Showing posts with label prophetic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prophetic. Show all posts

Friday, March 24, 2017

Will We See the Fulfillment of Prophetic Third Temple in Our Lifetime? - KELLY MCDONALD JR. CHARISMA NEWS

A model of Israel's second temple in the Israel Museum (Wikimedia Commons)

Will We See the Fulfillment of Prophetic Third Temple in Our Lifetime?

The end of it shall come with a flood. And until the end of the war desolations are determined. And he shall make a firm covenant with many for one week. But in the middle of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease. And on the wing of abominations shall come one who makes desolate, until the decreed destruction is poured out on the desolator (Dan. 9:26b-27).
The book of Daniel has many references to end-times prophecy. One of these, found in Daniel 9:26b-27, refers to a special event at the end of days. Before Jesus comes back, there will be a seven-year treaty formed with many nations. This is often called Daniel's 70th week of prophecy. In the middle of this seven-year period, the temple of God will be defiled; sacrifices will be ceased.
Interestingly enough, no temple stands in Israel today. No animal sacrifices are taking place. This means that for the verses in Daniel to come to pass, this temple must be rebuilt. What will surprise you is that the heart of the Jewish people is turning towards the restoration of the Temple.
At the end of 2016, UNESCO ruled that the Temple Mount has no connection to Judaism. This has caused outrage on both sides of the political spectrum in Israel. Last week, some in the Israeli Parliament decided to respond. Leaders in the Likud party put forth a proposal to create a new foundation that would educate people about the powerful connection between the Temple Mount and Judaism. The plan calls for the US equivalent of $550,000 to be directed towards this effort.
The creation of this special foundation is just one of several events that have been preparing the way for the third temple. In 2015, the Temple Institute declared that they reconstructed the Altar of Sacrifice for the Third Temple. Last month, the Sanhedrin announced that they were reinstituting the temple tax of half a shekel of silver found in Exodus 30:11-16. Arrangements have been made for Jewish people across the world to pay the tax. This will allow funds to be set aside for construction of the third temple.
The reconstruction of the third temple is a necessary event for the fulfillment of Daniel's 70th week. This year is particularly special because it is the Jubilee, or 50th year since the Jewish people retook the Temple Mount at the end of the six-day war (June 7, 1967). The efforts to bring awareness to the significance of the Temple Mount are a reminder that we are just that much closer to seeing God's Word come to pass. 
Kelly McDonald Jr. is an ordained evangelist at Hungry Hearts Ministries in Jackson, Tennessee. He has written over 40 books and booklets on pursing Christ, Hebrew roots and end-times prophecy. He is currently president of the Bible Sabbath Association (BSA). You can follow him at:
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Sunday, March 20, 2016

THE GIFTS - Morris E. Ruddick (SIGN)

Morris & Carol Ruddick


(c) Morris E. Ruddick

God gives gifts to men. Ancient Jewish writings elaborate that a person's gift makes room for them and brings them before great people.

When vital combinations of these gifts are nurtured within a trust community, it provides ripples of opportunity and a dynamic that strengthens the community. Business is about providing a product or a service to customers. It involves outperforming competition with that product or service. What is required is developing excellence, becoming the best in what your business offers. That is where the gifts, the talents on which the business is based, come into play.

Everybody can do something better than a lot of other people. That is what we refer to as a person's natural gift. However, when that gift is unmistakably identified and developed to the level that the person can excel in that gift, more so than most other people, then they have the basis with which to start a business and commercialize the gift, the talent. This premise is at the heart of the entrepreneurial spirit that once was the pride of the American Jewish middle class.

Entrepreneurship has at its core creativity. God is the creator and being made in His image, developing our gift will tap the creativity that resides in each of us. Excelling in a natural gift triggers the release of creativity in the gift. A person's gift will be something they have mastery of, something they have a passion doing.

God's nature also is to bring increase. That is the Jewish wisdom behind Jesus' parable of the talents. In this parable there were three stewards who were entrusted with some of the assets belonging to their boss. The steward who leveraged the assets to bring the most increase not only made his boss very pleased with him, but he was given promotion and entrusted with more.

However the steward who was timid and risk-adverse and only gave his boss back what he had first given him was rebuked and actually deemed worthless, even though he had not lost anything. The point is that each person is endowed with a gift and is expected to develop it. It becomes the basis of being blessed to be a blessing.

In addition to the natural gift, those who become believers are given spiritual gifts. These are the gifts reflecting how God has wired us spiritually. They reflect our deepest motivations and become the basis of the passion behind what we excel in. These motivational gifts range from teaching, exhorting, leading, giving, mercy, service and the prophetic.

Servers take on tasks wholeheartedly and stick to it until done, even when sacrifice is required. They are doers, self-starters and dependable. The prophetically-gifted operate with a balance between hearing from God and a strong sense of what is right and wrong. They are discerning and see beyond the surface of things. Givers break the mold of the status quo. They are generous and creative, quickly recognizing genuine needs which they will respond to even if it means personal sacrifice.

Teachers are analytical and committed to truth and the quest for truth. They tend to be detailed oriented, thinkers who connect the dots and do their research. Exhorters encourage and nurture others. They are purposeful and fruitful in the way they do things and the way to relate to others. Mercy-motivated people are ones who recognize and empathize deeply with unmet needs in others and work toward providing help. They tend to be protective, extending themselves with hope for the helpless. Leaders have a natural ability to influence and direct others. They have big-picture outlooks with long-term perspectives and are people of action.

Again, it is important to identify and then develop our spiritual gifts. When our spiritual gifts are developed, they become enhancers to what we can do with our natural gift. They are triggers to that release of creativity. Then when our natural and spiritual gifts are in alignment and we are interacting with the Lord in prayer, ideally making Him our Senior Partner and source of our wisdom, then we enter a threshold not unlike the destiny walked out by Abraham.

I've previously mentioned the importance of a trust society, a community of trust. Trust communities are an important factor in the Jewish phenomenon. That trust involves a responsibility, a community responsibility. Community, within the Jewish dynamic, is a safe place where the diversity of the gifts of their participants work together in serving one another, for each person and for the good of the community. It involves a dynamic. which in Hebrew is called tz'dakah, a charitable form of generosity, which is one of the keys defining the Jewish secrets. It functions in a way to engender greater success levels for its participants as the gifts of each bless one another and make room for them. I'll be talking more about this in this series.

The Process of Gift Development

One of the most dramatic illustrations of how a person's gift can make room for them, when God is made a part of the equation, is the story of a man named George Washington Carver. George Washington Carver was born as a slave in the United States in 1861. When he was four years old, the slaves were given their freedom.

When George Washington Carver was only a small boy, everyone commented that "that boy has a gift, he can make anything grow." He was good with plants. He had a passion for growing plants. He read all about plants and really paid attention in school when the subject was about plants. As he got older, a miracle happened.

George Washington Carver graduated from high school and got a scholarship to college. He studied about his gift, the science of botany. He graduated from college and got a job in a research center, a job focused on crop growth. He became very good at what he did.

George Washington Carver was also a very committed Christian who loved to pray. When he was in his early 30s he was praying one day. He very boldly asked the Lord if God would reveal to him the secrets of the universe! I was told that upon praying this audacious prayer the Lord spoke to George Washington Carver saying: "Little man, the secrets of the universe would destroy you. But, I'll show the secret of the peanut."

Over the next ten years George Washington Carver produced roughly 325 inventions involving the peanut. He invented mechanisms for extracting the oil out of peanuts. He invented new ways of preparing peanuts and making "peanut products" that previously had not existed. In the process, he created not only a business, but set in motion a new and growing industry in the US.

God as Senior Partner

George Washington Carver walked with God and by employing his gift, his life reflected the mantle of Abraham, to be blessed to be a blessing. This humble man, who had been born as a slave, became the best there was with his gift.

But then there was an added dimension. George Washington Carver heard from God and the Lord anointed his gift, releasing both incredible creativity which in turn brought forth even more incredible increase. In this journey defining his destiny, George Washington Carver had made the Lord his Senior Partner.

This is what brought an exponential multiplication into the process. George Washington Carver's natural gift was as a botanist, one who understood the dynamics of plant growth. His primary spiritual gift was that of a teacher, one whose analytical thought is driven to find answers, to investigate and research.

But when he made God his Senior Partner, opportunity began exploding. He began having insights, tied to his gift, that he had never had before. It is written that the secret things belong to the Lord, but those that are revealed are the heritage of those who diligently seek Him. That is what happened. Thousands of jobs were produced because of the peanut industry and his country was blessed.

"A man's gift makes room for him and brings him before great men." Before he died, George Washington Carver was invited to the White House and was honored by the President of the United States for the contributions he had made to his country.

For one to make God their Senior Partner you have to hear from God and then enter the interactive flow of that partnership. Jesus taught to "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these other things will be added to you." It involves becoming the best that you can with your gift, but in doing so, of keeping God at the forefront as the chief source of your guidance.

As we are faithful in the little things, God will entrust us with more as we embark on a journey of discovery of our purpose and destiny tied to the gifts with which we've been given. We'll be taking more about hearing from God and planning together with Him later in this series.

The Gifts and Destiny Discovery

In my own life, I have a natural gift as a consultant. I'm a problem solver, a planner and writer. Among my spiritual gifts are those of a teacher and the prophetic. I'm also a leader. Together with God's guidance, making Him my Senior Partner, these were the factors that began to converge to map out the pathway of my destiny as the employment of my gifts created the opportunity for my life-purpose.

As a young man, I had chosen the military as my career. It was a career with a purpose. It involved a cause and had become my calling. Yet, when I had roughly six years of service in this career, I came to faith and realized there was a higher dimension to my calling, to my destiny. It involved serving the One Who created it all.

My priorities became refocused on reaching for this higher dimension of my destiny. A year and half later, I had resigned from the Marines, enrolling at Oral Roberts University to prepare for this new purpose for my life.

As I approached the conclusion of my time of preparation in academia for God's plan for my life, I was in prayer and the Lord spoke a very dramatic word to me about my future. The short version was that I was going to become a consultant and would be entering the business world. At the time, I really did not have a realistic grasp of what a consultant was. I had heard of Peter Drucker who was a renowned expert in business, but even though I knew God was leading me, I otherwise frankly was a little naive about what lay before me.

I also did not have the training in business to be a consultant. However, I had these gifts that I've mentioned, and I had this calling, which God had told me was going to be as a consultant. So as I approached the end of this time of preparation, I had completed special studies in the Bible, as well as all my coursework for a graduate degree in media management. Nevertheless, despite my military experience in leadership and planning, I had no training or experience in business. Those factors combined to make me realize that I really had better learn how to depend on God in this new arena I was entering.

Then upon completion of my graduate program, I encountered a job opportunity that seemed to fit strongly with the investigative-research orientation that had been such a key part of my graduate studies. Although I was in over my head in this new job, I took one day at a time and began learning the trade. It was several months after working in this position that I realized the function of this firm was that of consulting.

Almost three years later, having mastered the tools of this profession, the Lord gave me a very strong word about it being time to start my own business. Here again, I didn't have any background on how to start or run a business, but I knew what it meant to depend on the Lord and I knew how to hear His voice. I've always been a man of action and being convinced that God was guiding me, I took steps of faith and started my own business. Despite that, my first year of business was grueling.

In leaving my former employer, it was a point of honor that I not take any of his clients with me. So, I began by borrowing money on our home to support ourselves as I began this new venture. I ordered a new phone, along with some professional business cards and stationary and purchased a good electric typewriter.

This was before the days of computers and I wrote a lot of introductory letters, one by one, on an IBM Selectric typewriter. I made a lot of phone calls and God gave me a strategy of giving presentations on the state of the industry for the clients and industry I was targeting.

I sold one project during all of that first year and although my client was happy, my banker scolded me because he felt I should have priced the work at three times the amount I had charged. At the end of that first year, I had gone through all the money I could borrow and I had a big stack of bills on my desk.

Nothing seemed to be moving in terms of getting the contracts needed to pay the bills. It seemed I had done everything I had known to do and my phone was silent. I was beginning to wonder if I had missed something the Lord might have been trying to have me do. The reality was that unless God intervened, I was about to fail. But some things take time and in business timing more often than not is in God's hands.

It was at that point, while in prayer one morning, that I had a very dramatic realization that I had come to a time in which my business was about to start growing. With no evidence to support this perception, it simply was something that I knew that I knew that I knew.

Some have told me that God gave me a gift of faith to accompany the steps of faith I had been taking. Then in that next week, from the many presentations I had made over the last several months, I received requests to write proposals for six contracts. Three of them were approved and started almost immediately. The challenge from that point was in keeping up with the growth.

We grew to have offices in three US cities and 27 full-time employees. Most of our clients were multinational firms, with a number of them being internationally based.
Our competitors were some of the most prestigious names in the consulting industry, like Arthur D. Little and Company. In many ways, we were like a young David facing some real industry Goliaths. We worked to give our clients the very best value for their money. We were good at what we did. Our clients came back for more.

The business we built revolved around my combined natural and spiritual gifts which I trained and mentored my employees in doing. My spiritual gifts of teaching, the prophetic and leadership, all combined to undergird the authoritative, research-based market planning and forecasting consulting work we did for our clients.

There is another phase to my career, that has as its focus the entrepreneurial startup program that I now take around the world. It had a very inauspicious start after serving as a consultant to major corporations for 30 years. Yet, since its start, we've conducted our seminars and advised purposeful community builders in almost two dozen nations on the ways Jews have excelled in business over the centuries. The same natural and spiritual gifts with God at the helm have been in operation with this program.

The Context and Foundations

So far in this series on Jewish business secrets we've touched on the foundations, the model and the gifts. I've noted that the pertinent ancient foundations included the identity Jews retain as a culture. This identity impacts the uniqueness of community as it has endured and prospered, many times against much adversity, over the millennia. The self-sufficiency operating within Jewish communities embraces high standards and imparts the basis for future generations to advance.

In the Jewish community, what we have just taken a brief look at, the importance of nurturing and developing the gifts, is passed on from one generation to another. Along with high moral standards and making God the Senior Partner, these foundations have resulted in creating a society of leaders, although the form of leadership does not conform to the way most within the world view leadership. Leadership involves power, but within the world we live in, there is righteous power and there is corrupt power. The Jewish means of employing power, which was elaborated on by Jesus, has its focus on good overcoming evil.

As we consider these factors, we have touched the heart of Jewish culture. I have shared about Ghandi's response of loving the teachings of Jesus, but rejecting Christianity because he never met a Christian that he felt truly practiced these teachings. Ghandi's response was due to the culture of the Christians he had met. Jewish culture foundationally is Eastern, whereas the overriding culture of the Christians Ghandi had met was overridden with negative and Western trappings.

One of the key strategies employed by Jews and reinforced by the teachings of Jesus was that of being a culture within a culture. Jesus' central message was about the Kingdom of God. He imparted the wisdom needed for His followers to bridge the natural and the spiritual domains of reality. This is a very Jewish premise and at the heart of Jewish culture. Jesus elaborated on it when He said that we would be in the world, but not of the world.

So, to embrace the dynamics comprising Jewish business secrets is going to involve a different way of thinking, a more creative way of thinking that results from Jewish cultural foundations. The edge we observe in Jewish business exploits is a compatibility between their cultural and entrepreneurial foundations. In our next session I want to talk about the culture of the Jews. I've made the point of how important the Jewish approach to community is, but unless you first understand the culture, you're not going to fully grasp the Jewish community dynamic, which itself is very key to the Jewish business phenomenon.

Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner and spokesman for the higher dimensions of business leadership since the mid-90s. As founder of Global Initiatives Foundation and designer of the God's Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program, Mr. Ruddick imparts hope and equips economic community builders to be blessed to be a blessing where God's light is dim in diverse regions around the globe.

He is author of "The Joseph-Daniel Calling;" "Gods Economy, Israel and the Nations;" "The Heart of a King;" "Something More;" "Righteous Power in a Corrupt World;" "Leadership by Anointing;" and "Mantle of Fire," which address the mobilization of business and governmental leaders with destinies to impact their communities. They are available in print and e-versions from

Global Initiatives Foundation ( is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts are enabled by the generosity of a remnant of faithful friends and contributors whose vision aligns with God's heart to mobilize economic community builders imparting influence and the blessings of God. Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives and mailed to PO Box 370291, Denver CO 80237 or by credit card at

Likewise, email us to schedule a seminar for your group's gathering on the Joseph-Daniel Calling or on anointing the creative in business.

2016 Copyright Morris Ruddick --

Reproduction is prohibited unless permission is given by a SIGN advisor. Since early 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) has mobilized prophetic intercessors and leaders committed to targeting strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For previous posts or more information on SIGN, check:
Morris Ruddick

Global Initiatives Foundation

Global Initiatives is a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt organization
Global Initiatives Foundation, PO Box 370291, Denver, CO 80237

Monday, January 18, 2016

How Will Women Usher in the Next Great Move of God? - LARRY SPARKS CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Cindy Jacobs is a prophetic and intercessory strategist who contends with Heaven for revival and reformation.
Cindy Jacobs is a prophetic and intercessory strategist who contends with heaven for revival and reformation. (Facebook)

How Will Women Usher in the Next Great Move of God?

From the book of Genesis onward, Satan has been on a mission to restrain woman from fulfilling her destiny as a co-heir and co-laborer with Christ.
Yes, she is different and unique. Yet in Christ, she is qualified to rise up and boldly release the authority of heaven on Earth. It's only when this mandate is fully restored, and its expression is encouraged in the church that we will begin to see Holy Spirit outpouring demonstrated in a more complete and dynamic way.
As long as women are restrained from preaching and prophesying, biblically speaking, we are only going to experience a trickle of revival when God wills a river. This is because we are negating an entire gender.
I write from the vantage point of a man who is desperate to see the church operate in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Responsively, I firmly believe that how we (men and church leaders alike) treat our sisters in Christ has everything to do with the measure of revival we all experience. This is absolutely biblical, for when Holy Spirit outpouring is biblically defined—both prophetically in Joel and then actually comes to fruition in Acts—women are specifically identified as those qualified to prophesy and participate in the move of God.

The restorative work of Jesus truly leveled the playing field, making it possible for men and women alike to participate in releasing the power of heaven on Earth: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, and there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal. 3:28).
As long as the devil is able to restrain women from taking their vital place in the body of Christ, he is likewise able to restrain a measure of revival and outpouring from flowing from the church and into the world. How is this even possible—and more importantly, is the concept scriptural?
What Is Clogging Up the River of Revival?
There has been an age-old war raging between Satan and woman, the serpent and the Seed of the woman: "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he will bruise your head, and you will bruise his heel" (Gen. 3:15).
Why are the efforts of hell so strategically targeted against women—specifically, trying to prevent women from occupying positions of leadership and authority? She is a unique and absolutely essential part of bringing the culture of heaven to Earth, unlocking the river of Holy Spirit outpouring that has been flowing since the Day of Pentecost.

Make no mistake, the Holy Spirit has been moving since Pentecost; however, it seems as though His movement has been flowing with some hindrances, restrictions and barriers during specific seasons in history.
There barriers are not on God's end; they are on man's. Jesus' blood sealed the deal and the day of Pentecost made God accessible to whosoever will receive the saving work of Jesus. In other words, God ensured that every barrier was removed so that you and I could be filled with His Spirit, walk in communion with Him and release His kingdom on Earth.

So why aren't we seeing this happen in a greater way? There are man-made barriers we need to confront. One of the most significant and unaddressed is how women can be marginalized in the body of Christ.
If the Spirit's outpouring was truly without restriction, then we would have no need for what we call "revival" or awakening; those seasons of unusual visitation become essential when the people of God engage in practices or entertain mindsets that build spiritual dams preventing the free flow of the Holy Spirit. He wants to move without restraint.
Sadly, one of the great dams and barriers to the Spirit's unrestricted flow in our world today is the restriction of women. When we restrict women from rising up and walking in the anointing to lead and prophesy, I believe we are—in part—restricting the Holy Spirit's movement on Earth.
Before I continue further, if you are looking for solid scriptural support for why women should be in leadership, I encourage you to check out Why Not Women by Loren Cunningham and David Joel Hamilton, Fashioned to Reign by Kris Vallotton, or Ten Lies the Church Tells Women by J. Lee Grady. 
Break the Restraints to Revival
As long as the "daughters" are restrained from coming alongside the sons to prophesy, we will not fully experience the full measure of revival that God wills for the church to experience and the world desperately yearns to be transformed by. In fact, God more than wills it; He has already made it available! God has already said "Amen" to a landscape-shifting revival; however, the ears are God are bending close to Earth, listening for those who say a whole-hearted "Yes" to everything He has made available.

When men are the only ones who think they are qualified to say "Yes" to the call of God, revival is not being released in the full measure that heaven has mandated.
When God spoke through the prophet Joel, He made heaven's end-time agenda of outpouring and revival abundantly clear:
"And it will be that, afterwards, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; then your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions" (Joel 2:28).
If we didn't get the point in verse 28, the Lord emphasizes in verse 29:
"Even on the menservants and maidservants in those days I will pour out My Spirit."
As we know, the fulfillment to this prophetic announcement began in Acts 2 and has been continuing ever since. While there is undeniably an element of God's sovereignty involved in seasons of "revival," I have to ask: Could it be that one of the keys that positions the body of Christ for moving in sustained revival is the emergence of prophesying daughters?

For centuries, the role of the "sons" has basically been assumed. There are really no questions or arguments over the leadership capabilities of men in a church context; however, a woman speaking, teaching, prophesying or leading is often the subject of considerable controversy. This ought not be!
Women on the Frontlines of God's Earthly Activity
Throughout history, God's daughters and maidservants have been positioned on the frontlines of historic Holy Spirit outpouring. Sometimes they were dynamic public figures, pioneering revolutions and preaching the gospel. Sometimes they were hidden in the prayer closet, literally contending for heaven to invade Earth through intercession. Either way, these women witnessed the fruit of their impassioned cries and dynamic efforts, be it during their lifetime or looking down from heaven.
In the Old Testament, women are on the frontlines of battle, judging the nation and providing refuge to the spies of Israel as they conquered Jericho. Women open and conclude the Gospels, ushering the Messiah into the Earth and then, beholding Him in resurrected form.
Elizabeth gives birth to John the Baptist, the forerunner. You have others such as businesswoman Priscilla (Acts 18:2-3), Junia (who many scholars recognize as an apostolic figure, Rom. 16:7) and the virgin daughters of Philip the Evangelist, who were prophets (Acts 21:9). You have the Samaritan woman in John 4 who encounters Jesus, leaves her waterpot, and preaches to the men of her city. As a result, they all experience a divine visitation from the Savior.

Women are the first at the tomb to behold the resurrection miracle and receive instruction to share the good news with the apostles. And of course, there is the definitive woman of the Bible—Mary, the one whose womb delivered the Savior who delivered us from our sins, ensured that humanity could be indwelt by God, and ultimately, birthed a revolution that would reconnect heaven to Earth.
It goes without saying that God has favored His daughters and has strategically set them on the frontlines of history. When God moved, it seemed as though women were always there on the cutting edge of His activity. Elizabeth birthed a prophet. Mary birthed the Messiah.

The Canaanite woman demonstrated a faith in Jesus that prematurely drew in a reality—the kingdom of God being opened up to the Gentiles—that was reserved for the post-resurrection time frame (Matt. 15:28). These women all knew about collaborating with God and birthing heaven on Earth.
Just review the pages of history. Revival after revival, movement after movement, has seen prominent women serving as forerunners for what the Holy Spirit was saying and doing in that hour.
Maria Woodworth-Etter introduced people to the Pentecostal experience before Pentecostalism became a formal movement within Christianity in the 20th century. Her meetings were quite extraordinary. The gospel of Jesus was always central, but the supernatural phenomena that occurred in that context was truly otherworldly. Healings, miracles, prophetic trances—even those who came to mock these meetings experienced encounters with God.
Aimee Semple McPherson was revolutionary in making the church experience relevant, interesting and engaging, while also being a stalwart champion of God's miraculous healing power. While McPherson was renowned for her engaging gospel presentations, often drawing celebrities and Hollywood notables to her services at Angelus Temple, she did not back down from preaching the uncompromised gospel ... and preaching it in the power of signs and wonders.
Kathryn Kuhlman could be best described as a friend of the Holy Spirit. She did not chase after healing miracles, nor did she ever claim to be a faith healer or miracle worker. She rejected such descriptions. Kathryn was an evangelist, who passionately pleaded for people to meet her precious Jesus. She preached the gospel with clarity, love, compassion and gentleness—and healing broke out. Truly, Kathryn enjoyed such close fellowship with the Holy Spirit, that when she walked onto a stage, audiences recognized that she was not alone; she was overshadowed by His presence.
These are three examples among the multitudes. I could go on and on about daughters who said "Yes" to God's call and have been changing the landscape of Christianity, both then and now. Joyce Meyer is a no-nonsense Spirit-filled teacher and preacher, anointed to help make the Scriptures practical for everyday living. Marilyn Hickey, now in her 80s, is preaching the gospel with boldness overseas (in some very difficult to reach areas), with mighty healing and miracles following her presentation. 
Cindy Jacobs is a prophetic and intercessory strategist who contends with heaven for revival and reformation. Australian worship leader Darlene Zschech was a key catalyst in the mid-1990s, used to release the sounds of heaven into the Earth and help pioneer the modern worship movement. 
Karen Wheaton has led a youth movement in the backwoods of Hamilton, Alabama, for 15 years, raising up the next generation to usher in awakening. Heidi Baker has given her life to seeing the nation of Mozambique transformed by the love of Jesus—and in doing so, she and her husband founded IRIS Ministries, which has seen over a million people come to Christ, churches built across the Earth, the sick healed and even the dead raised. The list continues and grows very long!
So as women, why does the enemy war against you and try to keep you from taking your place?
Here are three ways that women uniquely usher in revival and crush the devil. Make no mistake, the enemy doesn't want God's daughters to live mindful of these realities!
1. Women give birth to the impossible and remind Satan of his eternal defeat. Mary was not some otherworldly super-being; she was an ordinary teenaged girl upon receiving her summons. Yet she deserves to be honored as a revivalist and powerful example of how anything is impossible when one says yes to Jesus.

No one is beyond ushering in a great move of God! You were born to birth things into the Earth—and in a way, you uniquely get to give birth to the expression of Jesus, since the Spirit of God lives within you and empowers you to manifest the nature, character, image and power of the Risen Christ through your life!
Every time you demonstrate the work of Jesus through your life, you are enforcing the victory of the One who forever crushed the devil at Calvary. Women walking in this identity continually remind the enemy of his eternal defeat. When salvation is brought to a life or household, Satan is crushed.

When healing reverses sickness, Satan is crushed. When immorality, crime and corruption are exchanged for peace, honor and love, Satan is defeated, yes—but he continues to be crushed as sons and daughters actually walk out this victory that Jesus purchased for them and enforce it.
2. Women sustain revival, from generation to generation. A woman must never devalue her ability to be a life-giver and life-bearer. You carry the ability to bring life into the world that perpetuates the move of God from generation to generation. This is the commission of every mother, natural and spiritual: to birth children who sustain and excel your supernatural momentum.

The next generation should always be positioned to exceed the previous generation. If you have a womb, you have the ability to give birth to sons and daughter that prophesy, perform signs and wonders, heal the sick, lead movements and change nations. You have the ability to raise up boys and girls, young men and young women who go further and deeper in God than you ever dreamed possible because God works generationally.

Whether you have natural children or not, whether you can give birth or not, women are spiritual mothers who raise up a generation of men and women to birth the purposes of God into the Earth.
3. Women preach and shift atmospheres over entire cities. One evidence of the Acts 2 outpouring is that daughters will prophesy. To prophesy is to speak forth! You cannot prophesy silently. Need Bible references?

The Samaritan woman at the well in John 4 went back to her town and "told the people there..." about Jesus. And some of these people that she told were men! As a result, the people left the town, went to see Jesus, begged Him to stay with them, experienced a two-day visitation from the Son of God, and as a result, many became believers.
She preached and as a result, she became a catalyst for a city to experience a divine visitation from Jesus Himself. How many more cities could experience powerful Holy Spirit visitation if women were encouraged to go and tell? Preach. Proclaim. Disciple. Prophesy. Jesus did not rebuke this woman for going ... and likewise, I do not believe He is rebuking His daughters today as they rise up, take their place and begin saying what the Father is saying.
It's time for women to usher in the Holy Spirit outpouring they were anointed to release! From the Day of Pentecost until now, the daughters have been qualified to prophesy. Let us encourage them to boldly speak forth the Word of the Lord, expecting their participation to release the fullness of God's kingdom on Earth!  
Larry Sparks is co-author of the book The Fire That Never Sleeps, with Dr. Michael Brown and John Kilpatrick. Larry's mission is to help teach all believers how to experience and sustain personal revival—enjoying a deep relationship with God through encountering the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. To this end, he maintains a blog through Charisma magazine, is a published author, teaches revival seminars, and is the co-founder of Renewing South Florida, an organization committed to uniting the local church for regional outpouring. Larry holds a Master of Divinity from Regent University and presently serves as Publisher for Destiny Image publishing house.
You can receive daily empowerment for personal revival from Larry on Facebook (
Larry Sparks is co-author of the book, The Fire That Never Sleeps, with Dr. Michael Brown and John Kilpatrick. Larry's mission is to help teach all believers how to experience and sustain personal revival—enjoying a deep relationship with God through encountering the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. To this end, he maintains a blog through Charisma magazine, is a published author, teaches revival seminars, and is the co-founder of Renewing South Florida, an organization committed to uniting the local church for regional outpouring. Larry holds a Master of Divinity from Regent University and presently serves as vice president of publishing for Destiny Image Publishers.
You can receive daily empowerment for personal revival from Larry on Facebook (
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Saturday, January 2, 2016

Jim Bakker - Word for 2016 (Day 2)

Jim & Lori Bakker

Jim Bakker - Word for 2016 (Day 2)
The Jim Bakker Show
Aired Jan. 1, 2016

Rick Joyner

Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 2907 | 

Aired on January 1, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

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Watch here: Jim Bakker - Word for 2016 (Day 2)

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Heritage & Restoration - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Heritage & Restoration

Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“You will bring them in and plant them on the mountain which is your heritage, the place, Adonai, that you made your abode, the sanctuary, Adonai, which your hands established. Adonai will reign forever and ever.” (Exodus 15:17-18 Complete Jewish Bible)

Heritage is an awesome reality in the Lord. It is having a history to look back on, live with in the present, and then go forward into the future. What a great gift to us from the Lord – for those who know Him.

To realize what our heritage is in the Lord, and then to experience that which He has passed on down to us, is simply grace and mercy. To comprehend what has been received through the Jew and Gentile believers, found not only in our Bible, the Holy Scriptures, but also displayed in all of history - the Judeo-Christian culture, our spiritual education, and much more given to us - what we have in Jesus (Yeshua) is beyond what our minds and hearts can understand in this age.

For heritage found in the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, we are indeed blessed people.

In 1985 I first heard of Heritage USA, located just south of North Carolina in Fort Mill, SC, by watching this guy named Jim Bakker and his wife Tammy Fae. Their PTL Network was carried on our local East Lansing, Michigan TV channel. I remember having to record the daily show on a video tape as it aired at 5 am in the morning, when it was rebroadcast, in order to view it later that night, or whenever I had time. By the end of the year we had bought three Lifetime Memberships to Heritage USA, as they were called – two for us and one for a ministry family living in Fort Lauderdale, Florida at the time.

This particular ministry couple “swore” they never would use the membership. But the Lord knew what plans He had for them, and in 1994 they “just happened” to move their ministry to Charlotte. In 2001 they then bought Fort Hope, the 21 acres Jim Bakker and Heritage USA had once owned to rehabilitate homeless. I know. I was the Administrator!

Many do not realize the full story of what the heritage of Heritage USA meant to so many, but knowing what it did for our family, it was a real blessing from the Lord. Our three oldest kids even today have many good memories of the summer times we were able to spend on the property. (Our youngest, Christen, was just 4 months old when we last stayed on the former Heritage USA property. But she since then graduated from MorningStar's Comenius School of Creative Leadership, CSCL, in 2004, which now had educated many young people in the Lord on that restored land!)

When we moved from Michigan to Florida in August of 1987, the ministry had gone through a tremendous upheaval beginning that April, and it looked like the end had come, as we knew it. Within several years the 2000 acres, along with all the buildings and such, would be deserted.

The scoffers of Christianity, both "believers" and otherwise, had a grand old time laughing all the way.

Jumping ahead 27 years to 2015, a good portion on the former Heritage USA property has now gone through a tremendous restoration. No less than seven churches/ministries call the former property their home. That number includes MorningStar Ministries (Rick Joyner), Antioch International Church (Peter Wyns & Jess Enns), All Nations Church (Mahesh & Bonnie Chavda), The Movement (Lathan Wood), Fresh Fire (Todd Bentley), The Upper Room (Russell James), Vision For Israel (Barry & Batya Segal) along with other churches and small ministries. Having attended all of these churches (as well as served on the staff of three of the ministries), it is a great joy to see what the Lord has done.

As the old time Gospel song declares, “Look what the Lord has done!”

And as for Jim Bakker? Released from a prison cell in Minnesota after serving time for 5 years of the original 45 year sentence, he was left with absolutely nothing.

But in December of 2015, just prior to the celebration of his 76th birthday on January 2, 2016, he was declaring the Lord's Jubilee in his life. Jim was rejoicing in the Lord’s grand restoration process, as he continues to build a new ministry called MorningSide Ministries, near Branson, Missouri. Remarried now to Lori Bakker, with the PTL Network back on the air with his daily Jim Bakker Show, a complete restoration has come. Now again with multiple acres of land, a beautiful hotel, retirement and rental cottages, a media university for young and old, barns for both gatherings and the cattle which graze on the Missouri land, and a new prayer chapel rising on the mountaintop – the Lord’s Mighty Hand of restoration is leaving yet another heritage for many, many believers.

It is great to see what the good Lord has done again. Restore, redeem, and give us heritage that can be found in Him.

As for me and my house, we are too enjoying the fruit of restoration that has come to the former property here near Charlotte. MorningStar Ministries, occupying 42 acres, with the Grand Hotel and more, is our home church. We are grateful for our church family. To see that which we sowed in faith 30 years ago, now reaping a bountiful harvest and leaving further a heritage for our generation and the others behind us, is of great encouragement.

The Lord Jesus is in the restoration business. He always has been, beginning with Adam and Eve, and now continues to move through all the nations, bringing salvation with restored relationships for many who will, with Him and His Father.

The wounded, the hurt, the abandoned – all can find hope and love in the family of God. He is preparing an end-time, the Bride of Christ, for our Messiah, our soon returning King.

No plans of man can stop the purposes and plans of our God. He will complete the full restoration of our heritage found in Him.

Thank you Lord Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus our Lord!

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. They might need it. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
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Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This - In the year of our Lord 12.31.15 - #227 –“Heritage & Restoration” – Thursday at 7:00 am

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

Again, I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve


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We are living in the last days, the times prophesied long ago, right before the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, returns. Even as He spoke to the prophets of old in Israel, continuing through Jesus’ time on earth, and with the early church, the Lord is fulfilling His promise. His Eternal Word that He would pour out His Spirit on all flesh, and we would prophesy. 

Prophesy comes in many ways – through the spoken word, signs, dreams, visions, tongues. All are used by the Lord to speak to His people, give them guidance along the way, and show His provision for the plans He has for us. As we walk along His path chosen for us, He desires to encourage and reveal His plans to us. He most certainly uses His Written Word. He also uses prophetic words. Here are a few that He has given to me. 

I am continually amazed at how He speaks, how He directs, and the assuring results of His guidance. We need the gifts of the Holy Spirit operating in these times. As the Bible says, He desires that all would prophesy, in order to assist believers in knowing His will, and speaking to non-believers that we serve an All-Knowing God, Who shows us the way. 

The gifts of prophesy, seeing signs and wonders, and experiencing His love through His fascinating methods is for all. I hope you are encouraged in seeking Him as you read these stores of how He moved in my life. 

Steve Martin
Love For His People

About Jim Bakker from his website: Jim Bakker


About Pastor Jim


Jim-Bakker-Little-BoyPastor Jim Bakker is a pioneer of Christian Television. From humble beginnings, he rose to build one of the largest ministries in the world.
As a young man, Pastor Jim was called to “make Jesus real” to the world. During the golden era of television, he was divinely inspired on what medium he could use to do just that. He dreamed of a night-time Christian talk show-one that could display the format and quality of The Tonight Show hosted by Johnny Carson.
In 1966, his dream came true. While hosting “Come on Over”, a children’s show, on Pat Robertson’s fledgling Christian station in Virginia, Pastor Jim became the founder and host for the first Christian talk show – “The 700 Club”.
For eight incredible years, Pastor Jim hosted the ground-breaking variety show with the top ministers and singers of the day. Pastor Jim and his family later joined Paul and Jan Crouch in California to pioneer a new television ministry. Pastor Jim was the first President and a founder of Trinity Broadcasting Network, which today, still beams around the world with 24-hour a day Christian programming.
In 1974, Pastor Jim relocated to Charlotte, North Carolina to birth one of the most dynamic ministries the world has ever known-The PTL Club, The Inspirational Network, and a state of the art Christian retreat center called Heritage USA.
At the height of the ministry, there were 86 religious services held a week at Heritage USA. By 1986, Heritage USA was the third most visited destination spot, following Disney World and Disney Land.


Jim-Bakker-Billy-GrahamPastor Jim also pioneered Christian television in 52 nations as well as founding Heritage School of Evangelism, Heritage Academy and related schools. In addition to his many responsibilities at PTL, Pastor Jim authored more than ten books, and developed several special editions of the Bible.
In 1987, Pastor Jim Bakker resigned as President of PTL after a moral indiscretion he had committed seven years earlier that was brought to the public’s attention.
PTL was placed into bankruptcy by its new management and in 1989 Pastor Jim was indicted and sentenced to 45 years in prison on charges of overbooking the lodging space at Heritage USA.
Pastor Jim was re-sentenced in 1991 to 18 years and then later reduced to eight years in Federal prison. He was released on parole in 1994 after serving five years. On July 22, 1996, a Federal Jury ruled that PTL was not selling securities by offering Lifetime Partnerships in Heritage USA, affirming what Pastor Jim said since the very first day he was indicted. His case was overturned and the judge was dismissed from the case.
Jim-Bakker-Lori-Bakker-Matthew-Barnett-Dream-CenterIn 1998, while working in the inner-city ministry of the Dream Center of Los Angeles, Pastor Jim met Lori Graham. After an abusive marriage of years of substance abuse, Lori founded a ministry of women who were suffering the emotional scars from abortion. They married that year and have totally dedicated their lives to ministry.
In 2002, Pastor Jim and Lori were blessed with the happiness of expanding their family with five beautiful children from the inner-city of Phoenix where Lori had ministered for years. In that same year, Pastor Jim and Lori were offered the opportunity to move to Branson, Missouri to begin the Jim Bakker Show.
In 2003, sixteen years to the date that Pastor Jim had made his last broadcast from PTL, he and Lori launched their new television ministry from Branson, Missouri.
With the help of PTL Partner, Jerry Crawford, the ministry staff converted a bar/restaurant to a café/television studio called Studio City Café. Mr. Crawford’s marriage was healed at a seminar at PTL 25 years before and he took on a personal mission to help Pastor Jim launch his new ministry.


jim-profileThe Jim Bakker Show is an hour-long daily broadcast that is aired throughout the United States, Canada, and the entire world through multiple broadcasts on Direct TV, Dish Network and other worldwide satellites.
The show is broadcast from a new Christian Retreat Center called “Morningside” located just outside Branson, Missouri. This 700-acre property is a thriving Christian community that also serves as the backlot for The Jim Bakker Show andmultiple other LIVE broadcasts.
The main building serves as the world headquarters for The Jim Bakker Show and related ministries. This building has an enclosed, Old World style Main Street that Pastor Jim has named “Grace Street” which has served as the broadcast studio. This building also houses Grace Chapel, the Fireside Cafe, and other shops as well as over 100 condos.
Pastor Jim is considered to be one of today’s experts on the Book of Revelation. Since prison, he authored, “I Was Wrong”, “The Refuge”, “Prosperity and The Coming Apocalypse”, and more recently “Time Has Come”. His message is one of grace and total restoration.
Millions relate to Pastor Jim and Lori’s testimonies of the redemptive power of love. If God can put Pastor Jim and Lori’s lives back together, then He can do it for anyone.