Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Sharing Love From Pakistan - Update from Moses Julius - Shalom Today Worldwide Ministries

Moses Julius - Shalom Today Ministries Worldwide

Shalom Aleikhem ! 

I apologize to all of you, as I couldn’t arrange a Sabbath meeting last week.  I had a serious case of sun stoke and I was admitted to local Hospital . There are currently very bad conditions in my village, because the government doesn’t pay attention to the villages where Christian communities live.  Village life is very difficult compared to city life in Pakistan.  Unfortunately, the villages in rural parts of Pakistan, such as Youhanabad, have very poor drainage and sewage disposal systems.  The sewage and sanitation condition in my home village is quite deplorable.  Nothing has been done to repair and rehabilitate these systems for the last five years.  We now have dirty water mixed with clean water, which has rendered the water non-potable.

The doctor suggested that I use water dispensers and juices to recover my health, but unfortunately I am not in a position to afford these materials. Please kindly pray for me and that I will be healed very soon so that I can continue working for His kingdom.

Your Son in Christ Emoji
Mr. Moses Julius

Sponsorships needed for Musa and Humera in Pakistan - Shalom Today Worldwide Ministries

Humera - Shalom Today Ministries orphan student

Shalom Aleikhem Brother Steve and friends!

I am sending you information for two deserving kids. Shalom Today Worldwide Ministries selected a total of 50 Orphans kids to help them in their education. So we are seeking 50 sponsorships to help these orphan kids. 

So far we are able to have sponsored three kids at this time. We want to receive sponsorships for the remaining children. Hopefully your ministry will help these two kids, Musa and Humera, in their education.

The education fee is $15 for classes for 1-5  here in Pakistan, if anyone would desire to be a sponsor for a orphan kid. All data and feed back of the child will be provide. They can even talk with the child if they want, through Skype.  
Love and blessing Emoji
Mr.Moses Julius

You can donate an orphan sponsorship now through the PayPal DONATION button on this blog's right hand column, for Pakistan Children Education with Shalom Today Ministries, Moses Julius.

Name of the deserving student: Musa                                                      
Father name: Shafqat                                                                                          
Address: Youhanabad No 1
Age: 6 years
 He has five members in his family. He is the second child of his family. His mother is a working to clear and wash cows in Muslim house. His father has passed away two years back. When  Shalom Today Worldwide ministries staff  met him.  He told us I am interesting to get the education but his mother is unable to afford all the expense of his studies. God has blessed him with extra talent. He took part in all our activities. We humbly request to you Please participate in this work to make his future bright,
Children Detail       
Amount Us Dollar
Admission Fee (one time)
$ 32
School bag(one time)
$ 7
School shoes (one time)
$ 11
oxford Books syllabus and copies(one time)

$ 75
Uniform (one time)
$ 21
Monthly fee for School
$ 15
Total amount
First Time
$ 161
First time
Monthly fee we need only 1500 Rs = $ 15
Please consider giving a donation. Even a small donation goes a long way to provide for the needs of these children. Shalom Today Worldwide Ministries assures each donor that every donation will go directly to the needs of the student, as we all work towards a brighter future for these children.

You can donate an orphan sponsorship now through the PayPal DONATION button on this blog's right hand column, for Pakistan Children Education with Shalom Today Ministries, Moses Julius.

Name of the deserving student: Humera                                         
Father name: Ashraf
Address : khaliq naqar Youhanabad
Age : 7 years
 She has eight in her family. She is the third child of her family. Her father and mother are working at Brick’s under the bondage of Muslims. When I met her she told me I am interesting to get the education but her father is unable to afford all the expense of studies. God has blessed her with good voice. She lead Children in our Sabbath in singing.
Children Detail       
Amount Us Dollar
Admission Fee (one time)
$ 32
School bag(one time)
$ 7
School shoes (one time)
$ 11
oxford Books syllabus and copies(one time)

$ 75
Uniform (one time)
$ 21
Monthly fee for School
$ 15
Total amount
First Time
$ 161
First time

 Monthly fee we need only 1500 Rs = $ 15
Whoever Donate or contribute even a small amount. We assure the donors it will be utilize the needs of the student given They may have future will bright.

You can donate an orphan sponsorship now through the PayPal DONATION button on this blog's right hand column, for Pakistan Children Education with Shalom Today Ministries, Moses Julius.

People are looking for something good to believe in...

"People are looking for

something good to believe in, to stand on, to support,

in their knowing that what they believe is what they

should believe, no matter what the surrounding

culture says otherwise. Or is trying to push down their

throat and into their minds.

People still believe in supporting Israel, the family,

and the good things that God, our Lord and Savior

Jesus Christ, has given to us to enjoy."

Steve Martin
Mountain Top View, page 18

Yo App Proves Anti-Israel Boycotts are Failing

Yo App Proves Anti-Israel Boycotts are Failing

Wednesday, June 25, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff  
Global efforts to boycott Israel are failing, and nothing proves that more than the vast sums of investment dollars that are poured into the Israeli hi-tech industry.
Fully 11 percent of all global hi-tech investments every year go to Israel. That’s a huge figure considering Israel’s minuscule size.
And then there’s the regular multi-billion dollar acquisitions of Israeli start-ups and the fact that the world’s leading technology corporations all maintain significant research and development centers in the Jewish state.
In short, the world loves buying Israeli. In fact, it loves buying Israeli so much that even a ridiculously simplistic smartphone app that does nothing but send a message reading “Yo” to recipients can garner $1 million in funding.
Yo was conceived as a simple internal notification app for Israeli start-up Mobli, the Israeli developer of a popular photo-sharing app. It was designed, developed and coded in a mere eight hours, and it shows.
Nevertheless, the app was a huge hit at Mobli, and CEO Moshe Hogeg gave its developer, Or Arbel, the green light to take Yo public by submitting it to the Apple App Store and Google Play.
It didn’t take long before Yo was the number one iPhone app in Israel, and soon after it started climbing the global ranks. Arbel has since relocated to San Francisco, from where he will reportedly use his new investments to continue developing Yo.
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