Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Breaking Israel News - Jerusalem Helps Christian Residents Prepare for Christmas

Jerusalem Helps Christian Residents Prepare for Christmas

Christmas trees and festive lighting will help Christian residents and tourists commemorate the holiday.
A man rings a bell outside of the walls of Jerusalem's Old City, a day Christmas  2012. (Photo: FLASH90)
A man rings a bell outside of the walls of Jerusalem’s Old City, a day Christmas 2012. (Photo: FLASH90)
With dozens of churches scattered throughout the Christian Quarter of the Old City, around the Old City and in the neighborhood of Ein Karem, and being only six kilometers from Bethlehem, Jerusalem is a very special place for both Christian residents and tourists to celebrate Christmas.
According to the city of Jerusalem spokesperson, “as the home of the three Abrahamic traditions, Jerusalem is dear to over 3.5 billion people of varying faiths around the world. Our city is proud to be an open city, with freedom of religion for all residents.”
As in years past, the Jerusalem Municipality and the Jewish National Fund will distribute free Christmas trees to Christian residents of Jerusalem on Sunday, December 22 at the College Des Freres – De La Salle High School. The Jerusalem Development Authority, in coordination with local residents and shop keepers, will also decorate the streets and hang festive lighting in the Christian Quarter of the Old City.
In addition to the Christian residents of Jerusalem, Israel is expecting 75,000 tourists for the December holiday. As reported by Breaking Israel News, Israel’s ministry of tourism has invested 86 million shekels ($24 million US dollars) over the past two years to maintain and improve the infrastructure of Christian holy sites.  Tourism minister Uzi Landau plans to host pre-Christmas receptions for Church leaders in Jerusalem and Nazareth, as well as providing free shuttles between Jerusalem and Bethlehem on Christmas itself.

The Church of Ireland Library's 115-Year-Old Photographic Treasure - photos of Jerusalem

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 
Carriage parking lot outside of Jerusalem's Old City's Jaffa Gate and beneath David's Citadel. The photo pre-dates the opening made adjacent to Jaffa Gate to enable entrance of the German Emperor's carriage in 1898.  View inside Jaffa Gate HERE  Credit: RCB Library, 1897). 

We present here Part 2 from the Church of Ireland Library's photographic collection of pictures taken by David Brown in 1897.  View Part 1 HERE

The Church of Ireland's Representative Church Body Library's full collection can be viewed HERE.

The photos here are presented with the permission of the RCB Library.

Click on pictures to enlarge; click on the captions to view the original photo. Subscribe to receive in your email by entering your address in the right sidebar.

On the road to the Jerusalem train station with Jaffa Gate and David's Citadel in the background. Other 19th
Century photographers also used this same perspective for a landscape picture of Jerusalem. 
(Credit: RCB Library, 1897)

Rachel's tomb between Jerusalem and Bethlehem (Credit: RCB Library, 1897)  View a previous feature on

Rachel's tomb HERE

Money changer in Jerusalem (apparently Jewish). A picture of money changers was also a standard photo taken by photographers visiting the Holy Land, perhaps because of the New Testament story of Jesus and the money changers.  View an earlier posting on money changers and their unique tables HERE.  (Credit: RCB Library, 1897)

"Plowing with an ox and ass" -- the original caption. This is another standard picture by 19th century photographers,apparently because of the Biblical prohibition "Thou shall not plow with an ox and an ass together" (Deuteronomy XX). View a previous posting on photographing Biblical prohibitions HERE. (Credit: RCB Library, 1897)

The Golden Gate of the Old City. The sealed gates, the closest to the location of the Jewish Temples, face the
Mt. of Olives.  View a previous posting on the Golden Gate, also known as Sha'ar Harachamim, HERE.
(Credit: RCB Library, 1897)

Responsible Archivists Preserve Their Photographic Treasures 

Dylan Joy's Elementary School Christmas - 3rd Graders (last 5 songs)

Indian Trail Elementary School - NC
Third Graders

Published on Dec 11, 2013

Dylan Joy's Elementary School Christmas Presentation - 3rd Graders (last 5 songs)

- "Pinata", "Frosty the Snowman", "Silver Bells", "Jingle Jive", "Feliz Navidad"

Dec. 10, 2013 in Indian Trail, NC

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.
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Merry Christmas!
Feliz Navidad!

Photos and video by Grandpa Steve Martin.  :)

Sharing Love From Sweden - "JESUS YOU ARE FANTASTIC" – Eva Haglund

Poems and Bible Lessons by Eva Haglund of Stockholm, Sharing Love From Sweden.


Like the most wonderful rose,
Like the most precious diamond, 
Like the most marvelous star 
- shining for ever; 
Like the most beautiful pearl, 
You have a heart of gold.

God of gold. 
Heavenly gold. 

You are love.

(Song of Solomon 5:11, 
1 John.4:8)

Eva Haglund

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew) - His Name. His soon return.

The Name above ALL names...

He is returning...

Apple's Wailing Wall is in Palestine. (Oh Really???)

Apple's Wailing Wall is in Palestine

Tuesday, December 10, 2013 |  David Lazarus, ISRAEL TODAY
Apple is often first in breaking new ground with the latest hi-tech gadgets. Now the company has introduced yet another brand new notion: Jerusalem’s Wailing Wall (known as the Kotel) is in "Palestine."
The company that brought us the innovative iPhone now offers the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, while the rest of the world, led by the Americans, still try to broker a shaky final status.
Don‚Äôt believe it? Just come visit the Kotel in Jerusalem. Pull out your iPhone 5, and take a few pictures of the Wall. Before you can say "Siri," wonder of wonders, a description of the most famous site in all of Judaism will automatically pop up on your high-definition screen showing you the location of the Wailing Wall: The West Bank, East Jerusalem.
That’s right folks, with just one swipe of your screen, the almighty Apple has divided the city of Jerusalem, putting the holiest place in the world for all Jewish people in the Palestinian Territories.
For those iPhone fans who think that this is just another infamous Apple Maps' bug, be informed. In earlier versions of their trendy device, Apple's weather app gave separate forecasts for West and East Jerusalem, even though Israel unified the city 46 years ago after the Six-Day War! Only after extensive and ongoing pressure by Israel’s ambassador to the US did the digital giant change the app’s map status to identify Jerusalem as one city.
“It is a shame that a commercial enterprise feels that it needs to be more pro-Palestinian than the Palestinians themselves,” said Deputy Foreign Minister Zeev Elkin. “But what matters is the reality on the ground, not in the virtual world.”
Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitz, the overseer of the Wailing Wall, had this to say in response: “We don’t need anyone’s endorsement or stamp of approval. The Wailing Wall is a part of who we are.”
If the company is getting involved in politics to help sell their "Apples" to young left-wing liberals, beware. A long time ago in a garden, a young, innocent couple took that appealing apple, only to be deceived, when all hell broke loose.
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"Pergamum!" - Present Word Ministries

Present Word Ministries
Robbie Phillips

‘He who has an ear, let him hear 
what the Spirit is saying to the churches’

December 9 & 10, 2013


            The church in Pergamum was addressed by our risen Lord. They had remained loyal to Him even in the midst of persecution. Antipas, His faithful witness, was martyred for the Faith – yet the church stood firm – with this the Lord was well pleased.

            And yet that was not the whole story. The Lord had some displeasure with this church. Some, perhaps prominent among them, held to the teaching of Balaam. Balaam 'taught' the wicked king Balak to entice the sons of Israel to eat food sacrificed to idols and to commit sexual immorality. This gave some of the Pergamites the 'right' to commit immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols. Not only this, they had among them those who held to the teaching of the Nicolaitans.

            The name Nicolas is interesting: it's a combination of two Greek words meaning 'people rulers'. And so the Nicolaitans were known for their ruling over the people of God.

            So much about the church today is similar to the church in Pergamum. On the one hand, there is the Lord's blessing and favor. Except in the case of the church at Laodicea, the Lord always sees good things about His people. And so He sees good things in the church in America. And for that He gives a big thumbs up.

            But just as the Lord saw evil in the church at Pergamum, He sees distressing things in the church of America. He sees slackness toward sin. He sees toleration of wickedness. He sees our lack of trusting Him wholly. He sees our lack of prayer and fasting, especially for our nation. Like the church at Pergamum, He sees that we have those who rule over parts of the church. And the Lord calls us to repent! He calls us to "turn from our wicked ways" and to seek Him.

            This is a solemn hour. We are called to seek Him, to seek His face with our fasting and prayers. We are at a point as a nation that we must have His influence, we must have His intervention. Oh let us seek Him today! Let us call on Him today! Let us turn to Him today! Amen, Oh Lord!

Note: Photo added by Editor of Love For His People, Inc. Not with original article above. Steve Martin

Robert Hotchkin: Calling Down the Fire - A Great Move of God Breaking Forth

ElijahList Homepage

Robert Hotchkin: Calling Down the Fire - 
A Great Move of God Breaking Forth

Many proven prophetic voices 
are declaring a great move of God
that is burgeoning and about 
to break forth. 

This is a move that will be marked
by the fire of God sweeping across
the earth, burning up the things of the
enemy and of the flesh to reveal the
presence and power of the Lord and
His Kingdom in notable and remarkable ways.

It won't just be a burning bush here or there; but entire 
cities, nations and regions set ablaze with the reality of 
God so that everyone everywhere has a chance to 
tangibly encounter Him and know His love, His goodness, 
and the reality of His salvation.

The earth will be covered in the bright and brilliant burning
reality of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. This move
will break out in so many places, in so many ways, it will
seem sovereign – as if it came out of nowhere.

I believe that even now the Lord is speaking to many 
about this coming move so that we can partner with 
Him to birth it, to call it forth, to declare it and pray 
it into existence.

Since Day Six of creation the Lord has loved partnering
with His sons and daughters to accomplish His agenda
in the earth. He worked with Adam to call forth the names
of the animals on that sixth day, and ever since He has
worked with His beloved to call forth His plans and
purposes in the earth. Amos 3:7 makes this clear when
it says, "Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless
He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets."

I believe that the Lord is speaking to many right now – 
yes, about the coming move of God, but also about 
how we can partner with Him to birth this move of 
holy fire in the earth. 

The Lord is seeking those who will listen, and who 
are willing to be taught how to call down His fire.
Jesus Discipling His Heart

In Luke 9:51-56 we read a brief but enlightening story of when the Lord and His disciples were walking across the desert. Jesus planned to visit a Samaritan village, but the people refused to have anything to do with Him because He was headed to Jerusalem. When James and John heard about this they approached Jesus and said, "Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from Heaven and consume them?" (Luke 9:54).

It is interesting that Jesus does not reply to them, "You can't call down the fire of God" or "I don't want you to call down the fire of God." No, Jesus says to His disciples, "You don't know what your hearts are like. 

For the Son of Man has not come to
destroy men's lives but to save them." (Luke 9:55-56)

James and John wanted to call the fire of God down upon the Samaritans to punish them for turning them away. But what Jesus wanted was for James and John to know God's heart for the Samaritans – His love for them. Because if they did, they would not want to call the fire of God down upon the Samaritans, but instead upon the things of the enemy that had caused the Samaritans to take offense and which stole from them a visitation of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We are not to call the fire of God down in anger or offense, but in love. We are not to call the fire of God down as a judgment against men, but as a judgment against the things of the enemy that keep men from knowing the fullness of God.

We see a powerful example of this in 1 Kings 18. Israel had turned away from the Lord and embraced false gods. It seemed an impossible situation until Elijah stood on Mount Carmel full of the revelation of God's heart for the people. Elijah knew that while Israel had turned away from the Lord, the Lord would never turn away from Israel.

With this revelation of the everlasting love of God, Elijah cried out for the Lord to make Himself known to His people in that place and in that hour (1 Kings 18:36-37). Immediately the fire of the Lord flashed down from Heaven (1 Kings 18:38) and the "strongholds" of the enemy were destroyed. The people realized that day that the Lord was God, and the nation of Israel returned to Him.

His Burning Love for All

The fire of God is His burning love for all people and all places for all time. Elijah knew the heart of God for Israel, that's why he was able to call down the fire of God. When we connect to God's heart, when we know His love for people – no matter what they've done, where they've been, or how they're behaving – we can call forth the fire of God upon the things of the enemy that are stealing the fullness of God from them.

The Lord wants to use you to help birth this coming move of God. He wants to empower you to call His fire into the earth. And it all begins by knowing His heart and His love for all people and all places at all times.

Prayer Directives:

So let's pray for the Body of Christ that:

1. We will know the heart of the Lord like never before – the height, the width, the depth, and the breadth of His love for all people and all places at all times.

2. We will be a people who are unoffendable. That no matter how we are treated, we will refuse offense and continue to love.

3. We will make love our highest aim, and love others as we are loved by the Lord.

4. We will call down the fire of God upon the altars of our lives, asking the Lord to burn up every wicked, arrogant or selfish thing in us.

5.We will be His Burning Ones, ablaze with His love and calling the fire of God down upon anything of the enemy that would steal the fullness of who God is and what He has for anyone we encounter and every place we go.

Robert Hotchkin

Robert Hotchkin fervently believes every Christian is a miracle-working explosion of the Kingdom waiting to happen. His ministry empowers Believers to live fully from their restored relationship with the Father through the finished work of the Cross. 

His preaching, teaching, and ministry inspires Believers to grab hold of their restored relationship with the Father through the finished work of the Cross and walk the earth as Jesus did – destroying every work of darkness everywhere they go! 

Rob is a passionate lover of Jesus Christ and that passion is truly contagious! He ministers with strong faith, releasing revelation, prophetic decrees, healings, miracles, and the love of God. He is a true carrier of the glory and revival. People have been healed, refreshed, set free, and empowered through his life. He believes for Heaven to impact lives and regions everywhere he goes.

From the desk of Steve Shultz:

Prophetic voices are speaking again and again about a great move of God breaking forth...yes and it is for THIS DAY!

Robert Hotchkin shares an excellent word about the FIRE of God coming upon us...and it is NOT about judgment as some might think. It's about HIS HEART for the people of the earth. You'll read much more about it below, and make sure to pray into the awesome prayer directives Robert includes as well.

Be blessed in ALL God has called you to do!

Steve Shultz

Note: To receive daily, encouraging prophetic emails from 
The Elijah List to your in box CLICK HERE.


Note from Steve Shultz: People ask me, "How can I support The Elijah List?"

My answer: The Elijah List articles are emailed for FREE to you and your friends – or published on our website – 365-Days-a-Year – to readers all over the world. Your support helps to pay for this effort by simply purchasing your prophetic resources directly

We appreciate our dear readers and we thank you for supporting your Elijah List staff!

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

Extreme Decrees for Extreme Times
by Patricia King, Bart and Kim Hadaway, Paulette Reed, and Rob Hotchkin


Burning Ones: Calling Forth a
Generation of Dread Champions

by Jerame Nelson
