Wednesday, February 5, 2014

How the SodaStream Scandal Debunks the BDS Movement

How the SodaStream Scandal Debunks the BDS Movement

Wednesday, February 05, 2014 |  Ryan Jones  
The scandal over Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson's representation of Israeli soda-maker SodaStream reached a peak just prior to last Sunday's Super Bowl, during which Johansson's SodaStream commercial officially debuted.
Scores of reporter, both foreign and local, amassed at SodaStream's flagship factory in the so-called "West Bank," the very factory for which the company has taken so much flak, in order to find out what all the fuss was about.
Johansson had found herself rebuked by various elements of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement that insists any Israeli business operating out of areas claimed by the Palestinian Arabs is by definition "exploitative."
In other words, it matters not that SodaStream has dozens of other factories in Israel-proper and around the world producing far more than the "West Bank" plant. The fact that the company operates at all in the disputed territories marks it as unethical and worthy of nothing but scorn.
It would be simple for SodaStream to simply close the "West Bank" plant and put all this mess behind it. But CEO Daniel Birnbaum has explained several times that there is one overriding reason he has rejected the "easy way out": it would put nearly 1,000 Palestinians out of a job, and a job that pays far more than they could earn elsewhere, at that.
And right there is the reason that the whole SodaStream scandal actually debunks the BDS movement, and demonstrates how it is actually exploiting average Palestinians for the sake of a nationalist, anti-Israel agenda.
A simple look at the numbers and the firsthand testimonies of Palestinian employees proves that far from being exploitative, SodaStream is providing the kind of jobs and incomes that Palestinians could only dream of in areas under the control of the Palestinian Authority.
SodaStream employees, both Arabs and Jews, earn an average Israeli salary, which is roughly triple that of the average Palestinian Authority salary.
Birnbaum doesn't want his Palestinian employees to lose those benefits, even though it would be easier for him and the company to simply shutter the plant. The BDS movement, on the other hands, does appear to give a rat's ass about so many Palestinians losing such lucrative jobs, so long as the area is cleansed of one more Jew-owned business.
So which side, one must wonder, is truly looking out for the well-being of average Palestinians, and which is simply using them as pawns in a grand nefarious scheme?
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Facebook Takes Place of Bible in Most Americans’ Lives - Jennifer LeClaire

Facebook Takes Place of Bible 

in Most Americans’ Lives

Facebook reading is more popular than the Bible in the U.S. and Canada.

What can you say about a nation that readsFacebook more than the Bible?
Facebook, which celebrated its 10th birthday on Tuesday, reports 757 million daily active users. About 19 percent of them are in the United States and Canada, which translates to about 143 million people logging on to read Facebook posts each and every day.
According to a 2006 CBS News poll, 15 percent of U.S. adults read the Bible (or some other religious text) every day. The Associated Press did some quick calculations to determine that these numbers mean about 40 million people in the U.S. and Canada read the Bible every day. And that was eight years ago. It’s more likely that the number of Bible-readers has declined rather than increased, given the downward spiral of our nation.
Now, I’m by no means anti-Facebook. I’ve got about 100,000 people on my Facebook page, and I use the medium as a tool to minister to the masses. So do many other ministries. Joyce Meyer has nearly 5 million Facebook followers, and Jesus Daily has a whopping 25 million! Clearly, God is using Facebook.
For all the wonderful ministry happening on Facebook, though—including teaching videos and apps—it is no substitute for reading the Bible. After all, Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matt. 4:4). Somehow, even if Facebook were a part of mainstream Galilean culture, I don’t think Jesus would give up fellowship with the Father to check Facebook. It's become a near addiction for some people.
But let me go back to my original question: What can you say about a nation that reads Facebook more than the Bible? We’ve got our priorities out of line. Jesus said, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matt. 6:33). But how many seek first the kingdom of Facebook on their smartphone each morning rather than seeking God? Selah.
Here’s my point: Facebook can be a wonderful ministry tool, but for most people in America it’s merely a distraction. (I can’t tell you how many Christians send me multiple invitations to play Candy Crush or other time-stealing games, for example.) Of course, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is not to blame. If it wasn’t social media, people would find—and have historically found—something else to entertain them, whether it’s television, movies, radio or a seeker-friendly church that tickles their ears with feel-good messages that don’t produce change.
The bottom line: America needs to turn back to the God of the Bible, not the god of social media. The Facebook statistics, and the AP’s spin on them, is just more proof positive that America is rapidly moving in the wrong direction. We need to put God and His Word back in the center of our lives, even if that means missing out on the encouragement that ministries are offering on the platform. So, yes, let’s use Facebook as an evangelism tool. By all means. Let’s use social media to network with those of like-minded faith and equip believers for the work of the ministry. But let’s not allow it to become a substitute for personal fellowship with God and His Word. Amen?
Jennifer LeClaire is news editor at Charisma. She is also the author of several books, including The Making of a Prophet. You can email Jennifer at or visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.
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God Is Angry—Are You? - Larry Tomczak

God Is Angry—Are You?

Someone once asked, "We know it's a sin to be angry about things that God isn't angry about, yet is it a sin not to be angry about things that God is angry about?"
We don't hear many sermons on the anger of God because He is "slow to anger," but it is real. The Bible tells us to consider both the "kindness and severity of God" (Rom. 11:22, ESV). Once in a while, maybe we should substitute the chorus "God is so good" with "God is so mad."
Scripture tells us, "Be ye angry, and sin not" (Eph. 4:26, KJV). In other words, there is such a thing as righteous anger toward that which is evil in the sight of God.
Jesus demonstrated this when He rebuked the disciples in their shunning of children who wanted to come to Him. The same was true when He cleared the temple of the money changers who were polluting the house of God.
How about you? As we witness the regular mockery of biblical standards for sexuality, marriage and family in our culture, do you feel what God is feeling—righteous anger? May none of us display a yawning indifference and casual dismissal regarding what's happening. May the zeal of the Lord of hosts arise in all our spirits to see righteousness restored! And knowing "man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires" (James 1:20), we must channel God's anger in charitable and constructive ways.
My longtime friend Dr. Michael Brown reminds us to be merciful and reject self-righteousness as we winsomely reach out to immoral people and those practicing homosexuality. But in loving all gays, we must resist the radical gay agenda. "It is the greatest threat to religious freedom in our generation!" he declares. Undergirding this should be a godly passion and holy hatred for what this agenda is doing to destroy biblical morality, marriage and family in our generation.
Going Back to the Grammys
Yesterday someone contacted me, mentioning how timely it was that my last commentary on Michelle Obama and Beyoncé came before Queen Bey's opening performance at the 2014 Grammy awards. This woman, whom our first lady commends as a role model, sang "Drunk in Love" while writhing as a stripper and censors bleeped unprintables during her "sexcapade seranade."
Mind you, this presentation wasn't on late-night cable MTV with Miley Cyrus sensual shenanigans but on a mainstream CBS broadcast during family hours to tens of millions across America and abroad.
The show also featured former Christian Katy Perry flaunting her sex in a satanic witchcraft spectacle with fire, horned men and a sacrificial offering to ... ?
Then Macklemore belted out his gay anthem, "Same Love," as closet lesbian Queen Latifah officiated over a ceremony where same-sex marriages were celebrated.
This annual broadcast is said to represent the very best music has to offer to the world. It also reveals the gravity of the situation we face in our culture today.
That same day, the Disney Channel's kid show Good Luck Charlie introduced two lesbian moms for our children, and later, NBC Entertainment Chairman Bob Greenblatt, an open homosexual, announced his working with lesbian Ellen DeGeneres for a new lesbian-themed comedy called One Big Happy for network TV.
Let's face it: America is in deep trouble and in desperate need of spiritual awakening. Our nation, founded on Judeo-Christian principles, has flourished for three centuries but now is teetering on the precipice. Time is of the essence. We must feel what God feels regarding unfaithfulness to His dictates on sexuality and marriage while praying, proclaiming the gospel and presenting a biblical model for the world to see.
Check Out Ezra and Nehemiah 
Two leaders in the Bible who imbibed the anger of God regarding marital unfaithfulness were Ezra and Nehemiah. They knew that favor comes as faithfulness is upheld. They felt what God felt, rejected a spineless approach to what they observed, and were courageous to speak up in their generation, challenging people to align with divine standards. In light of our current cataclysmic moral upheaval, we must do the same.
When Ezra learned how the people had drifted from God's moral directives, he tore his tunic and cloak, pulled hair from his head and beard, and sat down appalled. He fell on his knees with his hands spread out to God and prayed fervently. He mourned but also took action to call people back to the standards that God had set. No detached, namby-pamby, unemotional approach here! (See Ezra 9 and 10.)
Likewise, Nehemiah, in his day, called the people back to God's standards for marriage and family without any hint of compromise. Those who were following unrighteous standards, he rebuked, called curses down on them, physically attacked some of the men and even pulled out their hair! With all the passion he could muster, he reminded them what covenant marriage was and drove out the scoffers. (See Nehemiah 13:23-27.) Obviously, we don't use curses or any type of physical attacks, but we do pray and proclaim truth with courage, conviction and compassion.
"Larry, isn't this a bit extreme?"
These men were passionate for God's honor and to see God's people obey His holy standards for marriage. The Scripture is honest—announcing without approving their actions. The lesson is that there come times for us to recognize the gravity of a situation, renounce passivity and do what is necessary to get ourselves and others back into alignment with God's Word.
Such a time is now!
Here's the Deal
  • Leaders. Declare the "whole counsel of God" (Acts 20:27) to those entrusted to your care. Refuse to shrink back from addressing any controversial topics, such as pornography, homosexuality, gay marriage, adultery, fornication, adultery and cohabitation. Winsomely and biblically equip your people so they understand these issues, can speak to others from a biblical worldview, and are challenged to live a life of happy holiness in accordance with the Word of God. No more avoidance of so-called "political, partisan, controversial" topics that might "offend people, hinder fundraising or make us less seeker-sensitive."
  • Married Couples. Determine to surround yourself with like-minded people in the context of a local church who reject the notion of easy divorce, understandable affairs or a lack of accountability and transparency in authentic, supportive relationships.
  • Parents. Recommit yourself to honoring God's standards for morality and marriage while modeling it at home; prioritizing regular times for creative (not boring or lengthy) devotional instruction and prayer; and carefully monitoring media influence, Internet usage, cellphones and selection of friends.
As pastors, couples and parents, let's also support wholesome entertainment alternatives. Seize teachable moments for instruction and interaction on today's hot button moral issues.
A quality film in the theaters at this time is called Gimme Shelter, which presents the pro-life position in a non-preachy way while upholding the importance of family and care for troubled youth.
I've worked for the past four years on a video that is now available free for viewing on YouTube. It's called "Is Gay OK? 10 Things Everyone Needs to Know." With all the falsehoods swirling around us in our culture deceiving millions—especially our young people—this video is a must-see.
Internationally known evangelist Bob Weiner says, "This is not a product but a prophetic statement to our generation!" Watch it. Post links. Share it on Facebook. Let righteous anger motivate you to Spirit-led action and making a difference in these closing hours of history.
We are not alone in what the Bible calls the "perilous times" of the last days prior to His glorious return (2 Tim. 3:1). We may not be a majority, but we will not remain a silent majority any longer.
On the night of the Grammys, my wife and I watched a special two-hour broadcast of The Bachelor on ABC. We never watch the show but tuned in because for the first time in 17 seasons, they featured a live wedding of a couple that was special. Like very few paraded on the show, this young man and young woman had pledged to live pure; the groom's father was a pastor; and they unashamedly prayed plus spoke of Jesus.
My wife and I could hardly believe what we were seeing! When the beaming groom said unabashedly, "I'm proud of my faith," and his glowing bride stood at his side, it was obvious they were different—ambassadors for the King of kings and Lord of lords. May we all do likewise in these trying times.
"So that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life" (Phil. 2:15-16).
Larry Tomczak is a best-selling author and cultural commentator with over 40 years of trusted ministry experience. His passion is to bring perspective, analysis and insight from a biblical worldview. He loves people and loves awakening them to today's cultural realities and the responses needed for the bride of Christ—His church—to become influential in all spheres of life once again.
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Love shared is love received.

His Loved.
Is love received back.

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Paul Wilbur "Days of Elijah" (+90 playlist)

Paul Wilbur!

Sing with all your might!
Dance with all your might!
Bless the Living God of Israel!

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Ted Pearce - Zealous over Zion (+playlist)

Ted Pearce - Battle For Zion (music video)

Thanks Ted for standing for Israel, 
my Gentile brother in Yeshua!

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Anti-Israel Backlash by Canadian Minister - Breaking Israel News

Sodastream Canada
The fact is very clear, anti-Israel/BDS activities are clear forms of anti-Semitism!
After Actress Scarlett Johansson stepped down as Oxfam's ambassador over her advertisement with Israeli company SodaStream, a company Oxfam boycotts, Canadian Employment Minister Jason Kenney said their move spurred him to buy from SodaStream. Appearing on Canadian Sun News last week, Kenney quipped "I've given money to Oxfam in the past because I thought they were there to help poor people, not to marginalize Israelis and make Palestinians unemployed." He added that "all the nutters at Oxfam" also marginalize "Palestinian people" who get paid four times more at SodaStream than they would within Palestinian Authority-controlled areas.
Kenney bashed the "anti-Israel obsession" with which leftist groups pursue Israel, even while they ignore countries like Iran which executes political dissidents and homosexuals. Remarking on Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper's recent visit to Israel, Kenny remarked "we felt at home in Israel" due to the shared values of freedom and democracy between Israel and Canada.
Source: Arutz Sheva

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Word To the Prophetic Camp - Kent Simpson

Kent Simpson:
A Word To the Prophetic Camp
- The Elijah List

Kent SimpsonFor many years the Church has been asking people, "Do you know who Jesus Christ is?" Today's question, however, is, "Does Jesus Christ know who you are?"

Through two wonderful gifts of the Holy Spirit, prophecy and the word of knowledge, we have discovered that when you receive a prophetic word and it is straight from the throne of God, you are launched into a euphoric experience. 

Having the knowledge that God knows who you are is like having your name called from Heaven, revealing to everyone that your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life.

The gift of prophecy creates a pathway, imparting purpose into your life. 

Knowing even a small part of your destiny for this life can make a huge difference. With all the struggles that you are going through, receiving a word of knowledge from our Father that tells you He knows what is happening in your life today or reveals something He fixed in your past increases the measure of your faith. Does it not? It builds power within you to hear that He is on your side.

You can rest assured in the fact that you can handle all things when you know God has your back.

I believe this is why Apostle Paul encouraged the Body of Christ to seek spiritual gifts, and why he specifically requested that in our search we ask for the gift of prophecyFor God's prophetic words build, comfort, and exhort the Body of Christ into a unified force of faith that effectively changes the world.

Prophecy is a spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit. This gift is the foretelling of things to come. Many who have the gift of prophecy are also found to have an accompanying spiritual gift: the word of knowledge. The word of knowledge gives the spiritual ability of knowing in part about a person's life, whether the word speaks to their past or present situation.

What Is the Problem With My Prophetic Word?

Three moves of GodThe two gifts working in unison are very powerful. However, there are a couple of things I would like to point out about these two gifts. The word of knowledge has much more of a shock-and-awe effect than the gift of prophecy. The gift of prophecy reveals things that are to happen somewhere in their future. 

Most people will go through many tests and changes, a pruning process, before their prophecy comes to pass. 

This is what we call the process. Most people wish to avoid this part and go straight to the promise that is declared in the prophecy.

The vast majority of the test takes place within one's soul. The mind, however, poses the big question: Is this prophecy even from God, and if so, when will it come to pass? 

The recipient of the prophecy must wait sometimes years before the prophecy comes to pass. They must have patience in order to know whether or not the word was truly from God. Sometimes it takes so long for the word to come to pass they forget ever receiving their prophecy until years after it has come to pass, and then it hits them like a bolt of lightning.

On the other hand, when a word of knowledge is given, its impact is immediate and the person knows without a doubt the word is from God because it has already happened in their life, which makes the reality of the gift unquestionable.

What Makes a Prophecy Appear To Be Hit and Miss?

Here are some other reasons people become confused after they have received a prophetic word. When the message is delivered, it may start with a word of knowledge, then go into prophecy, foretelling of things to come, and later shift back to a word of knowledge, speaking about something that has already happened in their life. This can become confusing to the person receiving the prophetic word.

There have been times when I mailed out a prophetic word and the person called and told me later that I was right in a few places but the other parts of their word did not fit them. After listening to their prophecy, I discovered that the parts they said were correct were words of knowledge. The ones they said I missed were prophecy. Well, of course the prophecy has not manifested in their life, for they just received the prophecy a few days before calling me. How would the word have time to come to pass?

These two gifts listed in 1 Corinthians, chapter 12, are found to be in operation throughout the Holy Bible. We also find in the Scriptures a guide for those who are delivering a prophetic word. This same Scripture is used in the Body of Christ today; its purpose is to keep those ministering in the gift of prophecy or the word of knowledge from hurting people by delivering cruel and punishing words. 

If this Scripture is not enforced, people can use their own words as weapons rather than using the true spiritual gift to express our heavenly Father's love.

But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men. 1 Corinthians 14:3

Can It Be Different When a Prophet Prophesies?

The same verse, however, does NOT apply to all who prophesy. For those who walk in the office of an apostle or prophet, you will discover that this verse does not always fit when a prophet is ministering in the word of knowledge or in the gift of prophecy.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

A prophet also has the gift of prophecy and operates in the word of knowledge; however, there are times the prophetic word is for correction and confirms that God knows what you have been doing in secret. Scripture tells us that what is done in darkness shall be brought into the light, and that which is done in secret shall be shouted from the rooftops (Matthew 10:27, Mark 4:22).

It is the prophet's place to speak when God calls upon him or her to minister in a prophetic word of correction. If the prophetic word is received, the rebuke can bring comfort, exhortation, or edification.

In fact, the very writer of the letter to the Church at Corinth was Apostle Paul, who gave this verse I am using as the focus of this teaching, proving there is a difference between those who operate in the gift of prophecy and those who walk in the office of an apostle or prophet.

We see in the Book of Acts that it was common to find apostles and prophets traveling together. The apostle Paul and the prophet Silas were a traveling pair; as was Barnabas, an apostle, and Judas, a prophet, who traveled as a ministry team.

In one of the recorded accounts from the Book of Acts, Paul and possibly Silas came upon a false prophet named Elymas, a sorcerer who had been harassing and hindering them from preaching the Gospel. Paul turned and prophesied blindness to come upon the man. The Scripture proves that there is a difference in the instruction Apostle Paul gave to the Church at Corinth and how he operated in this instance. 

Why? Because there is definite distinction between walking in the ascension gift ministries as an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher, according to Ephesians 4:11 and those who operate in spiritual gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12.

Then Saul, who also is called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him and said, "O full of all deceit and all fraud, you son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease perverting the straight ways of the Lord? And now, indeed, the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you shall be blind, not seeing the sun for a time."

And immediately a dark mist fell on him, and he went around seeking someone to lead him by the hand. Then the proconsul believed, when he saw what had been done, being astonished at the teaching of the Lord. Acts 13:9-12

Surprisingly, this is not the only account where the Holy Spirit has revealed, according to the Holy Scriptures, what power is given to the prophets. We also see that in the days of tribulation the Holy Spirit will give power to the prophets to call down plagues and pestilence equal to the days Moses and Aaron as they stood before Pharaoh demanding that he let the people of God go free.

But in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, the mystery of God would be finished, as He declared to His servants the prophets. Revelation 10:7

And he said to me, "You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings." Revelation 10:11

These have power to shut Heaven, so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy; and they have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to strike the earth with all plagues, as often as they desire. Revelation 11:6
God Would Never Give a Prophetic Curse, Right?

I know that it is not popular to reveal the complete truth from what is recorded in the Holy Scriptures. However, if you are like me, you only want the truth. 

The truth forces us to listen for God's word. This is why we must know exactly how to pray, hear, and obey. It is paramount we obey Him, for to do otherwise would be far too costly.

My calling came as God spoke to me from Ezekiel 33 on the 14th day of March, 1979, and it is part of my calling to share and teach on the prophetic gifts and functions, even to those who operate in the duties of a prophet, who stand in the office of a prophet. I pray we all be open to hear God's message. In this day and time we need to shed more light upon the truth, lest we find ourselves out of balance within the prophetic camp.

Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Prophetic Ministries Today

Kent Simpson is a prophetic pastor and is the founder and senior pastor of Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle – a gathering place for the prophetic people of God to unite for the sole purpose of being used as vessels for the Holy Spirit to speak through. Prophetic Ministries Today is devoted to the truth that Jesus is not dead but alive and He speaks if you have an ear to hear the Spirit. 

His website is filled with prophetic teachings which will help you understand the process of "hearing" God for yourself as well as others. The Lord wants you to pray, hear, and obey Him because the Holy Spirit is the only One who can truthfully lead you into the abundant life Jesus promised us.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Finding Your Power in God's Lavish Love - Heidi Baker

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Lavish is an incredibly rich word. It means, “over the top, more than you could imagine”—like when we read, “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God”
(1 John 3:1, NIV).
No matter how great we are, we do not naturally deserve to be called sons and daughters of God. Even if we achieved academic honors in school, the highest promotions in our jobs and every other qualification this world could possibly offer, we would never merit such a gift. Only His free and lavish love gives us the most beautiful title of all—not doctor, not lawyer, not apostle, but son or daughter.
We are the family God went out and found. He was so determined to call us sons and daughters that He suffered on a cross and died. Jesus and His Father are one. Whatever Jesus does, the Father does. They act together, and the cross expresses the unity of their love for us. Jesus died so we could be brothers and sisters to one another. Before that we could not be one family.
I have been beaten up, shot at and lied about. People have even tried to strangle me. I am not afraid. To this day I can walk boldly into gangs of armed thugs and tell them to stop in the name of Jesus. I expect them to drop their knives. Generally they turn surprisingly nice. Sometimes they look at me and apologize.
Where did this confidence come from? It came from knowing the Father loves me. Because I truly know that I am loved, I am not afraid.
God wants your ministry to flow from the realization that you are a beloved child of God. In that place you don’t worry too much about how people see you. You don’t worry too much about whether they are nice or mean. You don’t even worry about whether they love you or hate you. You don’t worry because you’re simply going to love them and love Him. This comes from knowing who He is and what He thinks of you. This is what it means to grasp you are a child of God.
But what if we make messy mistakes? What if it turns out we are still flawed people who can be difficult to get along with? Will He keep on loving us then?
We have taken in thousands of children to live with us over the years; one of them was a particular rascal. If he could find something wrong to do, he would do it. I asked God what to do about this one. God told me to love him. I sensed the Lord saying He wanted me to give him some time and pray every day for him. So that is what I and the other caretakers did. For a long time we could see no progress. Despite everything this boy was always very charismatic, and after a while he managed to move to the United Kingdom.
Recently, when I was speaking in the U.K., I saw this spiritual son again. At once I was startled to see how powerfully the presence of God was resting on him. When he came up to me he started shaking and weeping in my arms. In broken English he said, “Thank you, Mama. For not stop loving me.”
Our joy in this son was not so much in seeing him graduate from school, though we were very happy when he did. Our joy was seeing him filled with the presence of God. Our joy was seeing him come home to the Father’s house and step into the spirit of adoption.
That boy—now a man—knows who he is. He is a son. He knows better than most that God loves him no matter how many times he might have lied, stolen, beaten up innocents or committed adultery. He is loved because of the incredible grace of God that comes down to call each of us sons and daughters. None of us deserve it. We simply have it.
Your heavenly Father loves you the same way. He wants you, no matter what you do or how you fail. This is the love He spoke over us when He sent His Son. It is what Jesus poured out of the cross. It is the thing the church must demonstrate to the world. Love so lavish can never die.
Because of this love, we have become children of God. Even if we do not yet believe it, this is what we truly are (1 John 3:1).  We have had children who, for the longest time, would not believe they are truly loved. This particular son had been with us for 14 years before he actually got it. That is a lot of waiting and a lot of pain. If the Holy Spirit ever touches people in such a way that they realize they are sons or daughters instantly, we ought to celebrate it as a mighty miracle—because sometimes it takes 14 years.
You are a son or a daughter right now—today. Your real identity is in this truth. It doesn’t matter what people do or do not call you. It doesn’t matter where you do or do not sit. You are a son. You are a daughter. There is no more precious position to which you might ever aspire.
To be a son or daughter of God also means you are royalty. This is the greatest of privileges, but it is also an awesome responsibility. If you are truly thankful to God and want to please Him with all your heart, you must do more than just recognize your own authority. You must use it. He asks you to give love as freely as you have received it—not just to those who deserve it but also to everyone He puts in front of you.
Birthing the Miraculous by Heidi BakerAdapted from Birthing the Miraculous by Heidi Baker, copyright 2014 published by Charisma House. Sometimes God’s promises seem bizarre, implausible, and even crazy, but no matter how impossible they seem we can respond with a yielded “yes” even as Mary did when Gabriel gave her the news that she would birth Jesus. This book weaves true stories from Heidi’s life and ministry to show you how you can become a catalyst for God’s glory on this earth. To order your copy click here.
This week ask the Lord to give you more revelation of His lavish love. Embrace it and respond in kind as John wrote, “We love Him because He first loved us.” Because of that love surrender your will to His and tell Him that you wholly trust Him and will show your love by your obedience. Ask Him for the grace to carry His love to the unlovely, those who have hurt and betrayed you, and those with whom you disagree.  Continue to pray for our nation and its leaders, Israel, our military, their families and the upcoming generation. Thank God for ordering your steps and ask Him for more opportunities to expand His kingdom. John 1:31; 1 John 4:19 
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