Sunday, January 11, 2015

Obama Admin Deals Demoralizing Blow to Palestinian Cause

Obama Admin Deals Demoralizing Blow to Palestinian Cause

Sunday, January 11, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
While staunchly backing the establishment of an independent Palestinian Arab state, the Obama Administration last week dealt a demoralizing blow to Palestinian efforts to achieve that goal unilaterally.
Shortly after losing a UN Security Council vote to recognize a Palestinian state and demand a full, unconditional Israeli withdrawal from said state, the Palestinian Authority threatened to become the newest member of the International Criminal Court, where it would no doubt file copious lawsuits against Israel and its leaders.
But US State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki reminded the Palestinian Authority that it isn’t a state, and therefore can’t join the ICC.
“The United States does not believe that the state of Palestine qualifies as a sovereign state and does not recognize it as such and does not believe that it is eligible to accede to the Rome Statute,” Psaki said at a Washington press conference.
She went on to warned that the US Congress would now deliberate on whether or not to halt $400 million in annual financial aid to the Palestinian Authority.
Former US Middle East negotiator Dennis Ross encouraged European powers to take a similar stand against ongoing Palestinian intransigence if they are serious about facilitating a genuine peace.
In a New York Times op-ed, Ross noted that the Palestinian Authority had rejected three separate peace deals - in 2000, 2008, and 2014 - and that the Palestinian leadership had unfortunately been conditioned to believe it could get everything for nothing.
“Palestinian political culture is rooted in a narrative of injustice; its anti-colonialist bent and its deep sense of grievance treats concessions to Israel as illegitimate. Compromise is portrayed as betrayal,” he explained. “If saying yes is costly and doing nothing isn’t, why should we expect the Palestinians to change course?”
Ross insisted that the Palestinians must start suffering consequences for so many failed peace efforts.
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Friday, January 9, 2015

Sharing Love From Sweden - JESUS SHOWED THE WAY OF FORGIVENESS - Eva Haglund

Eva Haglund

The Bible tell us not to be bitter to others but to forgive others. It is so easy to judge one another but we are not called to judge others. Bitterness does not lead to anything good. We just do not feel well ourselves by being bitter.  In Eph5:31 we read “ Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another even as God in Christ forgave you.”

It can be easier to forgive when we think about that we have been forgiven OUR sins - when we received Jesus because He as a lamb without fault paid the price for us. Jesus wants us to show mercy to each other as He has shown mercy to us.  It does not mean we cannot say no and to admonish anybody. If people are bitter to anybody it sometimes can be followed by judging words being angry and gossip and a lot of wrong talking about this person can be the result. But Jesus taught us to show love and forgive.

Peter said in Matt.18:22, ”Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times? Jesus said to him, I do not say to you, up to seven times but up to seventy times seven.”

In Gen 37:23-24 we can see when Joseph's brothers treated him bad and cast him into a pit. Then he was sold by his own brothers to a foreign country as a slave. The brothers I think were jealous of Joseph and chose to sell him. This must have felt like a shock for Joseph to be sold to a foreign country as a slave leaving his home. Still Joseph forgave his brothers. In Gen 45:2 is written about him when his brothers came to Egypt and met him: “And he wept aloud and the Egyptians and the house of Farao heard it.”

We see here the love Joseph had for his brothers in spite of what they had done to him. He cried when he saw his brothers again. His heart was touched by his love for them when he saw them anyway.

In Matt 26:49 we read when Judah betrayed Jesus “Now His betrayer had given them a sign, saying “Whomever I kiss, He is the one, seize Him. Immediately he went up to Jesus and said “Greetings,Rabbi!” and kissed him. But Jesus said to him, “Friend, why have you come?” Judas treated Jesus bad and betrayed Him and gave Him a kiss to show who it was, who was Jesus.

Jesus could have been bitter to him having been betrayed by Judah, but he was not. Instead He called him friend and wanted to help him and admonishing him and we read the words in Luke 22.48 “ Judas are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?” 

In Matt 5:43- 48 Jesus says “You have heard that it was said, “You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy” but I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your father in heaven, for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do so?.” 

Here we see that Jesus wants us to forgive people, to love also our enemies. He tells us to bless them who curse us. He tells us to pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you and I have noticed that it can easier to forgive anybody if you begin to pray for the person who offended you.

In Acts 7:59 we read about when Stephen was stoned for his faith. “And they stoned Stephen and he was calling on God and saying “Lord, Jesus receive my spirit.” Then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice ”Lord, do not charge them with this sin.”

In Isaiah 61:7 we see that the Bible tells us “Instead of your shame you will have double.” In Luke 6:21 Jesus says that “Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh.” Blessed are you when men hate you and when they exclude you, and revile you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of Man's sake. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy! For indeed your reward is great in heaven."

Christians can be bad treated but the reward is then big in heaven. He tell us to rejoice then. We must not forget that we also can get spiritual attacks. In the the Bible are many words of comfort. In Isaiah 54:17 it is comforting to know “no weapon formed against you shall prosper,and every tongue which rises against you in judgement you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of Lord and their righteousness is from me.”

If we have been bad treated we can get comfort in the Word of God. In Isaiah 40:11 we find the words ”Comfort, comfort my people.” It is good to give comfort to people. Many need comfort. Jesus was very bad treated even before He was crucified. He met a lot of hate and rejection.  He knows what it can be to be abandoaned also by friends. Just before His big suffering His friends left and His close friend Peter denied Him three times. We read in Luke 22:60-62 that He was mocked and scourged, being very painful. In Isaiah 53 it is written that “He is despised and rejected by men.”

Jesus choose anyway to suffer because of His love for us. It can be easier to forgive when we think about how much Jesus loves us. He suffered so much for us. Jesus showed the way of forgiveness when He endured the deepest pain at Calvary, and yet saying in Luke 2:34 “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”

I do not think we understand a drop in a sea of the pain Jesus carried at the cross. In this pain He choose to forgive and gave His life also for the soldiers who hated Him. Jesus really showed the way of forgiveness. To forgive is also showing love.

Jesus/Yeshua showed the greatest love to us.

Eva Haglund

Bob Jones Dream Dec 9, 2014 by Dr. Sharnael Wolverton

Bob Jones Dream Dec 9, 2014 

by Dr. Sharnael Wolverton

Identity Network
Many of you know that I went to Montana to fast and pray last week at the Wellness Center in Kalispell. I also had the opportunity to minister in Bigfork at Mountain Song Church.

It was a wonderful time of refreshment, depth, and meeting amazing new people.

About midway through the fast I had a dream where the late Bob Jones came to me. As most of you know, Bob was a dear man and friend of God. For me personally, no other person has affected me or impacted me spiritually more than him on this earth. He still often impacts me from heaven:) and his legacy lives on through many, many others who were affected by his amazing ministry to God and the body of Christ.

In this dream, he laid hands on me and prayed for me as he has done many times over the years before he went to be with Jesus in February 2014. Many of the things he shared in the dream are too personal to disclose but there is one thing I felt crucial to share as I know it is definitely a more corporate word of caution...

Don't Drink the Wine

He said with all seriousness for us "Not to drink the wine."

This reminded me of the saying "Don't drink the Kool-Aid."

I asked him if he specifically meant literal wine!? Or did he mean something symbolic?

His response was "Not to engage in lower level things.... (people, things or activities, etc.)"
To engage means to occupy, attract or involve someone's interest or attention. To participate, join in, or get involved play.

Lower level things have to do with trading floors or things of lower frequency. Whether people, music, anti-nutrient food or drinks, thought, conversation, or any activity.  Engaging in any of the lower frequency things or people....this is not good.

After sharing this dream with some of my board and considering other input from recent words I received from my team, here is more to give better clarity:

Who are You Partnering With?

Drinking wine with someone also represents covenant relationship. I feel strongly that "Not engaging in lower level activity" & "Don't drink the wine" also speaks of a clear warning to be careful who you are partnering with in this season.

One of our intercessors also had sent "Beware of sheep in wolves clothes" only a day before this dream, which is only confirmation again.

I am also reminded of recent headlines regarding a specific "father figure" actor now being accused of getting women specifically to drink the wine, and or other drinks given to them in order for him to abuse these women while they are drugged. They are all now coming forward with many allegations. This man was trusted. He had a reputation of being fatherly, a mentor, a support to these women.

You have heard the phrase "drink the Kool-Aid."  This is a reference to the 1978 cult mass-suicide in Jonestown, Guyana. Jim Jones, the leader of the group, convinced his followers to move to Jonestown. Late in the year he then ordered his flock to commit suicide by drinking grape-flavored Kool-Aid laced with potassium cyanide. In what is now commonly called "the Jonestown Massacre," 913 of the 1100 Jonestown residents drank the Kool-Aid and died.

One lasting legacy of the Jonestown tragedy is the saying, "Don't drink the Kool-Aid." This has come to mean, "Don't trust any group until you test it out!" or "Whatever they tell you, don't believe it too strongly."

In Other Words....

Who we are partnering with or making covenant with is critical in this day. We don't have time for surprises, drama or distraction because of a lack of discernment or jumping in too fast to commitments. Take time to consider who you may partner with. KNOW them before you do anything.

Ask God for revelation and clarity in ministry, business or personal relationship of any kind. Seriously. No matter their "reputation."

We must know by the Spirit and seek help from the Spirit for guidance in all partnerships, friendships, etc. For our safety, for our mentality, for our emotions and for us to remain focused on the day at hand.

We cannot be entangled or engaged in a Mesmerizing Spirit!

Bob Jones said in the dream these lower level things were only a distraction. Let's talk about lower level things....

Set Your Heart and Mind

The Sunday before this dream while ministering in Bigfork, Montana The Lord gave me Romans 5:8.

To SET our hearts and minds on the Spirit and not the things of the flesh. The scripture says the things of the flesh are death and HOSTILE to God.

The reason why the Bible constantly speaks of setting your mind on good things (here in Romans, also in Philippians 4 and many other places) is because to set your heart and mind on something of the SPIRIT is an act of purpose, intention, obedience, and worship.

Only you can choose to do it. He reminds us to do this why? Because it isn't natural...Even as Christians...Especially AS Christians...He tells us SET your mind.....SET your heart. He tells us because He knew it would be hard.

Most the entire world is programmed in the negative (lower frequency), in the flesh. TV, movies, billboards, people, conversations, thoughts, radio stations, books, media. The majority of the world spends its day programming you and we unconsciously have our minds SET FOR US.... If we are not careful.

Ephesians 6:12 says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

That word wrestle means to VIBRATE.

When we are born again, we are automatically vibrating against evil just by being alive.
We must intentionally practice setting our hearts and minds IN Him and ON Him moment to moment. Sow to the Spirit. Feed the Spirit. Nurture the Spirit, for His Kingdom's sake.
Do not engage in lower level ANYTHING. If someone gives you bait or a hook - Don't play! Don't drink the wine...(or the Kool-Aid!)

Make a Difference!
Dr. Sharnael Wolverton

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Do You Want to Hear God’s Voice in 2015? - J. LEE GRADY

Are you paying attention to the voice of God?
Are you paying attention to the voice of God? (iStock photo)

Fire in My Bones, by J. Lee Grady
When I was in my 20s I was praying about whether I should enroll in graduate school. Then one morning in my devotional time I came to Psalm 32:8 and it seemed to be flashing like a neon sign. It said: "I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go."
The Holy Spirit was emphasizing to me that God would teach me and that I didn't need additional schooling. That's not to say graduate school is wrong for everyone else; it was just not God's plan for me at that time. And God used a Scripture to clearly show me what path I should take.
The Bible promises that God will guide us. But many Christians find it difficult to hear God's voice. And in some charismatic churches we complicate things when we try to make guidance mystical or weird—as if you have to hear an audible voice from heaven about what color shirt to wear.
Years ago I learned from author Henry Blackaby that there are four distinct ways we receive divine guidance:
1. You can hear God's voice by reading the Bible. Friends have sometimes complained to me: "I just never hear God speaking." Yet when I ask if they read the Bible regularly, they say they're too busy.
God supernaturally inspired 40 authors over a period of 1,600 years to compile His love letter to us. After the Bible was written in Hebrew and Greek, many people were martyred because they translated it in a modern language. God went to a lot of trouble to compile the Bible. Yet today Bibles are collecting dust in the homes of people who are too busy to read God's most direct message to Planet Earth!
When you read Scripture with a prayerful heart, God can cause a verse to jump off the page as a direct message to you. British preacher Charles Spurgeon recognized this years ago when he wrote: "When I have been in trouble, I have read the Bible until a text has seemed to stand out of the Book, and salute me, saying, 'I was written specially for you.'" Expect God to speak directly to you from Scripture.
2. You can hear God's voice through the supernatural inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not an eerie presence that just hangs around. He lives in every born-again Christian, and He comforts us and actively speaks to us. He can do this in many ways: through dreams, visions, warnings, a sense of conviction, or—most often—through what we know as the "still, small voice" (1 Kings 19:12) of the Spirit.
I have had prophetic dreams and visions over the years, but the most common way the Spirit speaks to me is through a deep sense of inward knowing. I will never forget a time in 1985 when God spoke to me while I was driving my car in Florida. A message came to me, not audibly but in my spirit: "You will move to Washington, D.C." It seemed to come out of the blue, and I knew it did not originate with me. Four years later I was offered a job in the Washington, D.C., area and I worked there for three years.
The ability to hear the Spirit's voice is developed over years as we grow in Christ. If you really want to hear Him, you should ask God to fill you with His Spirit. As you allow more of the Spirit's presence and power in your life, you will set aside your selfish agendas and sinful habits so God can communicate without any hindrance.
3. You can hear God's voice through people. God never intended for us to live in isolation. We are members of His body, the church, and you will hear God better when you are in fellowship with His people. God can speak to you through a pastor's sermon, a friend's wise counsel, a mother's rebuke, a mentor's phone call or a prophetic word given to you by one of God's Spirit-filled servants.
God uses the gift of prophecy, but you should never chase after prophecies. I know Christians who will travel across the country to attend a prophetic conference to get a word from God, yet they have not read the Bible in months or sat still long enough to hear from God on their own. Never treat the holy gift of prophecy like fortune telling. When God needs to speak to you in an unusual way, He has faithful messengers who will deliver it to you at the exact time you need it.
4. You can hear God's voice through circumstances. Not everything that happens to you is God's will. But God is sovereign, and He has power over nature, over government leaders and over all the details of your life. He opens doors that no man can shut. If you have been praying about getting a job at one company, and suddenly you get an offer at a different company, this may be God's sign that He has a better place for you to work.
My oldest daughter wanted to attend a college in Tennessee, and we were praying about her decision. Right after we prayed I got a call from the president of a college in Georgia. He was inviting me to speak at the school, but in our conversation I learned that this school was willing to offer my daughter a scholarship. She ended up enrolling in that school, meeting her future husband there and graduating four years later. God was totally involved in that phone call from Georgia!
As you begin this New Year, ask God to tune your ears to His voice in a fresh way. Guidance is not complicated when you sincerely want to hear Him speak.
J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma. You can follow him on Twitter @leegrady. Is the author of 10 Lies Men Believe and other books.
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Prophecy: I Will Put You in the Eye of the Storm - CINDY JACOBS

Cindy Jacobs releases a powerful personal prophecy for the stressed and weary.
Cindy Jacobs releases a powerful personal prophecy for the stressed and weary. (Flickr / Adamo Photography)

Prophetic Word

For the Lord would say, "You feel at times you do not have the strength to get through your day. At times, you are so stressed and you feel, 'Lord, I just want to come aside, but my life and everything around me feels like a swirl. I feel like I live in a swirl.'" But the Lord would say, "My children, I will put you in the eye of the storm."
"There are moments of every day when you awaken and you're just telling Me you love Me, or you're going to sleep and you're just giving Me the burdens of your heart. Know that I am with you. Know that I am hearing you. There are times when there are so many frustrations and they pile in upon you. And there are so many things that seem to come at you from everywhere, that you cannot even seem to sort out your feelings. But I never stopped listening to you, child. I never ignore you. I hear every whisper. I see every need. And know this: I care about you. I care about your frustrations. I care about your stress. I care about your needs. I care about your finances. I care about children. I care about school. I care about aging parents. I care," says the Lord.
And the Lord says, "Today, as you're hearing Me, let Me lift the heavy burden. Let Me lift it off of your shoulders. My burden is easy. Children, there is no burden I cannot carry. There is nothing too much for Me to answer. There is nothing too great that I am not in the midst of You," says the Lord. "So in the midst of this season and all the many, many things going on in your life, know that I am always there, walking with you every day, listening to you every morning," says the Lord.

Cindy's Prayer

I know that each of us are in seasons of our life where there feels to be heaviness and heavy burdens. Whatever age, whatever stage we are in, there are things that we are struggling to lift up to You. But, Father, today we choose, I choose, to give you these things, the things we want to do to please people, the projects we have, the gifts we need to buy, just so many things. Lord, we thank you for helping us center in on You, to just focus on You right now. And, Father, You know our hearts, that we love You, You know our hearts, that we want to please You, You know our hearts. It's not that we want to be too busy. It's not that we want any of these things, Lord.
And, Father, I just feel especially to pray for those today who are alone on Christmas or who have lost a loved one or those who are in grief or those who are just going through a difficult time in a season where we should be so happy. So, Father, I thank You, Lord, for being the God of all comfort. And, Lord, I thank You, Father, for giving us what You promised us in that prophetic word, that You would help us, that You were listening to every single word we said to You. I thank You for that, Father. In Jesus' name, thank You, Lord. 
Cindy Jacobs is a respected prophetess who travels the world ministering not only to crowds of people but to heads of nations. Her first calling is and always will be prophetic intercession. Each year, she travels and has spoken on nearly every inhabited continent to tens of thousands. Yet in her heart is the memory that Jesus left the 99 to go to the one. Generals International is an international church movement, reforming the nations of the world back to a biblical worldview. It achieves societal transformation through intercession and the prophetic. Jacobs has authored seven books and loves to travel and speak, but one of her favorite pastimes is spending time with her husband, Mike, and their children, Daniel and Mary Madison, along with her five adorable grandchildren.

Joel Rosenberg: 'I Believe It's a Demonic Movement'

Joel Rosenberg: 'I Believe It's a Demonic Movement'

Joel Rosenberg ISIS islam kingdom
Joel Rosenberg (Facebook, file)
Author Joel Rosenberg is sounding the alarm that radical Islam is spreading and if world leaders don't deal decisively with it, we're all in danger.
"The Islamic State is not interested in being contained to Syria and Iraq," Rosenberg told CBN News. "(ISIS) sees itself as building a regional caliphate or Islamic kingdom and eventually a global kingdom and it will kill anyone that gets in its way."
Rosenberg believes ISIS is the new radical Islamic brand.
"They have come on so fast, so strong, I believe it's a demonic movement," he said. "They are not just terrorizing people, they are engaged in genocide. In Syria and Iraq, they are trying to eliminate Christianity in those two countries."

Legendary Gospel Singer Andraé Crouch Dead at 72

Legendary Gospel Singer Andraé Crouch Dead at 72

Andrae' Crouch
Andrae' Crouch (Facebook)
Music legend Andraé Crouch has died. The Grammy and Dove Award winner passed away on Thursday, January 8, 2015 at approximately 4:30 pm PST at Northridge Hospital Medical Center in the Los Angeles area. Andraé, 72, was hospitalized on January 3rd.

Andraé's accolades include 7 Grammy Awards, 6 GMA Dove Awards, an Academy Award nomination for "The Color Purple," induction into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
His songs have been recorded by everyone from Elvis Presley to Paul Simon, and he has worked as a producer and arranger with many of music's top artists, including Michael Jackson, Madonna, Quincy Jones, Diana Ross, Elton John and many others. Andraé can also be heard on Michael Jackson's hit singles "Man in the Mirror," "Keep the Faith," "Will You Be There" and "Earth Song."
Andraé's family requests privacy at this time. 

"And Abraham Arose Early" ✡ Special Delivery to the Western Wall

And Abraham arose early in the morning ... and went to the place of which God had told him.

GENESIS (22:3)

וַיַּשְׁכֵּם אַבְרָהָם בַּבֹּקֶר ... וַיֵּלֶךְ אֶל הַמָּקוֹם אֲשֶׁר אָמַר לוֹ הָאֱ-לֹהִים

בראשית כב:ג

va-yash-kaym av-ra-ham ba-bo-ker ... va-yay-lekh el ha-ma-kom a-sher a-mar lo ha-e-lo-heem

Shabbat Inspiration

It says that Abraham got up early וַיַּשְׁכֵּם and from this one Hebrew word, we learn an invaluable life lesson. Just like Abraham was zealous to do God’s will at daybreak, so too should we strive to grab opportunities to do good without hesitation. This paradigm is met each and every day by the earnest volunteers of United Hatzalah. Over 2,500 volunteers respond within minutes to emergency calls around Israel. Help them reach their goal of a 90-second response time by contributing towards an ambucycle, a motorbike fitted with full medical gear, designed to bypass traffic and save lives.

El Al Surprises a Passenger

United Hatzalah founder, Eli Beer, got surprised on his way home from the US by Israeli airline, El Al, with a Hanukkah gift for all his incredible work saving lives!

Major Storm Hit Israel

Last year's snowstorm took Israel by surprise, and whole neighborhoods were left without proper medical care due to inaccessible roads. United Hatzalah's volunteers had a crucial part in keeping these people safe. This year, Hatzalah was even more prepared.

Shivat Natural Cleansing Soap Gift Pack

By combining all-natural ingredients and extracts of the Seven Species of Fruit & Grain, this product line of skin-supportive cleansing soaps are so close to nature. This amazing product brings the natural goodness of Israel straight to your door.

Today's Israel Photo

A new ambucycle joined the United Hatzalah fleet with a special ceremony at the Western Wall Plaza.

Thank You

Today's  Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Jon Syme from Propser, Texas. Toda Raba!

“Absolutely Love It!”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Dear Rabbi, I live in Johannesburg, South Africa. I have subscribed to your site for over a year now and absolutely love it!! One learns so much about what is happening in Israel. For example, tonight I read the article on the "ambucycles." Amazing!! Many of the large cities in the world should copy this - so many more lives would be saved. A response time of between 90 seconds and 3 minutes is nothing short of miraculous!! Mazel tov!! Kind regards, Jonathan Levy
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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