Friday, February 7, 2014

They know what to do.

Pray without ceasing.
Teach our children
to seek the Living God
of Israel.

Why Nothing is Worth Grieving the Holy Spirit by R.T. Kendall

Why Nothing is Worth Grieving 

the Holy Spirit


By R.T. Kendall


When you spend time with God, you get to know His ways as well as His Word (assuming you are reading His Word). More than that, you develop sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. You eventually get to know His ways to the extent that you sense when you are about to grieve Him.
The problem is, when we grieve Him, we almost never know we did it! We find out later. But you rarely know at the precise moment. Samson told his secret to Delilah and didn't feel a thing. But he found moments later than his prodigious strength had gone. (See Judges 16:20-21) 

I would define spirituality as "the time gap between sin and repentance." In other words, how long does it take before you realize or admit that you sinned - that you were wrong? Some take years. They say, "I'll never admit I was wrong." And they are true to their word. 

Some, however, after a long time, cool off or come to themselves and say, "Well, perhaps I got it wrong after all." But what a pity that it took so long! Some narrow the time gap to months, some to weeks, some to hours (that's better), some to minutes, some to seconds. And if you can narrow the time gap to seconds, you are often able to sense the wings of the dove flapping and ready to fly off - and you stop yourself! 

Don't finish that sentence! Don't write that letter! Don't make that phone call! Nothing is worth grieving the Holy Spirit. 

Getting to Know God's Ways
So, if you want to have a lively, real, unfeigned and constant relationship with God, His Son and the Holy Spirit, you must get to know God's ways. One of the ways of the Holy Spirit is that He is sensitive - like a dove. 

Did you know that pigeons and doves are in the same family? But they are not the same! You can train a pigeon; you cannot train a dove. The pigeon can be domesticated; the dove is a wild bird. A pigeon is belligerent; the dove is loving. A pigeon is boisterous; a dove is gentle. A pigeon will mate with more than one pigeon; the dove mates with only one dove for life. 

The pigeon represents the counterfeit spirit - strange fire. The dove represents the Holy Spirit - holy fire. I reckon there are services where people imagine that the Holy Ghost came on the church, but when you get to the bottom of it, you discern it may be pigeon religion. Strange fire. Personally, I think it is an absolutely wonderful but probably rare moment when the authentic Holy Spirit comes down in great measure. Holy fire. 

It is so easy to grieve the Spirit. It happens to people on the way to church. They shout to each other as they drive into the parking lot. Then they worship as if nothing is wrong and wonder why there is no sense of God. It happens to a minister as he prepares his sermon. It can happen at any moment.

Although we have only ourselves to blame when we lose our tempers, point the finger or speak of another person in an unflattering manner, it is also true that our adversary the devil lurks about, looking for an opportunity to seize our weak spot. We all have them. 

The Connection of the Ungrieved Spirit 

The ungrieved Spirit in me will connect with the ungrieved Spirit in you. If you get two or three people together when all have been walking in the ungrieved Holy Spirit, there is richness of fellowship. That doesn't mean everybody is in total agreement theologically or politically. But the sweetness is there. 

Imagine what it would be like when congregations of a dozen, or 1,200, or 12,000 are all - everyone - walking in the same ungrieved Holy Spirit! Who knows what would happen when marriages are healed, people start forgiving their parents, Christians start speaking to one another, ministers finally start speaking to one another and everybody truly loves each other! 
First the dove, then the fire. 

I wonder how many people pray for the fire to fall but take no notice of their personal attitudes. I wonder how many pray for revival but do not think of examining themselves. I wonder how many go to church to worship God and hear a sermon but have no awareness of personal issues that cause the dove to stay at bay. I wonder how many times we grieve the Spirit and feel no conviction of sin whatever.
If, therefore, you want to know what grieves the Holy Spirit, read Ephesians 4:30-32. 

Keep short accounts with the Lord. As soon as you sense bitterness - and the dove lifting from you - turn to the Lord. Remember 1 John 1:9. He is faithful. 

The goal is to enjoy unbroken fellowship with the Holy Spirit so that there is no discontinuity in sensing His smile and presence. After all, you want the dove to remain. 

R.T. Kendall

Experts: Jews, Not Palestinians, Have Been Here for Millennia

Experts: Jews, Not Palestinians, Have Been Here for Millennia

Friday, February 07, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff  
At the Munich Security Conference last week, chief Palestinian Authority negotiator Saeb Erekat told attendees that his government simply can not recognize Israel as the "Jewish state" because the Palestinians have been in the region longer than the Jews.
Erekat asserted that his ancestors had lived in the land for "5,500 years before Joshua Bin-Nun," the biblical leader of Israel's entry into the Promised Land.
The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs has issued a strong responseto Erekat's fanciful retelling of history.
"Since the Muslim Arab conquest of Palestine occurred only in 634CE, the credibility of this Palestinian claim is questionable, to say the least," the JCPR noted.
On the other hand, mountains of written and archaeological evidence point to a Jewish presence going back thousands of years. Even Muslim sources acknowledged the ancient Jewish connection to the land.
"The Jewish presence in the land can be documented as dating back for millennia, while the politically-motivated claims made up by Palestinian leaders in an attempt to refute the long-standing history of the Jews in the region lack any such proof," the JCPR concluded.
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Eva Sharing Love from Sweden - "Hope For The Future"

Shalom! I send many greetings.

Here in Stockholm the snow melts just now. Maybee there will come more before the spring in about middle of March. I have been thinking and wrote like a biblestudy. Send it. Hope you like. Sent pictures, too. Will watch some soccer at TV with family.

Blessings Eva.

Stockholm by night.


We can be in very difficult circumstances but we must not be discouraged. The one who made us has a way out. We shall never give up. God loves us so much and sent his Son for us! He is a great God and nothing is impossible for him.

We can think our problems are big but we must remember that God made heaven and earth. Ps.121. He made all the planets and all the stars and the sun. Before him we are small like ants because he is so big and his ways are so much higher than ours. Would he not be able to help us? Who do we think God is? He is much greater than we understand. He could make seven earths if he would. He made the thunder and the storm as we can see his power in. God has power!

As the small bird under the wings of an parent can feel secure we can feel secure under Gods wings.

In Ps.46 we can read that " God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will NOT fear."

We will not fear if the earth be removed and and the mountains be carried into the sea we can read. I think that if this would happen God would God help us but also think about that it can feel like this that if the mountains are removed and the mountains carried into the sea but eaven if it feels like that God is faithful and stand for what he say. He is not a God who lies. I am also thinking about earthquakes here and about high waves as we can read in verse 4. His grace will not leave us as his children. He will protect us.

In Isaias.54:10 it is written that if the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed that God's kindness and covenant of peace shall not be removed.

I think about that the covenant of him as child of God will not be removed. The way is Jesus. Just in his name is salvation. He payed the price for us so that we could be clean by his blood. Jesus biggest present to us was when he gave his life for us. The greatest love.

If we go through much fire and water Isaias.43 his covenant of peace will not be removed and he has not forsaken us and can help us -eaven if it feels like the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed he has not left us and his covenant is there.If we belive in Jesus and what he done at the cross for us we are saved for eternity. We cannot come into heaven by ourselves because we were not perfect so God sent Jesus - like a lamb who was led to the slaughter Isaias.53:7.

In verse 53:6 we read that "All we like sheep have gone astray". It means we could not be saved by ourselves. But in 53:6 we read "And the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all". It means in his name we do not have to be afraid of his return. In Jesus name we are saved - salvation is in his name.

Sometimes you hear that you cannot know when Jesus return. We do not know the day Jesus says in 34:36 but I think about Matt. 24:32-34. Jesus says in Matt.that when the branch has become tender and the leaves on the figtree puts forths leaves you know that summer is near. I believe that when the state of Israel was born 1948 I think Jesus talks about that the generation who see this will not die before Jesus comes back.

It is important to talk about Jesus return because it is not far away. In Jesus name we have salvation and hope.

Eva Haglund 
Feb. 5, 2014
fjällandskap havet                                                                                                
" I will my eyes up to the hills.
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord 
who made heaven and earth."
Psalm 121:1
 Dölj meddelandehistorik

Justin Bieber Seeks Spiritual Cleansing, Baptism in New York

Justin Bieber Seeks Spiritual Cleansing, Baptism in New York

Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber was on the hunt for a private pool in Manhattan so he could get baptized with Hillsong NYC. (Facebook)
Justin Bieber, who has found himself in legal troubles multiple times in the last few weeks, sought spiritual help Saturday night.
According to the New York Post’s Page Six, the pop star was on the hunt for a private pool in Manhattan so he could get baptized with Hillsong NYC. Bieber was reportedly in New York Saturday for Maxim magazine’s Super Bowl party.
“Justin and his team spent time on Saturday searching for a place with a pool where they could conduct a baptism for him, a cleansing ritual, with the Hillsong Church. But they couldn’t find a place in time,” a source told Page Six.
Another source said, “Justin is serious about his Christian faith, and after recent events, he needed to take a pause.”
The megachurch’s pastor, Carl Lentz, is a friend of Bieber, to whom Bieber tweeted, “Amazing sermon at church this morning. Love you man. I broke down today,” after attending a service in September.
The 19-year-old entertainer was arrested Jan. 23 in Miami Beach on charges of driving under the influence, resisting arrest and driving with an expired license. He could face six months in jail if convicted.
The Canadian was also charged last week with assaulting a limousine driver in Toronto in December. An assault conviction in Canada carries a maximum sentence of five years.

Shabbat Shalom to our Jewish friends!

We bless you today, 
in Yeshua's Name!

Steve & Laurie Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

From sun rise to sundown...

We stand with 
our friends in Israel!

Steve Hill: The Problem With Tumbleweed Believers

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Steve Hill: The Problem With 

Tumbleweed Believers

Last week, hundreds of thousands of tumbleweeds blew into Clovis, N.M., but didn’t blow back out. This small town was buried under an avalanche of tumbleweeds. Residents had to call 911 for help getting out of their homes. The problem was so big, the National Guard was called in to help battle the tumbleweed invasion. (If you haven’t seen this, click here and prepare to be astonished.)

Having spent several years in Texas, I know a little about these pesky plants. A tumbleweed is an unattractive, troublesome bush that rolls around, having snapped loose from its roots. It’s simply tossed about by the wind.
Paul referred to believers that behave like tumbleweeds in Ephesians 4:14 when he said, “We henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive” (KJV).
I continually meet believers who are "tossed about to and fro," and that concerns me because so often these dear people end up spiritually shipwrecked. Let me share with you a few thoughts about "tumbleweed believers."
1. Tumbleweed believers have not allowed their roots to sink deep into the truth.
There is nothing on Planet Earth that gets blown around more than a tumbleweed. Just a little wind, and off it goes. But these pesky plants don’t start out this way. When growing, a tumbleweed is firmly planted in the soil. But at the end of its growth season, it breaks loose, never to be planted again.
Spiritually speaking, this is what happens to many believers. They encounter a difficult test or trial, and suddenly they stop growing. My friend, you should never stop growing in the Lord! If you do, it’s just a matter of time before you begin to tumble in your Christian walk.
The reason Paul was so adamant that believers be established in the truth is because false doctrine was sweeping through the church, causing many to fall away. It’s no different today. False doctrine will blow you off course and leave you hundreds of miles from where you want to be spiritually. Becoming firmly grounded in God’s Word is one of the primary ways to ensure that you stay on course and remain spiritually strong and healthy.
2. Tumbleweed believers begin to roam when confronted.
Over the years, I have seen people who refuse to deal with their sin. In fact, a lot of pastors are afraid to talk about sin from their pulpits. Some even refuse to use the word. Why? Because people will pack up their marbles and leave if confronted.
My friend, we need to speak about backsliding and the devastating consequences of sin. These things will destroy you. However, those who don’t want to hear the truth will get offended, and off they go like a tumbleweed.
3. Tumbleweed believers blown by the wind are helpless to decide their own route.
Tumbleweed believers can’t decide where to go. They are in and out, this way then that way, totally at the mercy of the wind. They go whichever way it happens to be blowing today.
Believers who find themselves at a loss of direction need only look back to where they disconnected themselves from the kingdom. 
Are you spending time in His Word? This is important to keep you rooted in His truth! His word is a “lamp unto [your] feet, and a light unto [your] path” (Ps. 119:105).
Are you listening to the Holy Spirit? God sent the Spirit to teach, comfort and correct us. You should welcome His activity in your life and not run from it, for when He has come into your life, “he will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13).
Are you connected to a body of believers? So many are in the habit of forsaking the assembly of the saints. They say, “I don’t need the church to make it to heaven.” But friend, you need the church to make it here on earth. 
This is precisely what Paul is saying in Ephesians 4. Christ gave us the church and the fivefold ministry gifts “for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man” (Eph. 4:12-13, NKJV).
Feeling tossed around in the world? Get reconnected to His Word, the Spirit, and the body.
4. Tumbleweed believers spread their unwanted seeds at random.
One of the reasons farmers hate tumbleweeds is because each one has about 250,000 seeds that can grow in a wide range of temperatures. Imagine that. As a tumbleweed blows across the land, it scatters a quarter of a million seeds that potentially become tumbleweeds. So all year long, farmers have to put up with this nuisance.
How many tumbleweed believers do you suppose we have in America, rolling around the landscape of Christianity, spreading bad seed?
I can’t tell you how many unhealthy, anemic, cancerous individuals have come across my path attempting to scatter their bad seed in the garden of my life. Someone hurt them, so they want to plant that bad seed in my soil. They are bitter about an event that took place, and they want me to accept that seed of bitterness. The list goes on and on. Let’s not allow these seeds to take root. Shake off everything that happened in the past, settle in, and begin to grow again.
My friend, let us determine to allow our roots to grow deep in Christ. Know what you believe, and don’t let anything or anyone blow you off course. When you are confronted by an attack from the enemy, resist him. When temptation comes your way, stand strong. Let’s be believers who are deeply rooted, continually growing, and ever producing fruit for the kingdom.
Evangelist Steve Hill preached the Brownsville Revival for five years, is pastor emeritus of Heartland World Ministries Church and has authored 13 books, including Spiritual Avalanche. He can be reached at
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Haifa - A Beautiful City in Israel on the Mediterranean Sea