Friday, February 28, 2014

The Jews of Palestine after the British Pushed out the Turks and Germans in 1917-1918

Posted: 27 Feb 2014 
Turkish troops in the Jezreel Valley preparing to move against the British at the Suez Canal in 1914 (Library of Congress)

Recruiting poster for Jewish soldiers,
1918 (Library of Congress)
World War I, the "war to end all wars," included major battles in the Middle East that raged from the Suez Canal to Damascus.  The orders of battle and the casualties on both sides compared in scope to the better-known war on the Western Front in Europe.  Israel Daily Picture has featured in the past manyphotographs taken on both sides of the Eastern Front by the American Colony Photographic Department.

We have also featured photos and essays on the Jewish soldiers from Britain, Australia, the United States and Canada in the Jewish Legion.

Understandably, the British Imperial War Museums contain thousands of photographs from battles around the world, and we have featured several of the pictures from the IWM, as well as from the Australian and New Zealand Army sites.

Israeli tour guides, Tamar HaYardeni and Yishai Solomon, recently pointed us to the numerous photographs of the Jewish inhabitants of Palestine who the British soldiers met and photographed.

Recruits for the 40th (Palestine) Battalion, Royal Fusiliers in Jerusalem, 
1,000 were recruited. Summer 1918. (Imperial War Museums)

Within months of capturing Jerusalem in December 1917, the British Army launched a recruitment drive in Palestine itself.  The IWM photos here show recruits from Jerusalem and Jaffa on their way to an army training camp in mid-1918.

It appears that many of the recruits were Jewish -- Orthodox men in Jerusalem and secular men in Jaffa.

Recruits in Jerusalem, 1918 (Imperial War Museums)

Assembling recruits for the 40th (Palestinian) Battalion, Royal Fusiliers, at Jaffa, before their departure to 
Helmieh for training. Summer 1918 (Imperial War Museums)

Heart for the Mountain People - Ricky Skaggs & Rick Joyner

Ricky Skaggs

Watch here: Heart for the Mountain People - Rick Joyner Video | Prophetic Perspective on Current Events

Heart for the Mountain People

Rick Joyner
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Ricky Skaggs shares about meeting Bob Jones for the first time.
Rick & Ricky

Ricky talks about meeting Bob Jones in Kansas City

Telling the story of the eagles.

Rick's latest book - THE PATH

You can buy it here: The PATH

Kim Clement - Prophetic Alert February 22, 2014 - Prophetic Alert

Prophetic Alert
February 22, 2014 - Prophetic Alert

The Spirit of God says, My people have cried.  My people have cried out for an answer and this is what I have to say, says the Spirit of Life.  A veil has been placed upon this nation and I did it.  I did it so that for a season My people would wonder and faith would increase, for in darkness faith grows.  In despair, faith grows.  I did it.  
But now, My fury has ended.  Hear Me, for I have found a man after My own heart.  I have found a man after My own heart and he is amongst you.  He is one of the brothers but singled out for Presidency of the United States of America.  But hear the transcription of God upon the heart of His prophet – how the gold has become dim, the stones of the sanctuary are scattered at the head of every street.  
The precious sons of Zion, valuable as fine gold, are now regarded as clay pots and those who ate delicacies are desolate in the streets and those who were brought up in royal scarlet now embrace ash heaps.  Is this what I wanted?  My people were brighter than snow, whiter than milk.  They were like sapphire in their appearance and now they are stricken for lack of fruits in the field.  The hands of once compassionate women have cooked their own children and their children have become food for them.  Your children have become food for who were once compassionate women. 
But My fury is fulfilled, says the Lord, and I have now kindled a fire in Zion.  I have kindled a fire in Zion, in America, in nations throughout the earth, and My fist is about to smack down on Russia, for out of the rebellion of the Ukraine, which was seen by My prophet, shall come out of those ashes, beauty – shall come out of that sadness, joy – shall come out of those garments, praise, says the Lord.
I have searched for a man and a woman who would stand in the Oval Office and pray and call for the restoration of the fortunes of Zion.  I have looked for a man who would pray for the restoration of the fortunes of Zion.  Therefore, if you hear My heart, says the Lord today, I will take you on a journey.  I will first take you to Israel, whom they would give Jerusalem to his enemies.  Why would they give half of Jerusalem away?  
This will not happen, says the Lord, for I will take you on a journey today into Jerusalem, where it shall be prophesied through song by My prophet what I intend doing in Jerusalem and in the United States of America at the same time, says the Lord. I am restoring the fortunes of Zion.  I am restoring the fortunes that were the inheritance of My people.  
I am restoring the fortunes of those that are the elect of God and have been stolen from.  You shall eat your delicacies again and your children will no longer be your food.  You shall not use them and take them out of the womb anymore, says the Lord.  Watch how I change everything, for there shall be those who are in justice.  
There are those who are in a strong position – I’m just hearing this now – in the highest court in the land – the Supreme Court.  Two shall step down for the embarrassment of what shall take place for I wish to place in the highest court in the land, righteousness.  And they shall attempt to put others in to endeavor, to reach their endeavors, but God says, hear Me tonight.  Hear Me today – I have this whole thing planned out according to My will for it is now time for Me to restore the fortunes of Zion – the fortunes to those that had it once, you are going to get it back.  This is My promise, says the Lord of Hosts.
Let us go to Israel.  Let us now go to Israel.  Let us go to Israel, where there is a single woman crying out and praying for the peace, for the prosperity of her land.  Listen to her as she prays out, for this is happening now and I am hearing her prayer from the hills outside of Jerusalem.  This is actually happening in the Spirit.  (Hannah sings)
This man has stood in Jerusalem.  This man that I saw in the vision, a man that came out of a vision, please hear me.  I was standing in my garden.  Suddenly the Spirit came and removed from my eyes, scales. I was praying for America and I was praying for Israel – nothing unusual.  
Suddenly behind me, starting behind my back, going in the form of an arrow, were hundreds of thousands of people.  And I turned around and I was stunned at what I saw.  This was not just a mere dream, but this was a vision.  And so I raised my hand like this and every one of them raised their hands.  I looked back and they were doing the same thing.  I shouted and they all shouted.  
They were one; they were one; one party, one party of people.  It continued until I realized that in the unity of these, amongst them stood one that God had set aside to be the leader of this nation.  I said why am I hearing this so soon?  Surely You would show me a little bit of it closer to the time.  And the Spirit of God said to me, this man has a humble stature but he is a genius. 
And then I heard “gold.”  I wasn’t sure if this was attached to his name, but He said to me, he will restore the fortunes in this nation because of his brilliance.  I couldn’t quite see his face because that was not allowed because there was a mist that covered all the people and he was amongst them.  
And the Spirit of God made me look at him, and He said, this man will throttle the enemies of Israel.  This man will throttle the enemies of the West, and there are highly embarrassing moments that are about to occur for many, many politicians in this nation.  There will be a shaking amongst the Democrats in the upcoming elections, but unsettling for the Republicans.  
Why is God doing this? For God said, I am dissatisfied with what emerges from both parties. 
 And then there is a nation, He showed me, He took me, itching for a new kind of war with America.  They will shout, “Impeach, impeach,” they say, but nay.  This nation shall come very subtly but he shall not come in the time of President Obama.  They shall come when this new one arises, My David that I have set aside for this nation – a man of prayer, a man of choice words, not a man who is verbose, who has verbosity, who speaks too much.  
They will even say, “This man is not speaking enough,” but God says, I have set him aside.  They will shout, “Impeach, impeach,” but this shall not happen, and then, God says, highly embarrassing moments when another Snowden arises and people will become very afraid.  
They’ll say "we have no protection" and then God says, am I impressed with your weapons of war?  Am I impressed with the strength of your men’s legs?  Ha!  I have said I will bring this nation to its knees, and God said, you have been humbled, and yet some more, and then you shall hear the sounds of great victory.  For where are the people gathered?  Where are My people gathered?  Where is the sound of unity from My people? 
In this next week, this man shall begin to emerge, and in the following two weeks, which is a three-week period, he shall slowly come to the fore.  For they are saying, "how do we kill the giant? How do we kill the giant of debt?  How do we kill the giant of socialism?  How do we kill the giant of human secularism?" 
I have placed that man amongst you, a humble man.  And as Samuel stood before the brothers, and they had rejected David to come because of his age – take all these little remarks I’m giving you – they are gems.  The name and the word “gold” – remember that.  A man that is amongst them but is young.  
And God says, these that shall reject him shall be shocked at how he takes the giant down.  Now hear me please.  The giant of debt, the giants that have come, the brothers of Goliath, stand in glee watching America.  “We will cripple you.  You will lose your credit.”  
But God said, watch, I said 20,000.  Look not to Wall Street; however, observe.  And they shall say, "what is your plan for this giant?" And he will take a simple stone (remember the name) and he will hold it up and they will laugh at him, but the plan is so brilliant, says the Lord.  It could only have been given by Me.
California, you are dying because of a drought.  Watch My sign, watch the sign of rain for I told you there would be severe wind from above and all the states that are affected by this severe weather have been set up for a shaking of My Spirit and an outpouring of My Spirit, but California, I am looking at you.  
Gold – stone – California and small of stature, and God says, once you recognize the man that I have raised up, pray, for the enemy will do everything in his power to put a witch in the White House.  Did anybody hear what He just said?  For Jezebel has chased away the prophets and even Elijah.   Now I have said, go back, for this shall be dismantled so that there will be no more corruption in the White House, says the Spirit.
America, freedom is yours in the Spirit!  Israel, freedom to reign - America, righteous judgment and a great shaking of the Spirit in America!
The Spirit of God says, one more thing I want to talk to you about – that little dwarf in North Korea.  I’m getting a little tired of him. I think I’m going to go and pay him a visit, says the Lord.  You watch and see what I do and that will be a big sign that the man that I’m sending with the stone for the giant is emerging, says the Lord.

A Picture Does Say… Now Think On This by Steve Martin

A Picture Does Say…
by Steve Martin

“The purpose in a man's heart is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out.” (Proverbs 2-:5 ESV)

They say a picture tells a thousand words. Well, “they” is right.

I posted this photo of one corner of my home office on Facebook in February, 2014. Except for major family events, such as births and weddings, which we have had a few lately, it has gotten more “likes” and “shares” than any other photo I have placed on my FB wall.

The home office

I can understand why. People are looking for something good to believe in, to stand on, to support, in their knowing that what they believe is what they should believe, no matter what the surrounding culture says otherwise. Or is trying to push down their throat and into their minds.

People still believe in supporting Israel, the family, and the good things that God, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, has given to us to enjoy. Thus this photo touched the hearts of people, and they responded.

You and others may wonder, “What, where or why on earth did you get, and have, all that stuff?” Well, let me tell you, so that the thousand words in the photo become a little more understood.

If you take a little time (a good song title Amy Grant has used) to look at it as best you can in print, here are some of the thousand words you might read.

1.      The Jerusalem flag draped over one of my office chairs - it has the Lion of the Tribe of Judah symbol on it. It is the capital city of Israel, the Lord God of Israel’s eternal city, Yerushalayim in Hebrew. We believe in THE Lion of Judah – Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ) – the Messiah of both Jew and Gentile believers.

2.      The Israeli national flag – the Star of David on a tallit (prayer shawl) – hanging in the window over the other curtains (so as not to have the sun fade it). We stand on the Scripture, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15

3.      Many clocks are sitting on a shelf in the corner, while two are hung on the wall above. I have collected them over time. (pun intended!) The largest clock has the All Nations Church logo on it, which I had made while I was the Administrator there with Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda (1987-2000). 

      We are to make wise use of our time, for each one will give an account of how we spent the time we have been given here on this planet. How are you spending your time? Are you storing up treasures in heaven with it?

4.      The clock next to the All Nations Church one has the face of David Ben Gurion, who declared Israel’s independence as the Jewish nation in 1948 (though this Promised Land had been given by God to the Jews since the time of Abraham. Roughly 5000 years ago. Give or take an eternity.

5.      Abraham Lincoln’s portrait is on the wall in front of my Love For His People, Inc. office desk. Our American 16th President stood for the freedom of all people, and fought to see it happen. He also wanted to go to Israel before his death, but never made it.

6.      On the wooden oak, two drawer lateral file cabinet under the Israel flag is a NASCAR #24 Jeff Gordon lamp (south wall). On it sits a black hat I got at Masada in the Judean desert in Israel in 2010. The lettering on the cap says, “Masada”. Both Jeff and the Jews are winners.

7.      There are two shofars just behind the lamp. Intertwined on purpose. They represent the One New Man – Jew and Gentile coming together as the Bride of Yeshua, the Bride of Christ. Je is coming back the second time to receive His bride the Father has been preparing for Him. Soon and very soon.

8.      There is a laptop on the desk to the right. I actually have three laptops – one for the ministry work of Love For His People, one for my sole proprietorship small business called Martin Lighthouse Services, and the other for our personal home items. And all are loaded with photos, of course!

9.      On the right wall (which faces west in our home) are several 8” x 10” framed photos of our family over the years. Ones with our children (Josh, Ben, Hannah and Christen), our families on both sides, and special events of all.  The very top photo was taken over 36 years ago (at the time of this writing) on Oct.7, 1997, when Laurie and I became man and wife. Forever while here on earth.

10.  Below the family photos and above Abe’s head is a very large painting of a lighthouse out in the storm at night. Shining in the dark. I have always appreciated the continuing work of lighthouses, as they symbolize what we are to be in the nations. This particular painting is entitled “The Watchman”. That is what we are to be also. 

      You may also see that it has 4” x 6” pictures stuck in the frame on all four sides. I ran out of room on the office walls, and being I like to utilize every inch of space that I can, where I can, they ended up here. Just a few historical reminders of life moments.

11.  Also on the wooden file cabinet, where the NASCAR lamp resides, are Jewish books from Hebron, Judea, Israel where the Tomb of the Patriarchs is. There is a great little gift shop there where I have bought several leather bound Hebrew books – the Tanakh (Bible) and others. Along with the English Bible, they sit on this lateral file cabinet.

12. Two chairs. Two desks. Two lamps. Whatever it takes, right??!!

      In case you want to see more “thousands of words” in photos, I have added the other three corners and walls of the room. You can see those below.

Thanks for looking!

Now, what’s on your wall? (And more importantly, in your heart?)

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these letters minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless known families in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.
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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

Please share this Ahava Love Letter with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 

           Ahava Love Letters
Full website: Love For His People

Ahava Love Letter #126   “A Picture Does Say…”   Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (02.28.14) Friday at 3:33 am in Charlotte, NC).

All previous editions of Now Think On This & Ahava Love Letters can be found on this Blog, and our newest website: Now Think On This & Ahava Love Letters


Chosen People Ministries - Australia and New Zealand

Ministry News

Shalom. God's hand is at work - all over the world! This glorious truth was brought home to me yet again as I spent a week visiting our partner ministry in Australia, which goes by the delightful name of Celebrate Messiah. Lawrence and Louise Hirsch, dear friends of mine, began this ministry more than two decades ago to serve the Lord among the Jewish people in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth and many other cities in this fascinating country with almost 100,000 Jewish people!
Lawrence and Louise are both immigrants to Australia from South Africa. Lawrence is from a very strong Jewish home, and Louise is from a non-Christian Gentile family. They fell in love as teenagers and both became believers soon after high school. After they were married, they immigrated to Australia. After receiving further Bible training back in Johannesburg, Lawrence and Louise initiated the work of Celebrate Messiah - which coined the wonderful phrase, "bringing the message to the original messengers."
Celebrate Messiah is part of Chosen People Global Ministries, which now encompasses sixteen countries containing 96% of the world’s Jewish population. We have established ministries - or been joined by established ministries - in this partnership everywhere from England to South Africa, Australia, Argentina, Germany, France and many more places.

Transformation - One Life at a Time

While in Australia, I had the privilege of getting together with our leaders to pray and strategize about ways to coordinate our efforts to reach Jewish people around the world for the Messiah. One of the most encouraging conversations I had was with a brand-new Jewish believer who was raised in a traditional Jewish home and is now in his early twenties. May I share his testimony with you?
While attending university, he met a "real" Christian for the first time. This first-time encounter with authentic Christian faith is not unusual for many Jewish people growing up in strong Jewish communities; we simply do not get to know born-again believers until we enter the workplace or attend university. This believer began sharing the Gospel with this young Jewish man, and eventually they began studying the Bible together - particularly the Sermon on the Mount. (By the way, this is a great place to introduce Jewish people to the New Testament, as the statements of Jesus in these chapters are so attractive and powerful.)
Eventually, the young man became more interested in Jesus and visited a few local churches. He enjoyed them, but did not feel quite at home. So his non-Jewish Christian friend suggested that he visit Beit Hamashiach (House of the Messiah), the Messianic congregation in Caulfield, which was planted by Celebrate Messiah in the heart of one of the most Jewish communities in Melbourne.
This young man visited the congregation. Though uncomfortable at first about attending a service, he was met in the hallway by a very friendly Jewish believer who encouraged him to sit down and listen to the sermon. He did, and according to this young man's testimony, tears filled his eyes as he heard the message of the Gospel in a Jewish way. As a result, he felt more compelled than ever before to consider whether Jesus is the Messiah - for both Jews and Gentiles.
It was not long afterwards that this young Jewish man received Yeshua (Jesus) as his Messiah. Since then, he has been growing steadily in his faith. But he is not the only one! I met dozens of young people at this retreat who were in one way or another involved in the growing Messianic movement in Australia.
There is also a growing movement of Russian Jewish immigrants to Australia who are coming to faith in Jesus - just as we have seen in Brooklyn, Germany, Israel and many other places. Hundreds of Russian Jewish people in Australia have come to faith in Jesus - and many attend the congregation planted by Celebrate Messiah in the heart of Jewish Melbourne. The Lord is doing great things!

The Rise of Ministry to Israeli Backpackers in New Zealand

I know that you will enjoy the remainder of this newsletter as you learn more about the Jewish people of Australia... but I don't want to leave out New Zealand!
Scott Brown, one of our most effective and respected veteran missionaries, moved his family to New Zealand a few years ago. His goal was to establish a ministry on the Southern Island to work with the thousands of Israelis who backpack through the mountains. Many travel there looking for the meaning of life after spending their required years in the Israeli army.
Scott and his wife, Margie, base their ministry out of a campground, offering Sabbath dinners and free barbecues, engaging in literature distribution, and often going hiking with the Israelis through the gorgeous scenery. With the help of teams we send from the United States to help reach these wandering Israelis for the Messiah, Scott and Margie spend their time sharing the Good News. They distribute Hebrew New Testaments and find other ways to touch the lives of these young Israelis who are eager to talk about the deeper things of life.
We have already recruited a young Israeli couple to be part of the team to serve along with the Browns' many volunteers. In fact, Scott has been providing training in Jewish evangelism to a network of Christians in New Zealand who open their homes to wandering Israeli travelers. The strategy works beautifully, as young Israelis get to see how Jesus-loving believers and authentic Christian families live. This network has doubled over the last few years! We hope to bring this wonderful tool of evangelistic hosting to other countries, and have already trained volunteers in both Scandinavia and Germany.
My heart is filled with the incredible experiences of my recent trip down under. I wish I had more time to share with you what the Lord is doing. I pray that His powerful presence will continue to fill your life and home. May 2014 be a wonderful year of faithfulness and fruitfulness for you as you serve our risen Jewish Savior.
Your brother in the Messiah,
P.S. While in Australia, I gave two sermons at Simcha (the Hebrew word for "Joy"), our Messianic retreat there. This year, we had about 450 people and it was incredibly exciting. If you want to hear these sermons, please go to, where you can listen to my messages and those of other Chosen People Ministries staff.

Netanyahu Promises Not to Change Temple Mount Status Quo

Netanyahu Promises Not to Change Temple Mount Status Quo

Thursday, February 27, 2014 |  Ryan Jones  ISRAEL TODAY 
Related Stories
JerusalemPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday vowed that his government would not alter the status quo regarding the Temple Mount, a day after Israel’s Knesset held its first ever debate on extending Jewish sovereignty over Judaism’s holiest site.
“The policy of the government of Israel has been and continues to be the maintenance of the status quo at the Temple Mount, including freedom of access for all faiths to the holy sites,” Netanyahu spokesman Mark Regev told The Jerusalem Post.
But, of course, the reason behind Tuesday’s Knesset debate was that currently Jews and Christians (all non-Muslims, in fact) do not enjoy full religious freedom at the Temple Mount.
Often, Jews and Christians are prevented outright from ascending to the holy site when local Muslims are feeling particularly agitated. And at all times, Jews and Christians are forbidden to carry Bibles or even utter silent prayers while atop the Temple Mount. Vigorous security checks are performed to ensure these restrictions are not violated, and many Jews have been arrested for even giving the impression that they might have been praying.
Many Israeli lawmakers are increasingly frustrated by this situation, which they deem to be a total surrender to the dictates and threats of radical Islam. They want Israel to become the official overseer of the Temple Mount, in place of the Jordanian government and the Palestinian-controlled Islamic Trust (Waqf).
The debate was punctuated by several outbursts by Arab Muslim members of Knesset, most notably MK Taleb Abu Arar (Raam-Taal), who insisted that “Jews have nothing to look for at the Al-Aqsa Mosque. It isn’t the Temple Mount, it’s the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Al-Aqsa Mosque belongs to the Muslims and not the Jews, and it is on occupied land.”
Liberal left-wing Jewish parliamentarians also opposed the suggestions of those who called the debate. Likud MK Tzipi Hotovely later told Israel National News that what the secular left is truly afraid of is not enraging the Muslims, but rather coming too close to the spiritual heart of the Jewish people, and therefore to God.
As expected, the debate also sparked angry reactions around the Middle East.
Egypt’s interim government warned that extending Israeli sovereignty over the Temple Mount would cause an “explosion” in the region. The Palestinian Authority called for an emergency session of the Arab League to discuss this latest “Israeli aggression.” And no fewer than 47 members of Jordan’s parliament demanded their government’s peace treaty with Israel be cancelled in response to the Jews daring to even think about fully reclaiming the Temple Mount.
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