Friday, June 24, 2016

Is the Gospel Age Ending? - Brian Hennessy ISRAEL TODAY

Is the Gospel Age Ending?

Friday, June 24, 2016 |  Brian Hennessy  ISRAEL TODAY

Want more news from Israel?
We know that God has set times to accomplish His purposes, for the Bible tells us “there is an appointed time for everything” (Eccl. 3:1). We saw it with Israel’s 40 years in the wilderness, in their 70-year incarceration in Babylon and more recently her return to the land after a 2000-year Roman exile. Once His purposes are accomplished, and the lessons learned, He moves on to the next phase of His plan to redeem, not only Israel, but the whole world.
So what is “the Gospel Age,” and what happens when it ends? By “the Gospel Age” I mean that time period Yeshua spoke of when, following his resurrection, his Jewish disciples asked if he was now restoring the kingdom to Israel? He said only the Father knew for sure when it would come. In the meantime they had work to do. But it couldn’t begin until they’d received the power of the Holy Spirit. Then they were to go forth and “be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth"(Acts 1:8).
In other words, the rest of the world still had to hear the good news that God had given His son as a sacrifice to atone for our sins, and that now all was forgiven. At this point, of course, the disciples were clueless that the goyiim were going to be the main target in this Gospel outreach. Or that many generations would have to come and go before the job was done and God’s kingdom (the Messianic kingdom of Israel) could appear. 
Well, that was then and this is now. And my Spirit alarm clock is blaring, telling me to wake up and get ready – it’s God’s “set time to favor Zion” (Ps. 102:13). 
To begin, notice the path the Gospel would travel according to Yeshua. It was to start in Jerusalem. And indeed it did when three thousand Jews were saved following Peter’s first sermon on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:41). But that revival would be short lived. The majority of Jewish Israel, led initially by an irate, unsaved Saul, would reject it vehemently, forcing the disciples to take the message northward. To Samaria (Acts 8:5), Damascus (Acts 9:19,20), Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch (Acts 11:19), and finally to Greece and Rome and eventually every nation on earth.  And to make certain there would be no going back to Jerusalem God sent in Rome to slam the door behind them. 
But now it has been reopened in our day look - and look what is happening in the world. The Western nations of Europe and America, where the Gospel prospered most and was then sent out to other nations, have largely abandoned their “Christian” world view.  Indeed, they are embracing the tenets of atheistic humanism more and more each day. Consequently, all manner of evil has broken out in our societies. Christians (and Jews) are beginning to feel like outsiders in their own nations. Our churches have also succumbed to worldly values and largely abandoned the teachings of the Bible. No wonder so many have become mausoleums. Or rock concert halls. Or feel-good coffee houses. Or even mosques. Places where God’s biblical truths are no longer heard.
At the same time, look at where the Gospel is flourishing. Among the Muslim nations that surround Israel. Tens of thousands are being motivated to find this Jesus they are meeting supernaturally in dreams and visions. They are then being led to believers to hear the Gospel for the first time, and getting saved.  In other words, the Gospel that went out like a tsunami to crash upon distant shores is receding back from whence it came. It is headed back to Jerusalem. 
Isn’t that what Paul prophesied would happen in the last days? After describing how the wild, uncultivated Gentile olive branches were being grafted into the cultivated olive tree of Israel through the Gospel, he said this: “I do not want you, brethren, to be uninformed of this mystery, that a partial hardening has happened to Israel, UNTIL the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. And so [in this way] all Israel will be saved” (Rom. 11:25,26).
Paul’s “until” is a timing word. It implies the beginning of something. And also the end of something. It means the Jews who had been deliberately hardened by God to the Gospel for centuries will finally be given ears to hear it. And that all the Gentiles who had been harvested by the Gospel would “come in” to the land to join their Jewish brethren as the Israel of God. Then all Israel would be saved! Both Isaiah and Jeremiah clearly prophesied about this coming second exodus of God’s people out of all the nations (Isaiah 11:1-16 and Jer. 23:5-8).
Understood, of course, is that when all those who had received the Gospel exit their former homelands the Gospel door will slam shut behind them. And the light will go out from those countries. “And darkness will cover the earth, and deep darkness the peoples” (Isa. 60:2).
It appears time is running out for the nations. 
Brian Hennessy is author of Valley of the Steeples
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Morris Ruddick


(c) Morris E. Ruddick

Back in the early eighties, I served on the Political and Public Affairs Committee of one the most powerful trade associations in the energy business. In addressing one of our agendas, the Chairman of the committee and CEO of the Rowan Companies, posed an illustration. He suggested that had the rogue, totalitarian governments of the world announced plans to begin hanging all the capitalists across the globe; that what we could expect --- probably the next day --- would be a Western rope salesman at their door.
There is nothing wrong with opportunity. Yet, we have entered a season in which those who define their identities and destinies as believers, both in ministry and in business, need to reevaluate the assumptions. The issue first relates to what in Jewish tradition might be termed the Issachar context --- of understanding the times and knowing what to do.  Understanding the times presumes a perspective based on a realistic worldview. Otherwise, the presumption of knowing what to do will be flawed and fall short. 
The issue also has a specific bearing on our priorities and what we consider as opportunity -- as we seek to live according to God's priorities, in advancing what has long been referred to as the Kingdom of God. 
Unfortunately, the priorities of believers in the West, typically, have little semblance to the priorities of believers in the two-thirds of the world with little or no middle class. While the Western Church has never been short on charity and philanthropy in its response to the realities faced by those in the rest of the world; yet strategically, the model for transformation, by and large, has been a short-sighted, Western model, based on a subtle element of Western dependency.
It has fallen short in establishing non-Western believers to be the head and not the tail in their own lands. So, the stark realities of oppression, persecution and poverty, that prevail across the majority of the world, remain.
Priority and Opportunity
The issue concerns priorities and opportunity. It has been written:
"While then we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, but especially to those who are of the household of the faith."
Within the context of taking advantage of opportunity, our first priority then is to build up the household of faith. That principle has been modeled and stressed throughout both Jewish and Christian scripture.
In the mid-90s, I penned my first article about the modern-day destiny shaped like that of Joseph the Patriarch. This modern-day "Joseph-calling" will play a significant role in addressing a time of crisis coming upon the earth. 
However, the model for far too many embracing today's Joseph calling, with its anticipated role in administrating resources and power in a time of crisis, has yielded to pop-Christian culture, with a Western-dependent, Western-centric wineskin.  The fact is that in two-thirds of the world, the majority of the people are already in crisis and the realistic opportunities are being blinded by incredibly short-sighted mind-sets.
To start recognizing the opportunities in order to make a difference where there is crisis, the current move of God underway in the marketplace is going to have to begin challenging the precepts of both our worldview and the standards by which we are ascribing our priorities.  Modern-day Josephs must be at the epicenter in recognizing these opportunities as the Western Church awakens to the plight of the brethren already living under conditions of crisis, poverty and oppression.
In a post I wrote several years ago, I shared that the dynamic being referred to as the wealth transfer is not about money. It will have its focus on resources and power. While it may involve money, the wealth transfer will be part of the prelude to the clash of all ages. The clash of all ages will pivot on Israel and extend worldwide - and spark the release of the restoration of God's order and prophetic destiny for His creation.
It is this restoration of God's authority that will unleash unexpected societal change. It will give focus to the central message expounded by Jesus when He walked the face of the earth: the Kingdom of God. 
The Kingdom of God
The issue relates to change during a time of change. Central to the change that builds God's Kingdom and not a false illusion of it, will be the new-wine skin orientation of how we respond to prioritizing opportunity.
During the same time frame that my friend from the Rowan Companies was commenting on misguided opportunism, Apple Computer's founder Steve Jobs challenged Pepsi's vice-president John Skully (the man who orchestrated the Pepsi Challenge ad campaign that snatched significant market share from Coke) with these words:  "Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want to change the world?" 
That question strips the superficialities from our notions of success and really hits the priority nail on the head. Every modern-day Joseph should be embracing opportunity within this context and operating as a change-artist, to actively change conditions in the world in the sphere of their calling.
Realities, Opportunity and Focus
Margaret Thatcher once commented that Ronald Reagan "ended the cold war and made the world safer for democracy and capitalism."  While I agree, my prayer is that the path he paved was for something more significant than opportunity for the capitalist rope peddlers.
My prayer also, is that those emerging as today's Josephs are genuinely facing the realities that operate outside the sphere of the West. Such a focus will give priority to mobilizing and building up those who are of the household of faith in these lands.
Unfortunately, many sincere Western Christians, in their old wineskin zeal, unwittingly prop up and perpetuate the very systems and organizations that persecute and oppress those of the household of faith in lands outside the West. It may not be selling the rope to hang the capitalists, but if it fails to build up the believing community, then it is flawed and falls short. 
Jesus spent a lot of time with His followers imparting the principles of faith. Faith is both a relational and an operational thing. Relationally with God, it first closes the gap between the seen world and the unseen spiritual world. That in turn is the gateway into the second relational dimension, as we employ our gifts and callings to serve in making a difference for those around us. With that foundation, operationally faith then restores God's order and purposes where it is broken, where there is crisis. 
The Kingdom of God involves the employment of power, God's power. God's power is a challenge to corrupt power. Kingdom principles often contradict accepted ways of the world.  The fact is that spirit controls matter and is a foundational premise of God's power.
The words of Jesus, expounding on the words of Moses and the prophets, call for a breaking of the mold. It is an issue of fixing what is broken.  We need to recapture the wineskin-for-change to rebuild the broken walls and restore the losses that got diverted from the vibrant momentum evidenced in the first century Church.
The early Church was referred to as those who were turning the world upside down.  Turning the world upside down today is not going to happen by blindly importing and leveraging Western expertise and funds into lands of crisis; or by schmoozing the local temporal and religious power brokers.
It is going to begin from within; by mobilizing and equipping local believers who have a grasp to build community and extend the mantle first given to Abraham to those around them: to be blessed to be a blessing. From that point creativity and discovery will result.
Joseph the Patriarch was totally integrated into Egyptian society, to the degree that his brothers didn't recognize him until he chose to reveal himself to them. He was faithful in administrating the authority entrusted to him, at each operational level, during his tenure in Egypt. God is not looking for rope peddlers to serve as benevolent, power-brokers. 
Like Joseph the Patriarch, the calling today is completely outside-the-box of what may have been previously acceptable operating parameters. This will bear significantly on how we approach opportunity, based on these higher-dimension priorities.
The Seduction of Power
Today's apostles-of-change are at the helm in a huge power-shift. It is a power shift that challenges the combined status quo of the spiritual, community and economic dimensions that govern entire societies. It challenges the business and technological foundations.
Unfortunately, power seduces, blinds and corrupts. If it is not the seduction of responding to opportunity to selling rope to those who intend to hang the capitalists; then it is the outmoded wine-skin adages that keep the Josephs operating passively, limiting the potential of what could be the true impact.
In reality we have entered a time of discovery and a time of accelerated change. Today's Josephs are called to be at the forefront of this discovery and change. Today's Josephs are catalysts for change, rebuilding and releasing restoration with community and economic initiatives in arenas of crisis.
This is why the Joseph calling will not operate outside the cloak of humility. It is a calling that excludes the power-hungry and the social climbers. It excludes those who actively or passively abuse their authority; or give place to condescension and the subtleties of spiritual snobbery.
Humility was foundational for everything that Joseph was called to do. Humility, among those with this high calling, cannot be achieved outside of recognizing our utter inability to accomplish God's purposes, aside from abiding completely in Him. Interlinked with humility is the need for a genuine listening heart, one that is poised and practiced in hearing from God and is intent on hearing the hearts of others.
The difference between operating in a mode of "what we can do for God," versus what He is allowing to do through us, is not just subtle, but of such significance that it will impact the results for eternity.
True Opportunity's Gateway: Redirected Priorities
Joseph stood alone in his calling. His promotion into the fullness of his destiny did not come as a result of his own efforts or ethical standards, however exceptional they may have been. It was certainly not the result of his boss, Potiphar's unwavering support. Nor was it the result of the timeliness of the cupbearer remembering to intervene.
Joseph yielded to God's purposes at every step. His promotion to become Pharaoh's right-hand man came directly from the Lord. His promotion into the fullness of his destiny came at a critical juncture in time when there would be no question with the priorities penetrating the opportunity with pinpoint precision. God was the One who put things in order and established the timing with the dreams He gave Pharaoh.
Joseph's agendas, when sitting alongside of Pharaoh, became the gateway through which God re-navigated and re-set the stage for his purposes for His people Israel for all eternity, while profoundly blessing the peoples around them in the process.
The reality is that both the crisis and the foundation for the long-awaited wealth transfer are upon us. The issue is one of dispersing and dispensing. There is a need to disperse the smokescreens that enshroud the priorities. With realistic priorities, the task is then to mobilize believers prepared in their own lands to become the head and not the tail to address the times of crisis and disruption. With that alignment will come the opportunities and discoveries tied to dispensing the wealth.
The challenge for those in church leadership is this:  When the fire passes from the burning of the chaff, what is it that will remain from the efforts expended? Will you be known as using your gifts and resources to build up mobilizers who are aligned with the shift underway and who tangibly rebuild and bring restoration to those parts of the world where corruption, distress and affliction prevail?
Then the challenge for the modern-day Josephs is:  What will your legacy be? When the Lord separates the sheep and the goats, will eternity see you as one who provided the rope for those perpetuating the crises and even undermining the higher dimensions of God's purposes; or will you use your resources to mobilize and equip the brethren to help their own people to rebuild in lands of crisis and turmoil.
And for each of us, the question is what have we done about God's unfolding destiny for Israel and the Jewish people? May the Lord individually give us the revelation and wisdom to ensure our focus and priorities are on the opportunities and goals that serve the purposes of the One who sees in secret; rather than on the recognition and praise that come from the short-sighted worldviews and perspectives that gain the approval of men. As it has been written:
"Then He will answer them and say, inasmuch as you did it to the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me." 
Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner and spokesman for the higher dimensions of business leadership since the mid-90s. As founder of Global Initiatives Foundation and designer of the God's Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program, Mr. Ruddick imparts hope and equips economic community builders to be blessed to be a blessing where God's light is dim in diverse regions around the globe.
He is author of "The Joseph-Daniel Calling;" "Gods Economy, Israel and the Nations;" "The Heart of a King;" "Something More;" "Righteous Power in a Corrupt World;" "Leadership by Anointing;" and "Mantle of Fire," which address the mobilization of business and governmental leaders with destinies to impact their communities. They are available in print and e-versions from and
Global Initiatives Foundation ( is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts are enabled by the generosity of a remnant of faithful friends and contributors whose vision aligns with God's heart to mobilize economic community builders imparting influence and the blessings of God. Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives and mailed to PO Box 370291, Denver CO 80237 or by credit card at
Likewise, email us to schedule a seminar for your group's gathering on the Joseph-Daniel Calling or on anointing the creative in business.
2016 Copyright Morris Ruddick --
Reproduction is prohibited unless permission is given by a SIGN advisor. Since early 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) has mobilized prophetic intercessors and leaders committed to targeting strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For previous posts or more information on SIGN, check:
Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation

Global Initiatives is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 organization
Global Initiatives Foundation, PO Box 370291, Denver, CO 80237

Democrats, LGBT Activists' Sinister Plan to Crack Down on Christian Schools - TODD STARNES CHARISMA NEWS

If California Democrats have their way, Christian colleges and universities will no longer be allowed to require students attend chapel services or require them to profess a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Democrats, LGBT Activists' Sinister Plan to Crack Down on Christian Schools

If California Democrats have their way, Christian colleges and universities will no longer be allowed to require students attend chapel services or require them to profess a relationship with Jesus Christ. (Jay Galvin/Flickr/Creative Commons)
If California Democrats have their way, Christian colleges and universities will no longer be allowed to require students attend chapel services or require them to profess a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Senate Bill 1146 would close a loophole that lawmakers say allows Christian universities to discriminate against students based on their gender identity, gender expression or sexual orientation.
"All students deserve to feel safe in institutions of higher education, regardless of whether they are public or private," said Senator Ricardo Lara, the author of the legislation. "California has established strong protections for the LGBTQ community and private universities should not be able to use faith as an excuse to discriminate and avoid complying with state laws."
The legislation has already passed the Senate and is expected to clear hurdles in the Assembly. Thus far, Lara has refused to compromise with the state's Christian colleges and universities.
"No university should have a license to discriminate," he said in a statement. 
If the loophole is closed, it would only exempt schools that prepare students for pastoral ministry. 
"It discriminates against religious colleges, said John Jackson, the president of William Jessup University. "If we don't play ball with state—the state will attempt to drive us out of existence."
The president of the Sacramento-based university called the proposed legislation chilling.
"The passage of this bill would destroy the foundation upon which this university was founded," said Jackson. "Systematically discriminating against religious institutions and preventing student access and choice to Christian higher education is bad policy and will have a negative effect on the state of California."
Lee Wilhite, vice president of university communications at Biola University, said they, too, have serious concerns with the bill.
"It functionally eliminates the religious liberty of all California faith-based universities," he told me. "It really does infringe on how we carry out our mission."
Like most Christian universities, Biola integrates the Bible through all of their courses—something they've been doing for more than 100 years.
If the loophole is closed, it could have a devastating impact on faith-based institutions.
"We would no longer be able to require a profession of faith for students," Wichita said. "That's something Biola requires of all incoming students."
Schools would no longer be allowed to integrate faith throughout their teaching curriculum, he added. 
Leaders at three universities I spoke to say that they would not be allowed to require mandatory chapel attendance or mandatory core units of Bible courses.
"The danger for Biola University is that it prevents us from carrying out our mission the way we have for 108 years," Wichita said. "It would eliminate our ability to continue our mission. That's why it has our attention."
The legislation would also give students a right to sue if—for example—they were offended by a prayer in a class.
Biola and William Jessup refute the notion that LGBT students are discriminated against on their campuses.
"We don't tolerate harassment or bullying of any of our students," Wilhite told me. 
Many of the schools are working with the Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities to urge Lara to amend his bill to include a religious exemption.
"If passed without amendments, the new law would also very likely disqualify students attending California Christian colleges and universities from eligibility for Cal Grants, a key state-level student aid program," wrote Kurt Krueger, president of Concordia University Irvine. 
Azusa Pacific University President Jon Wallace, penned a passionate op-ed for the San Gabriel Valley Tribune
"Sen. Lara wants to safeguard LGBT students. We want the same protection for all students, including members of the LGBT community. The bill calls for more transparency from schools about their beliefs and recourse for unfair treatment. We share his concerns about student safety, transparency and recourse. With every prospective student, we share who we are, we provide the framework for how we build community and do life together and we ask those who enroll to uphold our student standards of conduct. Right now the proposed bill would invite challenges to required chapel attendance and public and communal observation of Christian sacraments such as the Eucharist and baptisms, among other activities central to our identity."
Several of the universities I contacted said they are going to respectfully stand their ground—even if it means taking their case to the Supreme Court of the United States. 
"We are not willing to change our policies," Jackson said. "There is a very intentional attempt to marginalize those who don't accept the notions of sexual orientation and gender identity as the government has framed them."
And Jackson warned that what's happening in California could happen in other parts of the country. 
"Religious freedoms are in play in California," Jackson told me. "Ultimately, I'm concerned that what begins in California rolls across the nation."
Todd Starnes is host of "Fox News & Commentary," heard on hundreds of radio stations. Sign up for his American Dispatch newsletter, be sure to join his Facebook page and follow him on Twitter. His latest book is God Less America.
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EU Applauds Anti-Semitic Libel, Then Gets Rocked by UK Vote - Israel Today

EU Applauds Anti-Semitic Libel, Then Gets Rocked by UK Vote

Friday, June 24, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff

Want more news from Israel?
“Moderate” Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday used his opportunity to address to the European Union Parliament in Brussels to screech out wildly unsubstantiated conspiracy theories regarding Israel.
In allegations echoing a popular medieval anti-Semitic libel, Abbas charged, “Only a week ago, a number of rabbis in Israel announced, and made a clear announcement, demanding that their government poison the water to kill the Palestinians. Isn’t that clear incitement to commit mass killings against the Palestinian people?”
Abbas and his regime based their claim off a Turkish state news agency report that a “Rabbi Shlomo Mlma, chairman of the Council of Rabbis in the West Bank settlements”, had called on Jewish settlers to poison Palestinian water supplies.
But investigations by Reuters and other news agencies were unable to find any such edict, or, indeed, a rabbi named Shlomo Mlma or an organization called the Council of Rabbis.
In other words, the entire affair was fabricated.
But that didn’t stop the European lawmakers from giving Abbas a standing ovation following his libelous speech.
Perhaps it was no coincidence that this happened on the very same day, in fact just hours before the British public rocked the EU by voting to pull their nation out of the politico-economic union, a move that could have devastating economic consequences for the continent.
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We Are At War (Day 1) - Rick Wiles on The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: We Are At War (Day 1) - Rick Wiles on The Jim Bakker Show

Rick Wiles
Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 3022 | Aired on June 23, 2016

ISIS, Islamic Terrorism, Moral Decline, Syria, Terrorism, United States, Violence
Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

Secret Map Reveals Hidden Temple Vessels ✡ "We Arrived at the Land" - ISRAEL365

We arrived at the Land to which you sent us,
and indeed it flows with milk and honey.

בָּאנוּ אֶל הָאָרֶץ אֲשֶׁר שְׁלַחְתָּנוּ וְגַם זָבַת חָלָב וּדְבַשׁ הִוא

במדבר פרק יג:כז

ba-nu el ha-a-retz a-sher sh'-lakh-ta-nu v'-gam za-vat kha-lav u-d'-vash hu

Shabbat Inspiration

This week’s Torah portion contains one of the worst, if not the single gravest sin in the entire Torah: the slanderous report of the spies against the Land of Israel. Moses sends one representative from each tribe to scout out the territory and ten of the twelve return with a negative report. Only Caleb and Joshua have faith in God and speak positively about Israel. Whereas God forgives many sins throughout the Bible, slandering Israel is completely unacceptable and the entire generation is punished with 40 years of wandering. We must all be more like Caleb and Joshua and speak positively about Israel at every opportunity! Learn more with a free Israel Bible Reading Plan, and you'll get our inspiring eBook "24 Inspirational Verses" with gorgeous photos of the Land.

A Secret Map Shows Location of King Solomon's Hidden Vessels

This astounding video reveals secret clues to the location of the hidden Temple vessels. Includes a unique message from the Prime Minister of Israel!

How a Biblical Herd Returns to Israel

A Pastoral Aliyah? A herd of Biblical sheep making their way back to the Holy Land is surely a sign of the imminent Redemption.

The Biblical Israel of yesterday, is the Israel of today

With this Touch Israel Biblical Map you can now have the famous sites and cities of Israel under your fingertips. Learn more about anicent Israel and what it looks like in relation to the modern state of Israel.
Buy a Touch Israel Biblical Map today! »

Today's Israel Photo

Boruch Len took this amazing photo of a bee in flight over a cactus flower. The cactus plant is a "sabra" in Hebrew, which is also the word used to describe a native Israeli: prickly on the outside but sweet on the inside!

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Judith Davies of Kentfield, California. Todah rabah!

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Thank you so much for your daily news and videos . I live in England but I love Israel and enjoy your daily contact.- William Hare

From Camden, Arkansas. Praying for Israel!- Buddy Roe
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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