Friday, January 31, 2014

7 Ways a Husband Injures a Wife Without Even Knowing It

Angry couple
Husbands, do you injure your wives without even knowing it? (Stock Free Images)
It’s been a popular post. Thankfully, I’ve not seemed to make a lot of women mad—a few, but not many that I have heard from yet. We will see how the men respond with this post.
As I committed, a companion post is warranted. Guys, we injure our wives. All of us do. We are different, and the way we respond to our wives often causes injury. And most of the time, it’s unintentional. We didn’t even know we were doing it.
I’m not making excuses for us. We should strive to learn our spouses and do better at understanding our differences, communicating better and injuring less. That’s what this post is about. Awareness. Understanding.
I ran this post by my wife, so it’s Cheryl-approved, although it wasn’t hard to write. As a counselor and pastor, I’ve worked with hundreds of couples and have seen this countless times. I wish I could say I never did any of these, but that would be a lie. This post is written with one finger pointed forward and four more pointed my way.
Here are seven ways a husband injures a wife without even knowing it:
1. Cuts her out of the discussion. When you act as if she isn’t even there or wouldn’t understand what you’re talking about, she feels a part of her is detached. She sees the marriage as a partnership in every part of life—even the parts she may never fully understand.
2. Fails to notice the difference she makes. A woman doesn’t want to be appreciated for only what she does. She wants you to appreciate who she is, but you can admit it—she does a lot. Whether it’s decorating the house or making sure the clothes are clean or that you have your favorite soap, a woman wants to know what she does is valued by you.
3. Underestimates the small stuff. You only said “this” but it was “THIS” to her. And it hurts. You may even think it’s funny. She may even laugh. But it is often building a wall of protection around her heart each time you do. The key here is that you can’t talk to her like you might talk to another guy. She hears and feels deeper than you do. Words can and do hurt.
4. Speaks with curtness. When you talk down to her, as if she’s somehow less than you, you bruise her spirit. Deeply. You know she’s not less than you—you don’t even think she is—but she just can’t tell that sometimes based on your tone and the way you talk to her.
5. Corrects her as she’s talking. This could be finishing her sentences or speaking for her in the company of others. She feels demeaned and devalued when you present her to others as if she can’t compete with you in original thought, which you know isn’t true. (My wife is much smarter than me.)
6. Acts suspicious. Don’t misunderstand or misapply this one. When you hide information, even when you think you’re protecting her, you cause her to question your motive. When you protect your calendar or act like you are upset at the question “What did you do today?” or “What did you talk about?” or “Who was that?” when someone calls, it gives her an eerie feeling something is wrong. And that hurts.
7. Admires other women over her. She sees you looking. She may even understand your highly visual makeup. It hurts her, however, when a glance becomes a stare, especially when it happens everywhere you go, all the time.
A wife’s heart, no matter how independent or strong she is, is tender in places—lots of places. She can bruise easily in some areas of her life, especially the places that involve the people she loves the most—like you. A husband who understands this is more careful in how he speaks and responds to her.
Most husbands I know would never injure their wife knowingly. They want to be her protector. Men, when we don’t realize the damage we are doing to our wives' emotions, we invalidate every desire we have to be her defender. I always like to use this thought as a reminder: Would I ever allow another man to speak to or treat my wife like I am doing?
She’s a precious gift, guys. Let’s treat her well.
What other ways do husbands injure their wives without even knowing it?
Ron Edmondson is a church planter and pastor with a heart for strategy, leadership and marketing, especially geared toward developing churches and growing and improving the kingdom of God.
 For the original article, visit

7 Ways a Wife Injures a Husband Without Even Knowing It

Couple arguing
Do you often injure your spouse without knowing it? (Stock Free Images)
I was talking to a man the other day. He’s injured. Not severely. He will survive. Hopefully. The wounds aren’t deep. Right now. But, he is injured.
It’s an emotional injury. Sometimes those are the worst kind of hurts.
The person doing the injuring: His wife. And she, most likely, doesn’t even know she’s doing it.
I’m not. It happens all the time. She’s probably injured too. And, he doesn’t even know he’s doing it to her. Marriages are made of two very different, imperfect people. Plus, we often injure most those we love the most.
My friend is newly married. Over the course of the last few months he’s began to realize how many things his wife is saying and doing that are causing him to pull away from her. He even recognizes his reaction as a defense mechanism. Rather than start a fight, he withdraws. And, he’s withdrawn to the point that he was willing to admit his hurt, which is difficult for any man to do. I was proud of him for being humble enough to ask if this was normal in a marriage.
It didn’t take long before I realized, however, this marriage is heading for disaster if they don’t address their issues soon. There’s a great chance she has questions about the relationship also. Thankfully, they’re in a great season to ask hard questions, learn valuable lessons and strengthen the marriage.
I should be clear. This is not a counseling blog. And, this couple needs counseling. Even though I have a degree in counseling, this is simply a blog where I want to help people. Mostly that’s by addressing leadership issues, but sometimes I address the issues dealing with relationships—families, marriage and children—because, those issues impact us and also our leadership.
Which lead me to this post—addressing the ways wives injure their husbands without even knowing it. It’s a little sarcastically written, partially because that was easier, partially because I can tend to be that way, but mostly because it hopefully illustrates harsher realities in a gentler way. (Again, I realize this works both ways. As a man, I feel most prepared to address this side of the issue. I’ll consider a companion post after I consult my wife.)
Here are 7 ways a wife injures her husband (without even knowing it):
1. Put him down in front of other people. Most men will not counter this type of humiliation in public…if ever. They will simply take it…and hurt. If they do eventually address it will be out of stored up resentment…maybe anger…and it won’t be pretty.
2. Go behind him when he tries to do something at home. Always show him how much better you can do things than he can do them. He will appreciate that. When he fixes the bed, make sure you show him the “correct way” immediately after he finishes. He will be reminded he doesn’t measure up to your standards.
3. Constantly badger him. If he doesn’t do what you want him to do …remind him. Again and again (Because that accomplishes what you want it to do).
4. Use the “you always” phrase … excessively. Because he “always” does and, best news yet, it helps build him into a man that always will.
5. Hold him responsible for your emotional wellbeing. He’s the reason you feel bad today and every other day you feel bad. So, make sure he knows it’s his fault. And, you don’t have to tell him. Subtly, just be in a bad mood towards him, without releasing him from guilt. He’ll take the hint and own the responsibility. He will think it’s his fault even if it’s not.
6. Complain about what you don’t have or get to do. He has a desire to fix things. He wants to be a provider. Every man does. Some attempt to live it out and some don’t. But, when he’s trying, doing the best he can and yet he feels he isn’t measuring up, he’s crushed. When you are always commenting on what other women have that you don’t, he carries the blame, even if you’re not intending it to be his.
7. Don’t appreciate his efforts. Want to injure a man? Refuse to appreciate the things he feels he does well. It could be work, a hobby or a trait, but he feels part of his identity in the things he does. When you don’t find them as “valuable” as he does, his ego is bruised.
The reality is a man’s ego—his self-confidence and sense of worth—is greatly tied to his wife, just as a woman’s is to her husband. We can be fragile people, some more than others.
Understanding these issues and addressing them—with a third party if necessary—will help build healthier, stronger and happier people and marriages.
I understand some women, especially the equally or more wounded women, are going to take offense to this post. I get that. I’m prepared for that … I think. All I can say is that you can’t measure my heart or my intention. As I said, I aim to help. You can’t address what you do not know. If you are guilty of any of these, the response is up to you. If not, well, thanks for reading to this point in the post anyway.
I’m praying this lands on ears that need to hear.
Click here for my follow-up, the "7 Ways a Husband Injures a Wife Without even knowing it."
Ron Edmondson is a church planter and pastor with a heart for strategy, leadership and marketing, especially geared toward developing churches and growing and improving the kingdom of God.
For the original article, visit

Messianic Hebrew Bible - ready after 20 year project

A Modern Messianic Hebrew Bible

Friday, January 31, 2014 |  David Lazarus  ISRAEL TODAY
There are many reasons for the discrepancy between what people say they believe and what they do with their beliefs. But the Messianic Jews in Israel are working to bridge that gap with a new project aimed at getting people in the Land of the Bible to read their own book.
For the first time, the ancient Masoretic text of the entire Hebrew Bible has been translated into modern Hebrew. The Messianic publishing company Hagefen (The Vine) finally completed the project, a painstaking effort that took over 20 years.
The full article appears in the February issue of Israel Today Magazine.
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SodaStream Plans on Bringing Scarlett Johansson to Israel this Year - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

SodaStream Plans on Bringing Scarlett Johansson to Israel this Year

“I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse…” (Genesis 12:3)
(Photo: Facebook)
(Photo: Facebook)
Hollywood star Scarlett Johansson has been making waves in the news lately for not bowing to pressure to boycott Israel. Johansson, a spokesman for the Israeli based SodaStream company, has been criticized by anti-Israel advocates as supporting an apartheid state and the oppression of Palestinians in Israel.
More specifically, the humanitarian group Oxfam International, of which Johansson is affiliate with, has been pressuring Johansson to leave SodaStream since Oxfam opposes all trade from Israeli settlement. It was announced late this week that the 29 year old actress has decided to split with Oxfam citing a “fundamental difference of opinion.”
“Scarlett Johansson has respectfully decided to end her ambassador role with Oxfam after eight years,” the statement said. “She and Oxfam have a fundamental difference of opinion in regards to the boycott, divestments and sanctions movement. She is very proud of her accomplishments and fundraising efforts during her tenure with Oxfam.”
Oxfam released a statement upon Johansson’s departure from the organization, saying it was “grateful for her many contributions.”
“While Oxfam respects the independence of our ambassadors, Ms. Johansson’s role promting the company SodaStream is incompatible with her role as an Oxfam Global Ambassador,” the statement said. “Oxfam believes that businesses, such as SodaStream, that operate in settlements further the ongoing poverty and denial of rights of the Palestinian communities that we work to support.”
What is apparent from this whole controversy is that Scarlett Johansson is a friend of Israel. SodaStream announced on Thursday that it is planning on bringing its global ambassador to Israel this year.
SodaStream president Yonah Lloyd told The Jerusalem Post: “She [Johansson] has never been to Israel before. We look forward to hosting her later in the year.”
Johansson last week responded to critics saying she was a “supporter of economic cooperation and social interaction between a democratic Israel and Palestine.” She added that SodaStream is “not only committed to the environment but to building a bridge to peace between Israel and Palestine supporting neighbors working alongside each other, receiving equal pay, equal benefits and equal rights. That is what is happening in their Ma’ale Adumim factory every working day.”


Israel breaking News: Mass Prayer Rally At Western Wall Against 'Kerry's Decrees'

WesternWall Prayer Rally
A massive gathering brought thousands together at the Kotel (Western Wall) Thursdaynight, in prayers beseeching G-d to "cancel the decrees" of US Secretary of State John Kerry, whose peace plans would create an Arab capital in Jerusalem. 

The prayer rally, which was held under the title "prayer for the redemption of the people of Israel and their portion," was attended by Jewish Home coalition members including Housing and Construction Minister Uri Ariel, Deputy Religious Minister Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan, MK Orit Struk and MK Moti Yogev. Rabbi Chaim Druckman, head of the Bnei Akiva yeshivas, Chief Rabbi of Kiryat Arba Rabbi Dov Lior and Chief Rabbi of Tzfat Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu led the prayers, asking G-d to "give strength, courage, truth and faith to our leaders. Give them fear and great awe of You, that they will fear greatly to harm our holy land."
Ariel commented that "thousands of people came to prayer for the people of Israel, to strengthen the government and the one who stands at its head, that he may be able to stand firm against the different pressures coming from the other side of the ocean," reports Mako. Reports in early January indicated that Kerry is manipulating the European boycotts to force Israel to submit to territorial withdrawals. 
"We came here to strengthen the prime minister in guarding the land of Israel," said Rabbi Ben-Dahan, who added that if the proposed plans match the rumors surrounding them, they will not be accepted by his Jewish Home party. "Most residents of the country aren't ready to divide Jerusalem, as is said to be proposed in the plan." 
The plan also reportedly would have the PA create a state along the 1949 Armistice lines. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu proposed on Sundaythat Jews lived under the Palestinian Authority (PA) in Judea and Samaria as part of peace plans, a proposal that led to a crisis between Netanyahu and Jewish Home Chairman Naftali Bennett.
Source: Arutz Sheva

More "Open Doors" prophetic words have come for 2014...

Tim Sheets:
Leap Into Your Future – 
Doors of New History 
Will Now Be Open
Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:

In 2014, many of God's prophets and prophetic people are receiving words, dreams and visions about this "year of open doors!"

Such is the case with Tim Sheets. In this potent word, expect to be encouraged by these promises of God for this year and the time going forward.

Here is just a glimpse of some of the things you are about to read:

Tim Sheets: "Notable miracles are leaping forth. Notable miracles are leaping into your region. Notable miracles are leaping into your households. 

The revival in the womb of My intercessors is now leaping in them. It's leaping from the womb of those in travail. It is now time for the birthing of forerunners who will run. Leap into your future. The door is open!"

Let a spirit of expectation and excitement rise up from within you as you read this word through Tim Sheets!


Steve Shultz
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Tim Sheets:
Leap Into Your Future – 
Doors of New History 
Will Now Be Open

Tim SheetsOn January 24, 2014, we hosted our Annual Prophetic Summit. The speakers were Tim Sheets, Dutch Sheets, and Barbara Wentroble. The following word was given by Apostle Tim Sheets:

God Is Opening Doors

The year 2014 is 5774 on the Hebraic calendar – Ayin Dalet. The Hebrew calendar speaks to us prophetically. The number 4 is the letter Dalet. Dalet is the word for "door," or an open tent flap, or the opening into a new territory. 

5774 is also a Leap Year in the Hebraic cycle. Ayin Dalet references a year of open doors – so you can leap forward, that is, a year of open doors so you can spring forward.
God is opening doors
Holy Spirit is going to open doors supernaturally for His people this year to surge ahead. 

Many in the Body of Christ have had doors closed by adverse circumstances, by demon attacks, by financial attacks, even people attacks, but we come together to declare the word of the Lord.

God is right now opening doors for us to leap forward. He is opening doors for us to surge ahead, and we are now going to run through open doors and spring into our future. 

We're going to leap over adverse circumstances. We're going to leap over demon attacks. We're going to leap over financial attacks. We're going to spring into hope that is sure. It is steadfast. It is immoveable. We're going to overcome and we're going to reign – demonstrating a superior power in our Kingdom.  

(Open Door Photo by Eric Foltz)

"Arise, And I Will Empower You"

The Spirit of the Lord declares to the Church,"Doors of new history will now be opened

A new movement will now spring forth. A new stream from My throne will begin to flow. It is a pure stream of pure Gospel; for the stream of My Gospel has been diverted and dammed up by those who wanted the benefits of reservoired blessings, but I will now blow up the dams.

"I will have a Gospel that flows and flows freely. My movement will move. It is built to move and it will move. Empowered by fresh downpours, fresh rain – the downpours of Heaven will fill it to overflowing. It will leap to flood stage. It will not be confined by Laodiceans. It shall be a pure Gospel stream that is lit with the fire of My cause, one that I can back with signs, with wonders, and with miracles; one that is not diluted by pride, immorality or greed, one that I can marshal Heaven's army behind, one that I can back with awesome Kingdom power.

God will empower you"And the generations will synergize their efforts together for the revival of ingathering such has not been seen heretofore. I am calling My Gideons to come out of hiding and stop the raiding of My harvest. I have seen you behind the winepress. I have seen your secret toil. I have heard your cries. Now hear Mine. Arise and I will empower you. Arise for the days that are in front of you, and leap into the future that I have ordained for you. 

(Mural Photo via Empower Yourself/by Jay Moli)

"I will synergize the warriors, the eagle warriors with my remnant warriors, those who have faithfully committed themselves to Me. I will synergize them together now for the greatest move that I have ever released upon this earth. You shall now see and you shall now know that there is a Kingdom that is indeed at hand, and it is an awesome Kingdom. 

I've seen your heart and I will empower you. You will defeat your enemy, and you will enjoy the spoils of victory. You will say, 'Our enemy has resourced us. Our enemy has poured abundance for us. We have more because of war.'

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

"A shift in leadership will now come," says the Lord. "A new breed of leaders will be revealed in My Kingdom. 

The obscure ones who have served faithfully will now receive promotion man has not seen – but have seen. 

It will be said, 'Where did they come from? Who are they?' And I will advocate for them.
"I will say, 'These are they who came from My presence. 

These are they who would not compromise

These are they who would not be muzzled; they would not bow to darkness. These are they who have not been appeasing of humanistic ways with enticing words, but have stood for Me and My words. These are they that did not flinch. These are they that would not bend their knee to blended religion or doctrines of demons. They stood unashamed for Me; now I will stand unashamed for them. I will side with them. I have proclaimed their victory, and now I will oversee its completion."

Divine Alignment Will Spring Forth In Your Life

"Can there be an abundance in Goshen? Can there be plenty in My remnant camp? Watch and see. 

Great deliverance is coming. New history is coming. Abundance is coming. 

The set time has come for the war eagle generation of young reformers to partner with the remnant generation, and there will now come a divine alignment. This will spring forth.
Aligned"There will now come a functioning Church in the midst of dysfunction. Multiplied grace is now being poured forth. Bound souls shall be set free. 

Captives in heart will be delivered. Those blinded by sin and iniquity will be liberated from Hell's bondage as the revival of the ingathering now leaps ahead. The synergized generations in sync with My angel armies and soaked in the fresh rains of Heaven will now leap forward into great revival. 

It will be a movement that moves in power, in passion, and in purity. I will back it with signs, wonders and with miracles. 

(Properly Aligned Photo via

"Notable miracles are leaping forth. Notable miracles are leaping into your region. Notable miracles are leaping into your households. 

The revival in the womb of My intercessors is now leaping in them. It's leaping from the womb of those in travail. 

It is now time for the birthing of forerunners who will run. Leap into your future. The door is open!"

Tim Sheets
Tim Sheets Ministries | The Oasis, a CityGate Church

Dr. Tim Sheets is an apostle, pastor, and author based in southwestern Ohio. A graduate of Christ For the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas, he returned to Ohio in 1979 to pastor The Oasis, a CityGate Church, in Middletown, Ohio. The site is one of the largest in the Cincinnati-Dayton area and is host to many ministries/conferences. 

His vision is to raise up people who will authentically demonstrate the Church on the earth and passionately evangelize the world. His heart is for awakening and reformation in America.

Dr. Sheets is a teacher and speaker nationally at conferences, churches, seminars, Bible schools, and served as an instructor with the Christian Life School of Theology for eleven years. He has written and personally published two books, Armed and Battle Ready and Being Led by the Spirit, and a third book published by Destiny Image, Heaven Made Real. 

Dr. Sheets founded Destiny Bible School, and in 2009 Dr. Sheets was asked by Apostle Cindy Jacobs to be the Apostolic Director for Ohio Reformation Prayer Network and has organized 24/7 Prayer across the State. In 2013 Dr. Sheets launched AwakeningNow TV on DirecTV. Dr. Tim Sheets resides with his wife, Carol, in Lebanon, Ohio. They have two children and five grandchildren.

Nature says "Shabbat Shalom" too!

To my friends in Israel, Europe, Asia and India (and all points in between...) who are about to enjoy a day of rest...

Shabbat Shalom from our home to yours. 
Blessings on ye heads! 

Steve & Laurie Martin
Love For His People