Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Faithful - In All His Ways - latest book by Steve Martin

Read the latest publication. Available now.

Available now on $5.95 Buy here.

Kindle $1.99 Buy here.

Continuing with another book edition of my latest inspirational writings of Now Think of This, I hope you are encouraged in your daily faith, to be faithful, as our Lord Jesus is faithful in all His ways. 

Our main example and inspiration is the Lord Jesus Himself, Who was faithful to the end. Others that have followed since His time on earth have stood for the truth He spoke. We do well to keep our eyes stayed on Him, so we too can practice faithfulness in the days, which I believe are near the end as the Bible speaks of before His promised return.

My prayer is that these short messages will help build your faith, stand for truth, and continue to be a light in the darkness that seeks to cover the earth.

The Lord Jesus is coming back, as the Lion of Judah, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. All eyes will see Him in the clouds, riding His mighty stead, the One Who is Faithful and True.

Even so, come Lord Yeshua.


Steve Martin
Charlotte, NC

List Price: $5.95
6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm) 
Black & White on White paper
120 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1537755656 (CreateSpace-Assigned)
ISBN-10: 153775565X
BISAC: Body, Mind & Spirit / Inspiration & Personal Growth

Available now on - Paperback: 5.95 Buy here.

Kindle $1.99 Buy here.

About The Author

Steve Martin served with three Christian ministries from 1987-2010, all having a national and international outreach focus. During that time he made 14 ministry trips to Israel, China, India, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United Kingdom. 

On his overseas journeys Steve enjoyed sharing written journal entries with family and friends back home, through Internet media. His light-hearted stories gave an up close and personal touch for those reading along. Many could imagine being there themselves.

His extensive collection of photos taken during these trips, of both local scenery and common people on the streets, has touched thousands through their varied images.

In 2010, Steve and Laurie began Love For His People, Inc, a 501©3 non-profit humanitarian aid ministry. This work touches the natural and spiritual lives of those around them with needed encouragement and strength. 

His regular messages Now Think On This are posted on the ministries Love For His People and Now Think of This blogs. They are also on Facebook and Twitter, featuring words of spiritual enrichment, along with selected photos.

Since 1994, Steve and his good wife Laurie have lived in the Charlotte, NC area, after having homes in Illinois, Michigan and Florida. Now married for more than 39 years, they enjoy their four adult children and spouses (Josh and Chelsie, Ben, Hannah and Jonathan, Christen and Andrew), along with our seven additional grandchildren – Daniel, Logan, Dylan Joy, Jensen, Payton, Jack and Levi Zachary.

While continuing to serve organizations with his accounting skills, he enjoys writing, photography and growing the ministry of Love For His People, Inc.

Available now on $5.95 Paperback - buy here.

Kindle $1.99 Buy here.

Kindle Product Details

  • File Size: 3217 KB
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Martin Lighthouse Publishing (September 20, 2016)
  • Publication Date: September 20, 2016
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
  • Language: English
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
  • X-Ray:
  • Word Wise: Not Enabled
  • Lending: Enabled
  • Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled 

Also available from Steve Martin

Amazon $6.95 Buy here: End of Days

Amazon $7.99 Buy Here: 12 - by Steve Martin

Amazon $5.99 Buy here: Arms of Love

Creepy Clown Sightings Sweep The Nation As The Threats Of Violence Become Even More Chilling - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG


Posted: 20 Sep 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

All over America sick and twisted people are dressing up like creepy clowns in order to frighten the living daylights out of others.  This trend started back in August, and since then social media has helped it spread like wildfire.  So far there have been creepy clown sightings in 11 different states, and Mississippi and Kentucky have been added to the list since my last article

A lot of young kids seem to think that this is a great idea for a “prank”, but authorities are taking the creepy clown phenomenon very, very seriously because in recent days the threats of violence have become much more chilling.  Individuals posing as “creepy clowns” on social media are openly naming specific schools that they plan to target and are threatening to commit horrific acts of violence.  That may sound like an interesting plot for a Hollywood horror movie, but in real life these kinds of threats have very serious consequences.

On Monday, several schools in Alabama were placed on lockdown due to threats from a group known as “Flomo Klown”
A number of Alabama schools were on lockdown on Monday after a series of Facebook posts from users posing as clowns threatened local children with violence.
Posts on the group ‘Flomo Klown’ warned that clowns may show up at two schools in the Birmingham area and one student alerted local police.
Fortunately, authorities were able to identify the people that were making those threats.  The police discovered that two juveniles and one adult were involved, and so far one arrest has been made in the case.

But that isn’t the only example of “creepy clowns” threatening to commit violence at schools.  A short-lived Facebook account under the name of “Bingerman Clownferd” issued a profanity-laced warning to five specific schools in the Montgomery, Alabama area on September 17th.  The following comes from a local Montgomery news report
A newly created Facebook account named Bingerman Clownferd began posting about visiting Montgomery schools last week. This weekend, Clownferd caused a stir on social media with a post listing which Montgomery schools would be visited:

The posts include vulgar language and threats of violence and began the day after Flomaton Police Department arrested two juveniles and an adult for a similar threat that caused a soft lockdown at Flomaton schools.
“I’m the southlawn clown I saw all of you all today at school I watched y’all walk home ik who y’all are if I don’t get u tonight it will be monday (sic),” Clownferd posted on Sept. 16.
As I stated above, law enforcement authorities are taking these threats very seriously.  And considering the terror attacks that we just witnessed in New York, New Jersey and Minnesota, they would be foolish not to do so.

Elsewhere in Alabama, security was tightened at a middle school in Calhoun County because someone on Facebook threatened to come to the school and “start shooting”
Extra deputies patrolled Saks Middle School in Calhoun County after someone threatened on Facebook to start shooting at the school. A 16-year-old Pleasant Valley resident was arrested and charged with terrorist threats. Since the suspect is a minor, their name was a not released. Calhoun County Chief Deputy Matthew Wade described the incident as troubling.
“It’s really disturbing in today’s world that people are doing this to scare others,” he said. “We are going to find the people who did this. There are consequences when you make threats.”
In Etowah County, a social media post hinting about a clown visit at Rainbow Middle School and John Jones Elementary caught authorities attention on Sunday. Police presence was increased at the schools on Monday and a Gadsden City High School freshman was questioned by Rainbow City Police about the matter. Chief Jonathon Horton said the department is collaborating with juvenile probation and the Gadsden City School system to figure out how to move forward in the case.
No “prank” should ever involve threats of violence.  Many young people don’t realize this, but anonymous threats of violence can actually get you charged under terrorism laws.  So you may think that what you are doing is quite funny, but it could end up landing you behind bars for an extended period of time.

Some sick individuals have gone beyond threats and are actually terrorizing people in person.  Just check out what happened in Brighton, Alabama on Sunday andMonday
In Brighton, a suspect dressed as a clown jumped out of the bushes and chased two teens down the street on Sunday. The incident happened at 8 p.m. on Huntsville Avenue near King Street.
Authorities said the suspect fled in a white van similar to a Chevrolet Astro Van. Brighton police Chief Ray Hubbart said the children and their parents are still a little terrified. Since the investigation is ongoing, anyone with information is asked to call Brighton police at 205-425-8934.
In another incident, on Monday night an 18-year-old was arrested in West Blocton after jumping in front of a car while wearing a clown maskaccording to WBRC.
A similar incident just took place in northwest Georgia, but in this instance the “creepy clown” was actually holding what appeared to be a knife…
The first incident involved a “creepy clown” chasing a couple of kids from a store parking lot back to their home, reports show.
“According to the complainant, a person dressed as a creepy clown and wielding what appeared to be a knife, allegedly chased her 17-year-old daughter and 11-year-old niece from the lot of the Mapco convenience store back to their Fernwood Drive apartment,” officer Mitchell Moore said.
Was it just a prank, or did that “creepy clown” actually intend to do harm to those children?
Fortunately we did not find out, and it was probably just someone trying to pull a “prank”, but if authorities would have caught up with this individual they would have thrown him in jail.

With each passing day, more photos of these “creepy clowns” are being posted on social media websites.  A Facebook user named Jamie Hill just posted a picture of a “creepy clown” that is getting a lot of attention that was taken on the side of the 192 highway in London, Kentucky.  You can view it on Facebook right here


This is the description that Jamie Hill posted along with the photograph…
So, I was a little scared to post this because I didn’t think anyone would believe me until Kelly Hill told me that one of her friends just had seen a clown here in London. Amy Gunter And I was out tonight & was headed back home on 192 & saw this. Now, it’s not a really good picture because I couldn’t stop, there was people behind me. I seriously think this clown thing has gotten out of hand & someone is going to get hurt. Please share this so people around London will know that they are here!
As I stated in my previous article, dressing up as a “creepy clown” is a quick and easy way for unbalanced individuals to get media attention, and so we are likely to see this trend continue to intensify.  And of course Halloween is quickly approaching, and creepy clown costumes are always popular this time of the year.

But this has long since stopped being funny.  The threats of violence are becoming increasingly disturbing, and it is only a matter of time before someone goes too far and people start getting seriously hurt.  So let us hope that this “trend” fades away soon and people start moving on to other things.

Discover the True History of Israel With a Free Map ✡ "The Planters Shall Plant" - ISRAEL365

Again shalt thou plant vineyards upon
the mountains of Shomron; the planters shall plant,
and shall have the use thereof.

עוֹד תִּטְּעִי כְרָמִים בְּהָרֵי שֹׁמְרוֹן נָטְעוּ נֹטְעִים וְחִלֵּלוּ

ירמיהו לא:ד

od tit-ee kh-ra-meem shom-ron nat-u not-eem v'khi-lay lu

Today's Israel Inspiration

At the time of the destruction of the Holy Temple, the Jewish nation could hardly imagine that a time would come when Jews from all over the world would return to Israel; not only to live, but bring the Holy Land to flourish and truly prosper. Witnessing as luscious grapes grow once again in the vineyards, as the farmers take to the fields and plant the seven treasured species of the Land of Israel, as the children's laughter fills Jewish homes once again, there can be no doubt that we find ourselves living in prophetic times today. With tremendous love for Israel, CFOIC Heartland has truly taken Jeremiah's prophecy and turned it into a reality. With their endless efforts building communities throughout Judea and Samaria, as well as educating worldwide audiences about the importance of supporting the Holy Land's pioneers, CFOIC has deeply contributed towards Israel's renewed ability to thrive.

A Tight Hug at Arm's Reach

Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria are often singled out as the obstacle to peace. But one organization aims to prove this is just not so!

Fulfilling Jeremiah's Prophecy in the Biblical Heartland

“Again you will plant vineyards on the hills of Samaria,” prophesied Jeremiah (31:4). Indeed, just this week, over 100 volunteers gathered to harvest the Holy Land's fruits throughout Biblical Samaria.

If I Forget You, O Jerusalem

The city of Jerusalem, indeed the entire Land of Israel, should be held so dear to everyone to the extent that if a person were to forget or consider the holy city unimportant, we say 'May my right hand forget' its skill. This is to say that losing conscious awareness of Jerusalem's sanctity deserves serious consequences.
Remember Jerusalem, Shop Emanuel »

Israel Photo Trivia

These luscious fruits growing in the Holy Land receive only the best care, watered with the nutrients of Israel. Can you name the species of grapes pictured here?Send us an email or post your answer onFacebook!
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CBN's New 'SuperBook' Sparks Salvation Through Animation for Thousands - STEVE STRANG CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Strang Report, by Steve Strang, Founder of Charisma magazine
One of the most exciting partnerships we've done lately is working with CBN on a brand-new version of SuperBook. My sons grew up watching the animated stories about the Bible originally done in 1983. Now CBN has updated them and they are being distributed on television around the world, especially in Southeast Asia.
Recently, Gordon Robertson was in our offices with some of his staff to discuss SuperBook because we are distributing the videos in the retail trade. While CBN could fulfill videos to its partners, it recognized it did not have the expertise to do it at the retail level. Our Charisma House team was able to get it into Family Christian stores and in many other Christian stores, as well as on, and other internet retailers.
When I have leaders visiting the office, I like to record a podcast for my "Strang Report." It was fun to interview Gordon, who has much more broadcast experience than me, about this project and to learn more about the background of SuperBook. He tells how people can learn the plan of salvation through animation, especially in nations that know little or nothing about the gospel. It's also great for discipling people.
steve-gordon-studioYou'll enjoy hearing Gordon and me talk about how children learn from SuperBook and even start Bible studies, along with other interesting stories.
So listen to the podcast and then subscribe to hear other podcasts.
Gordon tells how to get the free SuperBookBible App available on Kindle, the Google store, i-Tunes and other platforms. You'll get the first 13 episodes and a lot of other things.
And, if you'd like to have the episodes on DVD to have at home to play again and again for your children or grandchildren, you can buy them wherever Christian videos are sold or online. 
Steve Strang is the founder of Charisma and CEO of Charisma Media. Follow him onTwitter and FacebookClick here to subscribe to the Strang Report podcast, and hereto sign up for the Strang Report newsletter.
Draw closer to God. Experience the presence of the Holy Spirit every month as you read Charisma magazine. Sign up now to get Charisma for as low as $1 per issue.
Get to know the Holy Spirit and how to interact with Him on a daily basis. Learn to enter God's presence and hear His voice clearly for yourself! Go deeper in your faith with Life in the Spirit and change your life and destiny. Are you ready to start your journey?
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Maoz: Celebrating 40 Years of Messianic Ministry in Israel - SHIRA SORKO-RAM CHARISMA NEWS

Maoz: Celebrating 40 Years of Messianic Ministry in Israel

Ari and Shira Sorko-Ram
Ari and Shira Sorko-Ram (

Maoz: Celebrating 40 Years of Messianic Ministry in Israel

Standing With Israel
I arrived in Israel, just for a visit, in October 1967—four months after the prophetically shocking Six-Day War.
But His Land captured my heart, and for nine years I lived in Israel as a single girl. Yet at times, I wondered what I was doing here. Except for isolated believers such as the Smadja and Haimoff families, there were very few believing Israeli Jews in the Land.
I did what little I knew to do: pray, witness to whoever would listen, travel from time to time to the U.S. looking for born-again Jewish believers who were willing to immigrate to Israel to help get a Jewish Messianic core group established in the Tel Aviv area.
It was on a trip to the U.S. in 1976 that Ari and I met—with the help of Pastor Jack Hayford! Within three months, Ari left his successful film-acting career and moved to Israel. Even before we were married, Maoz was established and provided us a structure to begin to work together as a couple when we married in February 1977.
And now—we've made it for 40 years and feel we have yet more years of strength to conquer new horizons. When I think about the cardinal essentials that have given me the strength to overcome the strategic attacks we endured—as have all the Messianic pioneers in Israel—I believe my foundational understanding of faith for miracles and breakthrough came through the ministry of Kenneth Hagin Sr. Although some people practice their faith to acquire material goods, that had little interest to me. But I did want to use this God-given faith to see many Israelis come to know their God through Yeshua, King of the Jews.
The other most important pillar in my life (influenced, I'm sure, by my mother) has been to read the Bible through every year. I have found there is no substitute to being able to understand world events around us. Nor is there any other way to be anchored in clearly hearing the voice of God.
There is nothing that gives me a passion to keep my eyes on eternal values than the Bible, which constantly reminds me that there is a heaven for those whose hearts cling to the God of Israel, and a hell waiting for those whom Satan deceives into believing his is the truth.
Most importantly, I hope from this anniversary issue of the Maoz Israel Report you will clearly discern that the pioneers here in Israel who have written these (way-over-the-top) gracious notes, are huge heroes themselves! Every one of them! They have gone through the same fires of testing—different issues, but the same need to stand against the black clouds that would overcome them. And stand they have!
And our friends from abroad who have stood with us—without their prayer and financial backing, we would never have been able to do these things by ourselves. We always remember that "our generosity" is really their generosity and yours. We are simply a conduit—and we pray and strive to be wise stewards of what has been entrusted to us.
Ours is the privilege and His is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
Top 10 Reasons Why I'm Still in Israel Ministering
By Ari Sorko-Ram
1. In the mid-1970s, I found myself falling in love with Shira and, at the same time, began falling in love with my people and the nation of Israel.
2. I soon began to love teaching and equipping young Israelis.
3. I had a passion to see them come to faith in Yeshua.
4. It wasn't long after that I began to love pastoring this new fledgling group of new believers.
5. I love having spiritual children and grandchildren.
6. I love seeing the body of believers grow and expand throughout the country.
7. I love being a part of developing leaders for this and the next generation.
8. I love helping the needy and giving them hope and a future.
9. I love helping others in the body see their dreams and visions become a reality.
10. If I can help those in the body of believers reach their destiny, I have fulfilled a great part of my destiny.
That is why I am here and I'm still in love. 
Ari and Shira Sorko-Ram are the co-founders of Maoz Israel Ministries, a Messianic Jewish nonprofit organization founded in 1976 and whose ministry headquarters is based in Tel-Aviv.
For the original article, visit
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Anticipation! - Israel Today


Wednesday, September 21, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
"Mom, when is Rosh Hashana?" My son asked still a bit sleepy, when I woke him up this morning. "I am looking forward to Erev Chag (New Year's Eve)!"
While Rosh Hashana is still a few weeks away, our children are looking forward to the approaching holidays, the festive family meal and, of course, the short school break.
Our staff are continually keeping tabs on how many food packets we can sponsor for our immigrant families this holiday season. My heart pains when I think of the families that cannot afford a festive meal. At the same moment I thank God that He provides our family with food so that our children may look forward to the holidays.
Help us build up the anticipation of needy immigrants and their families towards the upcoming holidays by giving from your excess and blessing one of their families!

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