Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Chuck D. Pierce: Rend the Heavens and Let Prophetic Revelation Fall! Key Prophecies for Now! - The Elijah List

Chuck D. Pierce:
Rend the Heavens and Let Prophetic Revelation Fall! Key Prophecies for Now!

Chuck D. PierceNewsletter dated December 16, 2013:

Dear Advancing Saints:

During this season, there is lots of spiritual activity in the atmosphere! This is a time to prophesy. Recently, I was a leadership meeting and the statement the Lord had me share was:

"The gifts that Yeshua left in the earth realm to enforce His authority were apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, and evangelists

The gift that gets controlled or stopped, which hinders the others from coming into fullness, is the prophet's gift and authority. Apostles will attempt to build a pattern without present revelation, and end up building man's model."

The Lord has been falling on us in our worship gatherings with prophetic revelation! Receive this revelation from this portal to your heart:

Watch the Shaking! A New Path Form!
New songs break old cycles.
Here is a Song of the Spirit from James Vincent:

And it's not only happening above us, but it's happening beneath us. 
The foundations of the earth are being shaken,
And there is a reckoning in the deep, 
The Lord's power and His Might is going to be the only thing standing after this fight.
Just the same way David stood before Goliath, 
And said one of us is going to be left standing and it's going to be me,
It's going to be for the One who lived forever, 
          Who lives eternally and you are going to fall before me this day.
Oh the reckoning – it's happening beneath our feet,
It's happening beneath our feet, 
          It's happening beneath our feet. 
Watch the shaking, watch the shaking, watch the shaking, watch the shaking!
The Lord says, "Some of you are moving down and you are taking layers in the ground where iniquity has dwelt in the land that I've caused you to have. Not only move up, but also move down. Even look at stocks that have been linked with what has been mined from quarries.

Look at quarry stocks, and look at investments that are linked with true mining, for I am going to move on mining systems in this hour.

"I am stirring the nether springs; I am stirring the healing waters of the nether springs of this earth

Look! Look! Look! There are treasures hidden in that darkness that I am stirring, healing waters to bring forth in this hour

I'm going deep underneath and there's healing springs that have never sprung up. There's mining structures that have never brought forth. I am sending whirlwinds down in the earth as well as stirring up the powers that have held back and covered over the resources that have been hidden."

There is a path ahead that will shake open for you to be sent!

There has been necessity for us to cut open paths on the ground as well as on the roof of the Global Spheres Center (pictured here). This big, old building's ceiling is carrying lots of ice. Pray for us – that the heavens clear. We need a new roof, but that is a different project for a different time.

Doors and Bees, and Paths, Oh My!

Not only is this season about doors and bees, but it's also about PATHS! 

We need to understand that there will be situations in your life when you are going to have to wait until your path from last season is connected to the path for this season. 

You also must know that you are going to have to actually form the path through worship. You can't just jump in and say everything is formed, but you will need to worship!

Don't try to go forth in the same way that you've always gone forth. Just as with the path you see, you will have to break up ground that needs to be broken up. You have to break up slippery places where you could slip in days ahead.

Once you've done your part, sit down and rest and wait till God puts the other piece in place. Don't try to do it all; don't try to do more than you should. Even use other paths that others have formed. 

Let God order the connections necessary for your breakthrough!

Allow the Lord to start you, new and fresh. Let Him add to you; let each gift that is necessary to be aligned come into your path for this season.

This is a key time of watching, entering in, and watching how God sets our course ahead

For the Lord says, "I will cause your path to connect where it needs to connect this season. I will cause you to move forward. I Am paving the way for you to become victorious! Things will get lighter and lighter and lighter – do not fear the darkness!"

Father, we thank You today not only for the door, we thank You not only for the honey of the land, but we also thank You that You will form a PATH to get us through the door and into the honey of the land.

Vision – A Whirlwind Released from the 3rd Heaven on December 11, 2013

(From Marty Cassady, Anne Tate, Chuck Pierce, Janice Swinney, Dee Dee Roberts, and Elaine Priestly):

I just saw a whirlwind released from the 3rd Heaven – the highest Heaven where God is seated on the Throne. And that whirlwind is totally encircling the 2nd Heaven. I don't know what's going on, but during these 10 days something is breaking!

The Lord is releasing a whirlwind over Washington, DC. It is a day of turning; things are turning, thrones are turning over, and power is shifting. 

Things are shifting in Washington DC. The King is going to be enthroned! And over Rockefeller Square in New York, we say a whole new re-alignment of the structure of economy in this land is now turning

I Am, and what is been held up now and held back will start being given over. Lord, we decree it today!

There's a new news to report; there will be new news to report. They'll be a shift in the media it will be right to say that God is God and every man a liar

God will be true and every man a liar! And I saw that same swirling over Mayo Clinics and over Johns Hopkins Universities, and over the major hospitals and the learning medical institutions in this Nation.

God says, "My whirlwind is being seen over them and there will come a new rule of righteousness in medical study; in experiment into the healing industry in this land. My healing will rule and will reign in those structures!"

And all of those ruling forces over that Obamacare and that insurance structure that's stopping I AM, Jehovah Raphe, from rising up in this land, we say today there's a new breakthrough! You'll begin to see that whirlwind taking out your enemy!

There's a catching up over Kansas; a catching up over Kansas. And the Spirit of God is going to rise out of Kansas and in other places, in DC., and will say what is necessary to be said this hour. 

We loose revelation, we loose words that produce whirlwinds and we declare they are being re-deposited over the Federal Reserve System

We say let Your whirlwind of words begin to come down and deposit revelation where it should be.

"For I am your spin doctor! I am spinning today over the regions of this earth that need to be corrected. I am blowing away, by My Spirit, those things that have held you captive and I am establishing My Spiritual government over those things that need healing and need release! ...

Jump into the grace of this spinning force and go with Me and land at a new place!

"I am bringing a shaking underneath the mountains and I am causing it to fall. I am breaking and shaking underneath those mountains to turn up those things that have been hidden. Those things that need to be exposed, I Am exposing.

"For this is a time that I am beginning to cause My people to come up, and to come up and over; this is a time I'm calling you to come up and over. And those things that have stopped you, those things that have kept you back, I'm shaking them off of you. 

I'm causing them to shake underneath your feet. I'm causing you to step right through, so you begin to see a vision of what I'm doing, because I'm breaking those old molds off of you.

"I'm breaking those old impressions off of you; I'm removing that old thing you need to shake off. You need to let it go because I'm putting you to the top of the mountain. Some of you are rising, some of you are coming up, some of you are moving into a new realm.

There's new dimensions to begin to see, and I'm causing you to see, break open and begin to see through those dimensions

Let Me restore, let Me renew, let Me bring forth a new value in you!"

The Next 10 Days Are Critical!

"Over the next 10 days I will call you to a certain night watch that will uncover that which has kept you from taking ground in past seasons. 

When I call you in that one hour, stand before Me, sit before Me, lay before Me and watch Me give you strategies that will uncover ground that has been held back and release supply that could not be released."

I see the Lord lifting depression, that thing which has held you down during this season. Instead of saying, "I despise this time of season," He is saying, "Like Mary, let it be unto Me, because the angel of the living God will come and He will overshadow you." And even now as this word is being released He's overshadowing you and the depression is breaking and you'll no longer be depressed but you'll be exalted by the very Presence of the living God!

We ask for an overshadowing of Your glory realm that breaks oppression, depression, and how we have been laid out and suffered in the last season.

The Ayin (this decade) Season is a Shifting Season for New Vision!

The Lord is saying to go back to the beginning of this decade. The Word of the Lord starting at the shift of this Ayin season which would be right at 2009 September.

"I was shifting a season at that time – an Ayin season for you to see in a new way and gain new vision. But some of you are hanging onto old structures that are hanging onto you. Those things are clouding the path ahead. And in this year of the PATH, cut loose what is necessary to let go of, so you so you can see your path very clearly. 

Shut the door completely to the old, so you are walking in confidence in the new. 

Shut the door to even your old way of worship, your old religious structures, and your old visions systems. Shut the door to it and advance!

"Even that cloud that has been around you. I am going to give you energy to leap above that cloud so you can see. Leap quickly, look quickly and see your path. For when you return to the place you presently are you will say, 'I got a glimpse but I'm not sure how to get there.' The more you leap, the easier you'll see, and you will walk into the place that I have for you.

These next eight weeks are key for you walking into this place. So leap, see, leap, see, and the way will open up.

"This is a season that as you leap you are going to begin to see what it's like to fly. Other generations have been earth bound, but this is the generation that those that have gone before you are believing that you will fly – that we will send you forward and you will fly through the heavens.

"Don't you know you were created, shaped and formed with those hinds feet to leap from one high place to the next? In this season, as you begin to leap from revelation to revelation, the leaping from revelation to revelation will cause you not only to see clearly and sharply what's in front of you and the future I have planned, but will also clear up the questions of the past. 

There has been a path and a plan from before you were. This is the season to begin to leap and see, leap and see, and have an understanding of what your life was purposed and planned for from the beginning."

Father, those that were leaping from one high place to the other, and one of the ruling spirits of the high places knocked them down and caused them to fall in the cracks, we decree right now we're pulling people up out of the cracks. We decree we're pulling them up out of the cracks. We're decreeing that we're dusting off and repairing their hind's feet.

Lord, we ask today for a repairing of our hind's feet and to pull us up out of the crack that has tried to hold us captive when we were leaping from one place to the next.

"Some of you are surrounded by death. Some of you keep saying, 'If I just get out of this place of death I can do this or I can do that.' But even in a place of death you can establish the Presence of the Most High God!

"I Am the Ancient of Days over your life

I have wisdom that is beyond any modern structure that you are contending against. Even the world is trying to wear you down and cause your mind to be weary at this time. But I am raising you above the world's way of thinking, and in raising you above; I am seating you next to Me.

"Do not lose your joy in the midst of this warfare that you're in. For in the raising up, I will cause you to have wisdom that can dismantle every demonic host that are assigned to wear you down. 

Do not grow weary in that circumstance that you are having to tediously contend in. Continue to contend and I will show you the strand of revelation that you need to defeat your enemy."

Vision of Wall with a Sparrow WATCHING!

Now let me leave us with this. Not quite two weeks ago I was sitting in my office and I had a vision. A sparrow was on a wall, looking very intently. The season had changed and it was cold. All of a sudden, Psalm 84 came to my mind:

"How lovely is Your tabernacle, O LORD of Hosts! My soul longs, yes, even faints for the courts of the LORD. My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. 

Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young - even Your altars, O LORD of hosts, my King and my God. Blessed are those who dwell in Your house; they will still be praising You."

"Watch carefully over these next several weeks for a season is now upon you of great change. 

Change is now here with you, and in the midst of this change watch carefully, for it will affect greatly your young and your young's young. Watch carefully! For this is a time not only to position yourself in My tabernacle and find your place in praising Me, but in the midst of your positioning yourself, watch carefully, for the nest now will change.

"I will change how you have secured your nest, and only from the revelation of My house can your house be built properly. This is a time at this change of season, for you to watch. For the nest that you once had will now change and your young and your children's young will learn to protect themselves in a new way. And you will continue watching from My Tabernacle until the next two generations learn how to watch and build their own nests with Me."


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. GSI facilitates other ministries as well, and participates in regional and national gatherings to develop new Kingdom paradigms. 

Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. 

Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellers Possessing Your InheritanceThe Future War of the ChurchThe Worship WarriorGod's Unfolding Battle PlanInterpreting the TimesRedeeming the Time, andTime to Defeat the Devil.

December 17, 2013

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:

This word from Chuck Pierce and his team is fully "pregnant" with revelation of all kinds. Revelation about this season. Revelation about all the gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy.

And it contains revelation about our nation.

This one quote is KEY for the next 10 days:

"I just saw a whirlwind released from the 3rd Heaven – the highest Heaven where God is seated on the Throne. And that whirlwind is totally encircling the 2nd Heaven. I don't know what's going on, but during these 10 days something is breaking!

The Lord is releasing a whirlwind over Washington, DC.

It is a day of turning; things are turning, thrones are turning over, and power is shifting. Things are shifting in Washington DC. The King is going to be enthroned! And over Rockefeller Square in New York, we say a whole new re-alignment of the structure of economy in this land is now turning."

The only way to grasp the full meaning of this word is to carefully and slowly read all of it. You'll find it very encouraging and also very instructive!


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Parents - Armed and Loaded with Prayer (Dutch Sheets) - The Elijah List

Dutch Sheets:
Parents: Armed and Loaded with Prayer

Dutch SheetsWhen George McCluskey married and started a family, he decided to invest one hour a day in prayer, because he wanted his kids to follow Christ. After a time, he expanded his prayers to include his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Every day between 11:00 A.M. and noon, he prayed for the next three generations.

As the years went by, his two daughters committed their lives to Christ and married men who went into full-time ministry. The two couples produced four girls and one boy. Each of the girls married a minister, and the boy became a pastor.

The first two children born to this generation were both boys. Upon graduation from high school, the two cousins chose the same college and became roommates. During their sophomore year, one boy decided to go into the ministry. The other didn't. He undoubtedly felt some pressure to continue the family legacy, but he chose instead to pursue his interest in Dr. James Dobsonpsychology. He earned his doctorate and eventually wrote books for parents that became bestsellers. He started a radio program heard on more than a thousand stations each day.

The man's name—James Dobson.

Talk about the power of prayer! The next time you're blessed by Focus on the Family or one of Dr. Dobson's books, thank God for a generational watchman, George McCluskey. Many kids aren't as blessed with praying fathers.

At a 1994 Promise Keepers' conference in Denton, Texas, Pastor James Ryle told his story:

When he was two-years-old, his father was sent to prison. When he was seven, authorities placed him in an orphanage. At 19, he had a car wreck that killed a friend. He sold drugs to raise money for his legal fee, and the law caught up to him. He was arrested, charged with a felony and sent to prison.

While in prison James accepted Christ, and after he served his time, he eventually went into the ministry. Years later he sought out his father to reconcile with him. When they got together, the conversation turned to prison life.

James's father asked, "Which prison were you in?"

James told him, and his father was taken aback. "I helped build that prison," he said. He had been a welder who went from place to place building penitentiaries.

Pastor Ryle concluded, "I was in the prison my father built."

Indeed! In more ways than one.

These are amazing stories, powerfully contrasting two possibilities. We can either build prisons for our children or through prayer build fruitful lives that bless others.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources


The same stories could be told by millions around the world. Change the names, a detail here and there, but the bottom lines are the same: success or failure, life or death, fruitfulness or barrenness, bondage or freedom—results that are largely determined by the influence of righteous or unrighteous parents. 

Never underestimate the power of a praying parent!

As we think about the importance of watching intercession for individuals, most of us probably think immediately of our families, as well we should. Our personal gardens, as our opening stories reveal, are where we must begin. 

Quin Sherrer has taught much on the subject of praying for family members. In her book Good Night, Lord, she relates an occasion of interceding for her son:

"I clearly remember a day when the Lord spoke to me about my teenage son, Keith, as I walked the beach. Deeply concerned about his spiritual condition, I felt he was drifting further and further from the Lord. My only recourse was prayer. I realized that as a parent, I had made so many mistakes. So I asked the Lord to forgive me.

"That afternoon, as I walked alone, I proclaimed aloud Scriptures tucked away in my heart. 'The seed of the righteous shall be delivered,' I shouted into the wind 'Because of Jesus' Blood I am righteous and my children are my seed and they shall be delivered,' I paraphrased. 'All my children shall be taught of the Lord, and great will be their peace,' I paraphrased again (see Proverbs 11:21; Isaiah 54:13, KJV).

"Over and over, I repeated Scriptural promises God had given me for my children. I desperately needed an answer for my son. After more than an hour of this, I reached down and picked up a small brown shell being tossed about by the waves. 'Trust me to polish and perfect your son,' the Lord seemed to whisper to my spirit as I turned the shell over in my hand.

"I took my shell home, cleaned it and set it where I could see it whenever I cooked. 'Lord, You promised,' I would say some days as I cradled it in my palm. Even after Keith left for college and I saw little change, I thanked God for His word that He and He alone would perfect my son whom I loved so very much.

"Our prayer battle ended one night when Keith called to ask his father and me to forgive him; we asked him to forgive us, too. He had started his pilgrimage back to the Lord. After college and a short career in graphic arts, he enrolled in Bible school.

"Not long ago, Keith finished seven years of service with the Youth With A Mission organization (YWAM)...Today he's a godly husband to a wonderful wife and the father of two young daughters. My 'promise shell' still sits in my kitchen, testimony to a prayer answer God gave me so many years ago. That promise shell is also a watchman shell, for that is the watchman anointing!"

Quin also shares prayer steps she uses in being a watchman for her children:

• Be specific;
• Pray Scripture passages aloud;
• Write down your prayers;
• Pray in accordance with God's will;
• Pray for your children's future.

In another of her books, The Spiritual Warrior's Prayer Guide, she and Ruthanne Garlock give Biblical examples of how to do this by offering the following Scriptural prayers:

• That Jesus Christ be formed in our children (see Galatians 4:19);

• That our children—the seed of the righteous—will be delivered from the evil one (see Proverbs 11:21, KJV; Matthew 6:13);

• That our children will be taught of the Lord and their peace will be great (see Isaiah 54:13);

• That they will train themselves to discern good from evil and have a good conscience toward God (see Hebrews 5:14; 1 Peter 3:21);

• That God's laws will be in their minds and on their hearts (see Hebrews 8:10);

• That they will choose companions who are wise—not fools, nor sexually immoral, nor drunkards, nor idolaters, nor slanderers, nor swindlers (see Proverbs 13:20; 1 Corinthians 5:11);

• That they will remain sexually pure and keep themselves only for their spouse, asking God for His grace to keep such a commitment (see Ephesians 5:3,31-33);

• That they will honor their parents (see Ephesians 6:1-3).

My fellow watchman, most of us will never be called to lay our lives down in a literal sense. But every Believer is called to a life of prayer. In fact, we are called to be our brothers keeper—yes, the word is watchman. How much more should we keep "watch" for our own children whom the Lord has entrusted to us? I encourage you to pick up the serpent-killing mantle God is offering. Use it daily!

This article is derived from the book, Watchman Prayer, by Dutch Sheets.

This article was originally published in The Voice, a magazine publication of Christ For the Nations, where Dutch Sheets currently serves as Executive Director of the Institute. For more information, visit cfni.org.

Dutch Sheets
Dutch Sheets Ministries

Email: click here
Website: dutchsheets.org

Dutch Sheets is an internationally known speaker and was recently named the Executive Director of Christ for the Nations Institute. Dutch is a successful author who has written many books including the best-seller Intercessory Prayer and his recent book, Dream. Dutch travels extensively, empowering Believers for passionate prayer and world-changing revival. Dutch and his wife, Ceci, reside in Dallas, Texas.

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Some in Israel Grapple With Christian Donations - ISRAEL TODAY

Israel Grapples With Christian Donations

Tuesday, December 17, 2013 |  Israel Today Staff  
The Jerusalem-based Caspari Center presented an interesting selection of articles from the Hebrew press in which Israelis continued to grapple with what far too many still see as “suspicious” support from the Christian world.
In the first, which appeared in the daily Makor Rishon, journalist Ariel Shenbal lauded the outspoken support for Israel by “Christian Zionists.” Like many Israelis, Shenbal was beside himself that after so many centuries of persecution by the Church, so many Christians today express such overwhelming love and support for the Jews and their state.
But the article concluded with one Israeli involved in making connections with Christians informing Shenbal that precautions must be taken for avoiding those Christians with an ulterior motive, in particular “Christian missionary cults like the ‘Messianic Jews.’”
The second article appeared in the weekly religious magazine Shvi’i and highlighted the ongoing and escalating debate among Israeli religious groups over whether or not it is proper to accept money from Christian supporters.
As one rabbi told the magazine: “The people of Israel naturally recoil from Christianity because of two thousand years of persecution. … That’s why [the Christians’] tendency is to gain our trust, and they do that through money. They have long-term goals. All these groups are in some way connected to the mission.”
Many other Israelis, even from religious sectors, see Christian support as an unprecedented and even prophetical blessing that the Jewish state should embrace.
It should also be noted, once again, that average Israelis today are far less resistant to those who openly believe in Yeshua (Jesus), even Messianic Jews. In fact, as Israel Today has reportedly repeated, Messianic Jews in Israel are today occupying high-level positions in all areas of society, all while being fully open about their faith. While there is still outspoken opposition from more extreme elements in the religious sectors, the traditional balance is undeniably shifting.
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Have a cup on me!

Coffee = Kafe - pronounced - kah (short 'a' sound) feh (short 'e' sound)
Hebrew Word of the day:
Coffee / Kafe
 — with Deborah Davidson Turner.

Enjoy a nice cup of warm coffee today. Blessings on ye head!

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Another School Shooting: America Reaps What It Has Sown - CHARISMANEWS

Another School Shooting: America Reaps What It Has Sown

R. Loren Sandford
R. Loren Sandford
I cannot remain silent. Call me legalistic for calling out sin. Call me harsh for pointing out the destruction that comes from it. But I’m not proclaiming God’s active judgment or pronouncing any kind of condemnation. I’m talking about the inevitable reaping of what we have sown as a culture, and I grieve for the resulting tragedies I see unfolding in so many lives every day.

Once more we have seen a school shooting, and once more it has happened in the Denver metro, my city, this time at Arapahoe High School, not far from Columbine High School, where another and more devastating shooting happened in 1999. It wasn’t long ago that a shooter opened up in a theater in my city and destroyed dozens of lives. My heart is broken. My chest aches, and my eyes are wet with tears for the trauma these students have experienced, for the injured ones and for the shooter himself, so emotionally disturbed and in so much pain that he not only had to harm others but took his own life. This is destiny and promise stolen and destroyed by the enemy of our soul.

Why? These things never happened a generation ago, when, whether or not we really lived it, our nation at least acknowledged God and our families for the most part remained whole. I want to scream, “America! Wake up!” I have unhappily prophesied in writing that we are witnessing the catastrophic collapse of a once-great culture and our children are paying the price. I warned in my annual prophetic word just a few weeks ago of the rising tide of hatred around us that will surface in many arenas of life. This shooting is a manifestation of that hatred which inevitably results when a nation forgets its rightful Lawgiver and turns from His principles that were given to ensure the well-being of all God’s creation.

This generation of young people is lost! Our self-centeredness as a culture has led to the breakup of our families and the abandonment of our children. We’ve failed to pass them stability. We’ve not imparted a faith in God and His absolute laws and principles, substituting instead a mushy postmodernism that eliminates the concept of a higher power who created us and who rules over us with love, wisdom and holy intent. When God’s morality is abandoned, love is lost and lives are destroyed.

Unless you listen—really listen—to the young, you cannot know how much destruction has been visited upon them or the depth to which it goes. We, as an older generation, must bear the responsibility for this. Guns are not the cause. We are the cause, and our sin is the root. Our broken covenants have left us naked and vulnerable to the ravages of the one who hates us.

New laws will accomplish nothing in the long run. The violence and destruction will simply leave the campus to find another location where young people gather. Put security guards at the doors of our schools and workplaces and the violence will simply move to the street and even the homes. Nothing short of a strong move of national repentance can turn this around, but in convincing us that we’re all victims and not sinners, that law and morality are relative to the feelings of the individual, our enemy has effectively eliminated repentance from the conceptual realm for those who have not been reached for Jesus, and even from the hearts of many who call themselves Christian.

Can we who really understand plumb now the depths of the cross and the blood and the selflessness of our Lord imparted into us? Can we recover the joy and beauty of repentance as an essential and ongoing element of the Christian life? Can we finally conform to the image of the Son (Rom. 8:29) and begin to shine as lights in a dark place, as we have been called and destined to do?

Lord, forgive us. We have fallen so far.
R. Loren Sandford is the founder and senior pastor of New Song Church and Ministries in Denver, Colo. He is a songwriter, recording artist and worship leader, as well as the author of several books, including Understanding Prophetic People, The Prophetic Church and his latest, Visions of the Coming Days: What to Look For and How to Prepare, which are available with other resources at the church's website.