Saturday, October 19, 2013

A Special Word to the Women of God - Francis Frangipane

Francis Frangipane -
A Special Word to the Women of God
Intro From Julie A. Smith:

Women fulfill many roles, whether personal or professional: mother, wife, best friend, and ministry/business leader to name some. AND there is one role they are especially good at as Francis Frangipane shares here – being intercessors that birth revival. Women naturally birth and can also do the same spiritually, by birthing revival movements on the earth.

Francis Frangipane shares a great word of how women have birthed movements on the earth through prayer...BUT that doesn't excuse men of their prayer role as Francis explains. Both men and women – be encouraged in your roles of intercession and the importance of it in this day. I've talked with people who've told me that they are being called like no other time to fasting and prayer in this hour.


Julie A. Smith, Managing Editor
The Elijah List


Francis Frangipane:
A Special Word to the Women of God

Before I begin this message, let me provide a short disclaimer: although I do encourage women to move freely within the order provided by God in their local churches, my goal is to exalt and celebrate a primary grace that God has placed specifically within women, which the Lord Himself has used in past times to release revival.

The Genesis Distinctions

When the Lord created humankind, He placed unique graces in man and separate but equally unique graces in woman. He told Adam to name the species of life on earth "and whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name" (Genesis 2:19). 

This "naming" was much more than calling the dog "Spot." Adam was created with an organizational, administrative capacity that enabled him to identify and define the world around him. By naming the living things, Adam not only brought them into his consciousness, but he introduced order and structure to the human experience. 

Adam did not create the world, of course, but by defining the things God brought to him, he helped establish reality.

Within the genetics of this original man, there also existed the powerful, but dormant, qualities of the woman.

While Adam slept the Spirit took from the man a rib. Fashioning it into a woman, the Lord created for Adam a companion. Not only was she suitable for him, but she powerfully expanded man's creative capacities. Indeed, the woman brought many new graces into Adam's world that did not formerly exist – the foremost of which was the power to conceive and give birth.

It is important to remember: God created male and female in His image, according to His likeness (Genesis 1:26). Of course, in certain ways, both Adam and Eve as individuals possessed reflections of the divine nature. 

They each could think, speak, dream and create.

However, it was in the union of Adam and Eve, in their mutual respect of one another's strengths and graces, that mankind would possess a more perfect expression of the fuller nature of God.

As Adam beheld this first female, he said, "This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man" (Genesis 2:23). 

The term woman was a delineation used by Adam, identifying her as a unique variation in the species of man. My wife says, "Think of her as the upgrade." In some ways, she is right, for the nature of the woman was twice refined. Adam was created of earth; the woman emerged not from the earth but from the man. She is both more complex and emotionally sophisticated.

Soon Adam began to understand the greatest power of his counterpart: her ability to conceive and bring life into the world. Recognizing this quality, Adam named her Eve, which meant "life." Eve would play an integral part in the unfolding of life's new beginnings. "She was the mother of all the living" (Genesis 3:20).

The Power of a Woman's Prayer

The Lord gave Adam a primary ability to name and establish reality; He gave to woman the unique capacity to conceive and then birth reality. The primary strength of each gender is that man establishes, woman births.

Remember, these qualities are not merely "human": they are reflections of the divine. Man's ability to bring order to one's world, to take what was random and give it definition and structure, is a divine facility. 

Woman's ability to conceive and incubate life, and then deliver life through birth, is also an aspect of the divine nature.
Note also that Adam named the woman Eve (or "Life") before they had children. God gave the woman an ability not just to have babies but to release life in a variety of its expressions. In fact, one translation says that Eve means to "enliven."

Alone, Adam had been downcast; it was not good that Adam was alone. Eve enlivened Adam in ways no other creature on earth could. 

Adam could build a house; Eve made it a home. When Adam named Eve "Life," he was not only speaking prophetically of the first mother, but he was speaking out of his own experience: Eve brought life into the structure of Adam's world.

We are speaking in generalities here, but when we observe the spiritual realm, we see this same divine encoding replicated in the ministries of men and women. 

Jesus laid the foundation of the Church with twelve men whom He called to be apostles. This didn't mean there would never be women in leadership, but that one of the better skills given man from God was the ability to bring order and structure. 

By the same token, prior to Christ's birth we find Anna, a prophetess, engaged in much prayer and fasting.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

In my opinion, it is quite possible that this woman was not alone in her intercession, but the leader of a prophetic prayer ministry that lived in anticipation of her times. 

Women excel in intercession, in spiritual sensitivity and the release of new beginnings. Note: this does not excuse men from prayer! 

Actually, some of the Bible's best examples of intercessors are men! We are speaking in generalities in reference to the spiritual tendencies of both genders. Neither distinction is more important than the other. 

Both are absolutely vital for the unfolding of God's will upon the earth.

Today we are fighting the advance of satan in many arenas. Whether the topic is wars and terrorist attacks or the ever-increasing expansion of iniquity in our world, we need revival

To possess a national awakening, the "birthing" power God has placed in women must be released.

All the efforts of man to establish laws and govern righteously will not truly transform our culture. We need something greater; we need the presence of God poured out.

I believe the Holy Spirit is raising up a prayer army of women who are rising in power on behalf of their families and nations.

My Mother's Prayers

I personally know the power of a woman's prayer: my mother's. In the late sixties, I was a very lost young man living in sin and rebellion. 

Judging from my appearance, I looked hopeless. Yet in spite of my outward condition, my dear Catholic mother stood before God for me.

Resist as I did, divine power, uniquely escorted to Earth through her prayers, began to hunt me down. Her cries were relentless and unceasing; often she would pray through the night for me. 

She was pregnant with prayer for her son. In 1970 God finally answered, and during the Jesus Movement revival, I came to Christ.

Years later I asked the Lord about the Jesus Movement revival. As you may know, it has been part of my assignment to help engender citywide unity and establish prayer, things that precede revival. 

Yet, to my knowledge, no citywide unity or organized prayer fueled the Jesus Movement. So I asked the Lord how revival could occur without a prayer movement at its source. The Lord quickly corrected me, saying that there was a great prayer movement: He had heard the prayers of a million praying mothers, each crying to Him for their children.

From all denominations, in a "unity of desperation," God heard the cries of believing mothers. His heart was touched, and as a result, multitudes of sinful kids found repentance and salvation in Jesus Christ. 

This is the army God desires to release again today, but now with more vision, more power from the Holy Spirit, and with the support of men as well!

Women of God, the fact is, Heaven needs you! You have been created by the Almighty to birth breakthroughs on planet Earth! 

God has uniquely designed you with a latent ability to release life through your intercession. Together with you, we men can build and establish, and we are learning to pray, but you have a special grace to release new spiritual beginnings

Whether your prayer focus is for your husband or church leadership, whether you are interceding for your children, city or nation, you possess in your spirit the seed-realities that, through prayer, can release God's life into the world.

Yes indeed, a battle rages; there still exists "enmity between [the serpent] and the woman" (Genesis 3:15).

Satan especially hates you because it was your seed that bruised the serpent's head. It is amazing to me that God chose to bring His Son into the world, not through the heavens nor even through a woman impregnated by man, but through a woman made pregnant by God! God Himself came to earth through the woman's power to give birth!
Today the Lord is giving women a new grace, a new confidence against the powers of Hell. Out of their oneness with Christ, these godly women will prayer-birth powerful ministries on earth, both male and female. They will release new beginnings to the Body of Christ.

I also want to commend and personally thank the many women's ministries and prayer groups that have stood with me, interceding for my life, my family and my ministry. 

Many, many times I have suddenly experienced divine protection or unexpected spiritual breakthroughs. 

When I questioned the Lord, He's said, I'm answering the prayers of [such-and-such] ministry.To each of you, I say a special thank you. In a unique way, you have been a mother to me. May the Lord multiply His grace toward you and give you the desires of your hearts!

Finally, Revelation 12:1 speaks of a "woman clothed with the sun." This word is not only talking about Israel or the Church. It also reveals how the Most High sees spiritual women: They are honored and crowned with distinction – pure and clothed with the glory of God. With confidence, they tread upon the powers of night. 

Dear army of praying women, it is your inherent destiny to birth that which shall rule the nations.

Adapted from Francis Frangipane's book, This Day We Fight!

Francis Frangipane
Ministries of Francis Frangipane

Francis Frangipane is the founder of River of Life Ministries in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and has traveled throughout the world ministering to thousands of pastors and intercessors from many backgrounds. Francis' heartfelt prayer is to see established in every city Christlike pastors and intercessors, united before God, revealing the love of Christ to their communities. 

Since 1985, he has written fourteen books, plus a number of study booklets. Over the past decades, Francis has served on a number of other ministry boards. However, in recent years he has gradually resigned from these various boards. 

As of June 2009, he has also retired from his position as senior pastor of River of Life Ministries. In this more simplified life, Frangipane is devoting himself to prayer and the ministry of God's Word.

For more:

Is the Church Dying or Are Christians Just Falling Away?

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Is the Church Dying 

or Are Christians Just 

Falling Away?


Is the Great Physician unable to heal rifts in His church? (Stock.xchng)

Is the church dying? 
Apparently, that depends on whom you ask. Indeed, the life or 
death of the church of Jesus Christ that was founded more than 
2,000 years ago on the Day of Pentecost is a topic of debate in
 some evangelical circles.

Ed Stetzer, the president of LifeWay Research, author, speaker, 
pastor, church planter and missiologist, recently penned an article
clear where he stands. There’s no tip toeing around the issue or 
trying to avoid offending anyone who disagrees.

He says, in five words: “The church is not dying.”

“Yes, the church in the West—the United States included—is in 
transition right now. But transitioning is not the same as dying, 
particularly if you hold the belief that Christianity is represented
 by people who live for Christ, not check ‘Christian’ on a survey
 form,” Stetzer writes.

“While I believe we need to understand reality inside our ranks,
 I don’t believe the situation is quite as dire as many are making
 it out to be. Actually, no serious researcher believes Christianity 
in America is dying. Not one.”

Steve McSwain begs to differ. McSwain, who describes himself 
as an award-winning author, speaker, thought leader and spiritual 
teacher, responded to Stetzer’s article with a snarky question: 
“Really? What cartoons have you been watching?”

McSwain then points to information from the Hartford Institute 
Americans “say” they go to church weekly. As it turns out,
 however, he points out, less than 20 percent are actually in 
church. In other words, he notes, more than 80 percent of 
Americans are finding more fulfilling things to do on weekends.

“Furthermore, somewhere between 4,000 and 7,000 churches 
close their doors every year. Southern Baptist researcher, 
 puts the estimate higher. He says between 8,000 and 10,000 
churches will likely close this year,” he continues. “Between the 
years 2010 and 2012, more than half of all churches in America 
added not one new member. Each year, nearly 3 million more 
previous churchgoers enter the ranks of the ‘religiously unaffiliated’.”

OK, so fewer people are going to church. That’s a sign of the 
times, if you ask me. But how does that prove that the church 
is dying? Saying the church is dying—DYING—seems like an 
anti-biblical perspective. I mean, correct me I have misinterpreted
 the holy Scriptures, but wasn’t it Jesus who said, “I will build 
My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it”?
 (Matt. 16:18).

I suppose one could argue that the church that’s dying is not 
the church Christ is building. But, from my perspective, it seems
 like the church that Christ is not building—that false church 
that endorses homosexual lifestyles and refuses to otherwise
 call sin a sin—is thriving in the age of humanism.

There are many reasons why people don’t go to church. 
Pharaoh is working some of them to near death. Others have 
been spiritually abused by pastors and don’t want anything to
 do with the church. Still others are watching televangelists on 
Sunday mornings because they don’t feel like getting gussied 
up and driving across town. Yes, sometimes it’s just that simple.

The reasons why people aren’t going to church—or why people 
are leaving the church—go on and on. But make no mistake. 
The church of Jesus Christ is not dying. Jesus is still building
 His true church. That may mean in these last days that there 
are fewer believers flocking to organized religious buildings, 
but that doesn’t mean the church is dying. It may mean more 
are opting for home church or some other alternate form of 
fellowship in the name of Jesus. And it absolutely means 
we need to get out on the American mission field and
preach the gospel.

“Bad stats and hyperbole do just that—demoralize God's 
people,” Stetzer concluded. “Today, we need a mobilized 
mission force in the midst of this mission field. So, it's time 
to time to work for the sake of the gospel, and to live for 
the cause of the gospel, not run around proclaiming the 
sky is falling.”

What's your take? Sound off in the comment box below.

Jennifer LeClaire is news editor at Charisma. She is
also the author of several books, including 
or visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on 

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Friday, October 18, 2013

The old way to fly...and the soon way.

The old way to fly...

...and the soon way!!!

Maranatha Yeshua HaMashiach!
(Lord Jesus Christ!)

Ark of the Covenant Videos - Israel Video Network

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The Ark was buried in an underground tunnel under the 
Temple of Solomon and was thought to be lost forever - until now...

Creating The Ark of the Covenant
Watch this excellent reenactment of the building of the Holy Ark!

Ark of the Covenant-The Book of the Exodus
Watch the Written Word of the Bible!
Exodus (37:1-9)

The Ark of the Covenant in a secret Temple chamber in Jerusalem?
In 1981, an illegal search was made for the lost chamber 
containing the Ark of the Covenant

Carrying the Ark of the Covenant
Watch this powerful reenactment performed beautifully of the 
carrying of the Ark of the Covenant!

Love - Ahava

Ahava (love) in Hebrew)

A good book 
and a good cup of  java..

Ahava Love Letters
- by Steve Martin

Full Website: Love For His People

Ultimate Curse for US? - Joel Rosenberg

Joel C. Rosenberg Reveals 

Ultimate Curse for US

Joel C. Rosenberg
Joel C. Rosenberg
Last Friday, I had the honor of addressing the Values Voter Summit in the nation’s capital. To watch the video of the speech—which runs about 22 minutes—please click here.
In my remarks, I noted that Americans increasingly fear for the future of our country. Today, nearly 8 in 10 Americans believe the country is on the “wrong track,” and they’re right. Families are imploding from adultery and divorce. We have chronically high unemployment, sluggish economic growth and skyrocketing national debt. We are facing high rates of crime and drug and alcohol abuse and tragically high suicide rates among our young people and armed forces.
And then there is the most haunting number—55 million babies who have been aborted since 1973. Soon, if this is not changed, we will reach 60 million babies murdered.
For these and many other reasons, America is in grave danger. Unless we repent and plead with the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us—and give us a Third Great Awakening—we face not only the possibility of the Lord removing His hand of grace and favor on us, but also His bringing judgment to us.
But I noted that we face another dangerous moment as well. What if, on top of all of our other national sins, America turns against Israel and the Jewish people?
The Lord God Almighty said clearly in the Abrahamic covenant (Gen. 12:1-3), “I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse.” At this critical moment in American history, do we want God’s blessing, or will we invite His curse?
Unfortunately, U.S.-Israel ties have been more strained in recent years than at any other time since 1948. A large and growing number of Israelis feel like they are increasingly alone in the world and that their longtime faithful ally, the United States, might not be there for them when the next big crisis hits.
  • new poll published by the Jerusalem Post, for example, notes that “two-thirds of Jewish Israelis believe U.S. President Barack Obama will fail to keep his promise to prevent Iran’s development of nuclear weapons.”
  • While the vast majority of the speakers at the Values Voter Summit are staunchly pro-Israel, one speaker—Sen. Rand Paul—has called for eliminating all U.S. military aid to Israel.
  • The situation has gotten so serious that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu felt compelled during his recent U.N. speech to say, “Israel will not allow Iran to get nuclear weapons. If Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will stand alone.”
How serious is the possibility that America will eventually turn against Israel? What should Christians do?
I hope you will take some time to watch the address, share it with others and then comment on our“Epicenter Team” page on Facebook and/or send me a note on Twitter at @JoelCRosenberg.
Joel C. Rosenberg is the author of numerous New York Times best-selling novels and nonfiction books, with nearly 3 million copies sold. He is also the founder of the Joshua Fund( His books include The Last Jihad (2002), The Last Days (2003), The Ezekiel Option (2005) and The Copper Scroll(2006).
For the original article, visit
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All Roads Now Lead Back to Jerusalem' - CBN's Mitchell

CBN's Mitchell: 'All Roads Now Lead Back to Jerusalem'

JERUSALEM, Israel - For the past 12 years, CBN Middle East Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell has reported on stories from Israel and across the region.
Now he's recorded some of his experiences in a new book called, Dateline Jerusalem: An Eyewitness Account of Prophecies Unfolding in the Middle East.
Mitchell spoke with CBN's Scott Ross about his experiences and the events unfolding across the volatile Middle East.
The veteran reporter moved to Jerusalem with his family more than a decade ago. In doing so, he recalled the words of a friend who said, "You don't choose Jerusalem, Jerusalem chooses you."
Mitchell said the news he covers is more than individual stories. He said he sees a theme emerging that ties world events to the final battle for Jerusalem.
"You know, 2,000 years ago it was said that all roads lead to Rome. Two-thousand years later, I would feel that all roads are leading to Jerusalem," he told Ross.
"And whether it's Christians praying for the peace of Jerusalem like never before," he continued, "Or if it's about Jews that are coming back to this city, and fulfilling a dream of 2,000 years, or if it's radical Muslims who want to see Jerusalem as the capital of a caliphate - all roads, for good and evil, seem to be leading back here."
Click play to watch the entire interview with Chris Mitchell. CBN News

'Arabs Realizing Israel Is Not the Enemy'

'Arabs Realizing Israel Is Not the Enemy'

Friday, October 18, 2013 |  Ryan Jones, Israel Today  
One of the very few positive outcomes of the regional crises engulfing the Middle East is that a number of Arab states are beginning to realize that Israel is not the true enemy.
“For the first time in Israel’s existence, there is an understanding in the Arab world, that Israel is not the enemy of the Arabs. On many issues, we are united,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at the opening of the Knesset’s winter session earlier this week.
Netanyahu noted that the hijacking of pro-democracy revolutions in Egypt, Syria and elsewhere had turned many of the Arab states against the same Islamist regimes and groups that most threaten Israel.
“Many nations in the area have a strong desire to eliminate the influence of Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaida,” the prime minister said. “This is an important development, even historic.”
An unnamed government source later revealed to Israel’s Ynet news portal that Netanyahu’s remarks were not just flowery rhetoric, but a veiled announcement that Israel and several Arab states, some of which have no official diplomatic ties with the Jewish state, are now actively cooperating on various fronts.
With America increasingly seen as an unreliable ally, Arab states are looking for a strong anchor nation with which they can coordinate their own battles against Islamic extremism and Iranian hegemony.
Many have found that ally in Israel, even if the bulk of the unprecedented cooperation must happen in secret.
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