Sunday, April 10, 2016

Step Along the Way - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Step Along the Way

Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105 NASU)

At some of the most unexpected, but most needed times, the Lord sends a word of encouragement along the way. During those times when we are uncertain, unclear, or unknowing which next step to take, the Lord will bring a word to encourage us to keep walking.

It seems that being faithful in obedience requires us to do that which we know to do when we know we must continue doing it. Especially when the light isn’t as bright as we’d like, we must keep walking in the light we know. We must be steadfast in our convictions and hold the ground we have been called to stand on.

Because the Lord is faithful, He may not always give us a full powered flashlight or ocean lighthouse to show us the way, but He will shine a light on the path ahead of us to show the way to go. He will also give us a word, from His Holy Word, through a friend’s word of encouragement, or by His Holy Spirit breathing a remembrance of something we heard as a promise years ago, and really need to hear again at this moment in time.

Walking the walk will cause us to be mindful of keeping our eyes upon Jesus, the Author and the Finisher of our faith. To keep us from stumbling along the way, due to rocks, roots, or other obstacles, natural and spiritual, our hearts must be strong in Him, relying on His light of encouragement and direction as we step along the way.

We all need an encouraging word now and then, reminding us of the way we are to go, to keep on going. I am thankful to You, Lord, that You have walked this walk, and know exactly what we need, when we need it most.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. They might need it. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

We are blessed when the ministry receives gifts to support the families that we do, primarily in Israel, India, Pakistan and the hurting ones here in the USA. You also can share out of the abundance you have been given.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This - In the New Year of our Lord 04.10.16 - #254 –“Step Along the Way” – Sunday at 2:30 pm

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

Again, I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

Gay Marriage Shut Down Their Dream, But Then God Stepped In... CBN News Steve Little

Gay Marriage Shut Down Their Dream, But Then God Stepped In...
CBN News Steve Little

Click here to watch Richard and Betty Odgaard tell their story of being forced to close down their dream business because of their religious objections to gay marriage.
When the state of Iowa forced Betty Odgaard to shut down her dream, she nearly lost the will to live.
"It was just devastating, it took me down. I didn't want to be on this earth anymore," she said.
Betty and her husband, Richard, owned and operated the Gortz Haus Gallery. They bought a former Lutheran church made of stone in 2002 and converted it into an art gallery.
"It's a gorgeous building, built in 1937 with the stained-glass windows and beautiful architecture. It was just perfect," Betty told CBN News.
In time, they added a bistro and a flower shop and began hosting weddings and receptions. The gallery became a popular venue, hosting 15 to 20 weddings a year and the extra income helped keep the business afloat.
Shutting Down the Dream
It was the Iowa Supreme Court that set in motion the circumstances that forced the gallery to close and destroyed Betty's dream. In 2009, the court struck down the state's law defining marriage as between one man and one woman.
Betty remembers the day their nightmare began: "August 3, 2013, our lives changed drastically, forever."
A same-sex couple came to the gallery seeking to book their wedding, but the Odgaards are Mennonite Christians and they couldn't particpate in a ceremony that violates their religious beliefs.
"We are all sinners. I don't want to celebrate my sins. I don't want other people to celebrate my sins, nor do I want to participate in celebrating anybody else's sins," Richard said.
The couple filed a complaint against the Odgaard's with the Iowa Civil Rights Commission and when the news hit the press, a deluge of hate came crashing into their lives.
"Our Facebook page blew up -- our phones -- they were calling us just constantly...just with the ugliest, most vile stuff," Betty said.
The intensity of the anger from the gay community shocked the couple. They never refused to serve homosexuals at their restaurant and did not discriminate in hiring.
"We've hired gays," Richard said. "It's not a situation where we're vetting what their sexual orientation is. If they're good people that had the talents, we hire them to work with us."
With the help of The Becket Fund for Religius Liberty, the Odgaard's fought the case for more than a year, but the negative publicity and harrassment took its toll and they settled with the couple for $5,000.
Because of the overwhelming negative publicity they received as they fought their case -- and the possibility of more lawsuits --  the Odgaard's felt they had no choice but to stop hosting weddings and providing wedding services.

"We knew that we'd be in trouble if we tried to do more weddings. They would just come in and sue us," Betty said.
Within six months of that decision, due to the loss of income, the Gortz Haus Gallery closed down in 2015.
God's Original Design Ministry
Today, the Odgaard's are using their experience to engage the culture and encourage the church with a message of defending traditional marriage.
"It became very apparent during the two years of our litigation that the good Christians had caved to this idea of same-sex marriage and were accepting it," Richard said. "We have to educate those folks and remind them of what the truth is and get them back on track."
It's called God's Orginal Design Ministry. Their first step was to put up billboards.
The message is simple: Marriage = one man plus one woman. In just a few months, they had four fully funded four billboards across the country.
Richard and Betty Odgaard
"We call them drive-time epiphanies," Richard said. "It's about reminding people the intention between male and female and what God had in mind for that plan."
The Odgaard's also want to reach the gay community with a message of love.
"We're looking for avenues to reach them, because we feel that's half of our mission field, that's half of our ministry," Betty said. "They're the ones that are hurting, they're the ones that we need to pray for and we need to just reach them for Christ."
Despite the stress and the struggle, they count the whole experience a blessing.
"It has been difficult, I won't lie," Betty said. "It has been the hardest thing that we have ever been through and I don't wish it on anyone."
"The ugly continues to come at us, but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else and we would do it all over again the same way....we are in the middle of God's will and He has blessed us so richly," she said.
"The Holy Spirit Did Not Leave"
In a way, it's not the Odgaard's or gay marriage or the State of Iowa at the heart of the story. It's the building and what it stands for.
The building is where people worshipped for more than 70 years; where Betty saw her dreams come true; where the couple poured out their hearts to make so many weddings a beautiful experience; and, where one of the first battles over religious liberty and gay rights was fought in America.
If the Odgaard's story can be redeemed by God's purpose for their lives, what about the building that sat empty and abandoned at the death of their dream?
"The Holy Spirit did not leave that buidling," Richard said.
Not long after closing down, the Odgaards' church found itself in need of a new building, and they knew just the place. Today, it's once again a house of worship.

Israel vs. America: Which Really Values the Bible? By Abra Forman - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

(Photo: Graphic Stock)

Israel vs. America: Which Really Values the Bible?

“And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be upon thy heart.” Deuteronomy 6:6 (The Israel Bible™)
Tennessee is poised to become the first state in US history to adopt the Bible as its official state book, with legislation proposing the measure on its way to the governor’s desk for approval.
Its sponsor, Republican senator Steve Southerland, quoted a Jewish friend when giving his reason for introducing the bill. “The Holy Bible is a history book,” he said, reported The Tennessean.
“The very founding of our nation – the very form of government that we have today – was put forth by men of faith, based on their faith, based on what they read in Holy Scripture,” said one of the bill’s supporters, Republican senator Kerry Roberts.
Roberts added that he was tired of those who are trying to make America into a secular nation, declaring, “This book has done more to bring us to where we are today than any other book in the history of mankind.”
They are not the only recent voices to emphasize the Bible’s role in the founding of the country. Last month, evangelical pastor Rafael Cruz, father of presidential candidate Ted Cruz, said in a speech that the American constitution was founded on the Torah, or Hebrew Bible.
“The Torah is embedded within the constitution. That was the inspiration for the framers,” he proclaimed while speaking to a pro-Israel Christian group. He referenced Exodus 18 as the guideline for the creation of a constitutional republic.
Thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating unjust gain; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens. Exodus 18:21
Though the Bible forms the basis for American values and morality, America’s laws separating church and state mandate that, at least in form, the Bible, and any other religious works, stay out of government.
Opponents of the Tennessee bill argued that the move would violate these laws.
“I understand that it’s hard to vote against the Bible – no one wants to do that,” said Democratic senator Jeff Yarboro. “[But] we have an obligation to follow the Constitution.”

Israel's state emblem
Israel’s state emblem
In contrast, while Israel has not adopted the Hebrew Bible as its “official state book”, its presence in every aspect of life in the Jewish state, in particular its national symbols, is undeniable. Israel’s official state symbols pay homage to ancient Biblical parables and concepts, including its national emblem, which features the seven-armed menorah which stood in the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem.
Israel’s national tree, the olive tree, is one of the seven species associated with Israel in the Bible.
Its national colors, blue and white, are derived from a verse in the Book of Numbers, which exhorts Israelites to wear a “cord of blue” on the tassels of their four-cornered garments:
Speak unto B’nei Yisrael, and bid them that they make them throughout their generations fringes in the corners of their garments, and that they put with the fringe of each corner a thread of blue. Numbers 15:38
While the Bible’s precepts have fed the roots of both Israel and America, forming one of the strongest possible arguments for friendship between the two countries, the US is currently struggling to decide how it wants to relate to the Word of God.
The question is sure to come into play in the upcoming battle for America’s presidency. Bible-minded voters have made it clear that the religious and spiritual values of the candidates are anything but a side issue.

Can This Secret Weapon End the War Against BDS? By Ariella Mendlowitz - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Women in Toronto protest against Israel (Photo: arindambanerjee /

Women in Toronto protest against Israel (Photo: arindambanerjee /

Can This Secret Weapon End the War Against BDS?

“And I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse; and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.” Genesis 12:3 (The Israel Bible™)
Viciously anti-Israel, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement was established in 2005 by pro-Palestinian activists who sought to delegitimize the state of Israel.
However, the infamous movement never outright states its true intentions. Instead, BDS leaders influence their followers with a clever cover-up: they will non-violently boycott Israel, which they claim is in serious violations of international law, until the Jewish state ends its deathly aggression against Palestinians and ceases “occupying” Palestinian land.
The group even goes so far as to boldly cry “apartheid” when referring to Israeli policy regarding the Palestinian population in its entirety.

Laurie Cardoza-Moore, President, PJTN, and Producer of "Hating Israel: In Search of the Truth Behind BDS." (Photo: Laurie Cardoza-Moore Official Facebook Page)
Laurie Cardoza-Moore, President, PJTN, and Producer of “Hating Israel: In Search of the Truth Behind BDS.” (Photo: Laurie Cardoza-Moore Official Facebook Page)

Regardless of the blatant mistruths they use to hide their true agenda, BDS propaganda has one mission: to castigate the Jewish state and give it an evil reputation internationally, an objective made much easier when its supporters include academics, celebrities, religious groups, political parties, trade unions, and even a small percentage of Israeli citizens.
Despite the endless hours and dollars BDS activists spend to accomplish their work, fortunately for Israel there are also groups who work tirelessly to fight the movement, exposing their true intentions.
One Christian organization, Proclaiming Justice to the Nations (PJTN), seeks to “educate Christians about their Biblical responsibility to stand with their Jewish brethren and Israel.” They do so by “utilizing the powerful medium of documentary films,” according to the mission statement on their website.
Their latest documentary project, entitled Hating Israel: In Search of the Truth Behind BDS, is true to its name. PJTN’s unique methods of exposing the BDS lies make for an educational, enlightening and even enjoyable experience. This is due in part to their seemingly unusual personality choice to lead the exposé: comedian Brad Stine.
According to PJTN President and Hating Israel Producer, Laurie Cardoza-Moore, Stine was hand picked to “expose the lies and smears expressed by [BDS] in its crusade against Israel’s right to exist…that would be hilarious if they weren’t so damaging.”
Said Stine in Hating Israel’s trailer: “I don’t know a lot about Israel, yet I have a connection to it based on my faith and I feel like I have a biblical obligation to understand (the truth) and even an obligation to defend [Israel].”
This biblical obligation is not just a feeling. In fact, the prophet Isaiah emphasized the importance of fighting those who slander Israel, saying, “I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, they shall never hold their peace day nor night: ‘Ye that are the LORD’S remembrancers, take ye no rest.” (Isaiah 62:6)

Brad Stine interviews an Ethiopian IDF soldier in the documentary "Hating Israel: In Search of the Truth Behind BDS. (Photo: Video Screenshot/PJTN)
Brad Stine interviews an Ethiopian IDF soldier in the documentary “Hating Israel: In Search of the Truth Behind BDS. (Photo: Video Screenshot/PJTN)

PJTN and its steadfast campaign to expose the anti-Israel movement which ultimately seeks to completely destroy the Jewish state are no doubt the watchmen to whom the prophet was referring.
In order to carry out their mission as watchmen by defending Israel against the BDS lies, PJTN has opened a crowdfunding campaign, encouraging anyone who believes in their cause to aid in the fight and reveal the truth about Israel.
Note: You can watch a video recorded by Love For His People of Brad Stine recorded at the PJTN NRB dinner in Feb, 2016 (Nashville). Check here: Brad Stine at PJTN event

Modern Day Guardians of Jerusalem ✡ "Watchmen Upon Thy Walls" - ISRAEL365

I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Yerushalayim, they shall never hold their peace day nor night.

עַל חוֹמֹתַיִךְ יְרוּשָׁלִַם הִפְקַדְתִּי שֹׁמְרִים כָּל הַיּוֹם וְכָל הַלַּיְלָה תָּמִיד לֹא יֶחֱשׁוּ

ישעיהו סב:ו

al kh-mo-ta-yeekh y'-ru-sha-la-yeem hif-ka-d'-tee shom-reem kol ha-yom v'-khol ha-lai-la ta-meed lo ye-khe-shu

Jerusalem Inspiration

Throughout history, the 'watchmen' of Jerusalem have taken many shapes and forms; guardians through might as well as those who protect the holy city through prayer.  One Christian organization, Proclaiming Justice to the Nations (PJTN) has taken up the torch as a modern watchman of Jerusalem by invalidating and uncovering the lies behind the anti-zionist BDS movement.  Their latest documentary project, entitled Hating Israel: In Search of the Truth Behind BDS, is true to its name. PJTN’s unique methods of exposing the BDS lies make for an educational and enlightening experience.  Join the campaign to uncover the lies behind BDS.

The Anti BDS Video that Will Make You Laugh

Take a peak at the new documentary that is exposing BDS for what it really is: anti-semitism at its worst, and one big bad joke.

The Joke is On BDS

In their latest documentary project, entitled Hating Israel: In Search of the Truth Behind BDS,  PJTN exposes the fallacy of BDS, and reveals its hatred and lies about Israel, through humor!

Blue and Gold Oriental Hamsa Necklace

The Hamsa Necklace is painted with enamel and decorated with beautiful Swarovski crystals and bead patterns. The Hamsa is a common motif in Judaism – It is thought to protect against the “evil eye.” It is derived from a common symbol often used by Sephardic Jews who hailed from Middle Eastern countries.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

The old city of Jerusalem artistically portrayed by Yuval Shlomo.  If these walls could tak, the stories of tears, joy, and thousand of years of history would pour forth.

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  Good morning Rabbi, Thank you for a wonderful page, My husband & I enjoy it, especially Zan. He spends hours reading & digesting everything on Jerusalem365. Have a good week, Noreen Swartzberg
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Saturday, April 9, 2016

Israel's History - a Picture a Day - Time to Get Ready for Passover. The Matza Factories Are Hard at Work

Israel's History - a Picture a Day 

Posted: 08 Apr 2016 
A reprintof a special Passover feature
With Passover just weeks away, Jewish households around the world are purchasing or making their matzot (unleavened bread) for the festival.

One of Judaism's oldest customs, the baking of matza goes back to the Jewish exodus from Egypt.  Ever since, Jews often went to great trouble to bake their cracker-like bread. Jewish communities in Europe and the Arab world faced "blood libels" for making their matza. Ancient synagogues in France built matza bakeries under their synagogues. Jews in Nazi concentration camps risked being shot to bake their Passover "bread." In the former Soviet Union, Jews baked their matza in secret, lest they be discovered and sent to the Gulag.  During major wars, armies made sure to provide matza to their Jewish soldiers.

A matza factory in Haifa.  The signs on the left read "For the purpose of the commandment of matza" -- a reminder to the workers to keep their intentions on the commandment.  The signs on the right, in Hebrew and French,
 read "No smoking" and "No Spitting"  (from the "Cigarbox Collection" provided by Othniel Seiden, circa 1925)

"No smoking or spitting"
'Keep in mind the matza commandment"

Children baking matza in kindergarten in the Holy Land. The teacher is in the center, and it appears there is a tiny oven in front of her. (Harvard/Central Zionist Archives, circa 1920)

Special feature:  
Matza baking in the "New World" 150 years ago

Caption: "General view of preparations and baking matzot, the unleavened bread for the Passover" (Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, New York, April 18, 1858, Library of Congress) Note the rabbi watching.

The Library of Congress Archives has preserved several 150-year old engravings of Jewish customs in New York from Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper.  [See Purim celebration] 

The story we bring today is unusual because of the writer's attempt to describe the New York Jewish community and the Passover holiday.  The first element, rich in Faginesque imageries,  would be considered anti-Semitic by today's standards.  The second element, a description of the holiday customs, is woefully full of mistakes.  Excerpts below:

Any one taking a morning walk through Chatham street will meet enough men whose low stature, shining black eyes, crisp laky hair, stooping shoulders, and eager movements proclaim them of the Hebrew race, to convince him that Jews are prevalent in our city in large numbers.  Exactly how many thousands of the Hebraic people have their present sojourning in New York we have no means of ascertaining, but the number is very considerable, and is on the rapid increase.
Weighing and kneading of the flour with the rabbi
 The Israelitish race preserve to this day their peculiar characteristics as strongly marked, and their national prejudices is as full force as in the days of Darius, King of Persia.  They exist among us, a distinct race, preserving an identity of their own... but whilst constantly intermingling in trade and business with the Gentiles, keeping themselves as separate from the uncircumcised dogs in all social and religious intercourse....They could not keep themselves more apart if they were walled out from the Christian world....
The eating of the unleavened bread for the seven days of the Passover is obligatory on all of the Jewish faith, and it is observed with the most punctilious exactitude by all, old and young, and no matter how poor or rich.  During the seven days this unleavened bread is the only sort permitted to be used, no meat is allowed, and no drop of wine or spirits or fermented liquors.  Fish and some kinds of vegetables are eaten sparingly....

 Click on pictures to enlarge.

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