Showing posts with label missions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label missions. Show all posts

Monday, May 18, 2015

Southern Baptists Relax Missions Ban on Tongues

Southern Baptists Relax Missions Ban on Tongues

The Southern Baptist missions board is relaxing its rules that blocked people from serving as missionaries if they believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Baptist Press reports the goal of the revision is to allow as many missionaries as possible to reach the world.
International Missions Board President David Platt writes that "the practice of tongues and/or a private prayer language" will no longer be an obstacle to serving as a Baptist missionary.
"The ultimate aim of this policy revision is to enable limitless God-exalting, Christ-following, Spirit-led, biblically faithful, people-loving, high-quality Southern Baptist missionaries to serve with IMB through a multiplicity of pathways in the days ahead," Platt said.
Missionaries will still need to share Baptist core beliefs and be members of a Baptist church.
Platt said this is not a complete reversal of Baptist views about Charismatic practices, explaining that missionaries cannot try to compel disciples to practice specific gifts of the Spirit.
"We will continue to have as part of our Manual for Field Personnel allowance for termination of employment for any missionary who places 'persistent emphasis on any specific gift of the Spirit as normative for all or to the extent such emphasis becomes disruptive' to Southern Baptist missions work," Platt explained.

Monday, February 23, 2015

After Beating Cancer, Here's What Darlene Zschech Is Praying About Now

After Beating Cancer, Here's What Darlene Zschech Is Praying About Now

Darlene Zschech
Darlene Zschech (Facebook)
I've been really praying about this topic: worship and mission. These two words are like fire in my belly; they daily give me my purpose and reason. They are not entirely separate from each other; they are almost like a bride and groom—hard to have a wedding with just one of them.
Yet mission will always be trumped by worship for worship abides forever. As we continue to create God's throne room here among us, building his glorious throne of praise and going deeper in our understanding and experience, we will realize the passion God has for the lost and broken, that everyone needs to hear, see, and know the goodness of the gospel.
I continually find myself in John 4, seeing and hearing the scene where "true worship" is discussed by Jesus and the Samaritan woman. Seeing once more that when Christ's Lordship is established, living waters are our promise, our inheritance, our radical need, and God's even more radical provision.
As we continue to reveal Jesus in every area of our lives, I see God's throne being established among us in our churches, in our communities, in our families, in our new experiences and in our traditions. For wherever He is enthroned, there you'll find hearts that are open and thirsty for the one thing none of us can acquire elsewhere, only from relationship with Jesus: Living Water.
How can truthful and authentic worship be anything but missional? In genuine worship we are constantly declaring God's goodness, always announcing and declaring that he is with us, always being filled with joy in his presence, always announcing freedom, always dependent on the Holy Spirit to fill us, change us, lead us, and turn our sorrows into joy, our mourning into dancing.
More Than a Song
To worship with our life means that it is not just in the singing of songs that we find our hearts emblazoned with mission, but it is the result of a worshipful life where mission finds its expression in the going, the sending, and the daily expression of our faith in the ordinary. As Christ followers, all that we are should be somehow resulting in bringing the love and light of Christ to our world. Is this mission? Yes. Is this worship? Yes.
Limitless Connection
I'll never forget sitting in the South African dirt with a beautiful four-year-old boy in an orphanage in Johannesburg. It seemed nothing could reach his lonely little heart, no toys or games, not even the crazy young musicians traveling along with us could find a way to connect with him. His eyes were glazed over; I cannot bear to think about what he had endured at such a young age. So in the dirt, into his gorgeous, perfectly formed little ears, I started to sing, "Jesus loves me." It only took moments for his stunning tear-filled eyes to look up, and it was like our hearts connected right there and then. Building Jesus a throne in the middle of the dirt. As we drew near, he drew near to us (Jas 4:8). That's the promise.
There is no other name like the name of Jesus to heal our wounds, calm our fears, walk with us through suffering, and to even hold an aching four-year-old heart tenderly in his hands. This little boy's heart was opened to the love of Jesus, and he experienced what it was like to draw from a well that could never be taken from him, and certainly never run dry.
I may not have been leading lots of worship through music over the last 12 months, but the mission of my life, as a worshiper, has not changed one bit. As I've sat in doctors' waiting rooms and laid in bed for many months, that call to take Jesus to every sacred place burns in me just like leading people to his glorious courts through praise does. Living our lives poured out ... in response to his great love for us...
That the world may know!
Darlene Zschech is the former worship pastor at Hillsong Church. She is now a popular Christian singer and songwriter.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Morris Ruddick - shares believers' stories "from the field" of SE Asia - courage, endurance, perseverance and the Lord's expansion

Morris Ruddick

On March 7, 2014 at the Inspiration's City of Light, Morris Ruddick shared believers' stories "from the field" of SE Asia - courage, endurance, perseverance and the Lord's expansion. 

As he and his wife Carol have now made several trips to Vietnam, he tells of the Lord's move in that country, for spiritual and economic provision, based on Biblical, centuries old Jewish methods.



Click here for more: Morris Ruddick website

You may contact Morris at:

3838 South Wabash - Suite 201
Denver, CO 80237-0291 USA
Phone: (303) 741-9000
Fax: (303) 741-9100

We invite you to partner with us in our labors 
to expand the Kingdom of God.

Please visit Morris' website and click here: Partnership page.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

MorningStar/CM Missions "Going Into All The Earth"

Let the Wind take you...into all the world! 
- Jorge Parrott MorningStar/CM Missions

Let's go around the world in 3 minutes to see what the Lord is up to at MS/CM Missions. Hear the Moravian Trumpet call to reach the nations for Jesus Christ. Contact us at or visit to learn more at 

In the video below, Don Potter plays "Come, come, come!"

Jorge Parrot with Barzilians

Anna Marie & Jorge Parrot, Nancy G Daniel

Touching lives in the nations

Using Skype and all means available 
-for the reach of the Gospel

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

General Jeremy Boykin - Status of the Nations - Israel, Syria, and the Middle East (photos & video)

Retired General Jeremy Boykin

Published on Jan 1, 2014
General Jeremy Boykin - Status of the Nations. Given at MorningStar Ministries, Heritage International MInistries 12.31.13 in Fotrtg MIll, SC

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Rick Joyner & John Boneck - "Missions" - at KBA Conf - Partner's Session

Rick Joyner & John Boneck
YouTube Click here:  MorningStar Missions update

Rick Joyner at KBA Conf - Partner's Q & A Session Saturday afternoon, Oct. 26, 2013. John Boneck joined Rick as they shared the ongoing vision of MorningStar, the Mission outreach, and repairs to the Grand Cafe' kitchen.

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ahava Love Letter (#62) - "Hidden"


“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. 
A man found it, hid it again, then in great joy went and sold 
everything he owned, and bought that field.” 
Matt 13:44 Complete Jewish Bible

Dear family of friends,

As the verse above says, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden. Hidden from whom? Hidden for what purpose? What does it have to say about you?

The Lord had the apostle Matthew, or emissary as the CJB version would say, add these spoken words of Yeshua (Jesus) as a parable telling of the value of finding the Kingdom of Heaven, and then selling all to obtain it. So it must be possible to obtain the Kingdom of Heaven for ourselves. But it will cost dearly of ourselves to have it. It will cost everything we have.

How many of us are willing to sell all – our current life, our job situation, our hopes and dreams – to get all that the Lord has for us? There used to be a time when that seemed common. Sell all you had, join the Jesus People or the charismatic movement, and live in the commune. I know I did in the late 1970’s.

You don’t hear too much of this generation wanting to become missionaries and “go to Africa”, or young ones leaving home to give their heart and soul to what Jesus has called them to do. There are the summer short-term mission trips, the Saturday youth group team outing to help needy church members, but rarely anymore do I hear of young people, college age young adults in church wanting to serve the Lord lifetime on the mission field, or join YWAM (Youth With A Mission.)

Or maybe I just am not seeing it, and the Lord is preparing a group of young people, future leaders, who are now “hidden” from my view, and many others.

I have hope in my heart that there are right now being prepared these who are going to give their all to serve His purposes. It seems like every generation has some.

Maybe you are in your late teens or early twenties; maybe you are “thirtysomething”, and longing for the Lord to move in your life. You want Him to respond to that stirring He put in your heart when you were ten, or 15. I promise you, He will. I am living proof of it.

It may take 10 or 20 years to happen, but His promises are true. While you may seem hidden, unnoticed, cast aside and somewhat useless in your own eyes and others, I tend to think that is because you are the Kingdom of Heaven material that He has sought for. When the Lord goes out in His field, looking for buried treasure that He already knows is there, He will already have paid the price, as He did on the cross, and take you as His own. The hidden treasure in the field this time is you.

Don’t grow weary in your current situation, struggling without hope and vision. Know that His plan for you is good. Hang in there, and you will see Him open doors that no man can shut. You will step out and walk in your calling. The world needs you, and He will be the one to complete His purposes for you.

Be encouraged young one.

Ahava (love in Hebrew) to my family of friends,

Steve Martin

Love For His People, Inc. truly appreciates your generous support. Please consider sending a monthly charitable gift of $5-$25 each month to help us bless Messianic Jews in Israel. 

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Don't have a PayPal account? You can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

You can also send checks to the address below. Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)

©2013 Steve Martin      Love For His People, Inc.  12120 Woodside Falls Rd. Pineville, NC 28134      

Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People 
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 


Full website:

YouTube: Steve Martin (loveforhispeopleinc)

Ahava Love Letter #62   “Hidden”
 Date: In the year of our Lord 2013 (07/24/13 Wednesday 10 pm in Charlotte, NC)

All previous editions of Ahava Love Letter can be found on this Blog:
Here are the last few:
Get Back in the Boat (#61)
Need Money? (#60)
Rejected? (#59)
In Your Building – Guard Against Distractions (#58)
Connections (#57)
Your Name (#56)
Lost, But Not Forgotten Friends (#55)
Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? (#54)
We Speak To Nations (#53)

Friday, July 12, 2013

The Church Against Israel?

Mainline American Christians against Israel

Posted on July 11, 2013 by Jerusalem Connection
Posted in anti-Semitism, Replacement theologyTagged anti-Semitism, replacement theology


Manfred Gerstenfeld interviews Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein of the Wiesenthal Center: “They claim to support the underdog against ‘powerful and evil Israel.’”

The leadership of most American ‘mainline’ Protestant churches is top-heavy with anti-Israel agitation, especially among those on mission committees. By now, a substantial number of their members have been influenced by anti-Israel rhetoric. Furthermore, younger members, due to anti-Israel attitudes on campus, are increasingly hostile to Israel. If the Palestinians make further progress here, it will be a great blow to the self-understanding of America as ‘firmly in Israel’s camp.’

“These very liberal churches include Presbyterians, Methodists, Episcopalians, Lutherans, and the United Church of Christ. They presently number about 16 million. Their membership and influence in the United States continue to decline. These churches’ rhetoric is usually outdone by an even harsher one of a small group of so-called ‘peace churches,’ including the Mennonites and Quakers.”

Rabbi Yitchok Adlerstein is the Director of Interfaith Affairs at the Simon Wiesenthal Center. He is the Adjunct Chair, Jewish Law and Ethics at Loyola Law School. He is the Founding Editor of the Jewish Orthodox blog Cross-Currents.

“Mainline churches claim many members from Congress. They represent America’s heartland and have adopted a range of resolutions hostile to Israel. They include calls for boycotts plus divestment and sanctions (BDS). Some are aimed at Israel, others focus on the ‘settlements.’ Several churches supported the hateful Kairos Palestine Document published in 2009 by some Palestinian Christians. There is also tourism to Israel under Palestinian auspices.

“BDS started with the passage of a resolution in 2004 at the Presbyterian Church (USA) calling for selective divestment of shares of American companies doing business in Israel. Long before that, the World Council of Churches (WCC) founded in 1948, aligned itself with ‘third world’ countries and thinking. This is an international umbrella group of mainline churches which claims denominational membership of 590 million people. It has frequently condemned Israel, yet never protested attempts by Israel’s neighbors and by terrorists to erase it from the map.

“The churches’ salaried officials often harm Israel, without a specific mandate from a convention floor. For example, in fall 2012 just before the U.S. presidential elections, a consortium of church officials sent a letter to members of Congress questioning how U.S. military aid was being used by Israel, and calling for cutbacks in that aid.

“Several of these churches also publish extremely anti-Israel educational materials. These are often the only ones members will view. The Methodists produced a study guide a few years ago authored by an apostate Jewish pastor. He admitted to hating Judaism. It featured illustrations of Israeli soldiers reminiscent of Nazi guards at a concentration camp.

“The motives of these churches differ. Some aim to delegitimize the State of Israel as ‘a colonialist enterprise conceived in sin.’ Others desire to give Christian witness to the lack of peace in the Holy Land. These churches have discarded much of their grandparents’ beliefs and practices, retaining sympathy only for the powerless. In defending the Palestinians, they claim to support the underdog against ‘powerful and evil Israel.’

“Theology is playing an increasing role in mainline churches’ anti-Israel activity. It began with the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center and its head, Dr. Naim Ateek. Many liberal churches have partnered with Sabeel. Ateek used crucifixion imagery in his Easter message of 2001: ‘It seems to many of us that Jesus is on the cross again with thousands of crucified Palestinians around him.’

” This reintroduces the ancient murderous Christian charge of deicide against the Jews. Ateek and others deny that the Bible speaks of any covenant of land with the Jews. This is a renewal of the replacement theology and supersessionism, and is extremely dangerous for Jews around the world, especially at a time of rising anti-Semitism.

“Palestinian influences in anti-Israel hate mongering is huge. They have sent teams of Palestinian Christians around the U.S for a decade, tugging at Christian heartstrings with emotional tales of woe. They are more effective than Palestinian Muslims, who don’t come as ‘brothers.’

“Still, there are surprises. In 2012, several denominations substituted positive investment resolutions in place of divestment. In some cases, votes that looked like they were heading in the anti-Israel direction were saved by impassioned speeches by pastors who spoke about the impact such a resolution would have on Jewish-Christian friendships and partnerships in their churches.

“I frequently converse with friends in churches, pondering the sundry causes of anti-Israel sentiment. When I attribute much to the misdirection of Christian love, I am often interrupted by someone saying: ‘Rabbi, I wish it were true. There is far more old-fashioned anti-Semitism in this church than any of us would like to admit.’”

“The actions of these mainline churches have poisoned the well of Christian-Jewish dialogue. Jews entered the dialogue, which has been fruitful at times, on the basis of assurances that Christian partners left contempt for Jews and Judaism behind, and had made serious attempts to understand what was important to Jews. The way in which these churches treat Israel shows that neither is true.”

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Remain Jewish and believe in Jesus

'The point is to remain Jewish and believe in Jesus'

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 |  Israel Today Staff  
Israel Today recently wrote about a confrontation between Messianic Jewish Israelis and an Orthodox anti-missionary group in the coastal town of Bat Yam.
The same regional newspaper that first reported on that ongoing saga recently published a follow-up including "reader responses," some of which were very interesting.
One readers asked how Messianic Jewish sharing their faith is "any different from religious Jewish missions?" The reader was referring to the regular roadside witnessing and handing out of pamphlets by various Orthodox Jewish sects. He or she went on to conclude that it is no one's business "if I feel like converting to Christianity."
Another respondent tried to clear up that last point by noting that "Messianic Jews do not attempt to convert people. The whole point of Messianic Judaism is to remain Jewish and believe in Jesus."
The upcoming issue of Israel Today Magazine will explore the sensitive topic of some Jews coming to faith in Jesus, only to leave the community after feeling it was not Jewish enough.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Mission Of Praise (1996) - Scott Wesley Brown - Hosanna! Music

Scott's Journey to Becoming a Musician

My first attraction to music was my grandmother’s piano. It was one of those old Sundayschool uprights and barely in tune. 

But to me it was the door that opened up into a world of endless possibilities, 
especially for a three year old.

I received my first guitar for my seventh birthday and despite the fact that I had 
no idea of how to tune it, I spent hours making up songs. But the real epiphany 
came in sixth grade.

I was failing English grammar and my teacher was concerned that I just couldn’t 
catch on. But then we launched into studying poetry. Our assignment was to 
write a poem, which I accepted with great enthusiasm. I went home that night 
with one single mission: to write a great poem!

The next morning I arrived at school so excited to turn my poem in to the teacher 
and my heart leapt as she selected mine to read to the whole class. Before I caught
 the bus home Mrs. Brewer asked me to write another poem and to bring it 
back the following day, which I continued to do until the last day of school that year. 
Each afternoon she would sit down with me and read through my poems helping 
me steer through the grammar, the tense and the flow.

By the end of my sixth grade year I was starting to add music to those poems 
and thus a career was born. My first band, The Surfers, was formed. 
Remember, The Beach Boys were one of the top groups then. Well, all 
musical journeys need to start somewhere!

Little did I know in the sixth grade that I would end up in LA and Nashville 
recording songs I’d written! Little did I know that I would discover what it
 meant to follow Jesus! But the Lord captured my heart, and my music, and 
has taken me on a journey around the world to over fifty countries and 
every state in America.

Being a part of the early days of contemporary Christian music or “Jesus Music” 
as we called it in the 70’s was as exciting as blazing the new frontiers 
of the wild west!

This was radical music for its time and just to see a drum set in a church 
sanctuary was a marvel unto itself!

Times have certainly changed since the days when Larry Norman cried out, 
“Why Should The Devil Have All The Good Music?” Hundreds and hundreds 
of music and worship CDs by so many talented Christian musicians have proven 
that the music of the Kingdom marches on with each generation as they express
 their adoration of our Redeemer.

My songs are all a part of my journey. I once said that they are my confessions. 
They are also my profession: a profession of faith in the excellency of God! 
To declare the supremacy of Christ through music, worship and mission is the 
heart of all I do and all I sing. Soli Deo Gloria!

PS: And by the way, I got to meet The Beach Boys!