Showing posts with label promise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label promise. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

2015 A Time of Romance, A Vision of Purpose by Lee Johndrow

2015 A Time of Romance, 

A Vision of Purpose 

by Lee Johndrow

Identity Network

Why even announce for 2015? Why seek the Lord at all for this? Is it any different?

Throughout yesterday as the messages of hope and the future appeared, I thought, "I agree."  "Amen."  "Good for you!" I know people get caught up in resolutions and change. They want to see the New Year as better than the last. There is a hope on the table.

This prophecy sets a place of reference I believe. A course or a thought process as you may end your gym membership or determine lettuce 3 times a day is not working for you! Last year my prophecy for 2014 for the church stayed in the top 3 out of over 1,000 messages. (The vision for our church fellowship was in the top 5.)

For me there are three reasons I present the outlook I see as God giving to me for the upcoming year. None of them have to do with "have to's" or urgency, expectation or pressure. As a matter of fact I did not see this coming. I do not even think I gave any thought about it except on one occasion that I shrugged off and a text over the weekend. I actually thought I had too much to do, wanted to go somewhere, do something.

Here are My Reasons for this 2015 Prophecy

  • As a prophet I think my gift is my function and that is available to God and to the body as He sees fit or deems to be used.
  • Prophecy can shape or change paths or destinies of people and add value to the body of Christ and ultimately this impacts the world.
  • Prophecy is three fold; a result of God's message, a voice honed by hearing God and an interpretation of what is seen, dreamed or envisioned.
I think it began to unfold in my mind as I began to see rings appearing on the fingers of women. Engagement rings, wedding rings and promise rings. I began to think this cannot be a coincidence. I began to think back to a time when had I seen the flood of jewelry appearing on hands? I could not find it.

God was up to something. I did not want to miss it. So I began to investigate, to get closer to it.

For many years it felt as if we were getting further away from commitment, from promise. People used that thinking, that observation to announce "great darkness" upon the earth. But over the last year or two I began to see great treasure upon the earth.

I looked where the theme of the last few months might be leading. The overriding message was love. God had me on a path I did not see in full until just the last few days.

When I first began to dial into what I heard the Lord say for 2015 I was immediately caught up in the fact that 2015 would appear on a 24-hour clock as 20:15 or 8:15 PM. I heard the PM to mean a "private message."  I think that August 15th will have meaning for the church, but I also believe that 8:15 at night will have much meaning to many.

What is 8:15? I think it speaks of a "post" dinner moment; a time following a friendly repast where "lovers" will engage in quiet conversation.

And then I saw the dinner. The hunger, the expectation, the waiting and the readiness. I could hear a child calling out in the room, "I'm hungry!"

How do we get there? The church will experience an attitude of viral force. The experience of Jesus will over take the negativity of Facebook, Twitter and a thousand other experiences. Why? Because of love.

The Following is What I Have Been Seeing

Envision if you will a man making a date with his wife. On Wednesday or so, the plans of many months of preparation and planning have been put in play and time and date are set. "Saturday we will drive to this romantic restaurant. Saturday morning comes and there are things to do. There is sunshine and brightness, but not even a storm could dampen this day. The chores are done. Clothing is laid out with care and a quick trip to get the flowers is done. The small box rests in his hand. In this box is the sign of promise, the nature of love. This small band with shimmering stones has been hidden away, the box concealing its beauty. 

At 5 o'clock the magic begins. The door is open and she sets herself in the seat. He runs to the driver's side, whistling a little tune. As they drive, the radio is on but neither are really listening. There is traffic and people but for them the world holds only two. As they pulled up under the restaurant's awning the uniformed man came to the door. Opening the door for the lady, the man came around and handed him the keys. They were escorted into this beautiful restaurant. 

The maî·tre d' greeted them and took them to a quiet corner where out the window was a setting sun. The look in their eyes as they faced one another was light and life and love. Wine was brought to the table and the glasses were filled. As the night moved on, food was brought and drinks were had. A band played soft music and the world was a dream. And as they sat there, time seemed to stand still. He reached in his pocket for the small, blue felt box. 

As he opened the cover, tears formed in their eyes. Not tears of despair, but tears of happiness and joy. As the ring was placed on her finger with care, the moment was melded in their lives forever.

The next season of the church is that of lovers, lovers of His presence and His purpose. I feel that this season that is upon us is pregnant with purpose.

Many have been in preparation for this season, while some are just entering into it. It is as if you knew something was beautiful but one day you walked into the house and the beauty had increased. The person or the object had taken on new meaning and gathered new value.

For so long we have been caught up in "serving" mode that we missed out on the intimacy mode. It is not that serving is not right but serving without love or intimacy soon loses its "awesomeness."  Especially if you come out of a lifestyle where it has been about you and not about others.

I said it was about love and it is. Loving God, His love for us and loving those about us.

2015 is Bringing the Love to the Table

Get the plan.  You must have a plan. A game plan of sorts. Not just any plan but an understanding of the desire of God towards you and you towards others. Set the date in motion. A plan for intimacy and time spent with God and others.

A word about plans. Part of the people want no plan because they feel it is binding and religious. Others do not know how to make a plan, so they don't. Still others find plans unbreakable. Plans have the potential to bring you great freedom or great despair. So, does the reading of scripture. Where are you coming from in your thinking determines a lot of where you are going.

2015 is a Year of Planning for the Future

Set the time.  One of the hardest things to do is to set the date. Why? Because it is a "will the stars align?" moment. Will all go well? Yesterday, I was in a conversation where I began to unravel a man's thinking about "nothing will ever go right."  What if it fails? How about, what if it doesn't! To see vision become reality, setting dates and putting signposts and markers in play is important.

Like a store keeps track of sales through inventory, so does a person set plans of expectation through plans of "inventory."  What will be on hand when I reach here? Your call! Yesterday, I listened to a man plan his New Years Eve for him and his sweetheart. Restaurant reservations, hotel reservations, flowers at the hotel, music and dancing. All of this took him 15 minutes. He even had a plan if it was too cold to take a romantic walk!

2015 is a Year of Plans Set in Motion

Get the ring.  In the vision the ring represents the "prize" or the value of the time long after the date is over. What will you reveal in the coming year? What prize, what gift, will you be, after the last meeting?

While many are looking to be revealed, others are looking to be concealed. That occasional check in the "box" to make sure it is still there. Even in darkness God still opens the "box."

2015 is the Year of Promise and Value

Dress for it.  We have heard "dress for the job you want - not the one you have." I am not talking about the actual clothing but what you want to look like when you are done. To be cloaked in love, adorned with grace, shod with peace!

Too often we think our behavior or attitude does not matter. But that is our "dress code" if you will. That is what people see. Do you bring a good attitude to your friends, your family? 2015 has a dress code. It will require an attitude adjustment.

2015 is a Year of Being "Dressed for Success"

Get there.  Today is the day. It is now. We say "for such a time as this."  So be it. What is the vehicle you will bring? What will it look like? Will it get there?

When I was young and I would "go on dates" I always spent time cleaning my car. Washing it, vacuuming it. Making sure it was perfect.

Too often we forget that our vehicle often is our ministry or demeanor, revealing our method of expressing Him. Too often, voids of knowledge, ignorance and lack of care, have left ministries and people on the side of the road.

2015 is a Year for Getting There! What does it take?

Know the time.  Many times I have seen the chiros of God missed by folks who thought I "have a better plan."  1 Chronicles 12:32 tells us of those who knew the times. The sons of Issachar had analyzed their times and had perceived correctly what those times were all about. They knew what to do because they understood.

Be like the character of the rabbit "who did not want to be late for a very important date" Not out of urgency but out of desire for the meeting.

2015 is the Year for Knowing the Time and Understanding it

Get served.  There must be a decision to receive. Many of the abuses of the "give me" times have left many with their arms crossed and a shaking of the head, "no."  "Not me. Take care of everyone else." I get it. Not to be perceived as a taker. But God wants you to receive that you might pass it on to others.

It is not elitism to allow yourself to be served. In the midst of great taking many have avoided the ability to receive. Some of it might be shame, but much is about pride.You can't "pay it forward" if you won't receive the pay!

2015 is the Year to be Served and Receive

Location, location, location.  There is an increasing need to sit in a place of intimacy, to enjoy the light, to share the view and to hear the music.

Why does a date like I shared become so valuable? Because it affects all the senses - seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling.

It is in these times of intimacy life becomes alive. Determine times of intimacy with God and with one another. Love is in the air!

2015 is the Year of Intimate Times and Places

Revealing the promise.  As the ring is presented and placed upon the finger, there is a bond that is created. God has given many promises but I believe there are many who have "felt those promises were for others."

I watched a commercial. Two women are being told about the company, a relationship finding service. One says, "if I wasn't married, I would use it." The other doesn't use the service, and when asked "how is that working" she said "not so well."  A lot of people are like the first woman, kind of feeling left behind in their choices. Others, like the second, have felt they have "no choices" as they feel that "works for others" and not for them.

That is not true. God is forever working on your behalf. He is the God of promise, intentional towards you. He "wants" it more than you do!

2015 is the Year of God and His Promise

So much of what I have written is but a few moments that could change your life forever.

Some of you read it and thought about romance and love. Others thought, what happens next? I wish I could tell you. Romance and love lead to many things. They can lead to family and purpose, passion and change.

Throughout this I have spoken about purpose and living life intentionally. Because of the romantic lean you may not have noticed it. Why? Because love changes everything! Or you may have looked at the steps and thought "I can do this" or maybe you thought "but I know I can't."  Others just had eyes glaze over because it exceeded the 140 characters they live life by. What if meaning is more than 140 characters??? Sometimes I think we spend so much time working to be relevant that we forget what it is like to just breathe. He made you this way for a reason!

2015 is filled with promise. Filled with purpose. Clearly I believe it is a time of love and loving life. God brought us this far, that we might see further to go, that we would embrace the journey.

It is His plan and His purpose. Only the church can stop wars and destruction. Heal racism and bigotry. Bring justice that heals and makes whole. Love people into purpose. Mend the divides and turn anger into peace.

All of that and more!

I have a few questions…

Are you ready to participate? Will you embrace purpose? Will you allow for love? Will you devote time? Do you want to change the world?

I humbly offer this to you not as a guide, but the view and the vision of one man who loves God.

Lee Johndrow

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Monday, November 17, 2014

A Powerful Prophetic Promise for the Weary - Jennifer LeClaire

Spiritual Power

The Plumb Line, by Jennifer LeClaire
If perception is reality, then a godly perspective of your trials and tribulations can deliver you from your worst enemy: your own unrenewed mind.
I can't tell you—and, in fact, I'd probably be embarrassed to admit—just how many times I've allowed the perspective of my unrenewed mind to dictate my thoughts, feelings and emotions in the midst of what I perceived as overwhelming pressure. I can't tell you how many times I didn't think I could take another step; how many times I felt like giving up, calling it quits, throwing in the towel—and moving to some remote tropical island where the devil was less likely to find me.
Then after completely discouraging myself (instead of doing what David did and encouraging myself in the Lord), I discover that the pressure isn't as pressing as my perception of reality made it out to be. I was foiled by the enemy that is my unrenewed mind. I took the bait—hook, line and sinker—by looking at the smoke and mirrors of circumstantial evidence through eyes weary from the spiritual battle. (Can I get a witness? Surely, I'm not the only one.)
Why We Need God's Perspective
Of course, later I realize that things weren't really as bad as they looked with my natural eyes. That's why I have asked the Lord over the years to teach me how to quit looking at things through my natural eyes and begin looking at them through eyes empowered by a mind that is set on the things of the Spirit. Paul put it like this: "For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace" (Rom. 8:5-6).
See, it's all a matter of renewing your mind to God's perspective. Yes, that means meditating on the Word of God, rolling over Scriptures in your mind that deal with areas in which you struggle (whether that's patience, anger, pride or some other carnally minded thing). But I've learned another secret: When we grow weary from well doing, we need to return to the secret place of the Most High. He never faints nor is weary—and He can give us the proper perspective on any trial we might be facing. Once we see things from the Creator's perspective, we'll tap into the Creator's joy—and the joy of the Lord is indeed our strength.
A Powerful Prophetic Promise
Here's the promise: "He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint" (Is. 40:29-31).
The renewing of strength is an awesome promise. The guarantee of not growing weary and fainting ... I'll take that one, too. But I wanted to point your attention to the other part of this verse: "They shall mount up with wings like eagles." Eagles soar higher than any other bird. Indeed, the eagle lives in high altitudes. The eagle can see at least twice as far as a human. And eagles are symbolic of prophetic ministry.
When you want a prophetic perspective—God's perspective—on anything from your daily trials to your future decisions, wait on the Lord. Expect Him. Look for Him. Hope in Him. He will cause you to soar above the storms in your life like an eagle soars above the clouds in the sky. He will give you a prophetic perspective on your situation so you can see the proverbial forest instead of getting overwhelmed by the trees.
Now, it's still up to you to renew your mind to that prophetic perspective. Your unrenewed mind will work overtime to walk you around the same overwhelming mountain once again. After all, that's what the world trained it to do. It's up to you not to be conformed to the world, but to be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Rom. 12:2).
Once your mind is renewed, you'll have that peace that surpasses all understanding—and it will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus. Your perception will still be your reality, but your renewed mind will offer you God's perspective of the victory that is yours in Christ. Amen.
Jennifer LeClaire is news editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale and author of several books, including Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraftand The Spiritual Warrior's Guide to Defeating JezebelYou can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.
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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Responding to His Voice by Kathi Pelton

Responding to His Voice 

by Kathi Pelton

Identity Network
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  John 1:1
"In the beginning was the Word...." How did the world begin? God spoke! The entire universe exists because God spoke and it came into being.  Jesus is the Word and when He speaks a word there must be a response.
And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light." Genesis 1:3
Again, He spoke and then it existed! God's written and spoken word is not void but is full of life, creation, movement, motion and fulfillment. We exist because God spoke. The Earth and all it contains exist because God spoke it into existence. Do you believe this? Do you believe when he speaks a word today it has the same power as it did in creation? His word is just as powerful as the day He spoke and light appeared.
Entering into His Word
God still speaks light and life into our situations. As His sons and daughters we have close relationship with Him, and therefore, He speaks within that context. When you hear God speak a word to you and you respond, you enter into His living word. His words are filled with life; they contain everything necessary to not only begin, but also complete the promise or prophecy He spoke to you.
Picture a word He has spoken to you as a suitcase being handed to you at the outset of a journey. The case holds everything you will need for your entire adventure. It carries the beginning, middle and end result. It has everything that you need in every area that you will need it. Like Mary Poppins' suitcase, keep reaching in even if the bag seems empty, and what your need will be supplied! 
Act on His Word
When God speaks, we must respond. When you receive what He has spoken as truth, you enter into the fullness of the promise contained within the word. You must both receive and believe His spoken word over your life and then ask what your response is to be. He most likely will have directions included, even if that direction is to wait for the next step to be revealed to you.
When the Lord told Moses to stand before Pharaoh and command him to free the Israelites, Moses had to respond. He did not have all the details, but he had received a word, he chose to believe the word, and he returned to Egypt in response to that word.  The word contained all that Moses needed to see his people freed from slavery, but God only revealed what he needed at the moment.  (see Exodus 3)
The same is true for us. God speaks to us and we respond. We may not know all of the details but we obey in faith. Remember, His word is not void of life but is living and active and has provision and promises within it.
Moses faced obstacle after obstacle as he demanded of Pharaoh, "Let my people go!" When Pharaoh resisted, Moses did not give up but went back for further instructions. When he entered into agreement with the word God had spoken, he also entered into receiving instructions, grace and strength for every aspect of fulfillment of that word.
Man does not Live By Bread Alone
Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" Matthew 4:4
Life comes from every word that the Lord speaks! Just as our bodies need food to stay healthy and nourished, so does the body of Christ need the word of God to remain healthy and nourished. His word is truth, and gives vision and guidance of how to live our lives. When He speaks to us, whether personally or corporately, things begin to change as we receive His word. Breakthrough begins at the sound of His voice! His voice is like the gun that goes off to mark the beginning of a race. It gives us the permission to go.
Be sure to be an active participant when God speaks; passivity does not win the race. His word is sure and announces good tidings. His word makes a way through every obstacle and gives strength to every weary heart. His word feeds the hungry soul and gives sight to blind eyes. His word breaks the heavy yoke and promises favor and success. His word is FULL of everything that you need.

Now is the time to respond to the words that He has spoken into your life! Reach into that word and find all that you need to move forward. Do not let what is "seen" usurp the "unseen."  Reality is what the Father has spoken, whether you can see it or not.
Kathi Pelton

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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Kent Simpson: Your Purpose, The Process, His Promise

Kent Simpson:
The Elijah List

Kent SimpsonYour Purpose and New Identity

When our Father's abiding Word is working within you, you have found your purpose for your life, and this purpose becomes your identity. Too many Believers today do not know where they fit in the Kingdom of God. One of the very first acts of every Christian should be to find out what God's purpose for them is in this life. Before we can begin to please God with our works we must first find out what His purpose is for us.

If we are not of this world then we should not be so concerned about where we fit in it. This short time we have on earth is a time of testing to see if we are loyal subjects who will serve our Father or serve the ruler of this world, the prince of darkness (see Ephesians 2:2). This life is training us to be prepared to endure the lengthy boot camp God has called us into.

Our Father has a three-part purpose for giving each and every one of us a prophetic word. It gives us direction on what we are called to do for His people. The word gives purpose by revealing to us how we are to go about fulfilling the work He has placed before us. He has a purpose for imparting into us a spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit so that we will be equipped to demonstrate His power, letting all know that we are His anointed ones for the job He has purposed us to do.

When most of us begin to think about what we could possibly do for the Kingdom of God we are limited in our thoughts to just a few duties found within the local congregation. You might consider being a pastor, a or praise and worship leader, a sound and technical person, a Sunday school teacher or one of the other smaller positions.
We cannot limit God and keep Him locked in the box of the Church's making. Our Father is much more radical than what most people may think, so do not be surprised if His word to you sounds a bit unacceptable to the religious mindset today. 

(Photo via enwikipedia)

One of the most quoted verses of Scripture that most of us have either heard or have been falsely corrected by is found in Romans 8:28, "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."

If you read this verse a couple of times you might see that there is a condition within this verse that is very important. It seems that every time things do not work out for one of our brothers or sisters we quote this verse as to say, "It's okay. You love God, however, you are going to make mistakes or bad things are going to happen to you that's just the way it is."

Well, I have found that the part that makes all the difference is found in the last few words of this verse, "...called according to His purpose." Now if you read this verse as it is written, then you will see that it is saying that: if you are in God's purpose and do all things according to His word (your calling, commission and gifting) good things will come to you and the evil one cannot touch you.

Most people think that if they are doing good things for people then they are fulfilling God's purpose, but that is simply not so. I counsel people almost every day. Many of them are doing good things in the sight of the religious bunch to impress one another and hopefully God too. But their good deeds can be dead works in the eyes of God leaving them an open target for satan to mess up their lives.

Now, if they are doing what our Father has commissioned them to do then the devil cannot touch them, "...he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him" (1 John 5:18b). Or do you believe that God has no power over the devil? Let's get real here. God created ALL things and this includes satan who has a purpose, too; remember that "he comes to steal, kill and destroy" (John 10:10).

What is your purpose and what are you called, commissioned and equipped to do for our Master and Lord Jesus Christ and His Church?

The Process, Baptism of Fire

There is a process that everyone must go through before they can receive their promise. No one likes the process and some fail the test by doubting God and His word. That is why the verse says, "For many are called, but few are chosen" (Matthew 22:14). Not everyone is able to hold on to His word through all the obstacle courses this boot camp has laid out to test their faith. To be in God's Army you have to be fit to endure it all until you finally come to the place where all the pain and suffering just does not matter anymore.

Many make grand commitments to the Holy Spirit while standing in the midst of His Shekinah glory. It is easy to serve God when you feel as though Jesus has His hand on your shoulder.

(Photo by Jennifer Page In His Presence via

The real test comes when you are standing alone toe-to-toe with the devil and he is doing his best to get you to believe satan rather than God and beating you down with doubt and disbelief.

Remember these words when you are being tested in this manner: "He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world" (John 4:4). Don't doubt in darkness what you have committed to in the light. "Who among you fears the Lord? Who obeys the voice of His Servant? Who walks in darkness and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the Lord and rely upon his God" (Isaiah 50:10).

Everything will be all right, for when you have passed through the process you will reap what has been promised to you.

"He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire." Matthew 3:11b

Before David was placed upon the throne, he received a word from Prophet Samuel that he would, in fact, someday become the king (ref. 1 Samuel 16:1-13). Twenty years later that word came to pass because David kept that word in his fore thoughts; and every time he was challenged by whatever obstacles were thrown into his path he was reminded of his purpose.

During the process, David's prophetic word was put to the test. He was challenged many times when he faced the lion in the woods. David could have died. His prophecy would not have come to pass except he was reminded of God's word and promise. He could not die. He had power over the lion, because his word had not yet come to pass.

When David faced the bear, it was the same situation, but this time his faith was stronger because he survived the lion. When David took the five small stones to challenge the giant it was nothing, because his faith had already grown to the point where he knew the giant could not touch him. David was believing in the word of God and fulfilling the purpose in his life. 

(Photo via wikimedia)

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Accountability for Leadership

"My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment." James 3:1

There is greater accountability for those who are in leadership, because they are accountable to God Almighty for what they tell others to do. They are accountable for your soul. This is not a picnic or a party. The Church is not another club to join. It is becoming an entity issuing fatigues and bars and stripes. It is calling out those who will fight in this spiritual war.

Remember, what you do in this life will determine your rank and position for eternity. How you lead others in this life will determine where you are placed in His chain of command. Don't let the devil give you an image of Heaven with you wearing a white gown sitting on a cloud strumming a harp. That is not the Kingdom of Heaven!

Those who have gone to the other side, those who died and returned, have said it is just like earth but much, much better. Sometimes we take this life far too seriously. In all reality we are too comfortable. When we begin to worship this life greater than the one to come, then our life becomes difficult to find peace or hear the Prince of Peace.

When you are called out by God and His word abides in you, you have chosen to come in agreement with His word. You have saluted and marched toward the call of God, and you cannot afford to look back. A person is not fit for the Kingdom of God if they put their hands to the plow and then look back.

"But Jesus said to him, 'No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God.'" Luke 9:62

Don't look to the past and lament about how things used to be. We do not serve a God of the past. He is a God of today. He is not a God who died, gave us a book, and put us in charge. God is ruling and reigning from Heaven now.

(Photo via wikimedia)

Every situation and every occurrence in your life has a meaning from Heaven above. In everything that happens in your life, there is a cause and effect. When unexpected things happen to you and you do not know why, you need to seek God and find out. You have a right to know and you can find out because Jesus is alive and speaking to everyone who will follow the sound of His voice.

His Promises Will Come to Pass IF...

The promises of God are very personal and are directly connected to you doing whatever He asks you to do. The more you do for Him the more He will do for you. It is like any relationship: you must be willing to give of yourself even at the most difficult of times. The devil will try and make you believe God just wants to take your life and make you a slave. Not so.

In fact, you will find that after you have served Him awhile and proved to Him you are loyal to do whatever He asks of you, He will trust you with more and more of His power, people and resources. It is a great thing when you have finally come to the place where God starts calling you His friend. 

To be a friend of God is to operate in a higher covenant with Him, and you find yourself in a relationship that is full of His promises.

Over the years, I have witnessed people trying all kinds of weird methods in an attempt to force the promises written in the Bible to come to pass for their needs. I have heard many preachers saying that we can have whatever we ask just by claiming it in the name of Jesus. The Bible is not like Aladdin's lamp. We cannot just rub it three times chanting a few verses and receive whatever you are wishing for.

To have a true friend takes a lot of effort and years of bonding. With each battle you find yourself in; you know your Friend is always right behind you backing you up. You have to want to go the distance with Jesus in order to build this type of relationship. He desires us all to be His friend; that is what He created us for. Begin building your relationship with Jesus today by asking what you can do for Him; rather than telling Him what YOU want. This is the KEY that unlocks the door to the abundant life He promised you and me.

"Then He said to them, 'Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given.'" Mark 4:24

Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Prophetic Ministries Today

Kent Simpson is a prophetic pastor and is the founder and senior pastor of Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle – a gathering place for the prophetic people of God to unite for the sole purpose of being used as vessels for the Holy Spirit to speak through. Prophetic Ministries Today is devoted to the truth that Jesus is not dead but alive and He speaks if you have an ear to hear the Spirit. 

His website is filled with prophetic teachings which will help you understand the process of "hearing" God for yourself as well as others. The Lord wants you to pray, hear, and obey Him because the Holy Spirit is the only One who can truthfully lead you into the abundant life Jesus promised us.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Your Gifts WILL Open Doors: A Promise from God by Paulette Reed

Your Gifts will Open Doors: 

A Promise from God by Paulette Reed

Identity Network

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God-Given Gifts 

The Bible assures us that every single person on earth has at least one - and probably several God-given gifts placed inside of them to be used for God's glory. When we entered this world, God already had a plan for us and gave us the gifts we needed to fulfill our destinies. 

When God called Jeremiah, He reassured him by saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations" (Jeremiah 1:5). 

God knew what Jeremiah was called to do and gave him the necessary gifts to fulfill that call even before he was born. God formed you in the womb too! He knows what you are called to do and has placed the perfect gifts inside of you to fulfill your destiny. 

The apostle Paul assures us that each of us within the body of Christ have different gifts that are a response to God's grace: "Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly…" (Romans 12:6). 

And Peter reminded his readers that they were on earth to glorify God through the use of their gifts: "As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. Whoever speaks, is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God; whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen" (1 Peter 4:10-11). 

Keys to Open Doors 

It's a great idea to ask yourself at the beginning of each year, "What is my vision? What is my destiny, and how to I reach it?" Asking these questions will help us focus on God's plan and purpose for our lives. In response to each of these questions, it is important for us to set reachable goals that we can achieve with the Lord's help. Remember, if we don't have a target, we're not aiming at anything. And if we're not aiming at anything, we won't even know if we hit the mark because we don't know what we're aiming at. 

As we step into 2014, which is the Year of the Open Door, let's return to the basics of the gospel. Each of us should ponder these questions: What are our gifts from heaven? Do we know what God has placed in us to fulfill His plan? Do we know what our part in that plan is? It's important for us to identify our gifts because they are the keys that open doors and bring us into our divine destiny.

Proverbs 18:16 promises us, "A man's gift makes room for him and brings him before great men." 

We can be sure that our gifts will be an integral part to fulfilling our God-given dreams. It's sad to watch people when they don't understand this connection. They begin to look for things in the world to fulfill their desires rather than looking to God. Unfortunately, most end up frustrated at best and discouraged at worst. However, when we learn to walk in our God-given gifts, we are not only content with our vocations, but we become passionate about them as well. 

The Rhythm of Heaven 

It's true that education is good and beneficial for the fulfillment of many of our dreams. But the Word of God does not tell us that education will make room for us. Don't get me wrong here: education is important and sometimes we can only walk through certain open doors because of our education. But the Bible is very clear that it is our gifts that make room for us. After all, we could earn multiple master's degrees but they may not help a bit if we don't know our true Master. 

I like how 1 Corinthians 1:26-29 (NLT) helps keep us humble. 

Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that few of you were wise in the world's eyes or powerful or wealthy when God called you. Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And He chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important. As a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God.

Beloved, our gifts from God bring us joy, peace, and success. It's when we learn to operate in them like a well-oiled machine, and are led by the Holy Spirit that we can flow with the rhythm of heaven. 

Kingdom Finances 

 Here's another exciting aspect about our gifts. Not only will they open doors for us, but they can also bring us the finances we need to fulfill our destinies. When we use our gifts wisely for the Lord, He will give us favor so finances will be freely given to us so that we can keep advancing the kingdom of God. 

In other words, once the gift of God within us is activated, it can become a usable commodity that ushers in promotion. Daniel is the perfect example of this godly concept when he used his gifts to interpret King Nebuchadnezzar's dream: 

Then King Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face and did homage to Daniel, and gave orders to present to him an offering and fragrant incense. The king answered Daniel and said, "Surely your God is a God of gods and a Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries, since you have been able to reveal this mystery." Then the king promoted Daniel and gave him many great gifts, and he made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon and chief prefect over all the wise men of Babylon. (Daniel 2:46-48) 

Practicing Our Gifts 

After discovering our God-given gifts, it then becomes our responsibility to continually practice using them. God has called each of us to exercise our gifts so they become strong. Just like we will never reach our health goals without exercising regularly, so we may never reach our life goals if we don't exercise our gifts regularly. When we practice our gifts, we'll become more confident in our identity in Christ, thus fulfilling His plan and purpose for us. 

And might I suggest here that we stay focused on "our" gifts and let the Lord bring other gifts around us. I remember years ago when I was serving a brilliant author. I was helping take his writings and organize them into sequenced trainings. 

One day I looked at the leader and said, "We need to pray that the Lord gives you the gift of administration!" He looked directly at me, smiled, and said, "He did…she's sitting right there." It was a prophetic moment in my life that I didn't forget. God will bring other people (they are gifts themselves and also have various gifts) around us to connect the dots on the road to destiny. 

Oftentimes people get stalled in the pursuit of dreams because they're waiting for some man or woman to open doors for them. But listen! God has a better plan for you. He has given you the keys to open doors to your future - those keys are your gifts. And the gifts inside of you are perfect because they are what God determined for you to have even before you were born. 

When we wisely use our God-given gifts, they bring God glory and bring us before kings. Let's take the time to do a spiritual inventory, asking God to strengthen and use our gifts for His glory. After all, it's not just about the gifts; it's about worshiping and honoring the Gift-Giver - His name is Jesus. He gave us the greatest gift ever….the gift of eternal life to all who will receive it. 

Paulette Reed

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