Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Bob Jones' Testimony From His August 8, 1976 Death Experience - "Did You Learn to Love?" - (The Elijah List)

Bob Jones with Sandy Warner:
"Did You Learn to Love?" - 
Bob Jones' Testimony From His 
August 8, 1976 Death Experience
The Elijah List

Note from Sandy Warner:

This was transcribed from a conference held in Albany Oregon, 2006. Permission was given to post this. I have inserted the Scriptural references to Bob's comments at the bottom of his testimony. You may find the footnote (numbers) inserted into the transcription.

Word spoken by Bob Jones from a 2006 conference in Albany, Oregon - transcribed by Sandy Warner:

Bob JonesI was in pain on the earth and blood was shooting out of my mouth like a geyser.

And all of a sudden I wasn't in pain anymore. This Man, the Parakleet (1) stood by my side, the Holy Spirit, we started walking. And as we walked, I saw a Man who was white light. (2) All white light was around Him, but He was the whitest of all white lights. 

He had His hands out. As I came into that white light, there came a feeling over me like I had never known before. I asked the Man beside me, "What is that?"

The Man (Holy Spirit) said, "It is the love of God." I said, "It's just so wonderful, it's so glorious." And He said, "That's what it is, it's the glory of God." I said, "How can it be both?" It's in John 17. The love I had with the Father, the glory I had with the Father. So that was the greatest experience I have ever had. Just enveloped in His glorious love. That's possible down here. The glory of God is coming and it is going to be in His glorious love.

I noticed another group of people on my left side and they had like a conveyor belt underneath them. And they were wrapped up in all different kinds of things. And I looked at them and I asked this Man, "Why are they wrapped up that way?" And He said, "They were wrapped up in the earth with their gods. It's the gods they worshipped on the earth, that followed them into death. They were on their way to Hell with their gods. 

I saw a man wrapped up in dollar bills. I saw a man wrapped up in his sod or grass; his yard was his god. I saw a man that had no body, he was just one big head. He was an atheist, he worshipped himself; he was his own god and going to Hell with it.

I saw all manner of things who people worshipped on the earth; who they are going to spend eternity with. Well, I worshipped the Lord and I am going to spend eternity with Him. But these others that don't are going to spend eternity in total darkness with their god. And their gods will be their tormentors, not a hundred thousand years, but eternity.

So I looked at that line. It was so horrible, and everyone when they came there, they recognized Him. Their eyes got big, and everyone that is going to Hell has had a witness in one way or another that there is a God. And every one of them willingly denied Him. For each 2 in the line that I was in, there was 98 in the other line.
I watched the Lord speak to people that were coming there. 

And He asked them only one question: "Did you learn to love?" He's not going to ask you what you did. If you learn to love you are going to do that which is right. Did you learn to love? (3) He would ask them that question and they would say, "Yes Lord," and He would kiss them right on the lips and embrace them and the double doors of His heart would open and they would go right on in.

Some of them had a lot of angels with them and they would go on in. The angels went in because they had testimonies; they helped people do things on the earth. They have no testimony until they help you do something. You are the ones that will judge angels by their rewards for what they helped you do. (4) They are more willing to help you do something, than you are willing to submit and let them help you do it.

As I came close to the Lord, I was thinking, "I learned to love. I'm OK, I'm going home." As I did, He held His hand up to me and said, "No I want you to go back." I told Him, "It was too hard to get here. I don't want to because I wasn't doing any good there." He said, "You are a liar, because you spoke My Words and My Words will always bring it to pass." I said, "Well nobody was believing it and it was painful." 

He said, "Yes, and you have a cowardly nature too. [Up there, it's the truth.] (5) But you love. You had a heart for souls. I want you to go back. If you look at that line over there and then tell me you want to come in, I will bring you in."

I looked at that line and looked at their faces and said I would go back for one. I would go back and spend a day on a cross for one. He said, "I'm not sending you back for that. I'm sending you back to wake up the Church because I am going to bring a billion youth to Myself. In one of the greatest waves of all times. I'm going to honor Myself beyond anything that man can imagine. I want you to go back and touch the Church and speak to the Church of what I am going to do in these last days." 

So I told Him I would come back.

I came back. I thought that when I come back into my body I would be healed. As I came back I saw 2 of the biggest angels I have ever seen. I know who they are. They are the resurrection angels. (6) And I saw the death spirit and he left when I came back in. And when I went back into the body I wasn't healed. The pain was there and I couldn't understand why. And I was gone probably for about 3 hours. 

The pain was there and I said, "What's going on Lord?" And then I heard a phone ring. And I saw people answering the phone and they were saying, "Bob Jones needs prayer." And they would start praying and I felt better. And it was a Friday.

People kept praying and it kept increasing and increasing. And then people came over and prayed for me Friday night 'till the pain wasn't hardly there. And then Friday night, Saturday morning at three o'clock the last person quit praying for me. I could see who was praying for me. The pain was coming back and I thought, "Boy it's going to be a long time." 

And then I saw an old sister who wasn't thought highly of in the church because she didn't take too many baths. She always sat in the last seat in back. And she cleaned offices for a living. She got up early in the morning and cleaned offices. And her phone rang and she answered it. She got up at three o'clock in the morning and started praying for me and I went to sleep. 

And then she had to go to work at five, and others began to pray for me, so Saturday was pretty good. It went pretty well. People came over Saturday and I thought, "Well I know He sent me back down here to live." And prayer and intercession sure made the difference.

And Saturday night it went on pretty good until about three o'clock and all the other prayer ended. Except hers. She got up and went to praying for me again. She prayed for me until about seven o'clock. She didn't have to work on a Sunday. At seven o'clock was the worst time that I saw because there was no prayer. People were going to church.

And it was really bad until about 10:05. At ten o'clock, Viola asked me, "How are you doing?" I told her I was worse than I had ever been and I was swelling so bad I couldn't even get out of bed. At 10:05 I became totally normal, totally delivered. I got up and we went to church and I testified of it.

I found out the value of prayer. (7) And I found out the value of not having an opinion about saints. (8) I found out the value of ministry. (9) That one saint was able to void all of it to where I could sleep.
-Word spoken by Bob Jones from 2006 conference in Albany, Oregon.

Bob Jones
The Prophetic Ministry of Bob and Bonnie Jones

Website: bobjones.org

Scripture Footnotes:
But the Comforter, (#3875) which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
NT:3875 parakletos (par-ak'-lay-tos); an intercessor, consoler:
KJV - advocate, comforter.
 (Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)
 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life."

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. 8 He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. 9 In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him.
 10 In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us.

(4) 1 Cor 6:2 -3 NKJV - JUDGING THE ANGELS
Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world will be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life?

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

John 17:17-19 NKJV
Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. 18 As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. 19 And for their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they also may be sanctified by the truth.

Then they went in and did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 And it happened, as they were greatly perplexed about this, that behold, two men stood by them in shining garments. 5 Then, as they were afraid and bowed their faces to the earth, they said to them, "Why do you seek the living among the dead? 6 He is not here, but is risen!"

(7) James 5:13-15 NKJV - PRAY
Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms. 14 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up.
1 Thess 5:16-18 NKJV
Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
2 Thess 3:1 NKJV
Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you,
1 Tim 2:8 NKJV
I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere,

(8) Mark 12:42-44 NKJV - OPINIONS OF PEOPLE
Then one poor widow came and threw in two mites, which make a quadrans. 43 So He called His disciples to Himself and said to them, "Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury; 44 for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood."

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 5 For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through Christ.
Transcribed by Sandy Warner
The Quickened Word 

Website: thequickenedword.com
Email: swauthor@usa.net 

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Megachurch Pastors Lead 'Son of God' Campaign to 'Take Over' Multiplex Theaters Nationwide

Megachurch Pastors Lead 'Son of God' Campaign to 'Take Over' Multiplex Theaters Nationwide

Christian Post 02.18.14

Rick Warren, Joel Osteen, Archbishop José Gomez, Craig Groeschel, Miles McPherson and Ray Johnston Among Pastors Promoting Mark Burnett/Roma Downey Feature Film

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  • Son of God film
    (Photo credit: Casey Crafford)
    Actor Diego Morgado as Jesus in the 'Son of God'
February 18, 2014|12:25 pm
Pastors and Christian leaders throughout the U.S. are jumping on board a campaign to spread the Gospel message via the upcoming film "Son of God" by buying out multiplex cinema screens for the day before its public release on Feb. 28.
"Few movies have been able to take over an entire multiplex – every screen, every seat; only blockbusters like 'Hunger Games.' But now the religious epic 'Son of God' is taking over several multiplexes nationwide on Thursday, February 27, the day before it debuts on 3,000 screens," say the film's promoters.
As of Monday, multiplexes in at least 10 cities nationwide are playing "Son of God" on all of their screens on the evening of Feb. 27. "It's very interesting to see this level of excitement around the movie," stated James Meredith, VP, head of Marketing & Communications for Cinemark. "We've already scheduled a few large-scale theatre buyouts for 'Son of God' in theatres across the country. The interest level for meetings, events, screenings and buyouts seems to be on par with that of major blockbuster, tentpole or franchise movies."
Megachurch pastor and author, Rick Warren, is buying out screens in at least eight different theaters throughout Orange County, Calif. "I've seen most of the films about Jesus produced in the past 50 years, and 'Son of God' is the best," Warren said. "We're excited Jesus is back on the big screen, and we're going to fill the theaters. I want every other faith leader in America to do the same. Whether you can buy out a whole theater, or just one screen, now is the time to show up."
Warren, with the go-ahead from producers Mark Burnett and Roma Downey, created curriculum for a six-week study for small groups, called "Son of God: The Life of Jesus in You." Saddleback Church will be hosting a sermon series to go along with the study that will begin with the movie's release and end on Easter.
Crossroads Church in Cincinnati is bringing thousands of people to their local Cinemark on Feb. 27, where "Son of God" will be showing on 13 screens at the same time. "We're inviting everyone to experience this historic film about the life of Jesus," said Brian Wells from Crossroads. "Our church bought out every screen in the theater. If anyone comes to the theater to see another movie that night, they'll be out of luck, unless we have a few extra tickets to give them!"
In addition to pastors doing "theater take-overs," many others are buying out single screens at their local movie theater, promoters said. "This is a rare opportunity to bring the story of Christ into our mainstream culture," said Pastor Warren. "We want to see Jesus in movie theaters where sight and sound can open up our senses and let grace come in. The message of the Gospel deserves to be on the big screen – and this is our chance to see it there."
Relief organization Compassion International has also joined in the buy-out campaign by distributing tickets to churches in more than 40 markets. "Jesus has always been at the center of our ministry," says Mark Hanlon, Compassion International's senior vice president of global marketing and engagement. "His life story is the greatest story ever told. And this film tells it in a beautiful, captivating way. The Gospel account of Jesus' life is a central part of our program's curriculum. That's why we're working with churches throughout the country to make this film an opportunity for outreach."
While evangelical Christians typically lead the charge in supporting faith-based movies, "Son of God" is a rare movie that has garnered the support of the Catholic Church, the film's promoters said. Cardinal Donald Wuerl commissioned discussion guides and videos to be made for Catholic churches and schools, and Archbishop Thomas Wenski of Miami is doing a theater take-over for thousands of Catholics in Miami.
Additionally, other churches and organizations distributing tickets for a "Theater Take-Over" are:
  • Joel Osteen (Lakewood Church) – Houston, Texas – Distributing 8,000 tickets from an anonymous donor
  • Craig Groeschel (LifeChurch) – Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Oklahoma – 18 Campuses. Weekly attendance of 60,000 and Bible application with over 100 million downloads
  • Archbishop José Gomez (Archdiocese of Los Angeles) – Over 4 million members
  • Miles McPherson (Rock Church) – San Diego, Calif. – Weekly attendance of over 10,000
  • Unpolished Entrepreneurs Group (Crossroads Church) – Cincinnati, Ohio – Weekly attendance of over 10,000
  • Jerry Falwell, Jr. (Liberty University) – Lynchburg, Va. – Over 12,000 students
  • Ray Johnston (Bayside Church) – Sacramento – Weekly attendance of over 10,000
Some pastors will also be buying out movie screens showing "Son of God" in Spanish and Korean. Likewise, many business leaders are also donating tickets to churches and nonprofits.
"We're very excited that the community is mobilizing to support Son of God," stated Burnett and Downey. "The grassroots support is so important and the faith community is amazing when it mobilizes. Our hope is that the story and message of Jesus Christ will reach tens of millions of people nationwide."

What Sinai Attack Means for Israel's Security - CBN News

What Sinai Attack Means for Israel's Security

JERUSALEM, Israel -- Islamists targeted a tour bus of South Koreans as it neared the Taba border crossing between Egypt and Israel on Sunday. Four people -- the Egyptian bus driver and three South Korean passengers -- were killed, and at least 13 others injured.

An terrorist calling itself Champions of Jerusalem claimed responsibility for the attack, which took place just 50 meters (yards) from the crossing.

"There was an explosion and then came the fire truck and the ambulance, but they couldn't do anything," Saber Al-Sayed Hassan, an eyewitness, recalled.

Members of the terror posted a statement on al Qaeda-affiliated websites, calling Sunday's bombing part of an "economic war" against the army-backed government.

***The Sinai desert, which borders Egypt and Israel, has become more lawless in recent years. What risk does that pose to the Jewish state's security? CBN News Mideast Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell addresses that question and more on CBN Newswatch, Feb. 17.

The busload of 31 pilgrims -- all members of Jincheon Jungang Presbyterian Church out of Seoul -- had visited St. Catherine's Monastery in central Sinai. They were on a 12-day tour to Turkey, Egypt and Israel.

Late Monday evening, church members, some of them sobbing, gathered in front of the church. One family member of a bus victim can be heard saying, "She's dead. She's dead. My sister is dead."

Several on board were taken to nearby hospitals suffering serious injuries. It was the first such attack targeting foreign tourists in the Sinai Peninsula.

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood released an English-language statement condemning the attack, but tweeted in Arabic that "Zionists" were among the casualties, the Jerusalem Post reported.

South Korea's foreign ministry issued a statement condemning the attack, saying they were "shocked and enraged at the terrorist bombing on the bus."

"We believe that terrorism can never be justified under any circumstances and such inhumane and unethical acts should be weeded out by all means," the statement read.

South Korea's Egyptian Ambassador Kim Young-So said an Egyptian suicide bomber blew the bus up.

"An Egyptian man in his 20s suddenly boarded the bus and detonated the bomb," Young-So told Seoul-based MBN television. "It appears to be a suicide bombing by a terrorist."

In an emergency meeting, South Korean officials vowed to help the Egyptian government find out who carried out the attack.

"The Egyptian foreign minister has acknowledged the seriousness of this incident, and has expressed his intent to pour all efforts into handling this situation," Lee Jung-kwan, with the South Korean Foreign Ministry, said.

Meanwhile, Egyptian Tourism Minister Hisham Zaazou said he hoped Sunday's attack would be "an isolated incident," promising that "all the rest of the country is safe and secure and what happened can happen anywhere in the world."

Egypt's interim government is trying to emerge from the instability that's pervaded the country since the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak in February 2011. The government hopes to revive the nation's once-flourishing tourism industry, while dealing with Islamist violence in Cairo and other cities. It's also addressed burgeoning terrorism in the Sinai Peninsula, which grew exponentially during Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi's short tenure.

Since Morsi's ouster, the Brotherhood has continued demanding his reinstatement in anti-government protests.

Presidential elections are planned for mid-April, with acting Defense Minister Gen. Fattah Abdel El-Sisi the leading contender. The majority of Egyptians opposed the Brotherhood's takeover of the government.

Watch the video here: CBN News South Korean bus bombing

2,300 Year Old Second Temple Era Village Discovered Near Burma Road (Photos) - Breaking Israel News

2,300 Year Old Second Temple Era Village Discovered Near Burma Road (Photos)

“Thus says the Lord: Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls…” (Jeremiah 6:16)
 (Photo: Wiki Commons)
Aerial photograph of the uncovered ancient city. (Photo: Skyview/Israel Antiquities Authority)
The Israel Antiquities Authority and Israel Natural Gas Lines have announced the discovery of a 2,300 year old village located near the “Burma Road”. The village has remained intact for almost two centuries. Archeologists believe the village is from the Second Temple Period.
The remains of the rural settlement were uncovered between August 2013 and January 2014 when an archeological salvage excavation began before the start of work on a natural gas pipeline. As part of a national project by Israel Natural Gas Lines (INGL), construction began on a 35 km pipeline that would run from the coastal plain to the outskirts of Jerusalem. Upon discovery of the ancient village, the pipeline has been rerouted to bypass and preserve the archeological discovery.
The location of the village is 280 meters above sea level, quietly sitting on top of a spur. Archeologists say the name of the village is unknown. The land around the village is filled with lush greenery. According to the IAA, this land was used “to cultivate orchards and vineyards, which were the economic mainstay of the region’s early settlers.” This same land is used today for similar purposes.
Excavations uncovered 750 square meters of area, revealing a small rural settlement. Several stone houses surrounded by narrow alleys are believed to have housed single nuclear families. The layout of the homes was made up of several rooms surrounding an open courtyard.
Excavation director Irina Zilberbod explained, “The rooms generally served as residential and storage rooms, while domestic tasks were carried out in the courtyards.”
(Photo: Wiki Commons)
Aerial photograph of the uncovered ancient city. (Photo: Skyview/Israel Antiquities Authority)
Numerous finds were uncovered from a host of occupation periods. Basalt and limestone grinding and milling tools, pottery cooking pots, jars for storing wine and oil, pottery oil lamps, and over sixty coins were found. Several of the coins were from the ruling era of the Seleucid King Antiochus III and the Hasmonean King Alexander Jannaeus.
Archaeologists believe that the village reached the peak of its development in the Hellenistic period during the third century BCE. During this time, Judea was rule by the Seleucid monarchy following Alexander the Great. The village was abandoned at the end of the Hasmonean dynasty.
Coin from the reign of King Antiochus III
Coin from the reign of King Antiochus III. (Photo: Clara Amit / Israel Antiquities Authority)
Jerusalem Regional Archeologist Dr. Yuval Baruch explains, “The phenomenon of villages and farms being abandoned at the end of the Hasmonean dynasty or the beginning of Herod the Great’s succeeding rule is one that we are familiar with from many rural sites in Judea, and it may be related to Herod’s massive building projects in Jerusalem, particularly the construction of the Temple Mount, and the mass migration of villagers to the capital to work on these projects.”

Kathie Walters: 2014: "A Peppermint Year" (The Elijah List)

Kathie Walters:
2014: "A Peppermint Year"
The Elijah List

Kathie WaltersMy good friend, Pastor Paula Douglas, from Hemingway, South Carolina, received this word regarding 2014: "A Sweet Peppermint Year." I believe there is more than one word for a situation, or a time, or season.

And, when I read this, I actually smelled peppermint. Isn't it great when God speaks through signs, like the different aromas?

I did a booklet with Bob Jones (mostly Bob) called "Spiritual Meaning of Aromas, Flowers, Trees, and Colors," so I remembered what the peppermint meant: it means refreshing, and also cleansing, and sweetBut then, whatever Jesus does has sweetness, doesn't it?

What Does "Sweet Peppermint" Mean For the Weary Traveler?

You know, often as we go in the business of life and even ministry, you can kind of gather some dust from the journey. It was the custom in the Middle East, when a traveler arrived from a journey, the people would wash their feet. Jesus said to the disciples, "As the Father has sent Me, even so I send you." When Jesus washed their feet, I don't believe it was just an act of humility. He was acknowledging them as "messengers" or "sent ones," just like He was a "sent one" from the Father – a messenger of Good News.

For the weary travelers and messengers, when Jesus breathes on us the fresh breezes of the Spirit, it blows away the dust, and the sweetness of His presence refreshes us. That's why it's important to take a break and enjoy His fellowship.

We were iced-in recently in Macon, Georgia, where I live – we couldn't go anywhere, everyone was home. It was a great excuse to do nothing. Sometimes it's good to do nothing. That can be very hard for some of us...people begin to feel guilty if they are not working for God all the time. Let me just squeeze in here that God doesn't want us to run around working for Him. He wants us to yield to Him so that He can work through us. Much easier that way, and also much more effective.

Back to sweet refreshing...it's like a cool drink of water on a hot day. In Proverbs 25:25 it says,"Good news is refreshing, like water to a weary traveler." Our inheritance is the Spirit of Good News...when we dwell on His goodness it's refreshing, like water. Or sweet, like peppermint.

Prophetic encouragers have a big place here as you can see: the Good News brings refreshing to the weary traveler.

Just Relax, and Think On That!

I was ministering in Houston a couple of years ago. In the church that day (Little White Church in Katy), I had stayed and prayed for people until about 5pm. The meeting had started at 10am, and it was HOT – the pretty little wooden church was really baking. Something had gone wrong with the air conditioner and it felt like it was 100 degrees inside.

When I got back to my hotel room, I felt a bit dusty and like a rag. I closed the door and just went and laid on the bed to cool off. I had prayed for a lot of deliverance for people too, so it was good to be on my own for a bit.
Suddenly, an angel, who is always with me, said to me, "Just relax." Well, I had no problem with that. Then he began to sing to me an old revival song, but he sang one line at a time, and asked me to think about it.

"'His love has no limits.' Think about that, Kathie. Your mind can't even imagine something limitless."

"'His grace has no measure.' Think about that too...there is no measure at all to even be able to measure Jesus' grace. There's nothing in the world to measure it with."

He went on singing one line at a time, and then telling me, "Think about that," which is what "selah" from the Psalms means ("think on this").

Then a light shone on me – like I was on a warm, sunny beach. After a while the light went to the ceiling, and it stayed there for about three hours. At one point I smelled strawberries (which means "friendship with God"), and then I remember the whole room being filled with an aroma like peppermint. I felt so light and refreshed.

Refreshment You Can Chew On

I love these Scriptures below, too; when you dwell on them (selah), then there is a refreshing that comes into your spirit, your mind, and your body.

Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me. By day the Lord directs His love, at night His song is with me... Psalm 42:7-8

How lovely is Your dwelling place, Lord Almighty! Psalm 84:1

"How lovely is Your dwelling place" is so refreshing. When I think about it now, I can smell peppermint; I am praying you will too. Let me know if you do. Put your spiritual antenna up.

We Can All Be Refreshed, And We All Have a Ministry of Refreshing

I was once in a meeting and standing on a hard floor; you know, some of those carpets are actually on concrete – and, my, you can feel it after a while. It had been about six hours and my ankles and feet started aching, but I couldn't sit down yet as there were still people waiting to be prayed for. I sent a silent prayer for my feet and confessed that my feet are lovely because I bring Good News.

I smelled peppermint slightly and knew refreshing was on the way. The next minute it felt like cool waves washing over my feet, like how it feels in the early evening when you are standing in the water just at the edge of the ocean.

He is sweetness; His Word is like honey. I pray that your ministry – we all have a ministry – will be like the Bible says, "...Refreshing like spring rain on the freshly cut grass, like the showers that water the earth" (Psalm 72:6).

Kathie Walters
Good News Ministries

Email: kathiewalters@mindspring.com
Website: kathiewaltersministry.com

Kathie Walters is an international speaker who brings freedom to those who feel they have to "qualify." She also ministers in the supernatural and believes that the supernatural realm is for everyone.

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Are You Called to Be a Prophet? by John Paul Jackson

Are You Called to Be a Prophet? 

by John Paul Jackson

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When Elisha was called to be a prophet, he was out plowing a field. 

When you think about it, he must have been an unusual man. He was out there with 12 yoke of oxen - 24 massive animals - all under his control, the reins in his hands. Elisha was no sissy! He must have been a pretty big guy to handle all of them at once. 

Elisha knew he was called because Elijah walked up to him, put his mantle around him and then walked away. 

I can imagine Elisha crying, "What have you done to me?!" 

And Elijah replying, "I have done nothing to you. This is the Lord's doing." 

Several years later, after Elijah was taken into Heaven, Elisha received the mantle a second time. He used it to perform a miracle, asking, "Where is the Lord God of Elijah?" That began the double-anointing message Elisha was able to bring. He did exactly double the miracles, double the signs, double everything Elijah did. He asked God for that double portion, and the Lord gave it to him. 

And it began out in a field, when a mantle was tossed around his shoulders. 

Signs of Your Calling 

If you are called to be a prophet, one of the first things you need to understand is that the calling makes you absolutely, positively nothing special. It makes you a potential failure - but it doesn't make you anything special, because "many are called, but few are chosen" (Matthew 22:14). That statement is very true in the prophetic realm. 

What are some of the potential signs you've been called by God to be a prophet? You might experience supernatural events such as trances, visitations of angels or being taken into the heavenlies, as Paul was. 

People might begin to tell you that you have a "different spirit" about you. When I was very young, people would tell me that I had a different spirit. I didn't know what they were talking about. I thought, it's because I've got dark hair and they are blonde or something. In college, people told me they were afraid of me, because my eyes seemed to look right through them. 

"Well, I can't look right through you!" I answered. I had no idea. I didn't correlate any of those things with having a prophetic ministry. 

As Samuel experienced, the Lord might appear to you. Not only did the Lord speak to Samuel, calling him by name, but 1 Samuel 3 says that the Lord appeared to Samuel "again" or "often" there at Shiloh. 

The people around you might inadvertently begin to hint at your calling. They might suggest you're strange. They might say, "How did you know that? That must have been God!" 

Then leaders will begin to recognize your gift. But remember the truth of Proverbs 18:16: If you have a gift, it will make room for itself. God will open the door to you. He is the One who called you - He can bring His call to fruition in your life.

Keep in Mind 

The first portion of your training as a prophet is the "called" portion. It is the seemingly ambiguous time of walking around and doing strange things, parents not understanding you, friends not understanding you, spouses not understanding you. Sometimes, depending on your choices, you become a better person during this initial "shakeup"; sometimes you become worse. 

In 1980 when I had my first visitation, I became a better man, and my wife was so happy! She knew something had happened because I wasn't the same yucky guy I had been before it happened. Everything began to get better: our jobs, our businesses, our marriage, our finances. Something cataclysmic and good had happened to me, and it changed our lives. 

Being called to the prophetic office is not an easy thing. There is "prophetic blood" you spill that nobody knows about. There are tears you shed in private, and at the time you shed them, it seems that nobody understands them. 

But here's the key: God is the One who called you, and He is the One who can bring that call to fruition in your life. The Bible says He actually stores your tears. Why would He do that if they didn't matter to Him? Not one of them is lost. So if you're dealing with any of the difficulties we talked about in this article, take heart. God is your support, and He can cause all things to work out for your good. 

John Paul Jackson

The Mystery of Healing in the Bible
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By Jeremy Lopez
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Sharing Love From Shalom Today Kids in Pakistan - Moses Julius

Shalom family!

On 15 February 2014, we conduct a Sabbath on our regular timing but in this Sabbath the weather was not very good and you already know that we worshiped in open air ground, we don’t have proper place to sit in room so that’s why we finished the meeting early.

In this Sabbath we purchase some Biblical Children work books to practice them because most of the children are not going in school that’s why we take decision to give them some biblical coloring work books.

At the end of the meeting children do pray for the peace of Jerusalem and salvation of Israel specially prayer for all those partners who support in this ministry in different ways,

Love and blessing.

Mr. Moses Julius
Shalom Today Kids