Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Huckabee: Right at Home in Israel - ISRAEL365

Let me go over, I pray Thee, and see the good land that is beyond the Jordan, this good mountain and the Lebanon.


אֶעְבְּרָה נָּא וְאֶרְאֶה אֶת הָאָרֶץ הַטּוֹבָה אֲשֶׁר בְּעֵבֶר הַיַּרְדֵּן הָהָר הַטּוֹב הַזֶּה וְהַלְּבָנֹן

דברים ג:כה

eh-i-b'RA na vi-e-r'e et ha-a-RETZ ha-to-VA a-SHER b'ay-VER ha-yar-DAYN ha-HAR ha-TOV ha-ZE vi-ha-l'va-NON

Today's Israel Inspiration

According to Governor Mike Huckabee on his fantastic trip to Israel: "Going to Israel is like going home, even if you've never been there before. It's one of the only places that a person who loves liberty can go where the moment you arrive, you feel like you are at a place you've been before. In part, because of the spiritual roots that we have, all of us who have ever read the Bible, we feel like we're walking through its pages." Don't miss your chance to walk through the pages of the Bible on Rabbi Tuly Weisz's upcoming tour of the Holy Land! We have a fabulous, updated itinerary, that will bring you closer to the people and sites of this great nation.

Huckabee: Right at Home in Israel

In this FOX news report, Gov. Mike Huckabee, and two country music stars from the U.S., describe their amazing recent trip to the Holy Land.

Roundtable: "Are We Still Alone?"

Entitled “Are We Still Alone: In a Time of Crisis, will there be Christians Standing with Israel?,” a recent roundtable in NY discussed the challenges and the future of Christian support for Israel and the Jewish people.

Traveling With The Bible

Here's a book to prepare you for traveling the Holy Land. Learn about the biblical sites, as you cross the Ayalon Valley, explore the Land of the Philistines, and visit Sodom and Gemorrah with in-depth history of archaeological findings at the turn of a page.

Israel Photo Trivia

Can you guess where today's photo byIlan Rosen was taken? Send me an emailor post on Facebook!

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel! Sponsor a day for $25 and get our inspiring book of daily devotionals.

“I Have Learned So Much”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
I love Israel365 so much. Joseph M.

I have always loved Israel even though I really knew very little about it. In my mind I saw it as a desert until I started hearing about it from Pastor Hagge and Pat Robertson. I have been getting Israel365 for over a year now and I have learned so much and I really think it is a beautiful land. I live in Texarkana, TX, USA and I worry about how this country seems to be turning its head away from Israel. May God help us! I will continue reading Israel365 and I will keep Israel in my prayers. Martha S.
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Israel Under Cyber-Attack, Jewish Hackers Strike Back

Israel Under Cyber-Attack, Jewish Hackers Strike Back

Monday, April 07, 2014 |  Ryan Jones ISRAEL TODAY  
The international hacker group Anonymous warned that Israel would be under a constant and determined cyber-attack on Monday, but by midday, Israeli cyber-security experts said the assault had been “unsophisticated” and largely unsuccessful.
Anonymous and allied hacker groups launched the fresh wave of cyber-attacks in response to Israel’s counter-terrorism strikes on the Gaza Strip.
The hackers primarily used two methods of trying to bring down or penetrate Israeli government and business websites. In the first, the hackers employed a distributed denial of service (DDoS) method that aims to overload servers and crash the websites they host. This type of attack was used to target the websites for Israel’s Postal Service and the Ministry of Education, though both websites were only temporarily offline.
The second type of attack involved attempting to penetrate network security and obtain login and/or financial details of website users and administrators. At the start of the day, Anonymous published a list of phone numbers and passwords purportedly belonging to Israeli government officials. But experts said the information had been stolen over a year ago, and much of it was no longer valid.
Israeli hackers and IT professionals were not merely fending off the attacks (they do that on a regular basis, thwarting up to 100,000 cyber-attacks per day), but were actively hitting back at Anonymous.
Roni Behar of Avnet Cyber and Information Security told Israel National News that Israeli hackers had managed to break into and alter content on numerous websites belonging to anti-Israel and Muslim extremist groups. One group of Israeli hackers even managed to penetrate the Anonymous website set up for the anti-Israel campaign.
In the meantime, Israeli Internet surfers have been advised to use caution and avoid opening suspicious emails or clicking untrusted links on social networks like Facebook. Users should also keep a close eye on credit card reports for suspicious charges.
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Monday, April 7, 2014

The Coming Blessing - A Financial Tsunami - Gary Beaton

Gary Beaton:
The Elijah List

From the desk of Steve Shultz:

Gary Beaton is a prophetic voice to the Body that many of you have not heard of to this point. Gary spent the last few years being an important assistant and friend to Bob Jones.

For those of you who would like to hear and watch Gary speak at Bob Jones' memorial service – you can click here to watch it.

This is a very encouraging word about the coming "financial blessings" coming to many in the Body. But note that his word comes with practical wisdom and counsel on how to properly position yourself – such that the Lord can bless you and use you and trust you with finances in these coming days.

Be sure to take this good counsel and then pray into this word, and ask the Lord how you can personally be prepared for the blessings the Lord wants to rain down upon you in this season.

Steve Shultz

Gary Beaton:

During the midst of soon coming events that will shake America and the nations on many fronts, there will also come a Tsunami of provision and financial empowerment to accelerate the Body of Christ forward in Kingdom work on a level we have never experienced before. 

It will come soon. King David divided the spoils with those who waited behind when he went to Ziglag to recover his family...so it will be with those who are suddenly inundated with fortunes. 

Visions, destinies and blueprints from Heaven will suddenly be launched in unparalleled ways into the lives of Believers who have been hoping for the manifestation of their long-awaited promises. 

When it is entrusted to you, it will be important to walk in Heaven's economic paradigm, with the mindset that everything you have is the Lord's, for it is being entrusted to you to use with an open hand and open heart. The Blessing is to position His people in the 7 Mountains of influence and ultimately for the Harvest of the ages. Get ready and be expectant because provision follows vision.

A Financial Tsunami and the Harvest

During a visitation once, Bob Jones was given a Blank Check from a Financial Angel. The check number was 341 and it was signed by Jesus in His Blood. The Angel told Bob that whenever he saw the number 341, he was released to ask for whatever he had faith for to receive. Bob shared with me that the visitation was for the entire Body of Christ. 

I'm reminded of Isaiah 7:11, "Ask a sign for yourself from the LORD your God; make it deep as Sheol or high as the heavens."

Ask the Lord for specific direction to guide you carefully as the resources come. Use it to bless others less fortunate, as Jesus taught us to do. The financial Tsunami that is coming is meant to bless you, but also to help launch those with a Kingdom mandate.

Don't squander it, for it comes out of the treasuries of Heaven and the manifold wisdom of God for the times we are in. The Lord also intends to bring you completely out of debt. It will be much like the Israelites who plundered Egypt as they hastened to leave their bondage. 

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

It is especially important that you have a definitive plan in place for yourself to actually bless those carrying eternal vision, inventive ideas, and understanding from Heaven. When the full release of funding comes, it will change the earth on many fronts in the critical time we have left.

Our greatest mandate will be to financially resource those called to go and gather the Harvest in from every nation around the world.

Having a vision for the Harvest is viewing things as the Father sees them from the Throne. All of Heaven rejoices when one comes to Christ, and He is counting on one-billion souls to come in because He paid that price in full-measure with His own Blood.

A Time of Great Joy

Jesus endured the shame of the Cross for the joy that was set before Him. We are that joy and we need to honor His sacrifice by being faithful stewards. 

When this time of breakthrough comes, those who have been found faithful through the purifying fire will be released into the greatest time of joy they have ever known. 

(Photo via commons.wikimedia.org)

Be wise with what He has given you, like the man entrusted with the talents, because there is a record being kept in how we live out our lives.

Great joy is about to overtake the Body of Christ amidst a time of great pain and sorrow. Keep looking up, for your redemption draws near!

Psalm 126: A Song of Ascents

When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter and our tongues with songs of joy.

Then it was said among the nations, "The Lord has done great things for them." The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.

Restore our fortunes, Lord, like streams in the Negev. Those who sow with tear will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.

Gary Beaton
Transformation Glory Ministries

Email: gary@transformationglory.com
Website: Transformationglory.com

Gary Beaton is the Founder of Transformation Glory Ministries. He is an ordained Apostle and Prophet, with a personal commissioning as a Seer Prophet from Bob Jones. Having been a Believer for 40 years, Gary travels extensively to equip the Body of Christ and release new levels of dunamis power. 

His passion is to take Believers into new levels of Glory and to unlock the mysteries of Heaven through the Scriptures and by the Spirit. He is known for miraculous one to three-day intensives called "Beyond the Veil" that help bring Heaven on earth in the lives of Believers everywhere. Gary's passionate mandate is unto the final Great Awakening & the Harvest.

Gary's professional career spanned 38 years as a broadcast journalist and veteran documentary filmmaker. During his tenure in the Media Mountain as an Executive Producer, Director and Writer, Gary's signature production style has been showcased on ABC News, USA Today, A&E, National Geographic, Discovery, History Channel, PBS and HGTV. Gary currently resides in the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee.

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ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Gary Beaton:
Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:

Gary Beaton is a prophetic voice to the Body that many of you have not heard of to this point. Gary spent the last few years being an important assistant and friend to Bob Jones.

For those of you who would like to hear and watch Gary speak at Bob Jones' memorial service – you can click here to watch it.

This is a very encouraging word about the coming "financial blessings" coming to many in the Body. But note that his word comes with practical wisdom and counsel on how to properly position yourself – such that the Lord can bless you and use you and trust you with finances in these coming days.

Be sure to take this good counsel and then pray into this word, and ask the Lord how you can personally be prepared for the blessings the Lord wants to rain down upon you in this season

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Note from Steve Shultz:

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News 

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God is after Souls, Cities and Nations & Many Are In Transition (especially after age 50) - Dave Yarnes

Dave Yarnes - VP of MorningStar Ministries

God is after Souls, Cities and Nations
& Many Are In Transition (especially after age 50)

Dave Yarnes
Friday, April 4, 2014

Dave Yarnes shares about God's desire for souls, cities and nations. God is not willing that one should perish. 
He also talks about transitions coming to an end, as many are now in (especially after the age of 50) and what is happening with us in that - training, passion, gifting and timing.
Many come into their calling after the age of 50 - (i.e Derek Prince at age 55, Colonel Sanders at 60 with Kentucky Fried Chicken, etc.)

Watch now: God is after Souls, Cities and Nations - Dave Yarnes Video | Prophetic Perspective on Current Events

7 mountains of influence

Transitions are coming to an end

Convergence code 

Love For His People Editor's Note: Thank you very much for sharing this Dave. It was especially encouraging for those 50 and older. In fact, I  listened to it 3x.

Steve Martin
Love For His People

The Father - Kamran Yaraei (former Muslim) with Rick Joyner Video | Prophetic Perspective on Current Events

Kamran Yaraei (former Muslim)

The Father

Rick Joyner
Kamran Yaraei

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Kamran Yaraei talks about getting to know Father God. 

Rick Joyner & Kamran Yaraei