Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Get Ready for Summer, Israeli-Style! ✡ "Who Rules Over His Spirit" - ISRAEL365

One who is slow to anger is better than a mighty man, and one who rules over his spirit [is better] than one who conquers a city.

טוֹב אֶרֶךְ אַפַּיִם מִגִּבּוֹר וּמשֵׁל בְּרוּחוֹ מִלֹּכֵד עִיר

מִשְׁלֵי טז:לב

tov e-rekh a-pai-yim mi-gi-bor u-mo-shayl b'-ru-kho mi-lo-khayd eer

Today's Israel Inspiration

The Jewish view of a true hero comes from today's verse. A "gibor" - a strong and brave person - is someone who is able to conquer his desire to do wrong. No muscles or loud statements here; simply choosing to do good is heroic and builds one's character. Standing strong in support of Israel is, in today's world, a truly heroic act and one that makes YOU a gibor! Just in time for summer, you can wear your support with a fabulous t-shirt on sale now!

Dive into Summer in Israel

You'll love this video that won 1st prize in an international "Summer in..." video competition. Kudos to Shai Cohen for his incredible short film!

Empire State Building to Shine Blue & White

The Empire State Building will shine blue and white on June 5 for the annual Celebrate Israel Parade and festival in New York City.

Jerusalem Of Gold Gorgeous Music Video

Jerusalem of Gold Nano Necklace part of our Nano Necklace Sale.
Select necklaces on sale now »

Today's Israel Photo

Rebecca Kowalsky's captivating photo a man in prayer, draped in prayer shawl
(in Hebrew, a "tallit").

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Yesterday's gorgeous photo by Noam Chen featured the northern city of Rosh HaNikra, known as a beautiful spot where the sea meets the cliffs.

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

“Always Enjoy Reading My Israel365”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!

Hi, Love to read anything to do with Israel, may they prosper long. Cheers, Garth Jones, South Africa

Shalom Rabbi Tuly, Sent with much love from Western Australia.....I always enjoy reading my Israel365. I am a Christadelphian and you should know that we love and pray for Jews and the peace for Israel. We are Bible students all our lives!. What is the Bible all about? It is all about Israel and the Jews! I brought myself a lovely Star of Israel today, and will wear it with pride! Maureen Tonnessen
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Vision of Valdres from 1968 - Norwegian Woman and The Lord's Return

Vision of Valdres from 1968 - Norwegian Woman and The Lord's Return
- as seen on the Jim Bakker Show aired June 1, 2016

Watch here: Vision of Valdres - The Jim Bakker Show


Wondering if you're hearing God about an assignment or task that terrifies you?

When God's Plan Seems Crazy

Wondering if you're hearing God about an assignment or task that terrifies you? (Michael Hull)

I was standing on the rooftop of a tall building. It was dark outside, but there was plenty of light to be able to see a wooden plank lying flat over the edge of the building, almost like a diving board.
I felt an internal nudge as if I was supposed to stand on that wooden board, so I slowly walked towards it. I quickly realized that something was different about this board. There was nothing that was attaching the board to the rooftop! It was sitting there with no support of any kind. I knew in my heart that I was supposed to stand on it, but I was thinking "This is stupid. If I stand with both feet on this board I'm just going to fall to my death."
I stood there staring at the board for what seemed to be an eternity. I placed one foot on it (and kept the other one firmly planted on the rooftop) to test it and see if there truly was no support there. I was right. No support. I knew I was supposed to get on it, but it just wasn't making any sense.
After a few moments I placed my foot on the board again, and then I felt a gentle but firm push. The board gave way and I started to free fall off of the building. I was terrified for maybe 2 seconds before I heard a voice say, "Check your pocket." I reached into my pocket and there was a button. I heard the voice again. ..."Push it." I pushed the button and a parachute shot out from the button and I started to drift safely. As I was breathing a sigh of relief, I heard in the most loving and comforting voice, "See ... I got you."
That's when I woke up from my dream.
Have you ever felt like the God-given vision and assignment placed before you is completely crazy or impossible or downright terrifying, but you know it's what you're destined to do and it is the will of God concerning you?
It could be related to your business, ministry, professional career, or even your marriage or family.
I want to remind you today that you are not alone. You never were and you never will be.
I want to remind you today that you are equipped for the task ahead of you. You were equipped before you even entered the Earth.
Ephesians 2:10 says: "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath ordained that we should walk in them."
You are God's masterpiece. You are not a product of your past or present environment. You are not a product of your experiences. You are a product of God. You were created for a work that is beneficial, distinguished, and honorable. As far as that assignment or task is concerned? Well, according to the original Greek text the word ordained is proetoimazō which means to fit up in advance (literally or figuratively).
You have been pre-fit and prepared for what's ahead of you.
With that good news in mind, go ahead and take the risk. Step boldly on that wooden plank. Your loving Father's got you.
Shae Bynes is a passionate storyteller, best-selling author, and engaging teacher whose life was completely changed by encountering God. She enjoys the response she receives when she tells people that she is a Firestarter, igniting fires in the marketplace and in the bedrooms around the world. Shae has authored several books on the topics of God-centered and Spirit-led business and marriage and is the Host of The Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Podcast. Visit to learn more.
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Dare to go deeper in your faith. Our "Life in the Spirit" devotional takes you on a journey to explore who the Holy Spirit is, how to interact with Him, and how He works in your life. Are you ready to go deeper?

Apostasy of America- Jonathan Cahn (Day 4) - The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: Apostasy of America- Jonathan Cahn (Day 4) - The Jim Bakker Show

Jim & Lori Bakker

Vision from 1968 to a Norwegian Woman

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn
Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 3006 | Aired on June 1, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

A Pro-Israel Moment at the United Nations? - Israel Today

A Pro-Israel Moment at the United Nations?

Wednesday, June 01, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
“Look around you. This is an historic moment in the UN!”
Those were the words of Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon on Tuesday as he looked out over a packed General Assembly Hall at the start of an event opposing the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.
More than 2,000 attended the session, making it one of the rare occasions, if not the only to date, in which the UN General Assembly Hall could be described as a place of pro-Israel sentiment.
“Never before have so many people, from so many places, gathered here in the General Assembly to declare unanimous support for the State of Israel,” Danon continued.
Under the banner “Building Bridges, Not Boycotts”, Danon explained to the international community that the BDS phenomenon is a thin mask for “modern-day anti-Semitism”, and urged the world to “put an end to its ideology of hatred and lies. …We will not allow the forces of hate to demonize Israel. Together, we will defeat BDS.”
The gathering was addressed by other Jewish and Israeli leaders, and was also regaled by American-Jewish singer and songwriter Matisyahu whose hit “Jerusalem” elicited cheers and applause from the audience.
The video presentation was screened during the session.

Watch here: Pro-Israel Movement at the UN
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It Is Being Reported That Turkish Military Forces Have Entered Syria - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Turkey Syria Border - Google Maps

Posted: 31 May 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

There are international news reports that claim that Turkish military forces have entered Syrian territory and have established positions near the towns of Azaz and Afrin.  If these international news reports are true, then Turkey has essentially declared war on the Assad regime. 

Back in February, I warned that escalating tensions in the region could be the spark that sets off World War III, but things seemed to cool down a bit in March and April.  However, this latest move by Turkey threatens to take the war in Syria to a whole new level, and everyone will be watching to see how the Russians and the Iranians respond to this ground incursion.

So far, it is the Russian media that it taking the lead in reporting about this movement of Syrian forces.  For example, the Sputnik news agency was one of the first to report Turkish military activity around the town of Azaz…
Amid violent clashes between militants of Daesh and troops of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the town of Azaz in northern Aleppo district, reports are surfacing suggesting that the Turkish Army units have been seen located in the district of Azaz.
In addition, Sputnik claims that Turkish military forces entered a small village called Hamam near the town of Afrin on Saturday
“Two days ago, the Turkish military entered the village of Hamam in Afrin area. We are ready to repel any attack. Meanwhile, FSA units are suffering serious defeat in clashes with Daesh. They have already lost control of 12 villages. If Daesh comes to Azaz, ‘Democratic Syrian Forces’ will repel the jihadists, and not allow them to enter the city,” Arac stressed.
The map that I have posted below comes directly from Google Maps, and it shows how far south of the Turkish border the towns of Azaz and Afrin are…

Turkey Syria Border - Google Maps

In particular, the Azaz corridor is considered to be extremely important because that is the primary route that Turkey has been using to resupply jihadist rebels in Aleppo.  So Turkey wants to keep that road open at all costs.

Meanwhile, an Iranian news source is also reporting on this Turkish incursion into Syria…
Member of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PDS) Ahmet Arac said that the hundreds of the Turkish soldiers crossed the Syrian border at Bab al-Salameh border-crossing and deployed their forces in al-Shahba’a region near Marea and Azaz.
“The Turkish Armed Forces are preparing an offensive in the Azaz and Marea regions that have been the scenes of tough battles between the ISIL terrorists and its rival group of the Free Syrian Army,” Arac added.
“Also yesterday the Turkish Army carried out rocket attacks on the positions of Democratic Forces of Syria,” he went on to say.
So far, there has been no confirmation of this invasion from the mainstream media in the western world.  But of course since Turkey is our ally, the Obama administration would not want the media talking about this.  So instead, our big media outlets are giving us headlines such as “Judge sentences Catholic to attend Baptist church” today.

If you have been following my work for a while, you already know that Turkey and Saudi Arabia have been working very hard to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad for years, and Assad knows exactly what Turkey has been up to
“..Turkey, as well as Saudi Arabia, have crossed all possible red lines, possibly from the first weeks of the Syrian war. Today, the war against Erdogan and against Saudi Arabia is a war against terrorists. The Turkish army, which is not even Turkish, is Erdogan’s army that is fighting today in Syria. Everything that Ankara and Riyadh have done from the very beginning can be considered aggression. Aggression in a political sense or in a military sense –providing terrorists with arms – or direct aggression with the use of artillery, and other military violations. Erdogan is directly supporting the terrorists as he allows them to move into Turkish territory, to carry out maneuvers with tanks. This concerns not only individuals, he finances them [terrorists] through Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and through Turkey itself, of course. Turkey trades oil that has been stolen by IS (Islamic State, Daesh), at the same time carrying out artillery attacks against the Syrian army – when it moves close – in order to help the terrorists. They are terrorists and when we attack these terrorists in Syria, this leads to Erdogan’s direct defeat..”
Assad is a very bad man, but everything that he said about Turkey in that quote is true.  Turkey has been giving direct assistance to ISIS, and Barack Obama has known about it the entire time.

Most Americans simply do not understand how insane Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan truly is.  Our “ally” has essentially become a dictator, and he is obsessed with recreating the old Ottoman empire.  These days, political rallies in support of Erdogan are quite reminiscent of what Nazi rallies under Adolf Hitler were like, and there is a nationalistic fervor in Turkey right now that is so intense that it is hard to describe it to someone in the western world.  It is fueled by the rise of radical Islam, but what is going on in Turkey is broader than that.  It is extremely dangerous, and yet nobody in the U.S. criticizes Erdogan because he is our “friend”.

In addition to moving troops into Syria, Turkey already has forces positioned in Iraq, and the Russians are quite upset about this.  Just consider what Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday
This (keeping troops in Iraq) is an absolutely unacceptable position,” it cited Lavrov as saying. “In principle, I believe that what the Turks are doing deserves far greater public attention on the part of our Western partners.”
But for Erdogan, what we have seen so far is just the beginning.  He dreams of creating an Islamic empire, and he envisions himself at the top of the food chain.

This is one reason why he is so virulently against birth control for Islamic women in his country.  He wants the population of Turkey to multiply greatly so that the Turks can fulfill their appointed destiny
In a speech broadcast live on TV, he said “no Muslim family” should consider birth control or family planning.
We will multiply our descendants,” said Mr Erdogan, who became president in August 2014 after serving as prime minister for 12 years.
In fact, Erdogan actually considers it to be “treason” for Islamic women in Turkey to use contraception…
Mr Erdogan himself is a father of four. He has previously spoken out against contraception, describing it as “treason” when speaking at a wedding ceremony in 2014.
He has also urged women to have at least three children, and has said women cannot be treated as equal to men.
Are you starting to see how dangerous this man is?

Our “ally” is an egomaniac dictator that dreams of recreating the Ottoman empire, and he now has troops positioned in both Iraq and Turkey.

And if he isn’t careful, Erdogan may end up starting a major war which would ultimately involve the United States.

Hopefully cooler heads will prevail before events start spinning entirely out of control.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

US-Israel: Who Really Helps Who the Most? - CBN News Chris Mitchell

US-Israel: Who Really Helps Who the Most?
CBN News Chris Mitchell

JERUSALEM, Israel  The United States sends more foreign aid to Israel than to any other nation. While critics suggest that's too much, it turns out the United States gets a significant return on its investment.
The U.S. currently sends around $3 billion to Israel each year.
Some may argue that Israel doesn't deserve those billions, but others contend it represents America's best investment in foreign aid.
One benefit: more U.S. jobs. By law, most of the military aid sent to Israel must be spent back in the United States with American defense contractors. That translates to tens of thousands of jobs.

What's more, when Israel buys weapons like sophisticated U.S. fighter jets, they make their own improvements.
For example, the General Dynamics plant manager asserts that Israel improvements saved the manufacturer 10 to 20 years of research and development. He estimated that led to more than 700 modifications to the current F-16 "valued at mega-billion dollar bonanza to the manufacturer…."

Another benefit: intelligence. Gen. George Keegan, the former chief of U.S. Air Force Intelligence, said Israel provided intelligence on the Air Force capabilities, new weapons, electronics and jamming devices of mutual U.S., Israeli adversaries.
"I could not have procured the intelligence…with five CIAs," he said.

Israel also provides U.S. Special Operation teams with invaluable experience and training before they head to war zones in the Middle East.

Perhaps the biggest U.S. benefit is strengthening its number one Middle East ally at a time when both are on the front lines of the war against Islamic terror.

Pat Robertson & Yoram Ettinger
*Yoram Ettinger is an adviser to Israel's Knesset and former liaison to the United States Congress. He'll share more about the other ways the U.S. benefits from sending aid to Israel on Monday's edition of "The 700 Club." Check your local listings or after 11 a.m for the interview.
Watch here: Israel &USA

The War on Gender Distinction - Rick Joyner's Prophetic Perspective

Rick Joyner

Watch here: The War on Gender Distinction - Rick Joyner's Prophetic Perspective

The War on Gender Distinction
Rick Joyner
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Rick talks about the current bathroom battle regarding the HB2 bill. He gives one definition of insanity as one's inability to distinguish feelings from reality. We must not stay silent on this issue.

Russia to Return Israeli Tank Captured 34 Years Ago By Jonathan Benedek - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Tank Captured by Syria, Stored in Russia, to be Returned to Israel 29.5.16 (Photo: Courtesy)

Russia to Return Israeli Tank Captured 34 Years Ago

“Trust in the LORD with all thy heart, and lean not upon thine own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5 (The Israel Bible™)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his gratitude to Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday for signing a presidential decree ordering the return to Israel of an IDF tank that was captured 34 years ago during a ferocious battle in the First Lebanon War.
“I thank the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, that he responded to my request to return the tank from the Battle of Sultan Yacoub to Israel,” Netanyahu said.
The tank, used by the IDF during the Battle of Sultan Yacoub during the First Lebanon War on June 10, 1982, was captured by the Syrian army and eventually transported to the Soviet Union, then a Cold-War ally with Syria. The tank has since remained in Moscow, stored in a museum of armored tanks.
MK Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan, the former deputy defense minister, was an officer in artillery unit 7054 that helped rescue a battalion of Israeli tanks trapped by a Syrian ambush in Sultan Yacoub, Lebanon.
“We fired the whole night, and in the morning the battalion was rescued – except for that one tank and the three missing soldiers, whose fate is still unknown today,” Ben-Dahan recalled to Tazpit Press Service (TPS), referring to the continued mystery behind three IDF soldiers, Zachary Baumel, Zvi Feldman, and Yehuda Katz, who went missing in action during the Battle of Sultan Yacoub. During the entire battle, 30 Israeli soldiers were killed and eight tanks were lost.
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“Hearing about the return of the tank sends me back 34 years,” Ben-Dahan told TPS. “It gave me chills.”
Ben-Dahan also expressed hope that the tank’s return might bring news about the fate of the missing soldiers, though he said he cannot comment on any discussions or progress toward that goal.
Netanyahu raised the issue of returning the tank with Putin last month, after having received a request from IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot.
“For the families of the soldiers missing in action, Zachary Baumel, Zvi Feldman, and Yehuda Katz, there is no trace of the boys nor a burial plot to go to for 34 years now,” noted Netanyahu. “The tank is the only evidence of the battle, and now it will be returned to Israel thanks to President Putin’s response to my request.”
A delegation from the IDF’s Ordnance Corps is in Moscow working with representatives from the Russian army to transport the tank back to Israel as soon as possible.

Babylon's Fall: Don't Believe the Stock Market Lies - MICHAEL SNYDER CHARISMA NEWS

Babylon's Fall: Don't Believe the Stock Market Lies

In the "real economy," stuff is bought and sold and shipped around the country by trucks, railroads and planes. When more stuff is being bought and sold and shipped around the country, the "real economy" is growing, and when less stuff is being bought and sold and shipped around the country, the "real economy" is shrinking.
I know that might sound really basic, but I want everyone to be on the same page as we proceed in this article. Just because stock prices are artificially high right now does not mean that the U.S. economy is in good shape. In fact, there was a stock rally at this exact time of the year in 2008 even though the underlying economic fundamentals were rapidly deteriorating. We all remember what happened later that year, so we should not exactly be rejoicing that precisely the same pattern that we witnessed in 2008 is happening again right in front of our eyes.
Watch the video to see more. 
Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of End Of The American Dream. Michael’s controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled "The Rapture Verdict"is available in paperback and for the Kindle on
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