At the time of the destruction of the Holy Temple, the Jewish nation could hardly imagine that a time would come when Jews from all over the world would return to Israel; not only to live, but bring the Holy Land to flourish and truly prosper. Witnessing as luscious grapes grow once again in the vineyards, as the farmers take to the fields and plant the seven treasured species of the Land of Israel, as the children's laughter fills Jewish homes once again, there can be no doubt that we find ourselves living in prophetic times today. With tremendous love for Israel, CFOIC Heartland has truly taken Jeremiah's prophecy and turned it into a reality. With their endless efforts building communities throughout Judea and Samaria, as well as educating worldwide audiences about the importance of supporting the Holy Land's pioneers, CFOIC has deeply contributed towards Israel's renewed ability to thrive.
Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria are often singled out as the obstacle to peace. But one organization aims to prove this is just not so!
“Again you will plant vineyards on the hills of Samaria,” prophesied Jeremiah (31:4). Indeed, just this week, over 100 volunteers gathered to harvest the Holy Land's fruits throughout Biblical Samaria.
The city of Jerusalem, indeed the entire Land of Israel, should be held so dear to everyone to the extent that if a person were to forget or consider the holy city unimportant, we say 'May my right hand forget' its skill. This is to say that losing conscious awareness of Jerusalem's sanctity deserves serious consequences.
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These luscious fruits growing in the Holy Land receive only the best care, watered with the nutrients of Israel. Can you name the species of grapes pictured here?Send us an email or post your answer onFacebook!
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA