Cindy Jacobs: Prophetically, America Is at a Tipping Point
"Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people" (Prov. 14:34).
When the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders met in November 2015, I asked them, "Do you have a word about the elections?" In my opinion, this strategic gathering that includes some of the most respected prophets in the United States is a highlight for my year.
We prayed and listened to the Lord. The only thing He said to us was that He was preparing a patriot for the nation, and, if we prayed, that person would win the elections. It was frustrating!
However, God had admonished us to pray for just such a person, and pray we did.
This was puzzling, as we have received very accurate and broad-sweeping prophecies in the past. For instance, we were shown that the E.U. would fragment. We were told the U.S. dollar would remain a haven for investors and, in the midst of worldwide shaking, it remained so. Then, we were shown that economy of Europe would shake and while this would affect the U.S., we would not have 2008 meltdown. This is not to say that the nation will never see that in the future. Frankly, it depends on our prayers.
In personally seeking God as to the "why" He wasn't more specific with us, I realized He had already spoken! We need to see which candidate most lined up with biblical values. The Word of God tells us that righteousness exalts a nation and sin is a reproach. I realize that to use the biblical word, "sin," is not politically correct. This is because even the church has become a bastion of cultural relativism. The more preferred words are, messed up" or "shouldn't have done it." Some even go so far as to say the word "sin" is offensive to sinners!
I believe that such things as abortion, the murder of the unborn in the womb, are offensive to God. Other things like lying and stealing are forbidden as part of God's rules! Therefore, we need to vote accordingly. I also realize that the president is not a "pastor-in-chief," but a commander-in-chief. Still, we need to look at what policies the candidate will advocate and the outcome of those policies.
What does this have to do with the election and why can't I just refuse to vote because I they are not the candidates I would have chosen? If I may digress for a moment, God placed us on earth to be its stewards. We are to disciple nations. To do so includes the need to see that it becomes a nation that God deems righteous. To abstain from the political process and not participate in the process is to advocate this role to others. This comes down to this statement for me-voting is a spiritual exercise.
In order to see that righteousness exalts our nation, we have to vote. Prophetically, I believe we are at a tipping point. We have already lost a large measure of the greatness that God gave the United States to be salt and light in the Earth. I know, because Mike and I travel around the world and listen to people say this very thing in nation after nation. My heart grows heavy when I hear this discussed and I am frankly embarrassed before God. Of course, I know God loves every nation and every one has a unique, important role. However, I love my nation too! God purposed me to be an American.
It may be that God is not speaking to me about a particular candidate and is using others instead. That could very well be. There is one thing that I do know! It is time to pray and act!
Faith without works is dead! If we want a righteous nation our faith must be in the voting booth as well as a church building.
We have to look at the candidates, even though there are flawed, and vote for the ones that will establish righteousness for the unborn, fight against poverty and racism and biblical, foundational truth. God is not for a political party. They are all flawed. However, there are certain candidates who will fight for our religious freedoms and biblical values such as life in the womb.
Perhaps we do not need another word because He already given it and we only need to read the Lawgiver's Manuel and vote our biblical conscious. 
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA