Friday, February 21, 2014

Almond tree blossoms in Israel

Almond tree budding in Israel

Almonds on the tree

Almond in the shell

The almond is a deciduous tree, growing 4–10 m (13–33 ft) in height, with a trunk of up to 30 cm (12 in) in diameter. The young twigs are green at first, becoming purplish where exposed to sunlight, then grey in their second year. The leaves are 3–5 inches long, with a serrated margin and a 2.5 cm (1 in) petiole. The flowers are white to pale pink, 3–5 cm (1–2 in) diameter with five petals, produced singly or in pairs and appearing before the leaves in early spring.
Almonds begin bearing an economic crop in the third year after planting. Trees reach full bearing five to six years after planting. The fruit matures in the autumn, 7–8 months after flowering. (Wikepedia)

Dictionaries - Easton's Bible Dictionary - Almond
Almond - a native of Syria and Israel. In form, blossoms, and fruit it resembles the peach tree. Its blossoms are of a very pale pink colour, and appear before its leaves. Its Hebrew name, shaked , signifying "wakeful, hastening," is given to it on account of its putting forth its blossoms so early, generally in February, and sometimes even in January. 
In Eccl 12:5 , it is referred to as illustrative, probably, of the haste with which old age comes. There are others, however, who still contend for the old interpretation here. "The almond tree bears its blossoms in the midst of winter, on a naked, leafless stem, and these blossoms (reddish or flesh-coloured in the beginning) seem at the time of their fall exactly like white snow-flakes. In this way the almond blossom is a very fitting symbol of old age, with its silvery hair and its wintry, dry, barren, unfruitful condition." 
In Jeremiah 1:11 "I see a rod of an almond tree [shaked]...for I will hasten [shaked] my word to perform it" the word is used as an emblem of promptitude. Jacob desired his sons ( Genesis 43:11 ) to take with them into Egypt of the best fruits of the land, almonds, etc., as a present to Joseph, probably because this tree was not a native of Egypt. Aaron's rod yielded almonds ( Numbers 17:8 ; Hebrews 9:4 ). 
Moses was directed to make certain parts of the candlestick for the ark of carved work "like unto almonds" ( Exodus 25:33 Exodus 25:34 ). The Hebrew word luz , translated "hazel" in the Authorized Version ( Genesis 30:37 ), is rendered in the Revised Version "almond." It is probable that luz denotes the wild almond, while shaked denotes the cultivated variety.
These dictionary topics are from
M.G. Easton M.A., D.D., Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Third Edition,
published by Thomas Nelson, 1897. Public Domain, copy freely.

Virtual Tour - Deep Inside the Caves of Hebron - video (Israel365)

And afterwards Abraham buried Sarah 

his wife in the cave of Machpela 

facing Mamre, which is in Hebron

in the Land of Canaan. 

GENESIS (23:19)

וְאַחֲרֵי כֵן קָבַר אַבְרָהָם אֶת

 שָׂרָה אִשְׁתּוֹ אֶל מְעָרַת שְׂדֵה הַמַּכְפֵּלָה

 עַל פְּנֵי מַמְרֵא הִוא חֶבְרוֹן בְּאֶרֶץ כְּנָעַן

בראשית כג:יט

ve-ah-kha-RAY khane ka-VAR av-ra-HAM
et sa-RA eesh-TOE el me-ah-RAT se-DAY
ha-makh-pay-LA al pe-NAY mam-RAY hee
khev-RONE be-eh-RETZ ke-na-AN

Shabbat Inspiration

Why was the city called Hebron, חברון? “This name,”
says the sages of Israel, “is made up of the contraction
of two Hebrew words: חבר נאה ha-VER na-EH, agreeable
friend; this designates Abraham who was the first
agreeable friend of God. God had said to Israel
(Isaiah 41:8), “The seed of Abraham, My friend.”
Walk in the footsteps of Abraham and become a friend
of the holy city of Hebron. You'll receive a Silver Medallion
and Certificate of Appreciation from the Hebron's Mayor.

Virtual Tour - Deep Inside the Caves of Hebron

This virtual tour of the Cave of the Patriarchs
makes you feel as if you are right here, deep
within the walls of the Cave, learning the rich
history and secrets of the sacred site.

Watch Now »

Hebron: First Wonder of the World"I’m frequently asked about
my motivation to live in Hebron. Why live here?" says David Wilder.
See the world of Hebron through the eyes of an Israeli.

Read More »

Glass Shabbat Candlesticks and Tray
This beautiful glass Shabbat candlelighting set
will bring the light of the Holy Land into your home.
A lovely centerpiece that is decorated with deep
red color and pomegranate motif, and matching
designs on the accompanying tray.

Get FREE shipping on this great deal »

Today's Israel Photo

Today's photo shows the ancient stone path leading into
Hebron. Two walls – one 4,500 years old and dated to
the era of Noah, and another wall – 3,700 years old from
the times of Abraham and Sarah, ensconce a stairwell
that is over 4,000 years old. Here one can literally walk
in the footsteps of Abraham.

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Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by
William Gottfried of Orinda, California in honor of
Toby Gottfried.

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Everyday when I read your heart just yearns for Israel..
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Dear Rabbi, I write to thank you for including my email address
in your subscribers' mailing list since November. We appreciate
the daily transliteration, which reaches out to our friends who
missed out learning to read in Hebrew.
Isaac M., U.K

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz

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Islam Unveiled - Raymond Ibrahim CBN News Contributor, Middle East and Islam Expert

Raymond Ibrahim
CBN News Contributor, Middle East and Islam Expert

<< US Chose to Stay Silent on Muslim Persecution of Christians |Blog Home

A new video of the 12 Christian nuns kidnapped in Syria recently appeared. In it, the nuns are taped sitting in a room and being questioned by an unseen man, presumably a member of the kidnappers. He asks them how they are, if they’ve been mistreated, etc.

They respond that they are being treated fine, that they very much look forward to being returned to their convent, that they heartily thank the world for its concern, and that they continually pray that God grant peace to all nations.

Their words say one thing, their expressions and demeanor another. Put differently, as female captives of Islamic jihadis, what else could they say but what they were told to say? (See, for example, how the nun in glasses had to be forced to face the camera at 1:46.) Even if one of them dared to say the “wrong thing,” it naturally would have been edited out. Who knows how many takes it took to get the video—which includes a bizarre clip of the nuns having a snowball fight with their abductors—just right?

One thing, however, although minor, speaks volumes concerning the nature of their captivity. Although these same nuns, in pictures before they were kidnapped, often appear wearing the large pectoral crosses that nuns often wear, these are all gone in the recent video.

This is to be expected, considering the “pious” nature of their captors. According to strict Islamic teaching, Christians and other non-Muslims are forbidden to show any signs or expressions of their “polytheism” (shirk in Arabic). Indeed, this is spelled out clearly in the Conditions of Omar, which mainstream Muslim teaching attributes to the second caliph of the same name.

After the seventh century armies of Islam conquered a particular Christian region—possibly and ironically in Syria—Omar stipulated several conditions for Christians to accept, including “Not to display a cross on them [churches], nor raise our voices during prayer or readings in our churches anywhere near Muslims; Not to produce a cross or [Christian] book in the markets of the Muslims” (see Crucified Again, pgs. 24-27 for my new translation of the entire text of theConditions of Omar).

From here we understand the true plight of the captive nuns: to their captors, not only are the Christian women hostages to be used for leverage, but ideologically speaking, they are “infidel” inferiors—near sub-humans who are more akin to animals. Indeed, the same Caliph Omar whom Syria’s jihadis are hearkening to regarding the ban on Christian crosses is also on record saying that the life of a non-Muslim is equal to the life of a dog (Western readers should bear in mind that in Arab/Muslim culture, dogs are among the lowest life forms.)

As such, the plight of the kidnapped nuns remains precarious—all their scripted words aside. (See here for more on the history of Islamic jihad on Christian nuns.)

As for the effects of removing the nuns’ crosses, an Arabic column by one Father George makes an interesting point highlighting the difference between outwardly observant “Salafi” Muslims, presumably like the kidnappers—with their beards and prayer callouses on their foreheads—and inwardly observant Christians like these nuns:

St Paul says “But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world” (Galatians 6:14). You removed the cross from the nuns’ breasts. Remove it! We do not rely on the visible. But know that the cross is firmly planted in the hearts of each and every one of those nuns.

You are Only as Strong as Your Foundation by Elaine Tavolacci

You are Only as Strong 

as Your Foundation 

by Elaine Tavolacci

Identity Network

Building a skyscraper would require much more labor than building a bungalow. To build a skyscraper you would need materials such as steel for the framework, and concrete for the foundation. 

Some skyscrapers are also built a certain way in earthquake prone areas. A well-planned and tested design, when combined with the right materials, can keep a building intact through all sorts of shakes, storms and quakes. 

On the other hand, to build a bungalow you would probably use wood and nails and it would not require a cement foundation which would make it vulnerable to storms. 

If the Lord is requiring more from you than other Christians, it is most likely because He is digging a deeper and stronger foundation because He has bigger plans for your life or ministry
The Lord says I am calling you to be strong, immovable, and unshakable. I am looking for those who are not easily moved and swayed by tests, trials or the worlds system. Many of you are required to go the extra mile, and those of you who are called to be ruler over much requires a stronger and deeper foundation. 

For this very reason, you are called to live by a higher standard. Just as a tree must sway back and forth in high winds to avoid snapping, a skyscraper must do the same. You must live up to a higher expectation and walk in a manner worthy of the calling that I have placed on your life. Allow Me to remove those things that are hindering you from growth, and those people who are deterring you from all that I have called you to do. 

Align yourself with My will and refuse to get entangled with anything that will destroy your life and discredit your name. Those who have strength and determination will go higher. Those who dig deeper will have a stronger foundation. Those who are steadfast are those who are building with precision. 

You are a Strong Tower 

Stay steadfast in My word so that the process will not be hindered. Stay in an attitude of prayer to be strengthened. Just as the tallest buildings in the world, I have designed you to withstand the shaking that is experienced during difficult times. Allow Me as the master architect to create a structure that will not be easily broken or cracked under pressure. Allow Me to build your foundation in accordance to My word. 

Live your life in sync with My plans. Do not see yourself as inadequate or weak because I called you to be a strong tower. Don't think that you are incompetent of being used by Me, but continue to pursue what I have placed in your heart to do. I am not seeking the wise according to the flesh. I am not seeking those who are noble according to the world's standards. 

I will open new doors for you in the coming months that will be effective in what you have been created to do. Don't feel overwhelmed with responsibilities but allow Me to lead you one step at a time. My plan for your life will continue to progress as you prove your ability to endure says the Lord.

Luke 6:46-49 But why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord,' and not do the things which I say? Whoever comes to Me, and hears My sayings and does them, I will show you whom he is like: He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock. 

But he who heard and did nothing is like a man who built a house on the earth without a foundation, against which the stream beat vehemently; and immediately it fell. And the ruin of that house was great."
1 Corinthians 1:25-26 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. 

1 Corinthians 3:9-15 For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, you are God's building.  According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let each one take heed how he builds on it.  

For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.  Now if anyone builds on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each one's work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one's work, of what sort it is. If anyone's work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward. If anyone's work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.   

Elaine Tavolacci

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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Your Gifts WILL Open Doors: A Promise from God by Paulette Reed

Your Gifts will Open Doors: 

A Promise from God by Paulette Reed

Identity Network

Sign up to Identity Network and receive 
our daily articles and receive 

2 FREE MP3 Teaching Downloads
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*The Seeing Process of a Seer

*What Next God? Discouraged After Your Prophetic Word.

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God-Given Gifts 

The Bible assures us that every single person on earth has at least one - and probably several God-given gifts placed inside of them to be used for God's glory. When we entered this world, God already had a plan for us and gave us the gifts we needed to fulfill our destinies. 

When God called Jeremiah, He reassured him by saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations" (Jeremiah 1:5). 

God knew what Jeremiah was called to do and gave him the necessary gifts to fulfill that call even before he was born. God formed you in the womb too! He knows what you are called to do and has placed the perfect gifts inside of you to fulfill your destiny. 

The apostle Paul assures us that each of us within the body of Christ have different gifts that are a response to God's grace: "Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly…" (Romans 12:6). 

And Peter reminded his readers that they were on earth to glorify God through the use of their gifts: "As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. Whoever speaks, is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God; whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen" (1 Peter 4:10-11). 

Keys to Open Doors 

It's a great idea to ask yourself at the beginning of each year, "What is my vision? What is my destiny, and how to I reach it?" Asking these questions will help us focus on God's plan and purpose for our lives. In response to each of these questions, it is important for us to set reachable goals that we can achieve with the Lord's help. Remember, if we don't have a target, we're not aiming at anything. And if we're not aiming at anything, we won't even know if we hit the mark because we don't know what we're aiming at. 

As we step into 2014, which is the Year of the Open Door, let's return to the basics of the gospel. Each of us should ponder these questions: What are our gifts from heaven? Do we know what God has placed in us to fulfill His plan? Do we know what our part in that plan is? It's important for us to identify our gifts because they are the keys that open doors and bring us into our divine destiny.

Proverbs 18:16 promises us, "A man's gift makes room for him and brings him before great men." 

We can be sure that our gifts will be an integral part to fulfilling our God-given dreams. It's sad to watch people when they don't understand this connection. They begin to look for things in the world to fulfill their desires rather than looking to God. Unfortunately, most end up frustrated at best and discouraged at worst. However, when we learn to walk in our God-given gifts, we are not only content with our vocations, but we become passionate about them as well. 

The Rhythm of Heaven 

It's true that education is good and beneficial for the fulfillment of many of our dreams. But the Word of God does not tell us that education will make room for us. Don't get me wrong here: education is important and sometimes we can only walk through certain open doors because of our education. But the Bible is very clear that it is our gifts that make room for us. After all, we could earn multiple master's degrees but they may not help a bit if we don't know our true Master. 

I like how 1 Corinthians 1:26-29 (NLT) helps keep us humble. 

Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that few of you were wise in the world's eyes or powerful or wealthy when God called you. Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And He chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important. As a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God.

Beloved, our gifts from God bring us joy, peace, and success. It's when we learn to operate in them like a well-oiled machine, and are led by the Holy Spirit that we can flow with the rhythm of heaven. 

Kingdom Finances 

 Here's another exciting aspect about our gifts. Not only will they open doors for us, but they can also bring us the finances we need to fulfill our destinies. When we use our gifts wisely for the Lord, He will give us favor so finances will be freely given to us so that we can keep advancing the kingdom of God. 

In other words, once the gift of God within us is activated, it can become a usable commodity that ushers in promotion. Daniel is the perfect example of this godly concept when he used his gifts to interpret King Nebuchadnezzar's dream: 

Then King Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face and did homage to Daniel, and gave orders to present to him an offering and fragrant incense. The king answered Daniel and said, "Surely your God is a God of gods and a Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries, since you have been able to reveal this mystery." Then the king promoted Daniel and gave him many great gifts, and he made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon and chief prefect over all the wise men of Babylon. (Daniel 2:46-48) 

Practicing Our Gifts 

After discovering our God-given gifts, it then becomes our responsibility to continually practice using them. God has called each of us to exercise our gifts so they become strong. Just like we will never reach our health goals without exercising regularly, so we may never reach our life goals if we don't exercise our gifts regularly. When we practice our gifts, we'll become more confident in our identity in Christ, thus fulfilling His plan and purpose for us. 

And might I suggest here that we stay focused on "our" gifts and let the Lord bring other gifts around us. I remember years ago when I was serving a brilliant author. I was helping take his writings and organize them into sequenced trainings. 

One day I looked at the leader and said, "We need to pray that the Lord gives you the gift of administration!" He looked directly at me, smiled, and said, "He did…she's sitting right there." It was a prophetic moment in my life that I didn't forget. God will bring other people (they are gifts themselves and also have various gifts) around us to connect the dots on the road to destiny. 

Oftentimes people get stalled in the pursuit of dreams because they're waiting for some man or woman to open doors for them. But listen! God has a better plan for you. He has given you the keys to open doors to your future - those keys are your gifts. And the gifts inside of you are perfect because they are what God determined for you to have even before you were born. 

When we wisely use our God-given gifts, they bring God glory and bring us before kings. Let's take the time to do a spiritual inventory, asking God to strengthen and use our gifts for His glory. After all, it's not just about the gifts; it's about worshiping and honoring the Gift-Giver - His name is Jesus. He gave us the greatest gift ever….the gift of eternal life to all who will receive it. 

Paulette Reed

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Global War on Christians the 'Elephant in the Room' - CBN News

Global War on Christians 

the 'Elephant in the Room'

By Gary Lane,  CBN News Sr. International Reporter

Persecution of Christians is rampant all over the globe, especially in the Muslim world but few people are talking about it.

More people around the world embrace Christianity than any other religion and Christians are the most persecuted.they face beatings, imprisonment, and even death.

And it's not just happening in Islamic countries.

"Radical Islam could fall off the face of the planet tomorrow and Christians would not be safe," John Allen, author of The Global War on Christians, said.

It's coming from governments and religious militants seeking to violently advance their radical ideology.

For example, last month in the Buddhist nation of Sri Lanka, a mob led by radical Buddhist monks attacked two Christian prayer centers, smashing windows and destroying bibles.

North Korea is the worst offender. For the past 12 years, it has topped the annual watch list of persecuting countries.

Still, overall, Muslim countries are where Christians face the greatest risk.

"Thirty six of the top 50 countries on our World Watch List is the main driver of persecution. It's very dangerous to be a Christian in a country where Islamic extremism is prevalent," David Curry, CEO with Open Doors, said.

CBN News contributor and author Raymond Ibrahim calls calls Muslim persecution of Christians "the great elephant in the room that few wish to address."

Ibrahim talked about this and more on The 700 Club, Feb. 20. Check your local listings for show times or check after 11 a.m. ET.

Watch video here: CBN News

Israel to invest NIS 22m ($6.25 million) to bring film shoots to Jerusalem

Israel to invest $6.25 million

to bring film shoots to Jerusalem

NBC series ‘Dig’ to be first to benefit from government initiative that will provide funding for international movie and TV shows
 February 20, 2014 The Times of Israel
Natalie Portman in Jerusalem's Nahlaot neighborhood directing a scene from, 'A Tale of Love and Darkness,' February 11, 2014 ( Photo credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash 90)
Natalie Portman in Jerusalem's Nahlaot neighborhood directing a 
scene from, 'A Tale of Love and Darkness,' February 11, 2014 
( Photo credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash 90)

The Israeli government and Jerusalem Municipality finalized plans for an initiative to invest NIS 22 million ($6.25 million) in movies and television series that film in the capital, Jerusalem City Hall announced Thursday.

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The investment “will strengthen the television and film industry in Jerusalem and bring numerous investments to the city, creating new employment opportunities and attracting more investments and productions. In addition, the branding and advertisement of Jerusalem and the State of Israel in the world will bring increased state revenues and to the city, tourism, culture and commerce,” City Hall said in a press release.

In order for projects to qualify for funding, they will have to invest at least NIS 25 million ($7.1 million) in Israel, with NIS 4 million ($1.14 million) specifically earmarked for Jerusalem, and the main plot line must take place in the capital. The grant is capped at 25 percent of the production costs in Israel and Jerusalem.

Productions can qualify for grants of up to NIS 14 million ($3.98 million) in the first year and NIS 8 million ($2.27 million) in the second year from initiative partners the Finance, Economy, Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs and Tourism ministries — NIS 3 million ($854,014) in the first and NIS 1.7 million ($483,820) in the second year — along with the Jerusalem Municipality, which will contribute NIS 1 million ($284,656) each year. The Jerusalem Development Authority is also a partner in the initiative.

The first television series to benefit from the initiative will be the upcoming NBC detective series “Dig,” which will bring an investment of tens of millions of dollars to the country, according to City Hall. The series will be produced by the Israel-based Keshet Media Group and co-written by Gideon Raff of the popular US television series “Homeland,” which was based on an Israeli television series and has filmed segments in Israel.

Universal Cable Productions, the studio behind “Dig,” acknowledged in a statement the “true collaboration between the Ministers of Economy and Jerusalem, Tourism, the Deputy Minister of Finance, as well as the Mayor of Jerusalem to foster the expansion and diversification of Israel’s economy.”

“Dig” stirred up controversy in December when Hanan Ashrawi, a member of the PLO Executive Committee, called on NBC to scrap all plans for filming in the City of David National Park near the walls of the Old City. Much of the action of the show, which follows a US FBI agent who stumbles upon a massive conspiracy while struggling to solve a murder, is slated to be filmed within the walls and tunnels of the park.

“Such a production will legitimize the annexation of Jerusalem and the destruction of the authenticity and character of the occupied city. Any business or organization that deals with Israel in Occupied Palestine is in flagrant breach of international law, conventions, and consensus, respectively,” Ashrawi said. “It is evident that these efforts coincide with Israel’s intensive and accelerated efforts to annex and ethnically cleanse Jerusalem. The choice to film the series in Palestinian neighborhoods in Jerusalem is designed to endorse the occupation and the bitter reality experienced by Palestinian Jerusalemites.”

For its part, NBC denied there were ever any plans to film in controversial areas.

Debra Kamin and the Jewish Telegraphic Agency contributed to this report.

Read more: Israel to invest NIS 22m to bring film shoots to Jerusalem | The Times of Israel
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Heidi Baker - Finding Your Power in God's Lavish Love (Identity Network)

Finding Your Power 

in God's Lavish Love 

by Heidi Baker

Identity Network

Lavish is an incredibly rich word. It means "over the top, more than you could imagine" - like when we read, "See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God" (1 John 3:1, NIV). 

No matter how great we are, we do not naturally deserve to be called sons and daughters of God. Even if we achieved academic honors in school, the highest promotions in our jobs and every other qualification this world could possibly offer, we would never merit such a gift. 

Only His free and lavish love gives us the most beautiful title of all - not doctor, not lawyer, not apostle, but son or daughter. 

We are the family God went out and found. He was so determined to call us sons and daughters that He suffered on a cross and died. Jesus and His Father are one. Whatever Jesus does, the Father does. They act together, and the cross expresses the unity of their love for us. Jesus died so we could be brothers and sisters to one another. Before that, we could not be one family. 

I have been beaten up, shot at and lied about. People have even tried to strangle me. I am not afraid. To this day I can walk boldly into gangs of armed thugs and tell them to stop in the name of Jesus. I expect them to drop their knives. Generally they turn surprisingly nice. Sometimes they look at me and apologize.
Where did this confidence come from? It came from knowing the Father loves me. Because I truly know that I am loved, I am not afraid. 

You are a Beloved Child of God 

God wants your ministry to flow from the realization that you are a beloved child of God. In that place you don't worry too much about how people see you. You don't worry too much about whether they are nice or mean. You don't even worry about whether they love you or hate you. You don't worry because you're simply going to love them and love Him. This comes from knowing who He is and what He thinks of you. This is what it means to grasp you are a child of God. 

But what if we make messy mistakes? What if it turns out we are still flawed people who can be difficult to get along with? Will He keep on loving us then? 

We have taken in thousands of children to live with us over the years; one of them was a particular rascal. If he could find something wrong to do, he would do it. 

I asked God what to do about this one. God told me to love him. I sensed the Lord saying He wanted me to give him some time and pray every day for him. So that is what I and the other caretakers did. For a long time we could see no progress. Despite everything, this boy was always very charismatic, and after a while he managed to move to the United Kingdom. 

The Spirit of Adoption 

Recently, when I was speaking in the U.K., I saw this spiritual son again. At once I was startled to see how powerfully the presence of God was resting on him. When he came up to me, he started shaking and weeping in my arms. In broken English he said, "Thank you, Mama. For not stop loving me." 

Our joy in this son was not so much in seeing him graduate from school, though we were very happy when he did. Our joy was seeing him filled with the presence of God. Our joy was seeing him come home to the Father's house and step into the spirit of adoption. 

That boy - now a man - knows who he is. He is a son. He knows better than most that God loves him no matter how many times he might have lied, stolen, beaten up innocents or committed adultery. He is loved because of the incredible grace of God that comes down to call each of us sons and daughters. None of us deserve it. We simply have it. 

Your heavenly Father loves you the same way. He wants you, no matter what you do or how you fail. This is the love He spoke over us when He sent His Son. It is what Jesus poured out of the cross. It is the thing the church must demonstrate to the world. Love so lavish can never die. 

You are Royalty 

Because of this love, we have become children of God. Even if we do not yet believe it, this is what we truly are (1 John 3:1). We have had children who, for the longest time, would not believe they are truly loved. This particular son had been with us for 14 years before he actually got it. That is a lot of waiting and a lot of pain. If the Holy Spirit ever touches people in such a way that they realize they are sons or daughters instantly, we ought to celebrate it as a mighty miracle - because sometimes it takes 14 years. 

You are a son or a daughter right now - today. Your real identity is in this truth. It doesn't matter what people do or do not call you. It doesn't matter where you do or do not sit. You are a son. You are a daughter. There is no more precious position to which you might ever aspire. 

To be a son or daughter of God also means you are royalty. This is the greatest of privileges, but it is also an awesome responsibility. If you are truly thankful to God and want to please Him with all your heart, you must do more than just recognize your own authority. You must use it. He asks you to give love as freely as you have received it - not just to those who deserve it but also to everyone He puts in front of you. 

Heidi Baker
This article was adapted from Birthing the Miraculous by Heidi Baker.
Birthing the Miraculous
By Heidi Baker
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