Friday, February 7, 2014

God is Raising Up Pioneers - Who Live In the Breaker Anointing - Michael Krysty

Michael Krysty:
God is Raising Up Pioneers - 
Who Live In the Breaker Anointing
The Elijah List

Michael Krysty
It's Breakthrough Time

The Lord has been telling me that there are many forerunners in this hour, yet there are few that carry a breaker anointing. There are followers, then leaders, and then there are pioneers. Lately, God has been speaking to me about a forerunner authority. Some would call it a pioneer, some would say apostolic, yet even others would say a breaker anointing.

Jesus Christ, as the supreme Apostle ("...Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest whom we confess," Hebrews 3:1), was the One who broke through the temple and made a new and living way for us to follow into the presence of God.

...Since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the Blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us... Hebrews 10:19-20

I believe that is exactly what the pioneer, apostolic, or breaker anointing does. It opens up new and living ways.

Roads that were totally unknown and unfamiliar to a community of people are now available, and this community is equipped in strength to travel the new road. I believe it is important to understand that when a forerunner interprets his findings from this new arena, it can generate far reaching effects for the rest of the community – both positive and negative. The anointing of a pioneer is powerful!

Jesus: A new and living wayJesus, our chief Apostle, broke through and opened a new and living way. I believe, in order to truly be effective in the Great Commission, the forerunner must do the same in their efforts to establish the Kingdom of God. I want to say this: You have access to a great breaker anointing within you.

It is Jesus inside of you. I praise God that Jesus opened up a new and living way for us into the Kingdom of God through salvation.

Yet now, with Christ in us, we can take His power into the earth and open up new roads of opportunities for His Kingdom to expand on the earth.

Right now, in this season, God is opening up the nations, ministry opportunities, and business opportunities for His children, His pioneers! Get ready for new's breakthrough time!

(Photo via icanthrugod.tumblr)

A Brand New Way

The pioneer is the first to enter into new atmospheres. Because they tread on new roads, the message is not always well received. In Numbers 13, we read about pioneers that are given the responsibility of exploring Canaan. They go and find great assets and potential.

Frankly, they are mesmerized by what they discover. They want the land. They come back and give the description to Moses, Aaron, and the rest of the Israelite community. They say, "We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit" (Numbers13:27).

The testimony of the spiesYet, just as they were giving the awesome testimony of what they saw, what God had promised to them, they then switched into another testimony of impossibilities and danger. The testimony of why it could never work.

"But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large. We even saw descendants of Anak there" (Numbers 13:28). A spirit of fear was released to a whole community of people even though there was visible fruit of what could be accomplished.

(Photo via Garden of Praise/by Gospel Services, Inc.)

Yet, in the midst of doubt, one spoke up: Caleb. Caleb believed they could take the land – Caleb did not see through the eyes of a normal person, nor did he have the same spirit as the other forerunners. There was something different about him in comparison to the other pioneers; he saw a super reality.

In fact, he was rewarded. The Lord said of him that he had a different spirit and that he followed Him wholeheartedly. With Caleb, Joshua also stood, believing they could take the land.
Caleb and JoshuaIt was a new way for the all of the Israelites, and they could not believe the message of Caleb and Joshua. There were other forerunners with Caleb and Joshua, yet it was only Caleb and Joshua who carried the breaker anointing.

The Lord has been telling me that there are many forerunners in this hour, yet there are few that carry a breaker anointing. There are many people that are walking in a new way and obeying directions to explore this new land, but there are few that see in super reality.

In fact, there are many that have had experiences and have seen life from many angles, but when it comes to taking the land and establishing the Kingdom, their actions and words communicate that there is no hope. They release doubt and fear, and operate out of a natural reality.

A true pioneer is one that stands even in the midst of everyone affected by disbelief.

For them, there is a brand new way, yet it is a possible one. The authority of a pioneer is many times challenged; but their authority is weighty and can shift societies, cultures, and nations.

(Photo via Distant Shores Media/Open Bible Stories)

Also, a true pioneer is one that breaks through not only the blocks to create a new path, but also breaks down the walls that would keep them from dwelling in the destination continually as a culture. Caleb and Joshua were these types of men. They not only opened a new way and went into the promised land, their heart was to establish a living way. God wants to establish not just an experience where we taste fruit and see the great land or experience Heaven on earth as an event or service.

He wants us to know it as a continual dwelling place as a culture.

A Living Way

Abundant lifeGod is not interested in merely a good time or an event by itself. In fact, He is not interested in a new way alone. He is interested in abundant life; life that is ongoing. He is interested in a new and living way; a revival torch that will not only spark, but ultimately grow into an ongoing fire. That is the Kingdom. God is interested in a lifestyle of revival and outpouring.

(Photo via

If we never take revival out of the service or make it a dwelling place, we become like the pioneers that give a report of the impossibilities. They believed they couldn't dwell in the fullness of the riches because of the giants.

But, there is a voice saying, "We can take the land, we can live in an ongoing outpouring because it is a living way."

It is not just a way that is new and never seen; it is a way that is alive and unending – a living way. The path that Christ torched for us to come into the Kingdom was completely new and could not be opened by any besides Himself. Yet the path is still open today, and it is living – Kingdom living.

The Kingdom of God is 24/7. It is continually in season and out. It must become a dwelling place, a place that is inhabited. If it isn't, the normal Christian life will be seen as just a series of intermittent events. It will be seen only through an earthly reality when, all the while, we have available for us a super reality...Heaven on earth.

God has made available for the Body of Christ open Heavens that will not shut, and we can dwell in these places. A living way is a breathing path that has limitless fruitful encounters.
Heaven openedStephen carried this type of anointing. The Bible describes him as one that was full of faith and the Holy Spirit. He was the first person in the New Testament who was martyred for following the ways of Jesus.

As he was being stoned, Stephen was literally brought into an open vision as he saw physically what was happening in the spiritual realm. He shouted out, "Look...I see Heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God" (Acts 7:56).

Yet, even though Stephen literally saw this open Heaven over his life, I believe he had it over his life even before then. I believe that Stephen was one that saw in a higher level, a super reality.

(Photo via Wallpapers Wide)

Stephen was truly a forerunner. His death caused the Church to grow and spread in a new and living way. We read right after his death in Acts 8:1-4 that when the persecution of the Church broke out, the whole Church scattered. But they were not just scattered; rather, the Church was being relocated and the Kingdom advanced.

Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. Acts 8:4

Those that were scattered spread the fire outside and beyond their normal living quarters. Stephen's act birthed a community of missionaries! It was as if a boulder had been dropped from one-hundred feet in the air into a lake of lava, causing lava to splash out into many other areas. The breaker anointing – it stays open for others to dwell in and operate out of!

Lions Traveling Unfamiliar Paths

Like lionsCaleb, Joshua, and Stephen were not followers, nor were they just leaders – they were pioneers. Yet these were not pioneers merely out to make a new discovery; they were men dedicated to bringing an entire nation into this discovery with them. They took the initiative and did not wait for others – they were courageous lions. 

(Photo via DesertUSA)

The remnant of Jacob will be in the midst of many peoples like dew from the Lord, like showers on the grass, which do not wait for man or linger for mankind. The remnant of Jacob will be among the nations, in the midst of many peoples, like a lion among the beasts of the forest... Micah 5:7-8

I believe God is raising up super-breakers or super-pioneers to not only make a new way, but to make it both a new and living way. They are the ones that take initiative and do not wait for others to do it for them. They are young, old, and middle-aged. They are learned, unlearned, and of all classes.

God is taking people in this hour and turning them into a generation who sees through eyes of faith a super reality to destroy the works of darkness.

Not only do they want to taste the fruit of the land, they want the whole land! This is the call of the revivalist in this hour, this is the call of the teacher in this hour, this is the call of the entire five-fold ministry in this hour. To pioneer what God is commanding us to move into, and bring entire nations into it to dwell!

We must not wait for others; we must not see like others, we must be like lions!

What will you see?God is not just raising up forerunners.

God is asking the forerunners: What type of report will you give? What type of reality will you see? What type of kingdom will you release?

God is calling the forerunner to carry a breaker anointing and be led on unfamiliar paths to take an entire nation into a living way – birthing a supernatural community! NEW AND LIVING.

I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them. Isaiah 42:16

Lord, lead Your family into a super reality. Take us into Your breaker anointing. Teach us to decipher the many voices we hear and cancel out every voice that isn't Yours. May we hear Your whispers and know them from the rest. Release boldness into Your people.

I pray for the eyes of their hearts to be opened, that they may carry Your presence into the world. They are world changers. Thank You, Holy Spirit! Amen.

Michael Krysty
Inhabit Fire Ministries


Michael Krysty is a unique, emerging radical revivalist with an uncompromising message of the supernatural power of Jesus. He is the founder of Inhabit Fire Ministries, and walks in a powerful and accurate realm of the word of knowledge and gifts of healing.

He was introduced to the Gospel while in drug rehab and had a dynamic encounter with Jesus Christ, and he has never been the same. Now, Michael and his wife, Amanda, travel the world preaching and demonstrating the message of the raw power and love of the Kingdom of Heaven. They reside just outside of Charlotte, North Carolina, and attend MorningStar Church when home.

Source: The Elijah List

'Brave German Woman' Rebukes Islam's Lie

'Brave German Woman' Rebukes Islam's Lie

SPEYER, Germany -- Islam continues to grow in power and influence across Europe. But at a recent concert in Germany, one Christian woman decided to stand up to it.

"The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace" by Welsh composer Karl Jenkins was supposed to be an interfaith event to bring Christianity and Islam together.

But when the Muslim imam began his call to prayer during the concert, he was interrupted by a small woman in the balcony proclaiming that "Jesus Christ alone is Lord of Germany," and shouting, "I break this curse."

She also invoked the name of Martin Luther and warned the audience that what was happening was "a lie."

The video went viral.

'Brave German Woman'

The mysterious Christian lady became known on the Internet simply as the "brave German woman."

It happened on Nov. 10, 2013 at the Memorial Church of the Reformation in the Rhineland city of Speyer, built to honor Martin Luther.

It isn't just any church. It's a monument to the Protestant Reformation and a memorial to the spiritual transformation of Germany.

It was at this spiritual landmark that a Muslim imam was invited to give the call to prayer. When the brave German woman, whose real name is Heidi Mund, heard about the event, she prayed.

"I was asking Jesus, 'Lord, shall I go there?' So, when I have to drive one and half hours, you know, I think, 'Is it worth it to go or can others go?' So, this is human laziness, yeah?" Mund recalled.
She grabbed her German flag emblazoned with the words "Jesus Christ is Lord" and headed for the concert, still not sure what she would do when she got there.

"Until the imam started with his shouting, I did not really know what to do. I was just prepared for what God wants me to do," she told CBN News.

Then the Muslim call to prayer began, and Heidi said she felt something rising up inside her.

A Holy Anger

"I would call it a holy anger," she recounted. "And then I rose with my flag and I was calling and proclaiming that Jesus Christ is Lord over Germany."

"My purpose was, I broke this curse because [Muslims] say, 'Only Allah is the Lord. He is God, the only God.' And I broke this curse in this church and I broke it over my country," she continued.

And she repeated the words of Martin Luther in 1521 after he refused to recant his faith in scripture alone: "Here I stand. I can do no other" and "Save the church of Martin Luther!"

Video shows another concert-goer trying to calm her by saying, "This is a concert for peace."

Mund can be heard responding in German, "No it's not! Allahu Akbar is what Muslims scream while murdering people! Don't be fooled! Don't be fooled! This is a lie!"

She was thrown out of the church.

"They should have thrown the imam out and not me because I am a believer in Jesus Christ, but he serves another god. This Allah is not the same god. And this is not the truth."

"This 'allahu akbar,' they use it when they kill people," she argued. "This is, for me, worship to an idol, to their god. And when a Muslim calls 'allahu akbar' in a church, that means this church is not a church anymore, it's a mosque."

Church No Place for Imams?

With Mund at the concert was Kamel, who did not give his full name for safety reasons. Before coming to Germany he lived in the Muslim world.

Kamel told CBN News that an imam has no place in a church.

"Islam is one of the reasons for persecution, Muslims have persecuted me. They don´t want me to tell others that Jesus Christ is my Savior."

Also with Mund was Marion, who has also asked that her last name not be included. She belongs to a group calling itself the White Rose, which took the same name as the World War II anti-Nazi resistance group shown in the film "Sophie Scholl: the Final Days."

"Islam is inhuman, the same as in the Nazi time. For me, personally, there is no difference. We want to show Germany and the world that we will not bow down to the slow Islamization of our country," Marion said.

Afraid of Muslims?

Mund said she knows that her first television interview could place her in danger.

"Many people ask me, 'Are you afraid of the Muslims?' And I can only say, 'No, I'm not afraid of them,'" she told CBN News. "I know my God, the living God of the Bible can protect for me for as long as he wants. When my time is over I will go to him."

An evangelist by gifting, Mund grew up an atheist in communist East Germany. But now, as a believer, her burden and her ministry is for the spiritual rebirth of Germany.

"I feel I have to protect my country and my people. I am only a little woman but I feel I have to protect them," she said.

Reviving a Dead Nation?

Some might associate Germany with the Nazis, but Germany was once a base for world missions, sending missionaries to Africa and Korea and to America.

Mund is trusting God for a miracle in what is a very wealthy and, some would say, spiritually dead nation.

"I know nothing is impossible for my God. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing," she said.

"From a human point of view I feel our country is lost. It's already lost. It's done. Because I see so many changes in the country, in every area," she continued. "But I trust God that he has a 'Plan A' and that my country is not lost and that He will reach us and He will come and change the whole situation."
Click here: Watch CBN News video

They know what to do.

Pray without ceasing.
Teach our children
to seek the Living God
of Israel.

Why Nothing is Worth Grieving the Holy Spirit by R.T. Kendall

Why Nothing is Worth Grieving 

the Holy Spirit


By R.T. Kendall


When you spend time with God, you get to know His ways as well as His Word (assuming you are reading His Word). More than that, you develop sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. You eventually get to know His ways to the extent that you sense when you are about to grieve Him.
The problem is, when we grieve Him, we almost never know we did it! We find out later. But you rarely know at the precise moment. Samson told his secret to Delilah and didn't feel a thing. But he found moments later than his prodigious strength had gone. (See Judges 16:20-21) 

I would define spirituality as "the time gap between sin and repentance." In other words, how long does it take before you realize or admit that you sinned - that you were wrong? Some take years. They say, "I'll never admit I was wrong." And they are true to their word. 

Some, however, after a long time, cool off or come to themselves and say, "Well, perhaps I got it wrong after all." But what a pity that it took so long! Some narrow the time gap to months, some to weeks, some to hours (that's better), some to minutes, some to seconds. And if you can narrow the time gap to seconds, you are often able to sense the wings of the dove flapping and ready to fly off - and you stop yourself! 

Don't finish that sentence! Don't write that letter! Don't make that phone call! Nothing is worth grieving the Holy Spirit. 

Getting to Know God's Ways
So, if you want to have a lively, real, unfeigned and constant relationship with God, His Son and the Holy Spirit, you must get to know God's ways. One of the ways of the Holy Spirit is that He is sensitive - like a dove. 

Did you know that pigeons and doves are in the same family? But they are not the same! You can train a pigeon; you cannot train a dove. The pigeon can be domesticated; the dove is a wild bird. A pigeon is belligerent; the dove is loving. A pigeon is boisterous; a dove is gentle. A pigeon will mate with more than one pigeon; the dove mates with only one dove for life. 

The pigeon represents the counterfeit spirit - strange fire. The dove represents the Holy Spirit - holy fire. I reckon there are services where people imagine that the Holy Ghost came on the church, but when you get to the bottom of it, you discern it may be pigeon religion. Strange fire. Personally, I think it is an absolutely wonderful but probably rare moment when the authentic Holy Spirit comes down in great measure. Holy fire. 

It is so easy to grieve the Spirit. It happens to people on the way to church. They shout to each other as they drive into the parking lot. Then they worship as if nothing is wrong and wonder why there is no sense of God. It happens to a minister as he prepares his sermon. It can happen at any moment.

Although we have only ourselves to blame when we lose our tempers, point the finger or speak of another person in an unflattering manner, it is also true that our adversary the devil lurks about, looking for an opportunity to seize our weak spot. We all have them. 

The Connection of the Ungrieved Spirit 

The ungrieved Spirit in me will connect with the ungrieved Spirit in you. If you get two or three people together when all have been walking in the ungrieved Holy Spirit, there is richness of fellowship. That doesn't mean everybody is in total agreement theologically or politically. But the sweetness is there. 

Imagine what it would be like when congregations of a dozen, or 1,200, or 12,000 are all - everyone - walking in the same ungrieved Holy Spirit! Who knows what would happen when marriages are healed, people start forgiving their parents, Christians start speaking to one another, ministers finally start speaking to one another and everybody truly loves each other! 
First the dove, then the fire. 

I wonder how many people pray for the fire to fall but take no notice of their personal attitudes. I wonder how many pray for revival but do not think of examining themselves. I wonder how many go to church to worship God and hear a sermon but have no awareness of personal issues that cause the dove to stay at bay. I wonder how many times we grieve the Spirit and feel no conviction of sin whatever.
If, therefore, you want to know what grieves the Holy Spirit, read Ephesians 4:30-32. 

Keep short accounts with the Lord. As soon as you sense bitterness - and the dove lifting from you - turn to the Lord. Remember 1 John 1:9. He is faithful. 

The goal is to enjoy unbroken fellowship with the Holy Spirit so that there is no discontinuity in sensing His smile and presence. After all, you want the dove to remain. 

R.T. Kendall

Experts: Jews, Not Palestinians, Have Been Here for Millennia

Experts: Jews, Not Palestinians, Have Been Here for Millennia

Friday, February 07, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff  
At the Munich Security Conference last week, chief Palestinian Authority negotiator Saeb Erekat told attendees that his government simply can not recognize Israel as the "Jewish state" because the Palestinians have been in the region longer than the Jews.
Erekat asserted that his ancestors had lived in the land for "5,500 years before Joshua Bin-Nun," the biblical leader of Israel's entry into the Promised Land.
The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs has issued a strong responseto Erekat's fanciful retelling of history.
"Since the Muslim Arab conquest of Palestine occurred only in 634CE, the credibility of this Palestinian claim is questionable, to say the least," the JCPR noted.
On the other hand, mountains of written and archaeological evidence point to a Jewish presence going back thousands of years. Even Muslim sources acknowledged the ancient Jewish connection to the land.
"The Jewish presence in the land can be documented as dating back for millennia, while the politically-motivated claims made up by Palestinian leaders in an attempt to refute the long-standing history of the Jews in the region lack any such proof," the JCPR concluded.
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Eva Sharing Love from Sweden - "Hope For The Future"

Shalom! I send many greetings.

Here in Stockholm the snow melts just now. Maybee there will come more before the spring in about middle of March. I have been thinking and wrote like a biblestudy. Send it. Hope you like. Sent pictures, too. Will watch some soccer at TV with family.

Blessings Eva.

Stockholm by night.


We can be in very difficult circumstances but we must not be discouraged. The one who made us has a way out. We shall never give up. God loves us so much and sent his Son for us! He is a great God and nothing is impossible for him.

We can think our problems are big but we must remember that God made heaven and earth. Ps.121. He made all the planets and all the stars and the sun. Before him we are small like ants because he is so big and his ways are so much higher than ours. Would he not be able to help us? Who do we think God is? He is much greater than we understand. He could make seven earths if he would. He made the thunder and the storm as we can see his power in. God has power!

As the small bird under the wings of an parent can feel secure we can feel secure under Gods wings.

In Ps.46 we can read that " God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will NOT fear."

We will not fear if the earth be removed and and the mountains be carried into the sea we can read. I think that if this would happen God would God help us but also think about that it can feel like this that if the mountains are removed and the mountains carried into the sea but eaven if it feels like that God is faithful and stand for what he say. He is not a God who lies. I am also thinking about earthquakes here and about high waves as we can read in verse 4. His grace will not leave us as his children. He will protect us.

In Isaias.54:10 it is written that if the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed that God's kindness and covenant of peace shall not be removed.

I think about that the covenant of him as child of God will not be removed. The way is Jesus. Just in his name is salvation. He payed the price for us so that we could be clean by his blood. Jesus biggest present to us was when he gave his life for us. The greatest love.

If we go through much fire and water Isaias.43 his covenant of peace will not be removed and he has not forsaken us and can help us -eaven if it feels like the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed he has not left us and his covenant is there.If we belive in Jesus and what he done at the cross for us we are saved for eternity. We cannot come into heaven by ourselves because we were not perfect so God sent Jesus - like a lamb who was led to the slaughter Isaias.53:7.

In verse 53:6 we read that "All we like sheep have gone astray". It means we could not be saved by ourselves. But in 53:6 we read "And the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all". It means in his name we do not have to be afraid of his return. In Jesus name we are saved - salvation is in his name.

Sometimes you hear that you cannot know when Jesus return. We do not know the day Jesus says in 34:36 but I think about Matt. 24:32-34. Jesus says in Matt.that when the branch has become tender and the leaves on the figtree puts forths leaves you know that summer is near. I believe that when the state of Israel was born 1948 I think Jesus talks about that the generation who see this will not die before Jesus comes back.

It is important to talk about Jesus return because it is not far away. In Jesus name we have salvation and hope.

Eva Haglund 
Feb. 5, 2014
fjällandskap havet                                                                                                
" I will my eyes up to the hills.
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord 
who made heaven and earth."
Psalm 121:1
 Dölj meddelandehistorik

Justin Bieber Seeks Spiritual Cleansing, Baptism in New York

Justin Bieber Seeks Spiritual Cleansing, Baptism in New York

Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber was on the hunt for a private pool in Manhattan so he could get baptized with Hillsong NYC. (Facebook)
Justin Bieber, who has found himself in legal troubles multiple times in the last few weeks, sought spiritual help Saturday night.
According to the New York Post’s Page Six, the pop star was on the hunt for a private pool in Manhattan so he could get baptized with Hillsong NYC. Bieber was reportedly in New York Saturday for Maxim magazine’s Super Bowl party.
“Justin and his team spent time on Saturday searching for a place with a pool where they could conduct a baptism for him, a cleansing ritual, with the Hillsong Church. But they couldn’t find a place in time,” a source told Page Six.
Another source said, “Justin is serious about his Christian faith, and after recent events, he needed to take a pause.”
The megachurch’s pastor, Carl Lentz, is a friend of Bieber, to whom Bieber tweeted, “Amazing sermon at church this morning. Love you man. I broke down today,” after attending a service in September.
The 19-year-old entertainer was arrested Jan. 23 in Miami Beach on charges of driving under the influence, resisting arrest and driving with an expired license. He could face six months in jail if convicted.
The Canadian was also charged last week with assaulting a limousine driver in Toronto in December. An assault conviction in Canada carries a maximum sentence of five years.

Shabbat Shalom to our Jewish friends!

We bless you today, 
in Yeshua's Name!

Steve & Laurie Martin
Love For His People, Inc.