Wednesday, February 26, 2014

German Government Concludes 'Special' Visit to Israel

German Government Concludes 'Special' Visit to Israel

Wednesday, February 26, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff  
“I assure you, Angela, the people of Israel want peace, real peace.” This was the point underlined by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Jerusalem this week.
Israel wants a peace that will bring a true end to the conflict with the Palestinians. For this to happen, the Palestinians, and indeed the wider Arab world, need to recognize Israel’s right to exist and to exist as a Jewish state.
Additionally, given the violence visited against Israel in her short modern history, the Jewish state’s security concerns must be adequately addressed.
In a visit in which she brought nearly her entire cabinet to Jerusalem, Merkel largely supported Israel’s peace conditions. Both she and Netanyahu highlighted the close friendship between their two nations, with Merkel stating that Germany would continue to work “shoulder-to-shoulder” to ensure Israel’s security. According to Merkel, a key component of that future security is a two-state solution to the conflict with the Palestinians.
The Israeli media largely hailed the visit as extremely positive and evidence that far from being isolated, Israel still has very close friends among the leading nations of the West.
The local media did focus a lot of attention on German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier’s remarks that Jewish settlements in the so-called “West Bank” were an obstacle to peace. But that view was and has been echoed throughout the German government and opposition.
Besides discussing the peace process, Netanyahu and Merkel were able to hammer an agreement that will allow young Germans and Israelis (aged 18–30) to visit and legally work in one another’s countries for up to one year.
At the conclusion of the German delegation’s visit, Israeli President Shimon Peres presented Merkel with the Medal of Honor, Israel’s highest civilian award. Merkel is the first European politician to ever receive that honor.
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Who You Become Depends on what You Receive Part 1 by Bill Click

Who You Become 

Depends on 

what You Receive 

Part 1 

by Bill Click

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly (John.10:10).
Let’s look at this Scripture as though we have never heard or read it before. For now, let’s forget all the teaching we’ve had on it and all the ways we’ve looked at it. I’m not saying that what we’ve heard, thought, or been taught has been wrong. What I am saying is that we need to receive a “now” from the Lord as to how this revelation of Christ applies to our lives today (Hebrews 3:7,13,15; 4:7; 11:1).
When Jesus made this saying He first listed the objectives of the Enemy, so we should do that also. That will help us to better perceive what Jesus says afterward that He came to do. By teaching in terms of comparison, the Lord not only revealed Himself to be the two edged sword and Divider of soul and spirit, but also so vastly different from the Devil that it becomes obvious for us to see the difference between them (Jn.1:1; Heb.4:12-13).
The Enemy Comes to Steal, Kill & Destroy
Yes, the Devil is a liar, a thief, a killer and destroyer, but what is Satan’s focus and how does the Enemy work to accomplish these goals? Some maintain that it is first and foremost a matter of stealing your possessions, then killing your body, and then seeing you destroyed in Hell with an eternal punishment that really belongs to the Devil. In other words: first and foremost getting to your spirit through your natural life. I believe that it can definitely include that dimension. But it seems clear from the balance of Scripture that the Enemy doesn’t seem as focused on your natural man as your spirit man. Satan wants to corrupt who God has now made you to defeat Hell by being a true witness of Jesus in the Spirit. 
With that in mind I want to offer the following based on what I believe the Spirit is saying about Satan’s plan. It also matches up with what I have seen take place with believers since beginning to walk with the Lord.
The Devil Comes to Criticize You
A critical spirit is not just a function of the Enemy. It is a definition of the Devil’s personality. Everything the Enemy does is to make you see what is wrong. This is part of what it means that the Devil is the accuser of the Brethren (Rev.12:10). All that the Enemy does is to get you to look at everything and everyone in ways which God does not see them.
When the Lord does come to us to point out sin, it is with the Holy Spirit. His intention is to bring restoration of heart and correction of course resulting in our being comforted as we repent (Jn.16:9-15). You’ve probably heard it more than once: correction is not rejection.  True! But let’s also hear this: criticism doesn’t result in conviction.  So if there is no Holy Spirit conviction, there can be no repentance. And without repentance there will be no change (Heb.12:17). If you are under criticism- regardless of its source - you can’t be changed. Therefore, if you are trying to change because of criticism, you will fail because of the lack of the grace of God. This is because the Holy Spirit never accompanies and reinforces criticism or condemnation (1Jn.3:18-24).
The end result of living under criticism is that you become not only fault-bound by Hell, but that you become an accusing, condemning person. It is the Enemy’s goal for you to become chained to what is wrong and spread the Devil’s condemnation through the very same bondage and judgment due Satan.
The Devil Comes to Minimize You
When the Lord comes to show us that we are not as important as our flesh and the Deceiver says, it is not to minimize us. Instead, it is to free us from the pride that would make us delusional, into true spiritual sociopaths. It is to give us the grace of living in humility and gratefulness. Such true thankfulness prevents us from entering into the very same sin that expelled Lucifer from Heaven. The pride (which truly does minimize us) can be seen whenever everything and everyone exists for our own personal betterment and even convenience (including God).
You are so important to God that He sent Jesus Christ to redeem you, and not just in the general sense that applies to all humanity. He bore YOUR personal sin- both private and public- on the Cross. This was to personally redeem you from being separated from God in the Earth and then eternally tormented in Hell.
A primary goal of the Enemy, however, is to strip you of any sense of importance, significance, value, or preciousness. The Devil wants you to carry the continual thought and feeling that you do not make any difference whatsoever. If Satan can get you into agreement with being “less than” others or not as important as circumstances in every situation, then you will make choices that reflect the lie that says I do not matter, that my life is worthless.  If you carry the sense that everyone is always more important than you are, or find yourself repeatedly feeling that way in various situations, then you have been minimized.
The end result of being minimized into worthlessness is that you become not only devalued demonically but that you become one who spreads that futility to others. In doing so, you will also encourage others to take paths that lead to their destruction, even if both you and they are saved. In other words, you being minimized results in becoming one who then minimizes others.
The Devil Comes to Illegitimize You
If the Enemy cannot get you into the delusional pride of sociopathic religiosity, then accusing you of falseness or apostasy becomes the tactic of Hell (& sometimes these attacks can swing back & forth between the two). The Devil’s goal is to get you to receiving and believing you are not saved, or that you are not genuine, valid, and acceptable- neither justified nor justifiable by the Lord.
The end result of this is not only you becoming stripped of your God-given sense of being truly Christ’s. To compensate you may very well become a heresy hunting, doctrine watching, spiritual know-it-all. That results from a knowledge-oriented works which give you the false impression that your righteousness has been earned. In other words, your faith has come to rest on man’s wisdom about God, rather than His power (1Cor.2:1-5).
After the Lord Jesus Christ comes into our lives, we no longer have any right or even opportunity to look at ourselves as proof of who we are. The opinions of others, our performance, success, failure, and especially our emotions and thoughts apart from the mind of Christ do not make the difference (Ro.8:9-16). We have been made into a new creature and self, neither verifies nor vilifies us in God’s eyes.  Behold, all things are become new (2Cor.5:17).
The Devil Comes to Ostracize You
I realize the word “ostracize” is not one we use every day. Basically it means to exclude, banish, shun, ignore, or snub. The Enemy’s ultimate goal in destroying your Spiritual life is to so alienate and isolate you through criticism, minimization and illegitimacy that you become totally disconnected from God as well as the Church Jesus came to build. That is the “how” of one becoming ostracized.
Many times those who end up this way ask themselves, “why did this happen to me?”  Simply put, it is because you have something the Body of Christ needs (which we all do). And the Devil hates you because of what Jesus gave you to be and do. Just as much, however, it is also because you need the Body desperately to become who God wants and to have the fellowship of His Company, the Church. But because you have come into agreement with lies of Satan that have come personally and through others, you’ve become ostracized.
The Enemy comes ?to steal, and to kill, and to destroy? all potential for fulfilling God’s destiny. This traps people into the “many are called, but few are chosen” dilemma I have seen in every setting God has called me either to serve or seed into (Mt.22:14). But the devil preys upon those whom are easily suggested to.
The goal of the Enemy is to alienate, isolate and completely separate you from the Spirit through bondages that originated inside Satan’s being. By doing so, the Devil ultimately separates you from the Body of Christ. That way, there can be no possibility of being restored in fellowship that allows you to become a fighting, following, serving and even leading member of the Church Jesus came to build.
The end result of being ostracized is not only that you become a completely rejected person, but that you refuse to accept others from the Lord. Instead, you spread the rejection of the Enemy that was activated by Lucifer’s sin when expelled from Heaven for honoring self above God.
Don’t throw yourself away by believing lies. Take the steps you need to take right now. Who you become depends of what you receive. God is offering His love through Christ, and He will never criticize, minimize, illegitimize or ostracize you. Receive forgiveness right now and you will also be able to forgive those who’ve had a role in all this. You can then forgive yourself for being deceived.
As you receive release, begin to renew your mind in the truth of God which says you are His in Christ, that He will never separate His love from you (Ro.8:31-39).
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches (Rev.2:7,11,17,29; 3:6,13,22).
Bill Click
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Love For His People Editor's Note: I got this book in the '70's, and my heart for the missions just grew from that point on. 
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Setting the Record Straight on David Yonggi Cho - CHARISMANEWS

Setting the Record Straight on David Yonggi Cho


David Yonggi Cho
David Yonggi Cho
David Yonggi Cho, pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, South Korea, has been a personal friend of our family for more than 40 years. He has stayed in our home, and my father and I have served on his church growth board for a combined 38 years. Presently, I serve as president of Church Growth International of the Americas.
Because of the slant of some of the media reports, it is important certain details of the situation be made known. Not only was I present in Seoul during much of the trial, but there was also information disclosed during closed-door meetings which has not yet been made public. I want to share some of this as follows.
First, the Seoul Central District Court sentenced Cho, 78, to a three-year prison term suspended for five years. He had been indicted for allegedly causing financial losses worth more than $12 million. He was also fined $5 million. He will not have to serve prison time, but he is on probation.
Second, Cho’s son, Cho Hee-Jun, 49, was indicted for the same charges. Because he was considered a flight risk, he was immediately taken into custody following a court order after being sentenced to three years in prison. 
Cho has three sons. The second and third sons are very productive and work in church-related ministries. His eldest son has been the prodigal. He has been married four times and has been involved in sexual scandals with national personalities. In addition, he has served prison time for investment scams and embezzlement. His scandalized life has been an embarrassment to his family and the church.
Twelve years ago, this son purposely defrauded the church in excess of $12 million in a stock-related scheme. Cho testified that he trusted his elders and son and didn’t check and read the thousands of pages of paperwork, which was prepared for him to sign. Because Cho relied upon the direction of his choice elders and son, he signed the papers. He never received any monies from the transaction.
Third, the presiding judge said, “The court considered that even though Pastor Cho had the final say in the church, he never took the lead in any of the crimes, including tax evasion, committed on the suggestion of the accounting firm.”
The court also considered Cho’s life journey as a religious leader and his long-term contribution to social welfare as mitigating circumstances on his behalf. The court ruled that his son, Cho Hee-Jun, was the instigator of the crime related to the purchase of the shares of 1-Service stock.
Even though Cho established the world’s largest church, with more than 1 million members, he lives a simple life in a 1,000-square-foot church apartment. Neither does he own a car. Cho has raised and given personally to the church more than $170 million.
Dr. Bob Rodgers Sr. is pastor of Evangel World Prayer Center in Louisville, Ky.

Love For His People Editor's Note: I have always held high respect for Pastor David Yonggi Cho. I do not waver in that respect, and know the Lord has His hand on Dr. Cho. Righteousness will prevail, even though at the time the devil looks like he has won this battle. He has not. We must stand in support of the Lord's servants. 
Steve Martin, Founder/President

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

In the 7th Year - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

In the 7th Year
by Steve Martin

 “This charge, son Timothy, I put to you, in keeping with the prophecies already made about you, so that by these prophecies you may fight the good fight, armed with trust and a good conscience.” 1 Tim, 1:18-19 Complete Jewish Bible)

I am a firm believer in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Since my own Baptism in the Holy Spirit in my senior year of high school (Roman Catholic - Columbus High School in Waterloo, IA in 1973), I have received, and practiced, several gifts given by the Ruach HaKodesh (Hebrew). First I had received the gift of speaking in tongues, then words of knowledge, along with the gift of prophecy and the interpretation of prophecy. Sharing and growing in the practice of these spiritual gifts, with several others over these years since then, has been a joy.

Seeing the gifts in operation has been both a faith builder personally and a testimony of the goodness and faithfulness of the Lord Yeshua (Jesus). Healings, deliverance from evil spirits, words of wisdom and knowledge, and the gifts of administration have been practiced by many leaders I have served with in my Christian walk. I do not doubt that these are as real and needed in our time as they were in the first century by the first believers in Yeshua.

On Saturday, Feb. 9, 2007, a few of us had gathered in a friend’s house in Charlotte, NC. Robbie Phillips, from the Columbia, SC area, had driven the hour and a half north to minister to us. He had a widely known prophetic ministry. After first meeting him about five years earlier, and seeing him minister often since, I had a high level of trust in what he spoke to people using his spiritual gift. On several occasion I myself was encouraged from a spoken word of prophecy to me directly.

That night my wife Laurie and I led the group in worship, followed by a word from the Word from Robbie. I don’t remember what he shared during that time, but when the ministry in prophecy began, the tape recorder was ready, and the record button was pushed for every word given to those receiving this ministry. The tape was then given to them to take home, listen too, pray over, and trust the Lord for His timing in its understanding and fulfillment.

I was genuinely hoping to receive a word from the Lord myself. I was at that time in the position of Director of the Vision For Israel USA ministry office (founded by Barry and Batya Segal from Israel). Even those in leadership need to hear a directive from the Lord. Again, I truly appreciate the prophetic gift, and was about to get one from the Lord’s servant that night.

The word I received seven years ago (as of this writing on Feb. 25, 2014) I am now seeing it come to pass. I can share it verbatim now because, as a practice, I have always had recorded and transcribed words I received, or taken extensive notes while the words were given These are stored in several three-ring binders, from 1987 through today. I re-read them often, even as Timothy was reminded by Paul to do, as in the verses at the beginning of this writing.

Robbie Phillips

Here is what Robbie Phillips spoke to me:

“We call for the blessings of God. Everything he puts his hands to, bless. Everything he puts his hands to, bless, in Jesus’ name.

It seems to me in your work – talk about plowing – brother it seems to me that you have been plowing and plowing and plowing and plowing and plowing and plowing. And there is a verse in Haggai. In Haggai it is in the negative sense but in your case it is in the positive sense, where the word of the prophet was that you have sown much but have harvested little.

And it seems to me that in the ministry that you have been in the last few years, that you have sown far more than what you have seen coming back. But it’s almost like as I see you are going down, like you have one of the old time plows and you have an oxen or a mule or something ahead of you, and here you are, just getting it done day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.

And it’s like I see this tremendously long row, and there is this man standing there, and he has a linen garment on, he’s right out of Ezekiel, and you recognize that this is an angelic visitor, and you stop, and he says, “Steve, look behind you. And you look back and you thought you had been plowing, but in the distance, where you had plowed a long time ago, whole forests have sprung up, and they are seeding new forests, and right behind you there has been an acceleration of what God is doing in your ministry, so that it’s not just a place where you just plowed, but there are already small trees that have sprung up even a few feet behind you.

Feb. 9, 2007 - Robbie Phillips 
sharing his prophetic gift

And I see about you, I think it is just trickling in now, but I see the blessings of God beginning to come now, to the point where they are going to overtake you. It talks about when you are faithful to the Lord, and in the 7th year when the land has the Sabbath, that you don’t need to worry about plowing and harvesting in that 7th year, because what you sowed three years before, and the next year and the following year, will all seem to come in on top of you at one time, and you will have more than enough, in fact you will have so much coming in, that you will have to move out some of the old to bring the new in.

And I see the blessing of the Lord and it’s like you have been looking and trusting God for His faithfulness and you are going to see a demonstration of the faithfulness of God and not just in spiritual things but in financial ways and material ways.

I see you, brother, you riding the high places of the earth with the Lord. I see you at 50,000 feet in jet liners just about all the time, flying all over the world. I see you a connector in the hand of the Lord. I see you being behind the scenes man, much of the time, major conferences and things like that, but the people that really know, the people that are the shakers and the movers in the Kingdom, the people that are well known, they’ll say that if you really want to meet a shaker and a mover, then you go and meet Steve Martin. He’s the guy behind the scenes, and he’s the guy that really gets things done.

And I see you being able to go to Scandinavian countries, European countries, the countries of the Far East, South America, all over the world, and I see you having contacts all over the world, and I see you being able to be used of the Lord to connect this person on one end of the world to a person over here and to bring things together in just the right timing of the Lord.

I see a tremendous amount of influence in your life, and I see that teaching anointing of your life. I see situation, particularly with leadership, it seems to me the Lord, just like with Elijah, suddenly “Boom!” out of nowhere Elijah appears, he wasn’t there one day and suddenly he’s the talk of the nation and I see the Lord just suddenly revealing you, revealing a teaching anointing, particularly for leadership and with leaders. 

A lot of it having to do with the holiness of God, and your own personal, their own personal walk with God, the things that are near and dear to your heart, about right relationships with your wife and your family. How your relationships with that, how those dynamics work, things that really matter. The nitty gritty stuff that drive the kingdom. These things being those that are really near to your heart.

Being able to be a real impact to people who are key leaders. But I see that in a teaching format, even more so than your own personal encouragement and strengthening. I see the Lord giving you teachings to begin to bring to leadership, in due season.”

Several of these words have come to pass already since then. I have been to Israel five times since 2007. Many of these words have especially been coming into being this seventh year after that word came. I am trusting that many more of those words will also come into be, as I continue to give myself to the Lord’s Word, in faith and obedience.

Many of you reading this have received prophetic words. You have written them down, or had them recorded. Maybe you just have a few notes scribbled on a piece of paper tucked in your Bible. Almost forgotten, but still there.

I would encourage you to locate those words, written or recorded, and read/listen to them again. I would think you would be surprised at what was spoken to you.

There are many good teachers who have written books on the gift of prophecy. To name a few that I know or have known personally – Rick Joyner, Derek Prince, James W. Goll, Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda, Bob Mumford, and Larry Randolph have excellent books for your to read.

So I would encourage you to think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

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           Ahava Love Letters
Full website: Love For His People

Ahava Love Letter #124   “In the 7th Year”   Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (02.25.14) Tuesday at 8:45 pm in Charlotte, NC).

All previous editions of Now Think On This & Ahava Love Letters can be found on this Blog, and our newest website: Now Think On This & Ahava Love Letters

More photos of Robbie sharing prophetic words:

Christen & Andrew Blade receiving ministry

Robbie Phillips and Michael Blade

Robbie Phillips

Bob Jones Prophecy from 2006 Still Stirs Many

2006 Bob Jones Prophecy Still Stirs Many

And all of a sudden, I wasn't in pain anymore. This Man, the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, stood by my side, and we started walking. And as we walked, I saw a Man who was white light. All white light was around Him, but He was the whitest of all white lights. He had His hands out. As I came into that white light, there came a feeling over me like I had never known before. I asked the Man beside me, "What is that?" 
The Man (Holy Spirit) said, "It is the love of God." I said, "It's just so wonderful. It's so glorious." And He said, "That's what it is—it's the glory of God." I said, "How can it be both?" It's in John 17—the love I had with the Father, the glory I had with the Father.
So that was the greatest experience I have ever had. Just enveloped in His glorious love. That's possible down here. The glory of God is coming, and it is going to be in His glorious love.
I noticed another group of people on my left side, and they had what looked like a conveyor belt underneath them. They were wrapped up in all different kinds of things. I looked at them and I asked this Man, "Why are they wrapped up that way?" And He said, "They are wrapped up in the earth with their gods." It's the gods they worshipped on the earth that followed them into death. They were on their way to hell with their gods. I saw a man wrapped up in dollar bills. I saw a man wrapped up in his sod or grass; his yard was his god. I saw a man that had no body; he was just one big head. He was an atheist, and he worshipped himself; he was his own god and going to hell with it.
I saw many things people worshipped on the earth that they are going to spend eternity with. Well, I worshipped the Lord, and I am going to spend eternity with Him. But these others who don't are going to spend eternity in total darkness with their god. And their gods will be their tormentors, not for 100,000 years, but for eternity.
So I looked at that line. It was so horrible. Everyone in the line recognized Him. Their eyes got big. Everyone who is going to hell has had a witness in one way or another tell them that there is a God. And every one of them willingly denied Him. For each two in the line that I was in, there were 98 in the other line.
I watched the Lord speak to people who were coming there. He asked them only one question: "Did you learn to love?" He's not going to ask you what you did. If you learn to love, you are going to do what is right. Did you learn to love? He asked them that question and they said, "Yes, Lord," and He kissed them right on the lips and embraced them, and the double doors of His heart opened and they went right in.
Some had a lot of angels with them and they would go on in [to heaven]. The angels went too because they had testimonies; they helped people do things on the earth. Angels have no testimony until they help you do something. We are the ones who will judge angels by their rewards for what they helped us do. They are more willing to help you do something than you are willing to submit and let them help you do it.
As I came close to the Lord, I was thinking, I learned to love. I'm OK. I'm going home. As I did, He held His hand up to me and said, "No, I want you to go back." I told Him, "It was too hard to get here. I don't want to [go back] because I wasn't doing any good there." He said, "You are a liar, because you spoke My words, and My words will always bring it to pass." I said, "Well, nobody was believing it, and it was painful." He said, "Yes, and you have a cowardly nature too. Up there, it's about the truth. But you love. You had a heart for souls. I want you to go back. If you look at that line over there and then tell me you want to come in, I will bring you in."
I looked at that line and looked at their faces and said I would go back for one. I would go back and spend a day on a cross for one. He said, "I'm not sending you back for that. I'm sending you back to wake up the church because I am going to bring a billion youth to Myself in one of the greatest waves of all times. I'm going to honor Myself beyond anything that man can imagine. I want you to go back and touch the church and speak to the church of what I am going to do in these last days." So I told Him I would go back.
I came back. I thought that when I came back into my body, I would be healed. As I came back, I saw two of the biggest angels I have ever seen. I know who they are. They are the resurrection angels. And I saw the death spirit as he left when I came back in.
When I went back into the body, I wasn't healed. The pain was there, and I couldn't understand why. I was gone from my body probably for about three hours. The pain was there, and I said, "What's going on, Lord?" And then I heard a phone ring. And I saw people answering the phone and they were saying, "Bob Jones needs prayer."
They started praying, and I felt better. It was Friday. People kept praying; the prayers kept increasing and increasing. And then people came over and prayed for me that night until the pain was hardly there.
On Saturday at 3 a.m., the last person stopped praying for me. I could see who was praying for me. The pain was coming back and I thought, Boy, it's going to be a long time.
And then I saw an old sister who wasn't highly thought of in the church because she didn't take very many baths. She always sat in the last seat in back of the church. She got up early in the morning and cleaned offices for a living. Her phone rang, and she answered it. She got up at 3 a.m. and started praying for me, and I went to sleep.
She had to go to work at 5 a.m., and others began to pray for me, so Saturday was pretty good.  People came over Saturday and I thought, Well, I know He sent me back down here to live. Prayer and intercession sure made the difference.
That night the pain was there until about 3 a.m., and all the other prayers ended except hers. She got up and prayed for me again; she didn't have to work on Sundays. She prayed for me until about 7 a.m. [When she stopped praying], it was the worst time because there was no prayer. People were going to church.
And it was really bad until about 10:05 a.m. At 10, Viola asked me, "How are you doing?" I told her I was worse than I had ever been. I was swelling and couldn't even get out of bed. At 10:05, I became totally normal, totally delivered. I got up and we went to church, and I testified of it.
I found out the value of prayer. And I found out the value of not having an opinion about saints. I found out the value of ministry, that one saint was able to void all of it so I could sleep.
These words were spoken by Bob Jones at a 2006 conference in Albany, Ore. Jones went home to be with the Lord on Feb. 14 after more than four decades of prophetic ministry. To read more of his prophetic words, go to
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