Holy Spirit-Inspired Prayer Movement Catching Fire in the U.S.
Recently I have teamed up with a new prayer movement called 10 Days that is uniting local church communities to pray for unity in the body of Messiah/Christ around the Feasts of the Lord. And it is catching like wild fire with some 30 cities around the country participating this fall season.
From my previous articles on Charismanews.com, you know that, as a Jewish believer in Messiah/Christ, I have this understanding that the portals of heaven are opened that much wider during the feast days; that the anointing of God is also increased; and that they are appointed times unto the Lord. While Yeshua/Jesus has fulfilled many of these feasts, this does not mean that we cannot continue to celebrate Him in the midst of them. Just as at Christmas we remember and celebrate His birth.
The Feast days are not just for Jewish people, or even Jewish believers per se, but rather for all of God's children who would like to share in their experience. And what better way to focus on these days than through prayer and praise. Hallelujah!
Scripture does not call these Jewish feasts, but rather the Feasts of the Lord (Lev. 23:2). In fact there is a special time during Rosh Hashanah (the feast of Trumpets) andYom Kippur (the day of Atonement), called the Days of Awe. This is a 10-day period between the two holidays leading up to Yom Kippur. Dictionary.com describes the word Awe like this: an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like; in awe of God. Sounds wonderful, doesn't it?
I don't think it is a coincidence that during these days we find ourselves living in, the Holy Spirit is drawing us back to reconnect spiritually with our roots and from that to gain many of the blessings that are associated with them, such as the anointed times of the Feasts, and to be able to connect with our Father and Yeshua/Jesus in this manner.
This very much ties into the word that Jonathan Friz, the founder of 10 Days, received through the Holy Spirit as the Lord began to call him to this new prayer focus, which is so exciting. The Lord said, "Babylon refuses to mourn, but that God's people will mourn before He returns." Wow! What a word, but isn't this exactly what is now beginning to happen? God has sent us major warnings in our country, such as 9/11 and the financial crisis, but while there may have been a brief response the world has not received the warnings. But His church is beginning to wake up and respond, as the call of prayer goes out into our nation.
In the New Covenant, the feast of Yom Kippur celebrates God's sacrifice for us once and for all through Yeshua/Jesus, but it also reminds us of the holiness of God. And it is during these very special 10 Days of Awe that we may properly reflect, as the trumpet is blown, not only upon ourselves to search our own hearts, but also to mourn for our country—for the unborn and the sexual sins that pervert our society; for a world that is increasingly turning away from God; and for His church to arise from within the midst.
Let the trumpet sound and call His church into a time of reflection, prayer and repentance and let us cry with one voice that our Lord would be glorified through us to reach a lost and dying world. Please pray about involving yourself and your church in one of these events. And if not, please pray about getting involved in the future. God's holy temple is arising!
Click here to read more about the 10 Days movement.
For those of you in Connecticut, if you would like to attend one of the 10 Days events, please visit this site for one of the churches listed in your area and come join us at our own Messiah's House for the very first night.
Or, for a 10 Days gathering near you, check out the gathering page here.
For those of you from the New England and New York areas, please join us for the finale event. This is going to be a very special gathering from 3-6.30 pm where the Holy Spirit has connected Jonathan to the old Moody Campus, which will be opened for a much larger gathering of believers.
Grant Berry is a Jewish believer in Yeshua/Jesus and author of The New Covenant Prophecy and The Ezekiel Generation. He founded Reconnecting Ministries with the specific focus to help the church reconnect spiritually to Israel and considers it vital to the kingdom of G-d in the last days. His message focuses on the unity, love and healing that the Father wants to bring between Jew and Gentile yet clearly points out the differences and misunderstandings between the two groups. Now is the time to look more carefully into this mystery to make way for healing and reconnection in the Spirit. For more information, please visit reconnectingministries.org.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA