Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Choices & Decisions We Make - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Choices & Decisions We Make
Now Think On This
Steve Martin

"If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."  Joshua 24:15 NASU

Choices. We face them every day and must decide on which one. Go here, go there. Wear this or wear that. Say something or hold back. What decision will you make, given the choice you have?

You may remember words you have heard over the years, given by someone you trust, as a leader, and at the time you heard it, something clicked inside your brain, and your spirit. You then perked up and listened attentively to it. It was a word they spoke that seemed to stick with you for the rest of your life.

For me once such word was spoken at a church gathering in East Lansing, MI back around 1986. The founder of the church, Erik Krueger of Shiloh Fellowship (later changing its name to New Covenant Christian Church) was sharing at a Friday night gathering. A young man in his mid 30’s I believe at the time, Erik wanted to instruct us about an upcoming locational move the church was considering. I was at least 30, so that made him wiser than me. And so I listened.

At one point I distinctly heard him start to say something that I will always remember, as I know it got down into my spirit. He said something like this, “You will make choices today that will make a big difference as to where you end up later years down the road. Even a slight turn, or what seems to be a miniscule veer you take in the road today, will cause you to end up either one way or the other, for good or bad, way off down the road. Because of that decision you make, it will determine your destination years from now. So carefully make the right decisions.”

Making decisions shouldn’t be left up to what seems good at the time; what the general population is doing (I learned long ago that if the general public is going one way I am best off going the other. My life isn’t determined by the popular vote of the people); or how I can best determine my financial future if I leave this job and take another. It shouldn’t be based on my lone understanding, but on hearing the guidance of the Holy Spirit, listening to His quiet voice, and determining in my heart that His way is the best way.

Receiving the counsel of those who have taken similar paths, who themselves had chosen in their lives to hear and obey His Spirit, is wise also. Grounded on His Word and having the heart of Joshua to choose His ways before all else will lead us on. Determined to have this form of guidance is best done even before a decision is to be made.

Several times over the course of our 37 years of married life, my wife and I made decisions that caused us to make geographical moves. The Lord normally spoke to me first, as head of the household, on what usually would come a year later. Heeding His voice, in those times of prayer and Bible reading, while listening to the words spoken at church gatherings, helped us to hear Him speak, and further choose to walk in faith in His way. He would give confirming signs as we looked and listened, and trusted in His guiding hand.

So first from Illinois to Michigan, and then seven years later from the far north of the USA to the far south, Michigan to Florida, we followed. Looking back, thanks to the leading of the Holy Spirit, these were the right decisions. And then seven years later another decision was made, to move from Florida to North Carolina. Looking back 20 years later, it was another good decision. Trusting in His provision and blessing upon our family, as we served Him and His purposes, we experienced His faithfulness.

Recently I read another’s word on following after the Lord. I take it to heart, as seeking the Lord and knowing His will is my utmost desire. What other path is there to take, that will prove for eternity that His way is the best way? I know of no other. Faith we must have. Faith we must use. And keeping our eyes on Jesus will show us the way.

“There are many Biblical instances where choices were made to follow a God-given road less traveled; these righteous choices continue making all the difference for the good in the outcome of the destinies of many.

Saul of Tarsus, later named Paul, a Jew among Jews, was presented the choice of leaving his familiar environment of Judaism to minister in the unfamiliar world of Gentiles.

The Apostle Peter, an unlearned and uneducated fisherman, was called and sent down the road of unfamiliarity as an Apostle to the Jews.

Must I detail the unfathomable Godly difference in the kingdom of God today as a result of these two Apostles righteous choices to go the way of unfamiliarity?

Dangers along a Road of Familiarity: Familiarity Breeds Contempt

A known road is one in which travelers might very well grow to depend on familiar and past road signs instead of accepting the challenge of the need to be alert to new road signs. Does familiarity breed contempt? Contempt argues that "my" familiar way is the only way to successfully travel. Unfortunately this contempt for the signs given by an ever-present God in order to lead us down the less traveled road is rampant in the present day church. This contempt is called "religion".

God is much better served, not by our familiarity or experience from a well-traveled road, but from our familiarity with Him. God is able to guide us down the less traveled road!

The road chosen by God for us is one which Robert Frost says in his poem, “The Road Not Taken” (see below), is grassy and desires wear. Unfamiliar roads desire to be trodden down with steps of those willing to walk this way. I believe that only those who are willing to follow God down an unfamiliar path will as Frost said, "Make all the difference."   

Possible Characteristics of a Present Day Road Less Traveled

The unfamiliar road chosen by God for us needless to say could have an infinite number of characteristics. I am seeing that one of the unfamiliar characteristics of a road less worn could be in the area of a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God. God is truth and desires truth in our inward parts.

I believe that the hand-me-down traditions which have for two thousand years nullified the truth and liberty desired for the church is being now challenged as never before. This path or road of revelation is a road less traveled and is now challenging the very heart of thought to be established doctrines; doctrines which for the most part aren't producing a true witness to the works given to us by our Father God. This present life changing unfamiliar revelation is nothing new but rather a rediscovery of the profound simplicity of the word of God. Rejoice and prepare to be shaken to the core. God recently told me to tell the body of Christ that there is presently a post script written on the heart of every believer. PS is an acronym for profoundly simple.

Also just as Joshua and the Apostle Paul were called geographically down an unfamiliar road less traveled so will many of us hear the voice of God calling us to other locations with which we are totally unfamiliar.
May this poem and article challenge our heart unto consistent reexamination to see if we be on the faith road of unfamiliarity?

To those of us with a pioneering spirit this word is a glorious boost on to a road which will make "all the difference" to the world.” Gale Maiden, Fathers Heart Ministry, Moravian Falls, NC

Making a difference in this world, for which we have been placed in, will take faith, courage, and the willingness to seek God, trust in His leading, and do what He calls us to do. I know of no other reason to live life, except the one He has chosen.

By His grace and mercy working in and through you and I, we can and will accomplish His perfect plan in our lives, and effect the nations with the outcome.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, sorry I could not
travel both and be one traveler, long I stood
and looked down one as far as I could
to where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
and having perhaps the better claim
because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
in leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

- Robert Frost


Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

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Now Think On This #145 “Choices and Decisions We Make” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (04.22.14) Tuesday at 5:00 am in Charlotte, NC.

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on our newest website: Now Think On This

The Road Less Traveled…Making All the Difference by Gale Maiden

The Road Less Traveled…

Making All the Difference 

by Gale Maiden

Identity Network

The very well-known poem called The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost speaks powerfully to my heart. Though this poem is titled The Road Not Taken there is another road in this poem which is called the road less traveled. The road less traveled is an unfamiliar road.

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, sorry I could not
travel both and be one traveler, long I stood
and looked down one as far as I could
to where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
and having perhaps the better claim
because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
in leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
- Robert Frost

Touched by a Poem

After recently encountering this poem for the first time since my high school days, I was moved by the words of this poem. Just a month before encountering this poem, the Spirit of God spoke to my heart concerning God's need for me to embrace the unfamiliar. This means to me that continuing successful ministry will require choices to travel the less traveled paths and not the well-worn familiar road. The Spirit specifically told me that on the unfamiliar road is where I need to minister. I believe that this is a word for many who are servants and ministers of God.

Joshua…You Have not Passed this Way Before!

I believe that just as Joshua and the leadership of Israel had to embrace a path unknown in order to enter and successfully occupy the Promised Land so must present day leadership. Below is a passage of scripture leading up to the crossing of the Jordan River by Joshua and the Israelites. Even though no one had passed this way before God was giving instructions to Joshua to ensure safe passage over the Jordan to Canaan.

Then Joshua rose early in the morning; and he and all the sons of Israel set out from Shittim and came to the Jordan, and they lodged there before they crossed. At the end of three days the officers went through the midst of the camp; and they commanded the people, saying, "When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God with the Levitical priests carrying it, then you shall set out from your place and go after it."However, there shall be between you and it a distance of about 2,000 cubits by measure. Do not come near it, that you may know the way (road less traveled) by which you shall go, for you have not passed this way before." Joshua 3:1-4

God here is relaying "road signs" to the children of Israel in order for them to successfully enter the Land of Promise. This was necessary because they were totally unfamiliar with this road. Neither Joshua nor the children of Israel had passed over this road. This was a road chosen by God and would require very attentive hearing ears in order to follow the road signs leading to possession of the full inheritance in the Land of Canaan.

Little did Joshua and the Israelites know that it would take approximately fourteen years along a road less traveled to fully obtain the Land of Promise. This was accomplished by God orchestrated campaigns throughout the Land of Promise launched repeatedly from an encampment at Gilgal.

Gilgal was the first encampment in Canaan located on the west bank of the Jordan River, less than a stone's throw from where they were told that they had never passed this way before.

Apostles Paul and Peter Chose Roads Less Traveled

There are many Biblical instances where choices were made to follow a God given road less traveled; these righteous choices continue making all the difference for the good in the outcome of the destinies of many.

Saul of Tarsus, later named Paul, a Jew among Jews was presented the choice of leaving his familiar environment of Judaism to minister in the unfamiliar world of Gentiles.

The Apostle Peter an unlearned and uneducated fisherman was called and sent down the road of unfamiliarity as an Apostle to the Jews.

Must I detail the unfathomable Godly difference in the kingdom of God today as a result of these two Apostles righteous choices to go the way of unfamiliarity?

Dangers along a Road of Familiarity: Familiarity Breeds Contempt

A known road is one in which travelers might very well grow to depend on familiar and past road signs instead of accepting the challenge of the need to be alert to new road signs. Does familiarity breed contempt? Contempt argues that "my" familiar way is the only way to successfully travel. Unfortunately this contempt for the signs given by an ever-present God in order to lead us down the less traveled road is rampant in the present day church. This contempt is called "religion".

God is much better served, not by our familiarity or experience from a well-traveled road, but from our familiarity with Him. God is able to guide us down the less traveled road!

The road chosen by God for us is one which Frost says is grassy and desires wear. Unfamiliar roads desire to be trodden down with steps of those willing to walk this way. I believe that only those who are willing to follow God down an unfamiliar path will as Robert Frost said, "Make all the difference."   

Possible Characteristics of a Present Day Road Less Traveled

The unfamiliar road chosen by God for us needless to say could have an infinite number of characteristics. I am seeing that one of the unfamiliar characteristics of a road less worn could be in the area of a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God. God is truth and desires truth in our inward parts.

I believe that the hand-me-down traditions which have for two thousand years nullified the truth and liberty desired for the church is being now challenged as never before. This path or road of revelation is a road less traveled and is now challenging the very heart of thought to be established doctrines; doctrines which for the most part aren't producing a true witness to the works given to us by our Father God. 

This present life changing unfamiliar revelation is nothing new but rather a rediscovery of the profound simplicity of the word of God. Rejoice and prepare to be shaken to the core. God recently told me to tell the body of Christ that there is presently a post script written on the heart of every believer. PS is an acronym for profoundly simple.

Also just as Joshua and the Apostle Paul were called geographically down an unfamiliar road less traveled so will many of us hear the voice of God calling us to other locations with which we are totally unfamiliar.
May this poem and article challenge our heart unto consistent reexamination to see if we be on the faith road of unfamiliarity?

To those of us with a pioneering spirit this word is a glorious boost on to a road which will make "all the difference" to the world.

Gale Maiden
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Monday, April 21, 2014

Historic Scenes of the Holy Land - Israel's History - a Picture a Day

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 20 Apr 2014 
Scene of the Western Wall from a British Pathé newsreel

The giant newsreel archive, British Pathéreleased its entire collection of 85,000 films to the public this week.

The films, dating from 1896 to 1976, include hundreds of newsreels from Palestine prior to the establishment of Israel in 1948.  We found of particular interest the films of combat between British and Turkish forces during World War I and the brave attempts to push desperate Jewish refugees from Europe past British barriers in the 1930s and 40s.

"This unprecedented release of vintage news reports and cinemagazines is part of a drive to make the archive more accessible to viewers all over the world," British Pathé announced.

“Our hope is that everyone, everywhere who has a computer will see these films and enjoy them,” said Alastair White, General Manager of British Pathé. “This archive is a treasure trove unrivalled in historical and cultural significance that should never be forgotten. Uploading the films to YouTube seemed like the best way to make sure of that.”

We present here several of the exciting films now on the British Pathé YouTube collection. Many of the newsreels are silent films.

Video: Dedication of Hebrew University and speech by Earl Arthur Balfour (1925)

Video: 1929 disturbances against Jews, a crude Jewish barricade,  and the arrival of a British naval ship in an attempt to restore order.

Item title reads - Thousands of American Jews take part in [1929 "monster"] demonstration before offices of the British Consul, demanding protection for their kinsmen in Palestine. New York, U.S.

Responsible archivists and librarians digitize their
historical treasures.
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If God Doesn’t Change, Why Should I? DARREN SCHALK

Baby's first steps
(iStock photo)

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When my little girls were learning to walk, I paid close attention to their progress.
Around the age of 10 months or so, they were both very close to walking. Each one could stand up on her own and take several steps. My wife and I would often sit on the floor and coax them to walk back and forth between us.
But oddly enough, even though they were fully capable of walking, they inevitably preferred to crawl. They knew they weren’t going to tip over when they crawled. They knew they could get where they were going on their hands and knees, and, well, I guess they lived by the motto, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
And why not live by that motto? I often live by it, as I’m sure you do too. It’s wisdom. Common sense. Street smarts. If something is working, why change it? After all, who knows what the outcome might be?
But God likes to move us out of our comfort zones. I hate that about God. He likes to mess with my happy. Why can’t He just let me live near the line of contentedness and stay there?
I’m not good with change. My wife will inform you of this fact. She, on the other hand,loves change. She wants to change the comforter on our bed every time the weather changes. And it’s not simply a lighter comforter for the summer and a thicker, warmer comforter for the winter.
No, she wants to change the comforter just because she enjoys change. She’s obviously more like God than me. I’d rather have the same comforter for the next 10 years. Let me get used to it. Let me enjoy the smell. Changing the comforter makes the bed seem foreign, and every time I go to bed with an unfamiliar comforter, I feel like an alien in a strange new world.
I hate change so much, for me it’s like bedtime for a 2-year-old. It’s my arch nemesis—the Joker to my Batman; the Tom to my Jerry; the Hatfield to my McCoy. Change is bad. Change is very, very bad.
But often faith requires change, and change requires faith.
Faith requires change because it forces me to realize my shortcomings. I like to believe I am more than good enough. I want to believe I’m the best. In fact, I have a nasty desire to always feel I’m the best, no matter what the situation.
It’s easy to see my shortcomings when I shank a ball 50 yards off the fairway. But it’s more difficult to realize my spiritual shortcomings. It’s not easy to see my inability to forgive. It’s not easy to pick up on my jealous feelings. It’s not easy to realize my own selfishness and greed. But when I do realize such things—or more appropriately when God slaps me in the face with the truth—I am required to change.
Did I mention that I hate change? I’d like to buy into the idea that I’m perfect. I like to tell my wife that I’m perfect. She has yet to truly believe my claim, and neither have I, really. But I’ll keep trying to convince her—and God.
It seems, then, that God doesn’t want me to get comfortable with who I currently am. Every time I start to settle in and relax, He sends something to stretch me. He shows me my shortcomings and makes it very clear that I’ve yet to arrive. He won’t let me sit for long; there’s always another challenge and another test. There’s always more growth needed, more maturing needed, more stretching needed.
Change requires faith because I must believe that God’s way is better than my own.
And to get to such an understanding, we have to 1) believe in God and His way, and 2) trust that His ways are better than our own. This is not an easy task, so change requires faith.
My daughters, with our coaxing, eventually got tired of crawling, began walking and then running. Now they wonder why they ever crawled at all—and so do I. We can go back to what’s comfortable or familiar, or we can allow God to stretch us and take new steps of faith. Which is it for you?
We-Need-to-Talk.jpgAdapted from Dear God, We Need to Talk by Darren Schalk, copyright 2014, published by Passio, Charisma Media/Charisma House Book Group. This book helps you explore your toughest questions about God. It tackles everything from family issues to God’s sovereignty in a delightfully witty and honest way. It will leave you with more confidence in God’s power, His wisdom and His direction for your life. To order your copy click on this link.
Prayer Power for the Week of 4/21/2014
This week, allow God to stretch you and venture on to take new steps of faith. Realize that you are not your own, and trust Him to guide your life and direct your steps. Ask Him to provide divine appointments for you where you can be a carrier of His love and presence. Follow up those connections with prayer and tangible support.
Join with others to bless those who are hurting from losses incurred by natural disasters, war or crime. Continue to pray for revival to spread throughout our nation and around the world. Pray that believers would unite in prayer and purpose and set their priorities to reflect God’s agenda for this generation. Follow scriptural admonition to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for all those who lead and have authority over us. (1 Cor. 6:19-20; Ps. 37:23; Ps. 122:6; 1 Timothy 2:1-4)
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