Showing posts with label ministry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ministry. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

"I Am Awakening Talents All Over the World… Use Them!" Dr. Theresa Phillips

Church – Use Your Talents!
An encounter: I was driving to church when the Lord invaded my car. He began to speak to me in a profound way...He was teaching me discernment once again. I was contemplating on the hours ahead when He spoke to me and said,"Give this word to the Church. Theresa, there is a difference between ministry and the talents."
"Yes, Lord." I said.
He said, "The talents I have given to the Church need to be used. I'm calling them forth," says the Lord! "So long now many have been delayed from using the desire of their imaginations because of teachings that have hindered them. I am releasing that mindset even now and calling forth the talents of My Church to give them wealth."
"I have said in My word that YOU shall be the head and not the tail (Deuteronomy 28:13). The lender not the borrower (Deuteronomy 15:6). Now I say to you, O Church – arise and use what I have given you: media, entertainment, arts/dance, music, creative arts, inventions, books, and all the more... Even the silversmith will come back into the forefront – the goldsmith, the carpenter, and the carver...
Artistic Expressions Over the Nations
"Yes, I am releasing the artistic expressions to overtake polluted airways and visionaries. I am even giving nation's artistic expression. 
In CanadaAustralia, and New Zealand, many of these expressions will catch the eyes of the media and souls will come to salvation," says the Lord. "This is the use of My talents I have given to assist in the blessing of ministry," says the Lord. 
(Photo by Lillis Boyer "Embracing the Glory: Empowered From on High" via
"Australia, I have called you out to share in the prophetic blessing of artistic glory. An artist will come forth out of Australia who has My heart and the paintings will make one weep for the hunger of My Presence,"says the Lord.
"Canada, I can set a seal upon you with angelic help to CREATE a medical system for cancer research. This will bring a cure in colon cancer," says the Lord.
"New Zealand, I have My eye on you! Be prepared for a media blitz concerning the workings of miracles. The artists of the local media will try to fake it, BUT out of you will come a group to prove them wrong," says the Lord.
"America, You have a dance inside of you... a dance group will emerge strong and take the stage by storm. Get ready, in their feet they will have the sound of thunder.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
"Tonga, Yes TONGA, I have a gift for you! The Church in Tonga will sing a new song and will be recording an album that will touch hearts around the world. Watch Me and see this happen.
"Creativity is being released all over the world NOW as a celebration of My presence in these dark times.
"A songstress will emerge from Great Britain. She had endured hardship, yet her voice is one like a trumpet calling many into a sphere of glory. She will carry a new sound.
Releasing Talents – Awakening Talents Now!
"You see, I love your talents... I gave them to you! Use them or forfeit them," says the Lord (Matthew 25:14-30). "I am calling them back to you. I am releasing old dreams and desires. I am doing this, for you shall be a witness to the world that you are blessed in My presence," says our Lord. "You are Blessed to be a blessing."(Photo via pexels)
• Talents: flair, aptitude, facility, gift, knack, technique, touch, bent, ability, expertise, capacity, faculty; strength, forte, genius, brilliance; dexterity, skill, artistry.
• Gifts of the Spirit: special abilities provided by the Holy Spirit to Christians for the purpose of building up the Body of Christ, meaning – the anointed ones.
• Ministry: the extension of the Presence of GOD doing what He is asking you to do in that given moment.
"Yes, My Church, you are alive and doing well. Go forth and Dream Big and use what I have given you. No talent is too small or insignificant. Do not measure your talent against another's, for this will compromise what I have given you. I call you now to use your talents," says the Lord.
Dr. Theresa Phillips
Global Prophetic Voice

Dr. Theresa Phillips is an ordained apostle under Dr. Renny McLean of Global Glory Ministries. She is Senior Pastor and founder of Praise Ministries Church and Christian Seminary in St. Charles, Illinois. She has served there for 24 years. Her ministry spans 28 years, seeing many signs and wonders, including eight risen from the dead. 
She has authored eight books, recorded one album, and is often commissioned to write poetry. Her knowledge of God's glory and His ever-advancing monarchy of Heaven is known by many. She is a regular contributor to the Elijah List and she is also the editor of, an online publication of prophecy and prophetic glory. Theresa often moves in the prophetic gifts and word of knowledge.

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Friday, August 28, 2015

How do we find hope in such dark times? Some lessons from Jeremiah, the ancient Hebrew prophet - Joel Rosenberg

Joel Rosenberg


How do we find hope in such dark times? Some lessons from Jeremiah, the ancient Hebrew prophet. (Notes from my recent survey of the Book of Jeremiah)

by joelcrosenberg
jeremiah(Central Israel) -- The world is dark and getting darker.
Recently, I noted in a column that it is hard to pick up a newspaper or go online or watch TV and not see some of "the darkest headlines" I have ever read.
From mass the genocidal acts of the Islamic the unchallenged rise of a nuclear the Planned Parenthood videos about the selling of baby hearts and lungs and livers over salad and corrupt governments and corrupt rampant marital an epidemic of suicide and drug the persecution and slavery of people all over the so many other horrifying acts, it is easy these days to feel deeply discouraged and even depressed.
This is why I have spent the last four months or so studying the life and times and message of the Hebrew prophet Jeremiah. In April, I began reading through this Old Testament book, intending to refresh my understanding of it and then move on to Isaiah and Ezekiel and Daniel, and so forth. But every time I tried to move on, the Lord would pull me back into the words of Jeremiah. There was more there for me to learn, so much that I was not getting on the first or second read. So study it I did, page after page, chapter after chapter, month after month.
What I found was the sobering account of a young Jewish man who also lived in very dark times. Yet I also found the remarkable story of a man who found great hope to live close to the Lord and to serve his God with great boldness and courage and stunning faithfulness despite enormous pressures and dangers.
And I read this over and over again, I began to try to discover the sources of this young man's hope.
In mid-August, I taught a survey of the Book of Jeremiah over the course of five days at the Word of Life Bible camp in the Adirondack Mountains of Upstate New York. It was the first time I began to share publicly what I'd been learning over the previous months. Then, upon returning to Israel last week, I shared some of my observations from the life of Jeremiah at the closing session of a conference of Jewish and Christian leaders in Jerusalem.
A number of people have since asked me to share my notes. Thus, on August 18th, I posted on this blog some notes, specifically those pertaining to King Josiah, the first leader Jeremiah served under, a leader who took the Word of God to heart and made bold changes in his own life and led sweeping reforms in the life of his nation.
Today, I wanted to share more of my notes, looking at seven elements of Jeremiah's hope. I pray that you find these encouraging. Please feel free to share them with others.
Let's begin by reading a passage from Jeremiah chapter one:
"Now the word of the Lord came to me saying. 'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.' Then I said, 'Alas, Lord God! Behold, I do not know how to speak, because I am a youth.' But the Lord said to me, 'Do not say, "I am a youth," because everywhere I send you, you shall go, and all that I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you,' declares the Lord. Then the Lord stretched out His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me, 'Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms, to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.'" (verses 4 through 10)
As I read these verses -- in context of all 52 chapters of this fascinating Old Testament book -- a few things struck me immediately:
First, Jeremiah had a clear call to ministry. The son of a Jewish priest, he had had grown up expecting to be a Levitical priest. But the Lord had a different plan for him. From eternity past, God had chosen Jeremiah to be one of the great Hebrew prophets, preaching and teaching the word of the Lord to a lost people desperately in need of hearing directly from the God who loved them and had a plan for their lives. Jeremiah thought he was too young to serve the Lord. But the Lord had knit him together in his mother's womb and prepared him. And God's charge to this young prophet (probably in his late teens or early twenties) -- "you will go where I tell you to go" and "you will say what I tell you to say" and "you will not be afraid" and "I will be with you to deliver you."
Second, Jeremiah truly lived in dark and volatile times. He lived in and around Jerusalem, in the southern kingdom of Judah, at a time when the Jewish people lived in a highly dangerous, volatile, and rapidly changing geopolitical environment. The powerful and wicked Assyria empire (with its evil capital in Nineveh) to the north had conquered and captured the northern kingdom of Israel, but was about to be judged and destroyed according to the prophecies of Isaiah and Nahum who had gone before Jeremiah. The powerful Egyptian kingdom to the south -- led by Pharoah Neco -- was soon going to be conquered and destroyed by a new and wicked and terrifyingly powerful empire rising to the east, that of Babylon and King Nebuchadnezzar. Yet as war and terror and evil were sweeping through the region, and the Jewish people were in deep and rising danger, the Jewish people were not listening to the word of the Lord, not obeying the Lord, not fearing or following the Lord, and living in great sin and darkness.
Third, Jeremiah was given a powerful message -- for the Jewish people, for the surrounding enemy nations, and for us today. God appointed Jeremiah "to be a prophet" to the people of "Judah and Jerusalem" and "to the nations." To the Jews, God's message through Jeremiah was: repent, turn back to the Lord, or face cataclysmic judgment for your individual and national sins. To the surrounding nations, Jeremiah also warned of sweeping, devastating national judgments because of their great sins against the Jewish people and against the Lord God of Israel and His Word. Most of Jeremiah's prophecies have already come to pass. But there are a few that are yet to be fulfilled, which means we must be ready for God to act again in great power.
Fourth, Jeremiah wasn't promised health and wealth for serving the Lord -- rather, God gave him a very hard life. He was often alone. He was not allowed by the Lord to get married or have a family. He was betrayed by most of his friends. He was persecuted, mocked, ignored, attacked, arrested, beaten, imprisoned, and repeatedly sentenced to death. He saw the lost-ness of his people, and their refusal to listen to God and His Word. He saw the lost-ness of the nations, as well. Like our Savior, he was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. While a strong and courageous servant of God, he often wept over the darkness that was falling on his nation and the region and the world, and sometimes he even despaired of life itself, wishing he had never been born to see such times.
That said, it also became clear that Jeremiah had deep and true hope. What kept him going? What kept him faithfully serving the Lord, against all odds? He had hope. Let's briefly consider seven elements of Jeremiah's hope:
  1. Jeremiah had a close, intimate, personal relationship with the living God of the universe, and Jeremiah loved God's Word. The Lord spoke directly to Jeremiah, and urged Jeremiah to talk directly to Him. "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things you do not know." (Jeremiah 33:3) The Lord spoke some of the most beautiful, intimate, personal language in the whole Bible to and through Jeremiah. "I have loved you with an everlasting love." (31:3) "For I know the plans I have for you, plans for good and not for evil, plans to give you a future and a hope. Then  you will call upon Me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart." (29:11-13)
  2. Jeremiah could see Biblical prophecies coming true in his lifetime, and this helped him understand that God's Word was true and trustworthy. In 612 B.C., he saw Nineveh -- the wicked capital of the wicked Assyrian empire -- destroyed, just as the prophets before him and foretold. In the years that followed, he saw the rise of the Babylonian empire and the rise of King Nebuchadnezzar, just as the Lord has foretold through him. In 586 B.C., he saw the nation of Judah and the capital of Jerusalem conquered and destroyed by the Babylonians in a judgment the Lord had foretold repeatedly through him. During this entire period, many others "smaller" prophecies came true as well. As painful as it was to live in such times and see such things come to pass, it did give Jeremiah hope in a God whose word was true and trustworthy because it meant that the good things foretold would come true in due course, as well.
  3. Jeremiah was given two dear and faithful friends. Yes, most if not all of Jeremiah's friends abandoned him early on because they didn't want to hear a message of repentance and coming judgment. And this was deeply painful for Jeremiah. But I encourage you to take some time to read in the book of Jeremiah about Baruch and Seraiah -- two godly, courageous and stalwart brothers -- who because trusted aides, allies and friends to the prophet.
  4. Jeremiah could see the promise of a coming King. In addition to having to preach about coming judgment to the Jewish people and to their neighbors, Jeremiah was also given the high task by God of foretelling of a coming King, a coming "Anointed One" or Messiah who would save and redeem people and bring righteousness to the world. "Behold, the days are coming," declares the Lord, "when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch; and He will reign as king and act wisely and do justice and righteousness in the land....And this is His name by which He will be called, 'The Lord our righteousness.'" (23:5-6)
  5. Jeremiah could see promise of a coming New Covenant. This great prophet was deeply saddened by seeing his people refusing to obey the "old covenant" that God had made with Moses. Most were not reading, listening to or following God's word. Rather, they were disobeying God's laws, hardening their hearts, and engaging in widespread sin and violence, even killing their own babies (through child sacrifice to the false god, Molech). But to Jeremiah it was revealed that not only was judgment coming; so, too, was a "New Covenant" was coming. That is, God would initiate a new relationship -- a personal and intimate and everlasting relationship -- with lost people who desperately needed Him to save and atone for them, wash away their sins, and give them His righteousness. "Behold, days are coming," declares the Lord, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, not like the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, although I was a husband to them....But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days....I will put My law within them and on their hearts I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people....for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more." (31:31-34)
  6. Jeremiah could see the promise of a coming Kingdom. He could see the corruption endemic throughout his own country. He could also see the corruption of the kingdoms that surrounded the Jewish people. He saw the impact a godly, humble leader could make (like King Josiah). But he also served under four disastrous leaders. Yet the Lord revealed to him -- and through him -- the amazing, remarkable, joyful news that another Kingdom was coming to conquer all others. A Messianic Kingdom. An incorruptible Kingdom. A Kingdom filled with righteousness, justice and mercy. Led by a wise and righteous King, the Messiah. A Kingdom that would be inhabited by all who followed the New Covenant. (see Jeremiah 23 and33).
  7. Jeremiah could also see the promise of Jews being saved by a loving, holy, powerful God. God's message to this Hebrew prophet wasn't just about judgment. It was about mercy. It was about forgiveness. It was about grace. As part of the prophecies concerning the coming of the Messiah, and His coming New Covenant, and His coming Kingdom, the Lord God of Israel specifically told Jeremiah -- not once but twice -- that "in His days Judah will be saved" (23:6) and "in those days Judah will be saved" (33:16). This promise of a future salvation of the Jewish people by a Jewish Messiah, as part of a Jewish New Covenant, leading to a coming Messianic Kingdom was a bright, warm, hopeful ray of light in times that were dark and getting darker. It gave him something that he and his people could look forward to, their future repentance and redemption.
I encourage you to study through these notes and discuss them with family and friends. Read through the entire Book of Jeremiah. Many times. Take careful notes. Understand it for yourself. Then see how many times the other prophets studied and cited Jeremiah. See how often the Lord Jesus Christ cited the work of Jeremiah. The Apostles, too. They knew the words of Jeremiah had deep and profound meaning for their lives, and for ours, too.
I pray that in our times -- that are dark and getting darker -- you will find the hope that Jeremiah had, made clear to us today through the Lord Jesus Christ and His words found in both the Old and New Testament.
joelcrosenberg | August 27, 2015 at 5:54 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Financed, Fueled and Fired Up for Action by Cindy McGill

Financed, Fueled and Fired Up for Action 

by Cindy McGill

Identity Network
I saw a huge transference of properties and houses and cars and all kinds of supplies, being given to ministries all over the place who are committed to doing the kingdom work.  God has entrusted some with great wealth for such a time as this.  For these who have been stewards of kingdom funds, God has given you the ability to make wealth, like the "Midas touch."  Everything you have touched has turned to gold.  

It has been His purpose for you and there is now a "fine tuning" happening in you to know where to channel the funds you have been stewards over.   You will have great confirmation for where to give and how much.  There are places that God is highlighting right now for these schools and centers to be birthed.  It will be like the colt that Jesus rode on into Jerusalem.  The Lord has need of it. 

In a dream, several months ago, I saw the bank vault of heaven.  I was standing at the door and Jesus was in the vault with a yellow hard hat on and a clipboard in His hand.  Inside, there was an unending supply of gold and silver in piles on the floor and all the way up the wall.  A bulldozer was actively scooping up gold and silver and Jesus would instruct a window to open and the bulldozer would pour out the gold and silver as Jesus commanded. I was in awe as I observed this operation.  It was done with such precision and supply.  At that moment, Jesus turned and looked at me and winked.  He said, "I own it."

When I woke up from the dream, I realized that we are never in need of anything He does not have the authority and resources to supply.  Kingdom resources have been stored up for many of us for this end harvest that is beginning.  At the time I had the dream, we were going through a very hard time in our church and many people were moving away or transitioning out for one reason or another.  

It could have been a very unsettling time for us, but God showed me His not only ability, but desire to "unload" His benefits to us.  We never missed one bill or payment or salary check during that church transition.  He supplied from the most unlikely places.  Someone would leave a check in the mailbox who didn't even attend the church, we would receive an overpayment from a year ago on a bill, people who visited our city would come to church and leave a check for just the amount we needed for that month.

When we are doing Kingdom business, God provides where He guides.  It's the Father's good pleasure to give us the Kingdom and finances are very much a part of the kingdom.  I believe we are going to have abundance and over abundance of finances to not only operate on for the days ahead, but also to get out of debt, purchase properties, get prepared for days we have not seen yet. 

Prepare for Takeoff

My husband recently had a dream where we were on a type of spacecraft that looked like a pontoon boat.  The sides were open and it only had a roof.  This craft was full of people and without warning it took off, straight up in the air with rocket speed.  The impact of this rapid acceleration was so intense that one pilot had to stand on the other ones shoulders to maneuver the aircraft upwards avoiding obstacles in the atmosphere.

The new structure has open sides and the craft represents a ministry without walls that is infinite for expansion.  It is a horizontal invitation to reach out and take hold of people all around us. The top is God's covering. 

We are in a rapid acceleration now.  This waiting is over and this is a fulfillment of time.  Things we have been pondering in our hearts are getting ready to be realized.  I know we have all heard this before but it really is happening.  The stage has been set behind the curtain and we are now waiting for things to be revealed.

Keeping Foresight in the Midst of the Storm

We can't lose our vision and stray from our purpose when a storm approaches. We have a destination to reach and a job to do when we get there.  Just because we might experience a few turbulent moments doesn't mean we are not going to arrive at the prepared place for us.  I know there have been many messages about some terrifying things ahead.  I'm not denying for a second that things could get seemingly out of control and bumpy, but GOD IS IN CONTROL and that doesn't discount the assignment we have been given and the job we are equipped to do.  We are entering the days of the greatest harvest of souls we have ever seen.  People are starving to have the Truth.  We have an assignment and orders from Headquarters.  That is our focus and that is our destiny.

Cindy McGill

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Friday, September 12, 2014

Rick Joyner: The Great Commission - What Is the Work of Ministry?

Rick Joyner:
The Elijah List

Rick JoynerA map will not help us unless we know where we are on the map and where we want to go. Before we can get to where we're going in fulfilling our purpose, we must first know where we are and where we are going. Then we can easily see the next step.

Let us briefly consider how future leaders of the Church are now being prepared compared to those in the early Church.

Most seminaries do a good job of laying a foundation of sound doctrine. However, ministry today is built mostly on knowledge and how to present it, such as good teaching and preaching principles. Certainly this is a necessary element of ministry, but there is far more to being a New Testament ministry according to Ephesians chapter 4, which is to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry.

What Is the Work of the Ministry?

The basic work of the ministry that we are called to as members of the Body of Christ is first to be the extension of Christ on the earth today. 

His Body is what He works through now, just as His literal body was what He worked through when He walked the earth. He wants to do everything through His people now that He did when He walked the earth. (Photo via Wikimedia)

When Jesus walked the earth, He taught, healed the sick, and set the captives free. He trained His followers to do what He did and then sent them out to do it. Today most of the ministry of the Church involves teaching, with some charitable work, and a few that also include healing and deliverance.

With those that include healing and deliverance, it is something they do, but rarely release others to do. Some do a little more by training people how to pray for the sick, prophesy, and be the evangelists we are called to be, but where is there even one place that all are being equipped and released to do the whole work of the ministry?

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Watching God Move

John Wimber may have been one of the most effective leaders to break this mold and train and release people to do the work of the ministry. The Vineyard Movement that he raised up sent great shock waves throughout the worldwide Body of Christ as multitudes were trained, equipped, and released to do the works that Jesus did. While this was happening, The Vineyard Movement was the most exciting in the world to be a part of. (Photo via Wikipedia)

The Vineyard Movement was messy as the people learned and matured, just like the Lord's own meetings tended to be. One thing The Vineyard was not was boring. I was in more than one meeting in which a raging demon-possessed person would come screaming and thrashing about. Yet each time, the person left "in their right mind," free.

In many meetings, we witnessed extraordinary miracles. Such grace from God was upon The Vineyard for a time that there was a sense of awe and wonder greater than the world's entertainment could match.

There is nothing more interesting than God and nothing more exciting than watching Him move. There is nothing more boring than religion, and we are about to be delivered from religion to follow the Lord, not just men. We can also be sure that He has again saved His best wine for last.

Rick Joyner
MorningStar Ministries

Rick Joyner is the founder and executive director of MorningStar Ministries and Heritage International Ministries and is the Senior Pastor of MorningStar Fellowship Church. He is the author of more than forty books, including The Final QuestA Prophetic History, and Church History. He is also the president of The OAK Initiative, an interdenominational movement that is mobilizing thousands of Christians to be engaged in the great issues of our times, being the salt and light that they are called to be. Rick and his wife, Julie, have five children: Anna, Aaryn, Amber, Ben, and Sam.

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ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Friday, May 30, 2014

MorningStar Ministries Partners Weekend May 2014

View from 3rd floor hotel room above Main Street.

MorningStar Ministries Partners Weekend 
May 2014

We are very joyful to see what the Lord has done through MorningStar Ministries/Heritage International Ministries, headed by Rick Joyner in Fort Mill, SC. They bought the ruined property of the former Heritage USA/PTL grounds (52 acres, including the Grand Hotel) almost 10 years ago, and now have almost competed the restoration to its former glory.

Since 2004 Laurie and I have been partners in support of their work, and we are so glad the Lord gave them this property. In 1985, we had purchased, in support of the ministry of Jim and Tammy Bakker, three Lifetime memberships. In 1987 it looked as if that was all gone. But the Lord had other plans than what the enemy had, and He will always have the FINAL say in everything!

We are here this weekend for the Partners Conference, and staying in the hotel room where we may have stayed almost 20 years ago, in 1985.

I will add more photos as the weekend progresses.

Shalom and ahava,

Steve Martin
Love For His People

View from 3rd floor hotel room above Main Street 
looking the other way
- almost across from the
Greetings from Jerusalem gift shop 
(Vision for Israel - Barry & Batya Segal)
that I helped set up in 2009.

Yeah! 10 years! 

 Lonnie Rex

 David Yarnes

 Rick Joyner

 Lance Wallnau

 Rick Joyner & Dave Yarnes - 15 & 10 year Partner Pin Presentation

 (Ret.) Gen. Jerry Boykin

 Steve Martin's laptop on early morning table

 Bishop Wellington Boone

 Missions Director Jorge Parrot

 Saturday night meal

 Saturday night meal

Messages shared by the MorningStar Comenius School students - one per partner

Klint (center) giving history tour of Heritage USA & MorningStar

MorningStar Partners reception on Main Street 
- from Steve's hotel room balcony

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Birthing & Raising - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Birthing & Raising
- Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“Who do you think Paul is, anyway? Or Apollos, for that matter? Servants, both of us — servants who waited on you as you gradually learned to entrust your lives to our mutual Master. We each carried out our servant assignment. I planted the seed, Apollos watered the plants, but God made you grow.” 1 Cor. 3:5,6 THE MESSAGE

When we celebrated our 4th year ministry anniversary of Love For His People on April 10, 2014, I was asked the question, “Do people really know what you do? They know you love Israel and bless the Jews worldwide, but how will they know to support your efforts if they don’t realize what that is? Maybe if you supported an orphanage in a foreign country, or evangelized, that would help?”

Hmmm. I later gave it some further thought and prayer, asking the Lord how to best communicate the vision and purpose given to this work He has given us to do, and others who come along side. It is true that if people do not understand the mission of an organization, they won’t support it.

In giving more understanding as to how the Body of Christ operates, each of us has a purpose, a specific calling that we have been apprehended by Him to fulfill. If we each do our part, His Church, the Body of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ) will function as we are meant to do.

As the Scripture written above says, some have been called and gifted to plant the seeds, while others will water the plants that have then sprouted up. Each is to accomplish the task they have been assigned, as all the time God is making His Body grow.

Do all evangelize, in order to bring others through the birth canal into the Kingdom? In a sense, yes, just by the fact that we who are saved have His Holy Spirit working in and through us - we may see a new birth as we lead others to Christ (Messiah). But as their main part, I think not.

Do all have the calling of teaching, once that new born has come forth and now needs daily care and instruction? Not necessarily so. Though indeed, some will have been placed in that position to carefully nurture and provide for the young ones, while others have been gifted to bring encouragement and training, using a different gift of the Holy Spirit that has been given to them.

Let me explain then what this ministry has been established to do.

As for the work of Love For His People, one of the main ministry’s objectives is to share the heart of the Lord God of Israel for His chosen people, the Jews, with others. With our leadership, and having others share in this purpose, we have been called to teach the Gentiles in the nations that the apple of His eye, the Jews, have been given the Promised Land, all of which surrounds Jerusalem and beyond. It is their rightful inheritance. We must stand with them as they come back to the Land, Israel.

Our purpose also includes giving people the opportunity to join alongside us in supporting these in the Land with humanitarian financial aid, as the time it takes for them to get established takes needed assistance.

In addition, with our social media postings, we regularly provide further understanding of the eternal truths written in the Scriptures (Old and New Testaments). Our firm stand on His Word gives resistance against those lies cast on the earth, while at the same time advancing His Kingdom’s realm in the nations with His truth.

Our annual trips to Israel, Ahava Adventures, gives opportunity for those who come along with us, whether they are from our generation of the 50+, or the generation of our kids, days to spend with friends in Israel. Relationships established through these times together will continue to grow in importance as we move forward.

Books written by myself further share the vision of Love For His People, while at the same time have given encouragement to the readers in their own faith walk. Sharing my Ahava Love Letters and Now Think On This messages have brought faith, hope and love to people in many countries.

We ask you to consider joining with us in this work, through your financial gifts. We also ask you to support our work through the purchase of my books, which also gives provision for this work to advance further.

Thank you for your consideration, as we together bless those who have given the nations so much - especially our Jewish born Savior Jesus Christ, and for the work they have done through the centuries recording His eternal written Word, the Bible, for us to know Him.

Please consider sending a contribution today.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.


Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

Go here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH  OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards: Love For His People If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box414   Pineville, NC 28134
Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

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Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #141 “Birthing & Raising” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (04.13.14) Sunday at 7:00 am in Charlotte, NC.

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on our newest website: Now Think On This