Monday, September 15, 2014

America's Christian Heritage Under Threat, Say Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Tony Perkins at 'Star Spangled Sunday'

America's Christian Heritage Under Threat, Say Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Tony Perkins at 'Star Spangled Sunday'

September 15, 2014
star spangled banner event FRC(PHOTO: FAMILY RESEARCH COUNCIL)
(l-r) Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas); Dr. Mark Harris, senior pastor of First Baptist Church in North Carolina; Penny Nance, CEO and president of Concerned Women for America; Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor; and Tony Perkins, president of Family Research Council at the Star Spangled Sunday event celebrating the 200th anniversary of America's National Anthem at First Baptist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Sunday, Sept. 14, 2014.
On the 200th anniversary of America's National Anthem, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, former Gov. Mike Huckabee, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins and other Christian conservative leaders spoke at an event in North Carolina, reflecting on God's hand of providence and expressing hope that He would continue to help protect religious freedom.
Dr. Mark Harris, senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, the venue for the "Star Spangled Sunday," called it "a celebration of worship and praise."
Perkins, whose group was co-host of the event, was the emcee for the evening. "Increasingly, there is an effort to sanitize American history of its Judeo-Christian heritage," he told the crowd of about 500 people. "Our children are being robbed of our past, and as a result, our future is being stolen."
The event was simulcast to 351 evangelical churches across the country.Perkins also encouraged Christians to register to vote, explaining that the responsibility to protect freedoms does not lie with the president or the courts, but with the people, who are supposed to participate in the democratic process.
Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor at the Star Spangled Sunday event celebrating the 200th anniversary of America's National Anthem at First Baptist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Sunday, Sept. 14, 2014.
"There's no explanation for America other than God's hand of providence," said Huckabee. There's no reason for Christians to be dispirited, he stressed. They have seen God's hand of providence in their own lives and families and also how He saved them from their sins and healed some of their family members, he said.
"Is it time for us to stop complaining about what is, and start believing what will be if God's people on their faces in humility and brokenness will once again ask for His hand of providence to envelope this great land of ours," he added.
Christians know the final outcome, Huckabee went on to say, as they have read the end of the book, the Bible. "My friends, we win. Our flag still stands."
Cruz said, "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there's liberty."
The senator also quoted 2 Chronicles 7:14: "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
"Our land needs healing," Cruz said. "When this country was founded, it was founded on the radical concept that our rights don't come from kings, queens or governments, but our rights come from Almighty God."
Referring to the Declaration of Independence, Cruz said all men are created equal, and they are endowed not by a king, not by a queen, not even by a president, but they are endowed by our Creator.
But today, religious liberty is threatened, both at home and abroad, he added, citing examples of violations of religious liberty by the Obama administration, but also the "victory of religious freedom" in the Hobby Lobby case.
"If you're litigating against nuns," Cruz said, referring to the struggle of Little Sisters of the Poor against the contraception mandate, "you've probably done something wrong."
He also called the ISIS terrorist group in Iraq and Syria "the face of evil." They are crucifying Christians, they are beheading children, he noted.
Bishop E.W. Jackson, pastor of Exodus Faith Ministries and president of S.T.A.N.D, stressed that America is "one nation under God," where no one is Afro-American or Hispanic American, but all are Americans.
Jackson said the increasing attacks on Christians are evidence that the enemy knows they are not going to back down, for no one kills a dead enemy.
Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America, also spoke at the event. She said Christian women of America need to allow their voices to be heard.
David & Jason Benham, co-founders of Benham Companies, spoke about the loss of their HGTV show due to their views against homosexuality.
During a news conference Sunday afternoon at the same church, Cruz criticized Obama's economy and the "Obama-[Hillary] Clinton foreign policy."
Perkins said conservative Christian voters need to be energized for the elections this year and in 2016. "I'm tired of the direction this nation is going in, and it's time to change," he said. "We are speaking to churches across America, challenging people to be sure they are registered and voting. We need to put feet to our prayers. ... And if we're going to change the course of this nation, we're going to have to change the people who are driving it."
The evening – which included video messages from Hobby Lobby President Steve Green, and Anthony Hahn, President and CEO of Conestoga Wood – was co-hosted by Vision America, whose president, Dr. Rick Scarborough, was also a speaker.
Charles Billingsley, worship leader of Thomas Road Baptist Church and Pastor Rafael Cruz, director of Grace for America, also spoke at the event.
"Few citizens have ever heard the story of how God used ordinary Christians to do extraordinary things during the desperate days of 1814," Perkins said earlier in a statement. "But on September 14th, during Star Spangled Sunday, this live nationwide webcast, will tell the providential story behind the song and challenge us to once again rediscover and recommit to what has made America an exceptional nation."

Chuck D. Pierce: The Divine Replacement Has Begun!

Chuck D. Pierce: 
The Divine Replacement Has Begun!

Chuck D. Pierce"This is a time of divine replacement so that I can create the sound of victory and cause the field to rejoice. I am causing some to vacate and others to be positioned.

"The divine replacement has begun.

"I am moving people. My 'People Mover in the earth' has been activated. This is a time that MY chess game is beginning and I am strategizing over the harvest fields in the earth realm.
"I am releasing strategy and moving My pieces in place. The winning move is at hand. Be a part of this divine replacement that I have created in the earth. I will now set positions in places.

"Let My Spirit come down on you. I am anointing you with favor to move into markets and ministries."


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

'Israel Might Have to Strike Iran at Any Moment'

'Israel Might Have to Strike Iran at Any Moment'

Monday, September 15, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff
In battling the political echelon for defense budget increases on Sunday, the commander of the Israel Air Force, Maj.-Gen. Amir Eshel, reminded everyone that the same planes used to attack Gaza over the summer could be called upon at any moment to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities.
“There’s no one in this room who’d be prepared to ride in a car as old as our planes,” Eshel said in remarks carried by Israel’s Channel 2 News. “Yesterday these planes were in Gaza, and tomorrow we may send them to Tehran.”
Israel’s national budget has been a source of great tension in the wake of the summer’s Gaza war.
Finance Minister Yair Lapid has vowed not to raise taxes to cover the expense of the offensive against Gaza’s Hamas rulers. But Prime Minister Benjamin Netnayahu insists that in addition to covering the Gaza war, Israel needs to pour billions of additional shekels into the defense budget in order to effectively tackle a wide range of pressing security threats.
Netanyahu remains committed to preventing Iran from attaining nuclear weapons at any cost, and maintaining Israel’s air superiority is key to following through on that promise.
With Iran remaining defiant in its quest for an atomic bomb, Eshel’s comment was seen in local media as a hint that Israel could be preparing to strike the Islamic Republic in the very near future.
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Why Jonathan Cahn's Prophetic 'Mystery of Shemitah' Is Flying off the Shelves

Why Jonathan Cahn's Prophetic 'Mystery of Shemitah' Is Flying off the Shelves

Jonathan Cahn, 'The Mystery of the Shemitah'
Jonathan Cahn's "The Mystery of the Shemitah" has charted simultaneously on the New York Times Best-Sellers List at No. 6 and No. 31 on USA Today's Best-Selling Books Top 150 list.
The Mystery of the Shemitah by Jonathan Cahn, a book revealing a 3,000-year-old biblical prophecy for America's future, has charted simultaneously on the New York Times Best-Sellers List at No. 6 and No. 31 on USA Today's Best-Selling Books Top 150 list.
This sophomore release for the New Jersey-based author builds on the mysterious biblical prophecy revealed in his million-selling novel, The Harbinger, which became a publishing phenomenon and remained on the NYT best-sellers list for over 110 weeks.
The Shemitah (SHMEE-tah), or Sabbath year, is the seventh year of the seven-year agricultural cycle mandated by the Torah for the land of Israel. Cahn says understanding this seven-year pattern is essential for understanding the prophecies and mysteries of the Bible that are still applicable today.
"As we commemorate a day in our nation's history that deeply tested the strength of our foundation, Cahn's message is needed more than ever," Tessie DeVore, Charisma House Book Group executive vice president, said in a reference to 9/11. "We are pleased to see The Mystery of the Shemitah garnering national attention at a time when the nation is still seeking hope for its future."
The Mystery of the Shemitah also debuted at No. 1 in the Christian Prophecy category on, and several other general-market and Christian-trade lists, including Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million and, triggering a major reprint to meet market demand at retail on its first day of release.
The Mystery of the Shemitah is the 12th New York Times best-seller for Charisma House Book Group, following The Harbinger by Cahn. Fasting by Jentezen Franklin, 23 Minutes in Hell by Bill Wiese, and The Seven Pillars of Health by Don Colbert, MD, also have previously charted on the list.

Sharing Love From Sweden - "PRECIOUS FOR A GOD OF LOVE" - Eva Haglund


I think it is important to know that we are loved by God. Many suffer today and need to hear about a God who loves. When people get saved one of the basic teaching is to talk about a God who loves. God also wants to heal wounds people have pain from.

In Psalm 139 is written "You know my sitting down and my rising up." It shows in these verses and much in this Psalm how much God cares about us. He cares when we rise up and sit down and He is with us wherever we are. His love is following us through the day. He is with us every second because He cares. We can read in Psalm 139:13, "that it was He who made us in our mothers womb. You formed my inward parts. You covered me in my mothers womb."

Even in the beginning God as our heavenly Daddy was THERE. We are beautiful in His eyes, for the Word of God says in verse Psalm 139:14, "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderful made." We did not just happen to come into the world. God made us because of His love.

In Luke 12:7 is written that He counts our hairs. If He counts our hairs it really shows how much God loves us that He do not miss one hair.  When He even counts our hairs it shows our value before Him - that we are so precious for Him.  If He counts our hairs it also tells us that He cares both about small and big things. He did not miss anything and we can pray about small and big things.

We are more precious for God than all silver and gold in the world and all beautiful things in nature. When Adam and Eve fell in sin, God's heart loved them so much that He wanted to do everything for them.

He sent the most precious gift He could give. He gave his Son for us as a sacrifice for our sins and for salvation for everyone who believes in Him. God's heart was crushed for us. We were so precious for Him that He was willing to show the deepest love.

In the world and also among Christians sometimes people are not treated like they have the same value, but for God all people have the same value. He loves all people.

In Psalm 23 we read "The Lord is my shepherd." Jesus says He is the Good Shepherd. A good shepherd cares for his sheep and wants to help them.  In John 10:11 we see Jesus as the good shepherd who loves the sheep. He laid down His life for His sheep. It shows a very big love for the sheep. It shows that Jesus as the good shepherd was willing to do everything for the sheep. It cost His life as He it did. His heart is to do everything for the sheep. He really cares. In Isaiah 40:11 we know more of God's love.

He carries us as a lamb. He loves so much - we are as a very precious lamb in His arms. He loves the lamb so much, holding it safe in His arms. It is like anyone who loves a puppy or a kitten and holds it in his/hers arms.

In Isaiah 43:4 we see "Since you were precious in my sight, you have been honored and I have loved you." It talks about a God who loves His children.

Jesus loves all. In Matt 18:12-14 we see Jesus' love to anyone who does not know Him. He wants that person to get saved. If a shepherd has many sheep but one is lost he cares about the one which is lost and looks for it, to find it and rejoice when He has found it. He has a heart for anyone who does not know Him. That person is like the precious sheep He is looking for.

In the parable of the lost son we can see that the father loves his son. The son left his father but the father was longing for him to come home. When he finally came home the father was so glad when he saw him in the distance he ran to him and embraced him and gave him a party because he was so glad that he had returned. This parable shows the heart God has for people who do not know Him, that He loves them so much. It also shows the heart of God as a heavenly Daddy. He loves anyone who knows Him, too. His heart is a Daddy who cares, runs to you and embraces you.

He is not a hard God. His heart is love for a person, because He cares, like a parent for a child he/she cares about.

In Song of Solomon we can read about a love between a bride and a bridegroom, but we also can see Jesus' love for us as the  bridegroom. In Song of Solomon it is written in verse 4:9 “You have ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse. You have ravished my heart with one look of your eyes, with one link of your necklace.” We can understand here that Jesus is deeply touched by His love for His bride.

In several Scriptures in Song of Solomon we read about Jesus' love to His bride. In verse 4:7 is written, “You are all fair My love and there is no spot in you.”

When we have received Jesus and His redemption His blood cleanses us from  all sin and He sees no spot in us. Rom 8:1 says, ”There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.” It is just in His blood that we are cleansed, by believing in Him.

In Isaiah 53 we can see in the text that Jesus did not open His mouth. He suffered by His own free will. He did not protest. He suffered because He choose to carry the terrible pain, because of His deep love for us. He also loved the soldiers who hated Him and also gave His life for them.

He hung on the cross because of love. He loved all people so much.
In Gethsemane Jesus had so much agony His sweat became like drops of blood. I think Jesus knew how much He would have to suffer. It was a terrible pain we do not understand. This is one reason He had so much agony. He knew how much He would have to suffer for us but He choose it ANYWAY because of His love for us.

I think as a child of God we need to feel secure in His love. In Romans 8:15 is written when get saved that “For you received not the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba,father.”  In this Spirit of adoption it is not meant to have fear but that we feel loved by God. It does not means that God does not want us to grow and to be free from things. To a child you care about you say, "No, this is not good for you. I do not want you to do that or have with these things to do."

To have God as our Daddy I picture when a daddy carries a baby. The baby feels safe and feels well in the arms of the parent and does not feel afraid. They are just glad to be close to the daddy.

This is the relation He wants us to feel as children of God. He as a Daddy is waiting for the sons and daughters who do not know Him to come to Him as in the parable of the lost son.

God is Abba – a heavenly Daddy who loves and Jesus gave all in love for us. God is love 1 John 4:8.

Eva Haglund

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Tim Tebow Joining ABC's 'Good Morning America'

Tim Tebow

Tim Tebow Joining ABC's 'Good Morning America'

Former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow is joining "Good Morning America."

The Heisman trophy winner led the Denver Broncos to the playoffs in 2012 and briefly played for the New York Jets and the New England Patriots.

He has been working as a guest host and analyst with ESPN.

Tebow, who has been very public about his Christian faith, will be part of a segment called "Motivate Me Monday," which will highlight individuals and their amazing stories of triumph.

He will appear in studio and live on location in towns across the country.
The series will premier on Sept. 15.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Rick Joyner: The Great Commission - What Is the Work of Ministry?

Rick Joyner:
The Elijah List

Rick JoynerA map will not help us unless we know where we are on the map and where we want to go. Before we can get to where we're going in fulfilling our purpose, we must first know where we are and where we are going. Then we can easily see the next step.

Let us briefly consider how future leaders of the Church are now being prepared compared to those in the early Church.

Most seminaries do a good job of laying a foundation of sound doctrine. However, ministry today is built mostly on knowledge and how to present it, such as good teaching and preaching principles. Certainly this is a necessary element of ministry, but there is far more to being a New Testament ministry according to Ephesians chapter 4, which is to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry.

What Is the Work of the Ministry?

The basic work of the ministry that we are called to as members of the Body of Christ is first to be the extension of Christ on the earth today. 

His Body is what He works through now, just as His literal body was what He worked through when He walked the earth. He wants to do everything through His people now that He did when He walked the earth. (Photo via Wikimedia)

When Jesus walked the earth, He taught, healed the sick, and set the captives free. He trained His followers to do what He did and then sent them out to do it. Today most of the ministry of the Church involves teaching, with some charitable work, and a few that also include healing and deliverance.

With those that include healing and deliverance, it is something they do, but rarely release others to do. Some do a little more by training people how to pray for the sick, prophesy, and be the evangelists we are called to be, but where is there even one place that all are being equipped and released to do the whole work of the ministry?

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Watching God Move

John Wimber may have been one of the most effective leaders to break this mold and train and release people to do the work of the ministry. The Vineyard Movement that he raised up sent great shock waves throughout the worldwide Body of Christ as multitudes were trained, equipped, and released to do the works that Jesus did. While this was happening, The Vineyard Movement was the most exciting in the world to be a part of. (Photo via Wikipedia)

The Vineyard Movement was messy as the people learned and matured, just like the Lord's own meetings tended to be. One thing The Vineyard was not was boring. I was in more than one meeting in which a raging demon-possessed person would come screaming and thrashing about. Yet each time, the person left "in their right mind," free.

In many meetings, we witnessed extraordinary miracles. Such grace from God was upon The Vineyard for a time that there was a sense of awe and wonder greater than the world's entertainment could match.

There is nothing more interesting than God and nothing more exciting than watching Him move. There is nothing more boring than religion, and we are about to be delivered from religion to follow the Lord, not just men. We can also be sure that He has again saved His best wine for last.

Rick Joyner
MorningStar Ministries

Rick Joyner is the founder and executive director of MorningStar Ministries and Heritage International Ministries and is the Senior Pastor of MorningStar Fellowship Church. He is the author of more than forty books, including The Final QuestA Prophetic History, and Church History. He is also the president of The OAK Initiative, an interdenominational movement that is mobilizing thousands of Christians to be engaged in the great issues of our times, being the salt and light that they are called to be. Rick and his wife, Julie, have five children: Anna, Aaryn, Amber, Ben, and Sam.

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Israeli-Arab Unity: SodaStream Helping Fulfill Isaiah?

Israeli-Arab Unity: SodaStream Helping Fulfill Isaiah?

MISHOR ADUMIM, Israel -- The Israeli-Arab conflict has been going on for decades. But what many people don't realize is that Jews and Arabs in many cases actually do get along.
SodaStream is one company making a difference. It's the leading manufacturer of home beverage carbonation systems in the world. It also has a practical solution for building Israeli-Palestinian Arab relations.
"This factory here used to be a munitions factory," Daniel Birnbaum, CEO of SodaStream, said. "Until about 15 years ago, the Israeli military made munitions for artillery. And then SodaStream came and transformed it to a soda factory -- a healthy, environmental, soda factory and that might remind you [of] something from the Bible."
Fulfillment of Prophecy?
Just outside the front door of the factory is a statue with a scripture on it from the prophet Isaiah (2:4).
"This statue commemorates that and reminds us every day as we come to work what we're doing here. We're turning bullets into bubbles," Birnbaum told CBN's Scott Ross.
"The statue reads here in Hebrew: 'And you shall beat your swords into ploughshares and your spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, nor shall they learn war anymore.'"
SodaStream is more than 100 years old. Its largest plant is in Mishor Adumim. Located just outside Jerusalem, it's an area the Bible calls Judea and much of the world refers to as the "occupied West Bank." And that has caused some problems.
"We're selling our products in 45 countries around the world," Birnbaum said.
"Not all of them are getting products from this factory. Because some of the countries, the Nordic markets for example, they don't want anything from this factory because they think it's a discriminatory, apartheid situation. They don't want to touch it," Birnbaum said.
"And I tell them, 'Guys, you have a chance to employ Palestinians, to prove that we can have peace here.' And they don't want to touch it. They're afraid of the lobbying. What we do for them is we make this product in a different factory in China or some other location.  What a shame," he added.
An Unexpected Ally
In another incident, actress Scarlett Johansson was forced to make a choice between her work with SodaStream and Oxfam, a group fighting global poverty. Johansson was shown in a commercial for SodaStream during the Super Bowl.
"Like most actors my real job is saving the world," she says in the commercial. 
Then she demonstrates how to use the SodaStream machine.
"Start with plain water, add bubbles, mix in the perfect flavor," she explains. "Look, soda that's better for you and all of us -- less sugar and less bottles."
A male voice then says, "You doing it Scarlett. Yeah, you're doing it -- changing the world one sip at a time."
But Oxfam told Johansson her work with SodaStream was incompatible because it furthers the poverty of the Palestinians. Johansson stood up for SodaStream and quit Oxfam, a group she had worked with for years.
Birnbaum said he respected Johansson for her courage. He said it was his idea to employ Palestinians at the facility.
"When I came here about seven years ago I inherited this facility. It did not employ Palestinians. It only employed Israelis," Birnbaum said.
"And I decided that it's the right thing to do was to employ people who also lived in the area and it evolved into a very interesting demographic situation where we have more Palestinians than Jews," he said.
According to Birnbaum, SodaStream is the "largest employer of Palestinian people in the world outside of the Palestinian Authority."
"We employ 500 Palestinians here. Side by side, we have 350 Israeli Arabs and another 300 Israeli Jews. And we get along together. They're not killing each other! They go to lunch break. We break bread together and we get to know each other," he said.
SodaStream pays Israeli wages -- four times what workers would earn in the Palestinian Authority, where unemployment is 30 percent.  And the workers say they're happy, too.
Yousef Besharat is a Palestinian Arab who works at the factory. He told CBN News his salary helped him to build a home in just a year. He said there's no discrimination between Jewish and Arab workers at the plant.
The plant produces about 15,000 soda-makers a day. There are dozens of regular, diet and naturally sweetened flavors boasting far less calories than bottled soft drinks.
The factory also manufactures its own specially designed bottles, which can be used over and over again for up to 10,000 liters (about 10,000 quarts) of soda.
The 'United Nations'
Birnbaum gave CBN's Ross a tour of the factory. He said he calls the room where they assemble the valves "the United Nations."
"We have people from all over here. You'll see Palestinians and Israelis. You'll see Russian immigrants and Ethiopians, Bedouins, women and men. I love this hall," Birnbaum said.
He introduced CBN News to the shift manager, whom he called "a wonderful Palestinian fellow who started as an entry level and built himself up here at SodaStream in the last few years to shift manager."
Nabil Besharat is a father of six who has worked at the plant for four years. As shift manager, Besharat is in charge of about 25 people, including Jews and Arabs.
Nabil says he came to the company "for good opportunities, for a good job, for good money," and he found those things here.
"We work here with Jews, with Christians, with Muslims -- all -- with Druze," Nabil told CBN News. They don't even mention the word conflict, he added.
Sadly, disturbances by some Palestinian employees did erupt during the fighting between Israel and Hamas earlier this summer, which led to the firing of dozens of Palestinians.
Management says things are now back on track. Still, they are considering closing the plant, not because of pressure but for financial considerations.
Nevertheless, Birnbaum says the company is doing its part to build bridges and make peace and that's a miracle.
"So every single soda-maker that we make here, every single soda-maker that you would buy at Wal-Mart, or Bed Bath, or Target, or wherever, was made by a Jew and a Palestinian together, living in harmony. And that gives me goose bumps," he said.

How a Pakistani Muslim Became a Zionist

How a Pakistani Muslim Became a Zionist

JERUSALEM, Israel -- The recent Israeli-Hamas war sparked huge protests in Europe and exposed a growing epidemic of anti-Semitism. But in an interview with CBN News before the summer war between Israel and Hamas, one British Muslim explained how he became a Zionist just by checking out the facts.
Kasim Hafeez is a Pakistani Muslim born, raised and living in the United Kingdom.
"I was brought up around a lot of anti-Israel feeling and especially from my dad, very blatant and direct Israel hatred and anti-Semitism," Hafeez told CBN News.
As a university student, Hafeez campaigned against the Jewish state, joined protests and called for boycotts of Israel. He said he was even willing to die to free Palestine and rid the world of Israel.
"My narrative was this: there was a Palestinian state, the Jews came from Europe, stole the land, and voila - Israel," Hafeez said.
Then he found Alan Dershowitz' book, The Case for Israel and decided to read it so he could refute what he thought was "Zionist propaganda."
"I thought I'll buy it and be able to disprove it because Israel has no case. I know the history. I'm an expert in it all," he said.
"So I start reading this book, and the most basic of facts about Israel and the Jewish people I had no clue about. I mean one of the most basic ones I came across was a Palestinian state has never existed," he added.
Profiles in Racism
And that was just the beginning. Two years later Hafeez visited Israel but got himself into trouble before he ever entered the country.
"When you go to passport control and they say, 'What is the purpose of your visit?' just say you're here for a holiday. Don't say, 'Well, I used to be anti-Semitic and anti-Israel, now I'm not quite sure so I thought I'd come and see what it's like,'" he explained.
After eight hours in airport security, Hafeez was allowed into Israel despite his confession. But the time spent in airport security was a real eye opener.
"It highlighted Israel's unique security situation," he said. "Look it's not politically correct to say this, it's not nice to say this, but people from my background, people with my kind of name have an awful tendency of blowing stuff up in Israel."
Kasim said he was also "treated with a lot of respect" from the security agent who repeatedly offered him coffee and was very apologetic. He compared it to a trip he had taken to Saudi Arabia four years earlier.
"You want to see racism, go to Saudi Arabia as a non-Arab," he said.
A Huge Surprise
After leaving the airport, Hafeez encountered his next surprise when he arrived in Jerusalem and saw the different ethnic and religious groups mixing in the city.
"Be it Muslims, be it people from African heritage, be it European, be it people from the Middle East -- it's just such a crazy mix of people. And then you see the signs in English and Hebrew and Arabic and it straight away blows away that idea of apartheid and racism," he recalled.
Hafeez said he wanted to know how people from Arab backgrounds really felt about living in Israel, so he asked various people, saying it must be "so difficult for you here."
"They look [at you] like you're mentally ill. They look at you as if you have some sort of problem because they look at you like 'no it's actually fine here, we have no problems here,'" he said, smiling.
He was even more confused when he spoke to people who are Druze, a group that has traditionally been persecuted in the Middle East, he said. They told him, "We love it here. You know, this is our home. My son's in the IDF."
He realized he was seeing "the real Israel you won't see in a lot of the Western mainstream media."
He said nothing changes your mind like seeing it for yourself.
Pro-Israel vs. Anti-Arab?
According to Hafeez, family and friends initially thought Israel's Mossad secret service had recruited him. Now some have come around.
"There's this awful idea that people think it's a zero-sum game, that if you stand up for Israel, you're instantly anti-Arab. It's ridiculous," he said.
"I have members of my family who are quite supportive of Israel now, which is nice. But with friends who have now turned their views to be more supportive of Israel, [they] wouldn't say it publicly," he added.
Hafeez said Muslims refuse to accept Israel's existence in the middle of the Arab world. Then there are conspiracy theories and the pack mentality.
"It's kind of ingrained that there's this global conspiracy by the Jews to destroy Islam and take over the world," he said.
"It's really sad but this whole anti-Israel cause has become very popular. It's seen as the cool cause almost, and nobody wants to kind of break off from the kind of pack and be seen as an outsider," he added, saying it was very difficult for him to admit that he had been wrong.
A Revelation about Israel
Nevertheless, Hafeez said, he believes it's possible for Muslims to have a revelation about the Jews and Israel. But to do so they must honestly assess what they believe and be willing to embrace reality.
They need to take a step back and look at the world and what they stand for, he said, and ask themselves if this "irrational hatred over a group of myths" they've been told is really worth giving their lives for it. They need to ask themselves if they really want peace.
"One of the most frustrating things for me is within the Muslim community. We have a double standard," he said. "We judge Israel and America by one standard, which we refuse to apply to ourselves."
Asked if he thought God had played a role in opening his eyes or giving him the desire to ask questions, Hafeez said his "a-ha" moment came at the Western Wall in Jerusalem.
"I sincerely believe that things don't just happen, everything happens for a reason. I believe I'm on a particular path, I don't know where the destination will end, but I feel I'm very blessed to be where I am," he told CBN News.
"Because it has changed my life for the better, you know. It's beautiful to wake up without this hatred, without this anger, you know and I feel so lucky and so blessed," he said. "Is it God? I don't know. Maybe. It's very difficult to say."