Showing posts with label refreshing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label refreshing. Show all posts

Friday, October 6, 2017

Lana Vawser: "Pioneers Are Birthing - A New Path Is Upon You!" - THE ELIJAH LIST

Lana Vawser: "Pioneers Are Birthing - A New Path Is Upon You!"


Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
I know many of you have been waiting for a word like this as we have just entered a new season. Again, here is an excellent article about the birthing time we are in. God WANTS to birth something new in you!
Have you been called to take a new path with the Lord? If so, just read this word of the Lord through Lana Vawser:
"You are now moving onto a pathway of a new season, a new assignment, a new mandate and a new pathway—but this pathway is full of reward. The enemy has been coming against you with confusion and fear, but this pathway before you has changed. It's a completely new place where you are learning to do things in a different way. Your heart shall overflow with gladness as you move into a season of greater ease where your hearts' desires and promises are FULFILLED."
Be encouraged as you begin your new path! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

I have had pioneers strongly on my heart and in this past week, the Lord has been showing me the "new paths" and the "birthing" that are upon pioneers right now. I saw a turbulence that many pioneers have been feeling. I saw a grief that many pioneers were carrying. I saw a restlessness and longing that many pioneers were sensing, and I saw the word "transition" over these pioneers.
I felt the Lord saying that many pioneers have come to the end of a season. The way that God has used you, the way you have pioneered, and what He has set up through you has been amazing. He has established much through you in the last season, but there is now a new season upon the pioneers. The new season upon the pioneers looks nothing like it has before. The Lord is about to move you in a way you have never moved. He is going to take you in a way that may seem bizarre to many.
A New Story
"This move of the Spirit will come through the family unit and will display the NECESSITY for healthy, strong, Christ centered family units. It will show the way to revival and a great outpouring of His Spirit—through the wineskin of FAMILY."
The Lord is accelerating things around you and within you because of the birthing that is upon you. I saw the pioneers taking new paths following Jesus. One thing I noticed about these new paths was that the paths were going against the grain. That's what a pioneer does: he pioneers something new. Yet, as the pioneers were following Jesus in the new path He was leading them down, I saw pages upon pages being filled with writing.
I then saw Jesus writing in this book as the pioneers walked with Him. Each step the pioneers took added another line to this story. I was surrounded by the sense of a new story that is being written through the pioneers right now.
I saw that forerunning spirit so heavily upon the pioneers right now. I want to encourage you pioneers: follow the way that God is leading. 
In the unexpected, unusual paths that the Lord is leading you down, you are going to see greater increase, favor, promotion and birthing upon what the Lord is doing in and through you than you have ever seen.
Confusion and Fear Hitting the Pioneers
I saw the whisper of the enemy coming against the pioneers saying, "That pathway...that can't be the pathway of God. That pathway isn't God." I saw many hearts and minds being hit with confusion and fear because of it.
However, I noticed there were angels on either side of the "new pathways" that the Lord is leading the pioneers down. The angels were declaring, "The pathway that makes the heart glad! The pathway of the King that refreshes the heart and refreshes the soul." I then heard excerpts of Psalm 18 exploding all around the pathway.
"When I was weakest, my enemies attacked—but the Lord held onto me. His love broke open the way and He brought me into a beautiful broad place. He rescued me because His delight is in me. He rewarded me for doing what is right and staying pure." (Psalm 18:18-20 The Passion Translation) (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
"I have done my best to be blameless and to follow His ways, keeping my heart pure, I have kept my integrity by surrendering to Him and so the Lord has rewarded me with His blessing. This is the treasure I have discovered when I kept my heart clean before His eyes." (Psalm 18:23-24 The Passion Translation)
"What a God You are! Your path for me has been perfect. All Your promises have proven true. What a secure shelter for all those who turn to hide themselves in you! You are the wrap-around God giving grace to me." (Psalm 18:30 The Passion Translation)
Refreshing and Revelation Being Released
I saw the Lord releasing refreshing and revelation to the pioneers of the new pathways. Many of the pioneers have been in a place of battle for so long—breaking hard ground and stewarding what the Lord has asked them to steward. All the while the enemy has been coming against them relentlessly attempting to take them out. But faithfully they have sowed, over and over again.
They have maintained integrity and purity amidst the battle and amidst the onslaught of intensity of the past season. There have been many times they wanted to give up, but they continued to stay faithful for no other reason but their love and devotion to Jesus.
I saw that these pathways in this new season and new era upon the Church were such pleasant paths for the pioneers. It was bringing such refreshing and revelation but the pathway was full of hearts' desires and promises fulfilled.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
I heard the Lord say:
"Pioneers, you have poured out and poured out and poured out for Me. You have remained faithful to Me. You have waited upon Me for your very own breakthrough and promises fulfilled while sowing into the lives of others and building My Kingdom. I am smiling upon you!
"You are now moving onto a pathway of a new season, a new assignment, a new mandate and a new pathway—but this pathway is full of reward. The enemy has been coming against you with confusion and fear, but this pathway before you has changed. It's a completely new place where you are learning to do things in a different way. Your heart shall overflow with gladness as you move into a season of greater ease where your hearts' desires and promises are FULFILLED.
"You will be carrying the harvest of the fulfilled promises and hearts' desires I have given you as you go. There are angels upon this path heralding joy, fulfilled promises, abundance and refreshing waiting for you in this new season. You are birthing something completely NEW but your heart will sing gladly in great joy as you see Proverbs 13:12 explode all around you. You will also see Proverbs 6:31 explode all around you as the thief that has stolen from you, is now commanded to REPAY SEVENFOLD!"
"Stay Hidden in Me and The Stones Won't Touch You. Keep Blessing Upon Your Lips and in Your Hands"
In this shift and new pathways upon the pioneers, I saw the enemy throwing stones and I saw words coming against the pioneers like stones from others. I felt the Lord say, "Stay hidden in Me and the stones won't touch you and keep blessing upon your lips."
I then heard the words of Jesus from Luke 6:27-28:
"They have maintained integrity and purity amidst the battle and amidst the onslaught of intensity of the past season. There have been many times they wanted to give up, but they continued to stay faithful for no other reason but their love and devotion to Jesus."
"But if you will listen, I say to you, love your enemies and do something wonderful for them in return for their hatred. When someone curses you, bless that person in return. When you are mistreated and harassed by others, accept it as your mission to pray for them." (The Passion Translation)
In the throwing of the stones by the enemy, stay hidden in the secret place. Stay in that place of deep intimacy, asking the Lord for strategy and for protection. Delight in Him. Feast at the table set before you in your communion with Him. The stones won't touch you! You will be hidden and protected as you stay deep in the secret place!
In the place of negative words spoken against you, in the place where others may speak negatively of the new pioneering pathway, bless them in word, prayer and deed.
He is Bringing the Focus Back Upon Family
Another thing I saw in the midst of the pioneer pathways was the Lord breathing upon FAMILY. The Lord is bringing the focus back upon FAMILY—family units and the family of God. He is highlighting the need for healthy, whole, family units and communities. The new wineskin God is birthing is all through FAMILY.
Where the enemy has come against family with his relentless opposition, watch the pioneers and watch the move of the Spirit. These pathways the pioneers are creating and forerunning are for the greatest move of the Spirit of God we have ever seen. 

This move of the Spirit will come through the family unit and will display the NECESSITY for healthy, strong, Christ centered family units. It will show the way to revival and a great outpouring of His Spirit—through the wineskin of FAMILY.
I believe that the Lord has showed me 2018 is the year of family. 
So much of what God is going to do is in and through family. His heart is FOR family and the family unit and He wants to display the beauty of how He created it. Many pioneers are already birthing and walking in new vision and strategy of what God is doing in and through family. (Photo via Free Great Picture)
Chains Are Breaking, Things Are Changing and Breaking in the Spirit – Heaven is Coming Down to You!
In these new pathways, the Lord is breaking the chains that have held you down, pioneers. The chains of limitation are breaking off you and you are about to soar like you have never soared before.
Things are changing and breaking in the spirit and in this new pathway of following Jesus on this pioneering track, you are making room for Heaven to come down. The turbulence and the thundering in the spirit is making room for the new.
There are going to be unprecedented demonstrations of the favor of God, the provision of God and the smile of God over you for following Him. For choosing obedience over opportunity. For choosing obedience over expectations of others. For following the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Do not be afraid, for the Lord is sending to you those with wise counsel and supernatural confirmation. They will continue to come to you time after time as you move down this pathway. God will do this so that you will know that you know you are on the right path.
The "out of the normal" pathway of pioneering is upon you. The change is going to delight your heart and you will receive a DOUBLE PORTION of increase, favor and creativity. You are going to see Him in a whole new way. You are going to receive His heart in a whole new way. You are going to receive His strategy and blueprints for this new pathway in a whole new way. This new season upon you is going to delight your heart and it will be CLEAR TO ALL that you have followed the pathway of God. 
Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries 

Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. 
Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they are living in Brisbane, Australia, with their two sons.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Refreshment - Now Think On This by Steve Martin


Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“For I satisfy the weary ones and refresh everyone who languishes." (Jeremiah 31:25, NASU)

We strive very hard to get refreshed. After a long, hard day at work or in the home, or once we have completed a difficult task that we dreaded and fretted about for days or longer is done, we seek to get refreshed in mind, spirit and body. Be it by watching the latest movie blockbuster, our favorite weekly TV show on the DVR, or just sitting on the front porch during a cool, spring day, if the neighbor isn’t mowing his yard, we seek refreshment. It is something that is necessary.

A popular saying in church sermons the past few years has been “getting our batteries recharged.” Though that seems a little crude to me, I get it. Daily grinds wear us out – we may be giving more than receiving - and recovering from them is important. Without regular refreshings, we would get burned out fast.

I recall the many Scriptures telling the times when Jesus would get alone, pray, and tap into the strength His Father gave Him each time He did. With the multitudes pressing in on Him throughout His daily teaching and ministry, He knew the importance of that time, and I would be certain He most appreciated it when He took that time.

“After he had sent the crowds away, he went up into the hills by himself to pray. Night came on, and he was there alone.” (Matthew 14:23, Complete Jewish Bible)

Our mind needs refreshing. Our body certainly needs refreshing. Most critical of all – our spirit needs refreshing. With the spiritual forces coming at us from all directions, seeking to “steal, kill and destroy”, we need to have our spirit given a daily boost with the grace and enthused power of the Holy Spirit.

For myself, morning prayer allows the Lord the time to prepare me for the day ahead. Praying in the spirit builds up and replenishes the weary soul. Throughout the day, maybe at a lunch break, I will quietly pray in tongues, particularly as I sense a burden needing attention.

“But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting anxiously for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life.” (Jude 20-21, NASU)

However you get refreshed, I urge you to have the quiet time you’ve so often meant to experience, but kept putting it off. You will find that when you give that a priority, strength for the rest will be more known. You’ll be thankful you do.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. They might need it. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

We are blessed when the ministry receives gifts to support the families that we do, primarily in Israel, Hungary, India, Pakistan and the hurting ones here in the USA. You also can share out of the abundance you have been given.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This - In the Year of our Lord 04.01.17 - #278 – “Refreshment” – Saturday 4.30 pm

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

Again, I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Kathie Walters: 2014: "A Peppermint Year" (The Elijah List)

Kathie Walters:
2014: "A Peppermint Year"
The Elijah List

Kathie WaltersMy good friend, Pastor Paula Douglas, from Hemingway, South Carolina, received this word regarding 2014: "A Sweet Peppermint Year." I believe there is more than one word for a situation, or a time, or season.

And, when I read this, I actually smelled peppermint. Isn't it great when God speaks through signs, like the different aromas?

I did a booklet with Bob Jones (mostly Bob) called "Spiritual Meaning of Aromas, Flowers, Trees, and Colors," so I remembered what the peppermint meant: it means refreshing, and also cleansing, and sweetBut then, whatever Jesus does has sweetness, doesn't it?

What Does "Sweet Peppermint" Mean For the Weary Traveler?

You know, often as we go in the business of life and even ministry, you can kind of gather some dust from the journey. It was the custom in the Middle East, when a traveler arrived from a journey, the people would wash their feet. Jesus said to the disciples, "As the Father has sent Me, even so I send you." When Jesus washed their feet, I don't believe it was just an act of humility. He was acknowledging them as "messengers" or "sent ones," just like He was a "sent one" from the Father – a messenger of Good News.

For the weary travelers and messengers, when Jesus breathes on us the fresh breezes of the Spirit, it blows away the dust, and the sweetness of His presence refreshes us. That's why it's important to take a break and enjoy His fellowship.

We were iced-in recently in Macon, Georgia, where I live – we couldn't go anywhere, everyone was home. It was a great excuse to do nothing. Sometimes it's good to do nothing. That can be very hard for some of us...people begin to feel guilty if they are not working for God all the time. Let me just squeeze in here that God doesn't want us to run around working for Him. He wants us to yield to Him so that He can work through us. Much easier that way, and also much more effective.

Back to sweet's like a cool drink of water on a hot day. In Proverbs 25:25 it says,"Good news is refreshing, like water to a weary traveler." Our inheritance is the Spirit of Good News...when we dwell on His goodness it's refreshing, like water. Or sweet, like peppermint.

Prophetic encouragers have a big place here as you can see: the Good News brings refreshing to the weary traveler.

Just Relax, and Think On That!

I was ministering in Houston a couple of years ago. In the church that day (Little White Church in Katy), I had stayed and prayed for people until about 5pm. The meeting had started at 10am, and it was HOT – the pretty little wooden church was really baking. Something had gone wrong with the air conditioner and it felt like it was 100 degrees inside.

When I got back to my hotel room, I felt a bit dusty and like a rag. I closed the door and just went and laid on the bed to cool off. I had prayed for a lot of deliverance for people too, so it was good to be on my own for a bit.
Suddenly, an angel, who is always with me, said to me, "Just relax." Well, I had no problem with that. Then he began to sing to me an old revival song, but he sang one line at a time, and asked me to think about it.

"'His love has no limits.' Think about that, Kathie. Your mind can't even imagine something limitless."

"'His grace has no measure.' Think about that too...there is no measure at all to even be able to measure Jesus' grace. There's nothing in the world to measure it with."

He went on singing one line at a time, and then telling me, "Think about that," which is what "selah" from the Psalms means ("think on this").

Then a light shone on me – like I was on a warm, sunny beach. After a while the light went to the ceiling, and it stayed there for about three hours. At one point I smelled strawberries (which means "friendship with God"), and then I remember the whole room being filled with an aroma like peppermint. I felt so light and refreshed.

Refreshment You Can Chew On

I love these Scriptures below, too; when you dwell on them (selah), then there is a refreshing that comes into your spirit, your mind, and your body.

Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me. By day the Lord directs His love, at night His song is with me... Psalm 42:7-8

How lovely is Your dwelling place, Lord Almighty! Psalm 84:1

"How lovely is Your dwelling place" is so refreshing. When I think about it now, I can smell peppermint; I am praying you will too. Let me know if you do. Put your spiritual antenna up.

We Can All Be Refreshed, And We All Have a Ministry of Refreshing

I was once in a meeting and standing on a hard floor; you know, some of those carpets are actually on concrete – and, my, you can feel it after a while. It had been about six hours and my ankles and feet started aching, but I couldn't sit down yet as there were still people waiting to be prayed for. I sent a silent prayer for my feet and confessed that my feet are lovely because I bring Good News.

I smelled peppermint slightly and knew refreshing was on the way. The next minute it felt like cool waves washing over my feet, like how it feels in the early evening when you are standing in the water just at the edge of the ocean.

He is sweetness; His Word is like honey. I pray that your ministry – we all have a ministry – will be like the Bible says, "...Refreshing like spring rain on the freshly cut grass, like the showers that water the earth" (Psalm 72:6).

Kathie Walters
Good News Ministries


Kathie Walters is an international speaker who brings freedom to those who feel they have to "qualify." She also ministers in the supernatural and believes that the supernatural realm is for everyone.

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Friday, August 30, 2013

Saturday, August 17, 2013

All in the Timing

It is time.

"The first thing God spoke to me concerning your word is this – You are going to start seeing the car beginning to go faster. God began telling me this earlier as I was asking God, “What does that mean, the car is going to go faster.”

God said, “Things are going to start moving in a higher speed. Your life has been almost slowed, Things have been at a slow pace. It is almost as if slow, as in getting your hands on things, slow in the progression of different things, but God says the speed is going to begin to get faster.”

I literally saw in the spirit that God Himself was putting His foot to the gas pedal and all of a sudden God says, “Accelerate.”

Your word of the Lord is “Acceleration is happening. It is speedily, it is beginning to quickly happen. Even concerning your life, you are going to begin to be trained, and for some reason, there is a season of Divine appointment of teaching, training, knowledge, learning.  Knowledge is power. I want to be able to infiltrate my Word, My definition, My Spirit into being, to begin to teach you, train you, show you.

There is a man of God in you that has been launched out but he hasn’t even seen the fullness of him yet. You haven’t seen the fullness of who you are yet. You are going to be able to see you, in the mirror, recognizing, noticing that you are a man with a plan. Understand that you have a plan in your life. You are not here just to praise Me, just to do this, you are not here just to do that, you are not here just to work.

Your lifestyle is a man that has a plan and a strategy.  And not a plan to fail but a plan to infiltrate the earth with a Kingdom message.  Whatever that looks like, concerning business, job, church – no matter what it looks like – infiltrate society by being who you are called to be, and the Kingdom of God will advance, quick, when you begin to manifest the things I put in your spirit. So what goes into a man will come out of a man.

I am teaching, I am educating, I am training. God kept telling me over and over again, “Schooling, schooling, schooling. You are at a place where I am taking you, I am taking those around you, those even within your family, to a higher level, to a higher plane.
God says, “Educate, empower yourself. It is the school of the Holy Spirit. I am launching you out in this season so you will know what to do, what to say, and you will always be on in movement. Did you hear what I just said? You will be on time in movement so that you will begin to know that you are ready in season, you are ready out of season, you won’t be taken by surprise, or caught by surprise.

Son, it is time for you to move on. It is time for you to move on and progress in something new. What you have been working with your hands on for a while concerning, I don’t know if it is job, or just the lifestyle what you have been doing recently, but God says that is beginning to change,  for I am causing you to put your mind and your hand to something else .

Yes, to something else, for there is going to be a new refreshing, of a brand new you, a brand new work, a force coming into to play with you. You are going to start demonstrating and literally begin to bring forth to the surface a brand new working skill in you of the things you need to be doing within your life.

I am rearranging and I am changing the way you have been moving, your habits, your patterns. I am rearranging and I am changing and I am moving you into a new pattern in your life. You will quickly see, quickly see, that some things will begin to pass away and God is going to make them new again.

You will begin to see that some things will begin to die, some things will begin to come to life,  in a new area, in a new arena that you have not done before.  It is time for you to get new education, new knowledge, be put through the school  of the Spirit and begin to grab a hold of the new thing that I am going to do with you concerning a new working mentality”, says the Lord. 

The new working mentality and the new pattern of acceleration is literally going to be where your anointing is. For some reason I felt in my spirit as if your call and your anointing has been locked up for season. And this is why I say it to you.

I don’t know what you are doing exactly right now in your life, and what you do you are good at it. Everything you’ve been doing you’ve always put God’s heart into it, but the Lord showed me that that season has been over. God says you are on overtime and I want you to shift into the dawning of a new day. Shift into a new work force, a new work place, a new working of who you are. That is your elevation. It is your time for promotion.

That is going to be your promotion, is moving into the new. And when you move into the new and move into the now, God says that is when you are going to start seeing this new anointing and this new knowledge, begin to increase in you and to put you where you need to be in your life,” says the Lord. 

Brother I  hope this ministers to you because most of the time, as you know, I will go, “Thus says the Lord” but I felt for you that every time I begin to prophesy, “Thus sayeth the Lord” that God began to shift me into educating you on what is going to be happening in  your life. And I tell you brother that I know sometimes that you think sometimes that you are going round and round, like a broken record, so to say, but I felt as if it is time for you to shift and move on.

I don’t know what that looks like exactly; I don’t know if it is a workplace, I don’t know if it is just a pattern in a working that you are doing within your life style, but it’s like God is saying it is time to move on into something new.

I don’t tell it to everybody, because everybody needs to move on, but I felt as if there is a new you coming to the scene in this hour. So I want to encourage you in that.

Also I will encourage you with the schooling process.   I don’t know what it is with you as well but it is a schooling process coming that God wants you to educate yourself on.   

I don’t know what it is, but there is a schooling for you, that God wants you in the school of the Spirit, that God wants to teach you and train you. The main thing that I want you to grab hold of in this schooling process is learning the voice of God.

I don’t know what it is about you but it is like God says I want to teach you and train you how to hear My voice.  He wants to teach you and train you to hear His voice and also how to speak His voice.  That is a big thing that God is going to move you into.

I want you to pray about that as well. He wants to teach you and train you about His voice. It is very imperative that you begin to hear the voice of the Good Shepherd the way that God wants you to. That is what I really felt. That is one of the struggles I felt as if you have been having recently. So pray about that as well brother."

Aug. 8, 2013


 verb \-lə-ˌrāt\

Definition of ACCELERATE

transitive verb
: to bring about at an earlier time <accelerate their departure>
: to cause to move faster <accelerated his steps>also : to cause to undergo acceleration
a : to hasten the progress or development of <accelerate our efforts>
b : increase <accelerate food production>
a : to enable (a student) to complete a course in less than usual time
b : to speed up (as a course of study)
intransitive verb
a : to move faster : gain speed <the car slowly accelerated>
b : growincrease <inflation was accelerating>
: to follow an accelerated educational program
— ac·cel·er·at·ing·ly adverb