Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Scottish Jews wary of independence

Ahead of historic vote, many Scottish Jews wary of independence

In opposing secession, Jews cite anti-Israel statements by the Scottish government, historic links to the UK and economic risks

 September 16, 2014  THE TIMES OF ISRAEL

Pro-union supporters, opposing Scottish independence from the United Kingdom wave flags during a rally in Trafalgar Square in London on September 15, 2014. (photo credit: AFP PHOTO/CYRIL VILLEMAIN)

GLASGOW (JTA) — Bright blue signs scream “Yes” while red ones urge “No, thanks” in the streets of Scotland’s largest city just days before a vote on whether to secede from the United Kingdom.

But at Frank Angell’s house, his windows are empty and his yard is bare. A former local council candidate for the Scottish National Party, the main political movement behind the independence push, Angell is a vocal supporter of the Yes campaign, attending rallies and touting the economic potential of an independent Scotland.

But in his local Jewish community, Angell is one of only a handful of supporters of independence.

Most of the affiliated Scottish Jewish community appears to want to remain part of the United Kingdom — among them Angell’s wife, Elaine. Hence the lack of signage on their lawn.

“The SNP has a history of pro-Palestinian support,” Elaine Angell said. “[UK Prime Minister] David Cameron is very strong. He’s pro-Israel. He’s always been pro-Israel.”

Britain’s Prime Minister, David Cameron, makes a statement to the media on the killing of British aid worker David Haines in Downing Street, central London, Sunday Sept. 14, 2014. (Photo credit: AP/PA, John Stillwell)

On Thursday, Scotland will vote on whether to become an independent country or continue more than three centuries of union with England. The campaign has proved a divisive one here, with recent polls showing the country nearly split evenly on the secession question.

Supporters of independence believe that Scotland would be better able to allocate resources to the local population as a separate country while leaving a smaller military footprint than the United Kingdom. Opponents argue that the country is better served by the UK’s greater global influence and worry about the financial and political uncertainties of independence.

“It’s historical, cultural, but also practical, economical,” Angell told JTA. “The way the economy has gone in Britain has been to pander to a very rich minority and allow a lot of tax avoidance. I also object to the money being spent on nuclear weapons because I’m anti-nuclear.”

Many Scottish Jews say they are wary of secession, citing anti-Israel statements by the Scottish government, historic and family links to the United Kingdom, and the potential economic risks of independence.

“The Jews in Scotland have been well received,” said Malcolm Livingstone, chairman of the Glasgow Jewish Community Trust. “It’s only in recent times that extreme Palestinian groups have upset that. The Scottish Parliament has shown serious signs of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish attitudes.”

Scotland’s 2011 census counted fewer than 6,000 Jews — about 0.1 percent of the population — most of them living in and around the industrial metropolis of Glasgow. Including unaffiliated Jews, the total could be more like 10,000, according to the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities director, Ephraim Borowski.

The community hasn’t been polled and Borowski’s group has no official position on the referendum. But he says official condemnations of Israel during the war in Gaza this summer may have pushed some Jews to oppose independence.

During the war, the Scottish government released eight statements criticizing Israel’s actions in Gaza. On August 5, it called for an arms embargo against Israel to protest civilian deaths in Gaza. Glasgow’s City Hall flew the Palestinian flag for a day in August.

“I do know of people who have said explicitly that they intended to vote yes and now intend to vote no, and that’s connected with the much more explicit obsession with Israel and the Mideast,” Borowski told JTA.

The anti-Israel resolutions in Scotland have come alongside a spike in anti-Semitism here. More than 35 anti-Semitic acts occurred in July and August, according to Borowski’s group, compared to 14 in all of 2013. While the Scottish National Party, which is leading the independence charge, has condemned anti-Semitism, some Jews worry that nationalist feeling has encouraged it.

“Nationalism in Europe has not done well with the Jews,” Livingstone said. “I’m not suggesting for a minute that the SNP is like the nationalist parties in Germany, but within nationalist politics there’s always an element that tends to blame minorities for things that go wrong.”

Angell told JTA he has never encountered any anti-Israel sentiment at party conferences. Last month, Scotland’s second-ranking government official, the SNP’s Nicola Sturgeon, wrote Angell a letter saying an independent Scotland would support a two-state solution and oppose boycotts of Israel.

“The foreign policy of an independent Scotland has yet to be written, but I know from the membership of our party that our attitude toward every nation and every group is a positive one,” said Vincent Waters, the SNP city councillor for Giffnock, a heavily Jewish Glasgow suburb. “We don’t have countries or ethnic populations that we favor one over the other.”

With a population of approximately 5.3 million, Scottish foreign policy isn’t likely to have a big impact on Israel. But Ben Freeman, 27, who grew up in Glasgow and founded an anti-discrimination nonprofit, says his country should support Israel as a matter of principle.

“It does matter because it’s our country,” Freeman said. “I don’t want to be part of a country that’s anti-Israel. I don’t want to be part of a country that’s anti-Semitic.”

Some Scottish Jews says they feel more of a connection to Britain as a whole than to Scotland. Unlike Scottish families who can trace their lines back to the country’s ancient clans, many Jews came here in a wave of immigration from Eastern Europe only a century ago, 200 years after England and Scotland formed a political union in 1707.

“Perhaps being a fourth-generation immigrant I have a different attitude toward being Scottish. None of my family was here in 1707,” Joel Conn said. “There’s a lot more that makes us British than makes us Scottish.”

A child plays with a pro-independence ‘Yes’ flag on the streets of Aberdeen in Scotland, on September 15, 2014, ahead of the referendum on Scotland’s independence. (photo credit: AFP PHOTO/BEN STANSALL)

Jews who support independence cite parallels between the Jewish and Scottish stories. Scottish nationalists have desired independence since the earliest rebellions against English rule in the 1200s, much as Jews longed for Zion over centuries of living in exile. And like Judaism, Scotland’s Presbyterian ethos historically encouraged education and literacy.

Joe Goldblatt, a native Texan who moved to Scotland six years ago and gained citizenship in July, was passing out fliers supporting independence last week in Edinburgh. Approaching a mother with a baby in a stroller, Goldblatt offered a pin to the “wee bairn,” or little kid.

“What’s the basis for all Jewish thought? Freedom,” said Goldblatt, a professor at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh. “It surprises me when my fellow Jews want to be shackled to the old political tissue, as if they’re saying, ‘The pharaoh has been pretty good so far. Let’s not rock the boat.’ ”

Scotland’s Jewish population is declining as young people move to cities with larger Jewish communities in London, Manchester or Tel Aviv. Between 2001 and 2011, the community’s numbers declined nearly 10 percent.

But though many Jews oppose independence, Freeman doesn’t think a yes vote will cause a mass Jewish exodus.

“Those who will leave will leave and those who will stay will stay,” Freeman said. “I’m leaving in two years, but I want the best for the country of my birth, and I feel the country of my birth should not be independent.”

Read more: Ahead of historic vote, many Scottish Jews wary of independence | The Times of Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/ahead-of-historic-vote-many-scottish-jews-wary-of-independence/#ixzz3DUerqVyo
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"Prepare For Sudden Impact" Doug Addison

Doug Addison, Los Angeles, CA
The Elijah List

Get ready for a sudden impact with destiny. God is moving in a greater way in your life throughout September and October. This is a time of promotion and expansion. Things God has stored up for you are being released now and the end result will be greater authority!

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

The Jewish New Year, called Rosh Hashanah, falls on September 24–26 this year. Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, is October 3–4 and is considered one of the most holy Jewish holidays. Even though we are no longer under the Law of Moses, God still operates on the Jewish calendar.

Historically, Jewish people believe that God examines our lives during the time between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur to see if we are ready for spiritual advancement or promotion to a new level of maturity. Whether you are aware of it or not, this is a time that you are able to hear God more clearly and gain direction.

God spoke to me that we will see a breakthrough during this time of September 24 through October 4.

What should we expect? Here are a few things to expect to happen over the next few months and into the new year:

• Greater authority in prayer and with your words.

• Reconciliation of broken relationships and restoration of hope.

• Continuing rediscovery of lost inheritances and prophetic promises.

• Shocking turnarounds, as we brace for sudden impact!

Realignment that Will Bring New Assessments: Expect to see movement, job changes and physical moves in some cases. God is realigning you for your new assignment coming. This does not mean that you have to move but you will see God's movement in your life.

Prophetic Sign: Arthur Burt Dies

I wrote in my August 22nd blog that I have been having dreams where people who possess callings and mantles from God will begin to die. Arthur Burt was a revivalist in the U.K. and was given a powerful prophetic word from God in 1934 entitled: "And There Shall Be No Ebb."

Arthur died August 28, 2014 at 102 years old. Bob Jones had prophesied that Arthur would see his 1934 prophecy come to pass in his lifetime. This is the year of the release of Arthur Burt's life-long prophetic word and Bob Jones' word of one billion people coming into the Kingdom. Both of these great men went back to Heaven this year. (Photo via Arthur Burt)

The prophetic sign in Arthur's death: he died at age 102 on 8/28. Psalm 102 is the cry to God to see Him move again. But 102:28 is a prophetic word for what is coming.

"The children of your servants will live in your presence; their descendants will be established before you." Psalm 102:28 NIV

 "And there shall be no ebb" – 1934 prophetic word from Arthur Burt:
"It shall come as a breath...
And the breath shall bring the wind...
And the wind shall bring the rain.
And there shall be floods and floods and floods...
And torrents and torrents and torrents.
Souls shall be saved like falling leaves from mighty oaks swept by a hurricane.
Arms and legs shall come down from Heaven...
And there shall be no ebb."
Just like Bob Jones' prophecy that one billion young people will come – it is our descendants. Jesus said in John 12:24 that a seed must die and fall to the ground in order to produce many seeds. Watch for new revival strategies to come. 

The Prophetic Word I Released in November 2012

When you release as many prophetic words as I do, the downside is that people don't remember them all. Here's one of the more powerful words I have ever released. I have been talking about it over and over for the past few years.

On November 7, 2012 I received a visitation from the Holy Spirit and was shown God's strategic plan that will unfold over the next four years (word posted November 19, 2012 on The Elijah List).

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10 NIV

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

This is what the Lord says: "My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts are not your thoughts. I am making a way and lining things up right now in this next season for a movement that is greater than any on earth. For I am calling the outcasts, the prodigals, the tattooed, pierced, the New Age, gay and lesbian and all the people and groups that have been rejected by My Church. I am calling them into My Kingdom and I will reveal myself to them."

As the 44th President is taking office for another four years (from 2012 until 2016) it will be a prophetic sign of the fulfillment of many prophetic promises happening right now including Isaiah 44:4

God is moving on people who have been wounded by Christianity and we will see the beginning of a new movement happen.

"For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out My Spirit on your offspring, and My blessing on your descendants. They will spring up like grass in a meadow, like poplar trees by flowing streams." Isaiah 44:3–4 NIV

We Are in Four Years of Repayment: The Lord spoke to me, "Over the next four years (through 2016) I am going to do things that will surprise many people on the earth and set up an amazing movement and gathering in Jerusalem in 2017."

Pride and Prejudice

God is going to raise up groups of unknown people to move in His power. Those who are not blinded with pride to think their doctrines and beliefs are the only way. God is moving on those who are not prejudiced against political parties, race, and people groups. God is resisting those who are blinded by spiritual and political pride.

Arthur Burt's prophetic words talked a lot about the fact that God has been trying to move on the earth but the Church is in so much pride of their own beliefs that there is no room for the "God of the unexpected".

The 29-year Connection

photo via pixabayIn a dream last month, I was taken back and shown the years 1929 and 1958. An angel showed me revelation that has been sealed away. 1929 was the crash of the Stock Market and the launch of the great depression. Then 29 years later in 1958 came an economic recession. 29 years later in 1987 the stock market crashed again! (Photo via Wikimedia)

29 years from 1987 will be 2016. God is releasing strategies right now for financial blessing. There is a blessing coming! The strategies for 2016 (part of the prophetic word I mentioned above) have been hidden but are now being revealed.

Also God is moving on 3 groups right now from 3 generations: Those born in 1929 and 1958 and those who are 29 years old this year or born in 1985. Both of these groups are going to experience a repayment and are carrying wisdom we need right now.

Ohio and Texas

I had a powerful dream that I was shown a map of the U.S. and the state of Ohio was placed at the most northern part of the state of Texas. In the dream I was flying out of Ohio that later became Texas and the two were joined as one.

Suddenly I was seeing an aerial view of the two states and Dallas (DFW) airport could be seen from outer space. God is taking things that you thought you had missed and bringing it back. God is doing something new in both of these states. Watch for unity to come and particularly something new in Dallas.
I realize this a long article, but I wanted to fit it all in. Revelation and wisdom is flowing from Heaven right now in the midst of times of turmoil and adversity. 

With all the uncertainty, it is time to stand firm and do not be afraid! Watch for a rain of reconciliation, a wave of healing and a wind of change.


Doug Addison
InLight Connection

Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope and having fun! His unique style helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power. Doug is an award-winning author of seven books. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.

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ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Israel Photo Trivia ✡ "If I Forget Thee O Jerusalem" - ISRAEL365

If I forget thee O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its cunning.

PSALMS (137:5)

אִם אֶשְׁכָּחֵךְ יְרוּשָׁלִָם תִּשְׁכַּח יְמִינִי

תהילים קלז:ה

im esh-ka-KHAYKH y'-ru-sha-la-YIM tish-KAKH y'-mee-NEE

Today's Israel Inspiration

This verse reminds us that each and every one of us must make the holy city of Jerusalem a priority. We must pray for its peace and seek the welfare of its inhabitants and raise her over our greatest joy. Karmey Chessed ("Vineyards of Kindness") does not "forget" Jerusalem's neediest, and works tirelessly to provide packages for the poor during the holidays.

Kosher Celebrity Chef Tours Jerusalem

Join kosher celebrity chef, Jamie Geller, on her tour of the City of David. Ancient Jerusalem comes to life as the significance of the Mount of Olives, the City of David, and more is revealed!

Biblical Archaeology Reveals Jerusalem of Gold

At a time when many archaeological sites and antiquities throughout the Mideast are being looted and destroyed, the City of David recently displayed some of the most important archaeological discoveries in Jerusalem in recent years.

Authentic Shofar from Israel

Get your own authentic ram's horn Shofar, made in Israel, a sure way to evoke a connection to God. Comes with a deeply insightful eBook about the Shofar's significance and history.

Israel Photo Trivia

Can you guess the name of the valley where today's photo by Rick & Grace Knelsen was taken? Send me an email or post your answer on Facebook!

Photo Correction

Our recently featured photograph of birds atop Masada should have been credited to photographer Boruch Len. We sincerely apologize for the error.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Davida Hathaway of Valparaiso, Indiana in honor of her son, Aaron Madrid. Toda raba!

“Wonderful Nuggets”

We are excited to introduce our newest feature, Sunday Snapshots featuring you! Send usyour best Israel photograph with a description, if possible, and don't forget to include your name and where you are from!

Love the photos and images of various sites throughout Israel.  And, especially those of Jerusalem.  Vesna, Vancouver, B.C. (Canada)

Thank you for blessing me with the wonderful nuggets of God's word in Hebrew. -Dore N., Virginia, USA
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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German Chancellor Merkel: 'No More Jew Hatred'

German Chancellor Merkel: 'No More Jew Hatred'

German Chancellor Angela Merkel led a rally against anti-Semitism in Berlin on Sunday.

Addressing a crowd of 5,000 at the "Stand Up Against Anti-Semitism: No More Jew-Hatred" rally, Merkel said it's Germany's "national and civic duty to fight anti-Semitism."

"We want Jews to feel safe in Germany," she said.

The recent Israel-Hamas war sparked huge protests in Europe, exposing the growing epidemic of anti-Semitism.

In the city of Wuppertal, a mob fire bombed the synagogue. Protesters chanting "death to Israel" and "gas the Jews" attacked Jewish men wearing kippots.

"That people in Germany are threatened and abused because of their Jewish appearance or their support for Israel is an outrageous scandal that we won't accept," Merkel said.

"Anyone who hits some wearing a skullcap is hitting us all," she continued. "Anyone who damages a Jewish gravestone is disgracing our culture. Anyone who attacks a synagogue is attacking the foundations of our free society."

The president of the World Jewish Congress, Ronald S. Lauder, also lamented the rise of anti-Semitism in Germany, saying all the progress of the last 70 years has been darkened by this summer's demonstrations.

Watch now: CBN News video

Biblical Archaeology Sees Golden Age in Israel

Biblical Archaeology Sees Golden Age in Israel, Dark Age in Rest of Middle East

“Nevertheless, David took the stronghold of Zion, that is, the city of David.” (2 Samuel 5:7)
By Sean Savage/JNS.org
At a time when many archaeological sites and antiquities throughout the Middle East are being looted and destroyed, the City of David Foundation on Sept. 4 hosted its annual conference to enable the general public to experience some of the most important archaeological discoveries in Jerusalem in recent years.
A special portion of this year’s conference was devoted to the theme “Jerusalem of Gold,” highlighting several never-before-seen golden artifacts.
“The people in ancient times, like today, used gold for the most important things in life. It shows what they held dear and what was most important to them,” Ahron Horovitz, senior director of Megalim, the City of David’s Higher Institute for Jerusalem Studies, told JNS.org.
The main themes of the artifacts on display related to war, beauty, and holiness or sanctity. Among the golden artifacts is the largest cache of gold coins ever discovered in Jerusalem, comprising 264 gold coins that date back to the end of the Byzantine period in the 7th century CE. The coins were found in the “Givati Parking Lot dig” conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority in the City of David neighborhood.
The coins are unique in that they were minted in Jerusalem, not in Constantinople—the Byzantine imperial capital—and were likely made in preparation for the Byzantine war against the Persians.
“The coins were found stacked one on top of another and were never dispensed,” Horovitz said. “There may be a story of intrigue here as to why they never were used, such as it being stolen.”
Additionally, a golden medallion featuring inscriptions of a menorah, shofar, and Torah scroll is on display for the very first time. The medallion was found in the Ophel excavation south of the Temple Mount and was believed to have been hung on a Torah scroll as a breast plate.
The discovery of the Jewish medallion, dating back to the time of upheaval in Jerusalem during the Persian-Byzantine wars, was a surprise for archaeologist Dr. Eilat Mazar, who unearthed the artifact. There are normally not many Jewish items found from that period.
Mazar estimated that the medallion originates from the Persian conquest of Jerusalem in 614 CE. That year, many Jews helped the Persians conquer Jerusalem from the Byzantines, only to have the Persians turn against the Jews and ally with the Byzantine Christians later on, leading to the Jews’ expulsion once again.
“These finds tell us about the Jewish presence in Jerusalem in the late Byzantine period, which we didn’t know much about,” renowned Israeli archaeologist Dr. Gabriel Barkay, who spoke at the City of David conference, told JNS.org.
“The artifacts help us understand that there was a strong messianic desire of the Jewish people at that time; many of them likely came from abroad in hopes of construction of the Third Temple,” he said.
Horovitz said the artifacts highlight the special bond Jews have with Jerusalem, as well as Jewish continuity in the holy city.
“It shows us that the Jews have a very special bond and connection with Jerusalem that continues to today,” he said. “So when modern day Israelis come and see these artifacts, they can feel that they are part of Jerusalem from a long time ago.”
Another golden artifact on display was an earring made of gold inlaid pearls and emeralds that dates back to the Roman period. A copy of this earring was given to First Lady Michelle Obama by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when she visited Israel in 2013.
Finally, one of the most unique and rare items on display was a golden bell discovered by Eli Shukron, an Israeli archaeologist and former director of City of David excavations for the Israel Antiquities Authority.
Throughout the years, Shukron has made a number of very significant finds from the period of the Second Temple of Jerusalem in and around the City of David, including the Pool of Siloam  (mentioned numerous times in the Old and New Testaments), tunnels leading from the Western Wall, an ancient pilgrim road to Jerusalem, and the legendary citadel captured by King David when he conquered the city from the Jebusites.
One of the items Shukron discovered during his excavations of one of the Western Wall tunnels was a golden bell believed to have been part of the official vestments of the high priests of the Jewish Temple.
Described in Exodus 28:31-35, the priestly robe, also known as the “ephod,” was a sleeveless purple-blue or violet garment worn by the high priests that was fringed with small golden bells alternating with pomegranate-shaped tassels of blue, purple, and scarlet wool.
This golden medallion featuring inscriptions of a menorah, shofar, and Torah scroll was on display for the very first time during the the City of David Foundation's annual conference on Sept. 4 in Jerusalem. The medallion was found in the Ophel excavation south of the Temple Mount and was believed to have been hung on a Torah scroll as a breast plate. (Photo: Eilat Mazar/City of David Foundation)
This golden medallion featuring inscriptions of a menorah, shofar, and Torah scroll was on display for the very first time during the the City of David Foundation’s annual conference on Sept. 4 in Jerusalem. The medallion was found in the Ophel excavation south of the Temple Mount and was believed to have been hung on a Torah scroll as a breast plate. (Photo: Eilat Mazar/City of David Foundation)
The golden bells were a necessary part of the ephod and needed to ring when the high priest entered the Holy of Holies.
“At first I just thought it was a ball and didn’t realize it was the golden bell from the high priests until I shook it and heard the ringing,” Shukron told JNS.org. “No other artifact from the high priests like this has ever been discovered before.”
The City of David conference came amid a perilous time for Middle East archaeology, as sites from North Africa to Iraq have come under assault by Islamic fundamentalists and looters taking advantage of the breakdown of central governments.
“I think it is an atrocity,” Horovitz said. “Islamic fundamentalist groups are on an ongoing crusade to destroy antiquities because they consider it against their religion, or they fear that their religion will be undermined by excavations that will show things that they are not happy about.”
The situation for artifacts is particularly dangerous in Syria and Iraq, where the Islamic State jihadist group has taken over large swathes of territory.
According to a report by The Guardian in June, Islamic State looted about $36 million in antiquities from the al-Nabuk region in Syria.
Reports indicate that much of the illegal smuggling, which is taxed by the Islamic State, is done by local Syrians and Turkish nationals, who then smuggle the artifacts across the border into Turkey and sell them to international antiquities traffickers on the black market.
Meanwhile, in the Iraqi city of Mosul, which was conquered by the Islamic State in June, the terror group has already destroyed important religious sites such as the Tomb of Jonah (the famous biblical prophet who was swallowed by a whale), and has threatened the Mosul Museum, which contains numerous artifacts from the nearby ancient city of Nineveh.
“These areas are where human culture began; they are the cradle of civilization. [Islamic State] is destroying the heritage of mankind,” Horovitz said.
The frightening situation in the Middle East stands in stark contrast with Israel, which has one of the most robust and highly regulated antiquities departments in the world and is eager to preserve the country’s diverse past.
Nevertheless, the City of David Foundation, which works with the Israel Antiquities Authority in excavating important areas in Jerusalem, has come under intense scrutiny from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which has called on the City of David to halt historical excavations.
“We should think about proper care of the cultures of the past,” Barkay said. “Instead of condemning these acts of looting that go on all the time in these Arab countries, UNESCO is obsessed with excavations and acts of preservation in Jerusalem because of political reasons.”
He added, “UNESCO should deal with salvaging the heritage of mankind instead of political matters.”

Read more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/21455/biblical-archaeology-sees-golden-age-israel-dark-age-rest-middle-east/#PPYQw4XSEOBh7Z8P.99

God is in Control - Prophetic Perspective with Rick Joyner

Rick Joyner - Prophetic Perspective

Watch now: God is in Control

God is in Control
Rick Joyner

Keeping the Shemitah Produces Supernatural Results

Keeping the Shemitah Produces Supernatural Results

Bananas Israel
One farmer's crop of bananas in Israel produced a miracle. (iStock photo)
Rabbi Shmuel Bloom, Vice Chairman of the Agudath Israel World Organization, is a very busy man involved in important matters concerning the public. Why do you think he would spend many hours traveling to look at bananas in Israel, especially all the way up north near T'veriya (Tiberias)?
A secular farmer, Gibor Koach, whose produce focus is strictly bananas, decided that he would observe the Shemitah (the Sabbatical Year) this time around. He approached the organization that helps facilitate this—Keren HaShviis—for assistance, and they stipulated that he would be registered in their program if he would also undertake to be personally Sabbath observant (Shomer Shabbos) throughout Shemitah. He agreed.
The Rabbinic court (Otzar Bet Din) of Bnei Brak made the decision to cover his farming expenses and, in return, all the produce would become the property of Otzar Beis Din (court) and would be distributed in full accordance with Jewish Law (Halacha).
Israel suffered a significant cold spell for two to three weeks during the winter. Bananas don't like cold, and cold doesn't like bananas. When bananas are still growing and get hit with frost, they turn brown and become rock hard.
The hero of our story, Koach knew he was in deep trouble when the relentless cold hadn't let up for over a week. He lived a distance from his orchard and hadn't yet seen the damage with his own eyes. He began to receive calls from his neighbor farmers that have orchards bordering his, complaining bitterly that their entire banana crop had been destroyed by the frost.
He decided it was time to inspect the damage up close, no matter how painful it may be. He drove up close to Tverya to inspect his orchard, as well as those of his neighboring farmers. As he passed from one orchard to another, he was overwhelmed by the damage. Not a single fruit had survived; no tree was spared. His neighbors took quite a beating. All the bananas were brown, hard as a rock. He could only imagine how bad his trees must have gotten it.
Yet when he finally got to his orchard, he was awestruck. ALL of his bananas were yellow and green. It's as if his orchard wasn't a part of this parcel of land. His orchard bordered those of his neighbors, but not a single tree of his was struck by the frost. It's as if a protective wall kept the damage away.
At first he thought he was imagining it. As he rushed from one section of his orchard to another, the realization that the more the farmer keeps the Shemitah, the more the Shemitah keeps the farmer, hit home.
He immediately called his contacts at Keren HaShviis and yelled into the phone, "Karah Nes, Karah Nes!" (A miracle happened, a miracle happened).
It was a miraculous modern-day manifestation of "V'Tzivisi Es HaBracha" (I will ordain My blessing for you in the sixth year). There is no way to explain this other than that God keeps His promises. He says keep Shemitah, and I'll take care of you. He sure does.
Keren HaShviis reported that farmers who have until now refused to keep Shemitah have been turning to the Keren following their recent losses. They are now ready to commit to Shemitah observance.
Rabbi Bloom took the time to travel all the way to Tverya (Tiberias) and back to witness this awe-inspiring phenomenon. During the previous Shemitah, Agudath Israel of America provided over $1,000,000 to Keren HaShviis. It plans to do even more this time around.
For the original article, visit israeltrees.org.