of eschatology in the Christian world. Today, we could almost call these points truisms, though not all are aware of them.
Here is the general consensus: The last days began with the coming of Yeshua and continued to progress with his death, resurrection and the giving of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost (Shavuot). The kingdom of God has come, but its full manifestation will come with the second coming of Yeshua.
Cataclysm and Intervention
The "last of the last days" now refers to the events that will take place shortly before the Second Coming of Yeshua. This time will include a difficult trial for God's people as they are resisted by the powers of darkness. In Jewish thought, this time is called the birth pangs of the Messiah (Sanhedrin 98). Classical Jewish eschatology generally tracks with the church on the issue of a great trial at the end of this age. I call this view "Cataclysm and Intervention."
However, at the end, God's people will be delivered, and we will enter into the age to come. This broad consensus is even reflected in the Roman Catholic catechism, which states:
"Before Christ's second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the 'mystery of iniquity' in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh.
"The church will enter the glory of the kingdom only through this final Passover, when she will follow her Lord in his death and resurrection. The kingdom will be fulfilled, then, not by a historic triumph of the Church through a progressive ascendancy, but only by God's victory over the final unleashing of evil."
What About Israel?
Our teaching is very much in accord with this consensus, but we believe it is missing the end-times piece connected to Israel and the Jewish people. Concerning Israel, the Hebrew Scriptures constantly give reference to a final battle (Joel 3Isaiah 25-27Ezekiel 38, 39, and so many more) linked with the Jewish people in Israel. Let's examine just one.
Zechariah 1214 – Here, we read of the invasion of the nations and the battle for Jerusalem. This leads to an amazing time of repentance after the battle, and Israel looks upon Him whom they have pierced (12:10), which classically is looked at as Israel turning to Yeshua. At the end of this great battle, the nations all turn to God and worship Him annually in Jerusalem at the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot).
Thankfully, we are seeing Israel and the Jewish people become a general consensus in the church's end-times theology in our day—just as they were a central focus for the Hebrew prophets as they spoke of the events of the end times. 
Dan Juster is an author and advocate of Messianic Judaism. He has served in the Messianic Jewish movement since 1972. He is the founder and director of Tikkun International, a network of congregations and ministries in the United States and abroad dedicated to the restoration of Israel and the church.
For the original article, visit
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Monday, October 17, 2016

Ron Cantor MESSIAH'S MANDATE - WATCH! 😎 First Five Episodes of Out of Zion

Shalom from Zion

We have been on air for a week now and here is the link to the first five episodes. God bless you all! And happy Sukkot! Send us an email with your feedback. And agree with us in pray that we can change the way people view Israel, both by presenting the Scriptures and through an honest presentation of history.


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Thursday, February 4, 2016

In Preparation for the Last Days (Day 3) - The Jim Bakker Show

In Preparation for the Last Days (Day 3) 
- The Jim Bakker Show

"Make 2016 the Year of Knowing Jesus!"
Jim Bakker

Watch here: In Preparation for the Last Days (Day 3) - The Jim Bakker Show

Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 2926 | Aired on February 4, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Turkey, Hitler and Gog & Magog | Victor Mordechai ISRAEL TODAY

Turkey, Hitler and Gog & Magog

Tuesday, February 02, 2016 |  Victor Mordechai  ISRAEL TODAY
In biblical circles, some are suggesting that Turkey is Gog and Magog, the powerful army that invades Israel from the north in the last days.
The full article appears in the February 2016 issue of Israel Today Magazine.
CLICK HERE to read it all
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My heart yearns for the glory of the Lord Jesus to be revealed in the earth, touching the hearts and souls of men, women and children in each and every nation. As we see the days become darker, we believe that the Lord God of Israel will show Himself strong, and prove that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, as He says He is. 

I wrote this book for you who also long to walk in strong faith, courage and commitment to the end, for whatever the Lord has planned and purposed for you and I. Together, as the Body of Christ, and the glorious Bride that we will become, we will one day see His Kingdom come, His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 

The Gospel, the Good News of salvation, will be declared, and that which is just and good will for all eternity overcome the evil one. I sincerely believe we are living in the end of days, as prophetic words have been rapidly fulfilled since the re-birth of Israel in 1948. 

Jesus Himself had said that when we see the fig tree budding, we know that the time is near. This book, my 10th published in the last three years (all between 2013-2015) and before my 61st birthday, is very special to me. I sense it is something the Lord put on my heart to do several months ago, giving it that “urgency of getting it done and out there” feel as I wrote. 

Originally these chapters were Now Think On This messages. It was amazing to me how many were done in September and October of 2015 alone, as the Holy Spirit would speak a word or sentence to me, and I would write soon after. I am truly grateful for His impartation, and acknowledge Jesus (Yeshua), my Lord and Savior, above all. The photos I have included in the book are primarily ones I took (exceptions noted), both to document history and to share another way the Lord also speaks to His Body. 

Capturing moments of the Holy Spirit action, especially in the two “fire” photos, were exciting. In both cases I wasn’t even aware of it until they were “developed”. I trust this book will both encourage you and cause you to re-commit yourself - to know the Lord’s will for your life, do all you can to allow Him to direct your steps, and be the light in these dark days we desperately need and have been called upon by the Lord to be. I am with you, arm in arm! 

Ahava (love in Hebrew) and shalom (peace), 

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Is This Middle East News a Sign of the Last Days? - TROY ANDERSON CHARISMA NEWS

Is This Middle East News a Sign of the Last Days?

TROY ANDERSON  charisma news

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at
Amid the recent eruption of violence and the escalating threat of war in the Middle East, a new poll found 79 percent of evangelicals believe "unfolding violence across the Middle East is a sign that the end times are nearer."
In comparison, only 43 percent of non-evangelical Christians believe terrorism in the Middle East is a sign of the apocalypse.

The poll, conducted by the Brookings Institute's Center for Middle East Policy, also found that 63 percent of evangelicals believe that for the rapture or Second Coming to occur, it is essential for current-day Israel to "include all the land they believe was promised to Biblical Israel in the Old Testament."
"These numbers are very striking on the end of days theology that these respondents claim motivate them," Politico editor Susan Glasser said during a discussion after the release of the poll at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
So what does this mean for us? Watch the video to see!

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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: Steve Forbes calls #TheFirstHostage a “stunning, spine-tingling, steroid-paced” tale.



Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Steve Forbes calls #TheFirstHostage a “stunning, spine-tingling, steroid-paced” tale. Here’s his new review in Forbes magazine.

by joelcrosenberg
(Dallas, Texas) -- Just read the review of The First Hostage by Steve Forbes in the latest issue of FORBES magazine and I wanted to pass it along to you all.
Thanks so much, Steve -- I'm  so glad you enjoyed the novel this much. I couldn't be more grateful! Now, let's get this thing turned into a major Hollywood blockbuster.
The First Hostage -- by Joel Rosenberg (Tyndale House Publishers, $26.99). If you’re not already a fan of Joel Rosenberg, whose books–fiction and nonfiction–have sold more than 3 million copies worldwide, you’ll be one once you’ve read this latest novel. It combines Joel’s ability to spin stunning, spine-tingling, steroid-paced tales with his impressively deep knowledge of the Middle East.
The First Hostage is the second in a new series of action thrillers whose main character is New York Times journalist J.B. Collins. Although this is an exciting stand-alone read, you might first want to dive into its precursor, The Third Target. These novels involve ISIS terrorist attacks; espionage, with a possible highly placed, pro-ISIS American mole; weapons of mass destruction; and intrigue galore.
This book begins where the first left off: at a meeting in Amman, Jordan, where the king of Jordan, the U.S. President, Israel’s prime minister and the head of the Palestinian Authority are about to sign a historic peace agreement. ISIS launches a massive attack, and in the confusion the President goes missing. Collins is there covering the event but before long finds himself suspected of being a mole. There are many mind-boggling twists and plenty of suspense before the book ends.
Joel Rosenberg, who in a previous life served as the director of research for my 2000 presidential campaign, knows his subject well. An evangelical Christian who lives in Israel with his wife and children, he has addressed audiences around the world; been interviewed for his insightful analyses on hundreds of TV and radio programs; and advised world leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Joel knows too much to ever share President Obama’s delusion that what’s unfolding in the Middle East isn’t much of a threat to the West.
joelcrosenberg | January 20, 2016 at 7:13 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: